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 * revised and updated by:  Marcus Hennecke, Ross Moore, Herb Swan
 * with significant contributions from:
   Jens Lippmann, Marek Rouchal, Martin Wilck and others -->
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 <H1><A NAME="SECTION00080000000000000000">
 Frequently Asked Questions</A>
     The FAQ section is maintained by Luca Gibelli.
 <LI><B>What does <I>WARNING: Current functionality level = 1,
 	required = 2</I> mean?</B>
 The functionality level of the database determines which scanner engine
 	version is required to use all of its signatures. If you don't upgrade
 	immediately you will be in big trouble.
 <LI><B>What does <I>Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED</I>
 You'll get this message whenever a new version of ClamAV is released.
 	In order to detect all the latest viruses, it's not enough to keep your
 	database up to date. You also need to run the latest version of the
 	scanner. You can find the latest release at <TT><A NAME="tex2html39"
   HREF=""></A></TT>	under the <code>stable</code> link. Running the latest stable release also
 	improves stability.
 <LI><B>What does <I>WARNING: DNS record is older than 3 hours</I>
 freshclam attempts to detect potential problems with DNS caches and
 	switches to the old mode if something looks suspicious. If this message
 	appears seldomly, you can safely ignore it. If you get the error
 	everytime you run freshclam, you should check your dns settings.
 	SIGNATURES</I> mean?</B>
 The ClamAV package requires the GMP library to verify the digital
 	signature of the virus database. When building ClamAV you need the
 	GMP library and its headers: if you are using Debian just run
 	<code>apt-get install libgmp3-dev</code>, if you are using an RPM based
 	distribution install the gmp-devel package.
 <LI><B>How often is the virus database updated?</B>
 The virus database is usually updated many times per week. Check out
 	<TT><A NAME="tex2html40"
   HREF=""></A></TT>	to see our response times to new threats. The virusdb team tries to
 	keep up with the latest worm in the wild. When a new worm spreads out,
 	often it is less than one hour before we release a database update.
 	You can contribute to make the virusdb updating process more efficient
 	by submitting samples of viruses via our web interface.
 <LI><B>I tried to submit a sample through the web interface,
 	but it said the sample is already recognized by ClamAV. My clamscan
 	tells me it's not. I already updated my database, what's wrong with
 	my setup?</B>
 Please run clamscan with the -mbox option. Also check that freshclam
 	and clamscan are using the same path for storing/reading the database.
 <LI><B>ClamAV crashes/hangs/doesn't compile/doesn't start. Did
 	I find a bug?</B>
 Before reporting a bug, please download the latest CVS code and try to
 	reproduce the bug with it. Chances are the bug you encountered has
 	already been fixed. If you really feel like you found a bug, please
 	send a message bugs*
 <LI><B>How do I automatically restart clamd when it dies?</B>
 Set up a cronjob which checks that clamd is up and running, every XX
 	minutes. You can find an example script in the
 	<code>contrib/clamdwatch/</code> directory.
 <LI><B>How do I keep my virus database up to date?</B>
 ClamAV comes with freshclam, a tool which periodically checks for
 	new database releases and keeps your database up to date.
 <LI><B>I'm running ClamAV on a lot of clients on my local
 	network. Can I mirror the database locally so that each client
 	doesn't have to download it from your servers?</B>
 Sure, install a proxy server and then configure your freshclam clients
 	to use it (watch for the <code>HTTPProxyServer</code> parameter in
 	<code>man freshclam.conf</code>). Alternatively, you can configure a local
 	webserver on one of your machines (say machine1.mylan) and let
 	freshclam download the *.cvd files from
 	<TT><A NAME="tex2html41"
   HREF=""></A></TT> to the webserver's
 	<code>DocumentRoot</code>. Finally, change <code>freshclam.conf</code> on your
 	clients so that it reads: <code>DatabaseMirror machine1.mylan</code>
 	First the database will be downloaded to the local webserver and then
 	the other clients on the network will update their copy of the database
 	from it.
 <LI><B>How can I list the virus signature names contained in
 	the database?</B>
 If you are using a recent version of ClamAV just run:
 	<code>$sigtool --list-sigs</code>
 <LI><B>I found an infected file in my HD/floppy/mailbox, but
 	ClamAV doesn't recognize it yet. Can you help me?</B>
 Our virus database is kept up to date with the help of the community.
