# tags allow us to run all of a playbook or part of it.
# assume: ansible-playbook tags.yml --tags foo
# try this with:
#    --tags foo
#    --tags bar
#    --tags extra
# the value of a 'tags:' element can be a string or list
# of tag names.  Variables are not usable in tag names.

- name: example play one
  hosts: all
  user: root

  # any tags applied to the play are shorthand to applying
  # the tag to all tasks in it.  Here, each task is given
  # the tag extra

     - extra


  # this task will run if you don't specify any tags,
  # if you specify 'foo' or if you specify 'extra'

  - name: hi
    tags: foo
    action: shell echo "first task ran"

- name: example play two
  hosts: all
  user: root
  - name: hi
       - bar
    action: shell echo "second task ran"
  - include: tasks/base.yml tags=base