 /* Century Schoolbook font is very similar to Computer Modern Math: cmmi */
 .MATH    { font-family: "Century Schoolbook", serif; }
 .MATH I  { font-family: "Century Schoolbook", serif; font-shape: italic }
 .BOLDMATH { font-family: "Century Schoolbook", serif; font-weight: bold }
 /* implement both fixed-size and relative sizes */
 SMALL.XTINY		{ font-size : xx-small }
 SMALL.TINY		{ font-size : x-small  }
 SMALL.SCRIPTSIZE	{ font-size : smaller  }
 SMALL.FOOTNOTESIZE	{ font-size : small    }
 BIG.LARGE		{  }
 BIG.XLARGE		{ font-size : large    }
 BIG.XXLARGE		{ font-size : x-large  }
 BIG.HUGE		{ font-size : larger   }
 BIG.XHUGE		{ font-size : xx-large }
 /* heading styles */
 H1		{  }
 H2		{  }
 H3		{  }
 H4		{  }
 H5		{  }
 /* mathematics styles */
 DIV.displaymath		{ }	/* math displays */
 TD.eqno			{ }	/* equation-number cells */
 /* document-specific styles come next */