--- name: ✨ Feature request about: Suggest an idea for this project --- <!--- Verify first that your issue/request is not already reported on GitHub. THIS FORM WILL BE READ BY A MACHINE, COMPLETE ALL SECTIONS AS DESCRIBED. Also test if the latest release, and devel branch are affected too. ALWAYS add information AFTER (OUTSIDE) these html comments. Otherwise it may end up being automatically closed by our bot. --> ##### SUMMARY <!--- Explain the problem briefly --> ##### ISSUE TYPE - Feature Idea ##### COMPONENT NAME <!--- Insert, BELOW THIS COMMENT, the name of the module, plugin, task or feature. Do not include extra details here, e.g. "vyos_command" not "the network module vyos_command" or the full path--> ##### ANSIBLE VERSION <!--- Paste, BELOW THIS COMMENT, verbatim output from "ansible --version" between quotes below --> ``` ``` ##### CONFIGURATION <!--- If using Ansible 2.4 or above, paste, BELOW THIS COMMENT, the results of "ansible-config dump --only-changed" Otherwise, mention any settings you have changed/added/removed in ansible.cfg (or using the ANSIBLE_* environment variables).--> ##### OS / ENVIRONMENT <!--- Mention, BELOW THIS COMMENT, the OS you are running Ansible from, and the OS you are managing, or say "N/A" for anything that is not platform-specific. Also mention the specific version of what you are trying to control, e.g. if this is a network bug the version of firmware on the network device.--> ##### STEPS TO REPRODUCE <!--- For bugs, show exactly how to reproduce the problem, using a minimal test-case. For new features, show how the feature would be used. --> <!--- Paste example playbooks or commands between quotes below --> ```yaml ``` <!--- You can also paste gist.github.com links for larger files --> ##### EXPECTED RESULTS <!--- What did you expect to happen when running the steps above? --> ##### ACTUAL RESULTS <!--- What actually happened? If possible run with extra verbosity (-vvvv) --> <!--- Paste verbatim command output between quotes below --> ``` ```