 	Whenever you find a new virus which is not detected by ClamAV you
 	should submit it on our website (go to <TT><A NAME="tex2html42"
   HREF=""></A></TT> and
 	click on <I>submit sample</I>). The virusdb team will review your
 	submission and update the database if necessary. Before submitting
 	a new sample:
 <LI>check that the value of <code>DatabaseDirectory</code>, in both
 	    <code>clamd.conf</code> and
 <BR><code>freshclam.conf</code>, is the same
 <LI>update your database by running freshclam
 <LI><B>Why is ClamAV calling the XXX virus with another name?</B>
 This usually happens when we add a signature before other AV
 	vendors. No well-known name is available at that moment so we have to
 	invent one. Renaming the virus after a few days would just confuse
 	people more, so we usually keep on using our name for that virus. The
 	only exception is when a new name is established soon after the
 	signature addition. You can find more info about this in the virus
 	naming page at <TT><A NAME="tex2html43"
 <LI><B>How do I know when database updates are released?</B>
 Subscribe to the <I>clamav-virusdb</I> mailing-list.
 <LI><B>How can I scan a file on my hard disk for viruses
 	without installing ClamAV?</B>
 Use the online scanning tool available at
 	<TT><A NAME="tex2html44"
 <LI><B>I found a false positive in ClamAV virus database. What
 	shall I do?</B>
 Fill the form at <TT><A NAME="tex2html45"
   HREF=""></A></TT> Be sure to
 	select <I>The file attached is... a false positive</I>
 <LI><B>How do I verify the integrity of ClamAV sources?</B>
 Using GnuPG (<TT><A NAME="tex2html46"
   HREF=""></A></TT>) you can easily verify the
 	authenticity of your stable release downloads by using the following
 <LI>Download Tomasz Kojm's key from the site:
 <BR>	<code>$ wget</code>
 <LI>Import the key into your local public keyring:
 <BR>	<code>\$ gpg --import tkojm.gpg</code>
 <LI>Download the stable release AND the corresponding .sig file to
 	the same directory.
 <BR>	<PRE>
 	$ wget
 	$ wget
 <LI>Verify that the stable release download is signed with the proper
 <BR>	<code>$ gpg --verify clamav-X.XX.tar.gz.sig</code>
 <LI>Make sure the resulting output contain the following
 <BR>	<code>Good signature from Tomasz Kojm (tk*</code>
 <LI><B>Can ClamAV disinfect files?</B>
 No, it can't. We will add support for disinfecting OLE2 files in one
 	of the next stable releases. There are no plans for disinfecting other
 	types of files. There are many reasons for it: cleaning viruses from
 	files is virtually pointless these days. It is very seldom that there
 	is anything useful left after cleaning, and even if there is,
 	would you trust it?
 <LI><B>When using clamscan, is there a way to know which message
 	within an mbox is infected?</B>
 No, clamscan stops at the first infected message. You can convert the
 	mbox to Maildir format, run clamscan on it and then convert it back to
 	mbox format. There are many tools available which can convert to and
 	from Maildir format, e.g: formail, mbox2maildir, and maildir2mbox.
 <LI><B>I'm running qmail+Qmail-Scanner+ClamAV and get the
 	following error in my mail logs: <I>clamdscan: corrupt or unknown
 	clamd scanner error or memory/resource/perms problem</I>. What's wrong
 	with it?</B>
 Most likely clamd is not running at all, or you are running
 	Qmail-Scanner and clamd under a different uid. If you are running
 	Qmail-Scanner as qscand (default setting) you could put
 	<code>User qscand</code> inside your clamd.conf file and restart clamd.
 	Remember to check that qscand can create clamd.ctl (usually located at
 	<code>/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl</code>). The same applies to the log file.
 <LI><B>How do I use ClamAV with p3scan?</B>
 Add the following lines to your pop3vscan configuration file:
 	    virusregexp = .*: (.*) FOUND
 	    scanner = /usr/bin/clamdscan --no-summary -i
 	    scannertype = basic
 <LI><B>Where can I ask questions about using ClamAV?</B>
 Subscribe to our <I>clamav-users</I> mailing-list at
 	<TT><A NAME="tex2html47"
 <LI><B>Where can I get the latest CVS snapshot of ClamAV?</B>
 Basically, there are two ways:
 <BR>	    <code>cvs co clamav-devel</code>
 <LI>Visit <TT><A NAME="tex2html48"
 <LI><B>I'm a MS Windows user. Can I take advantage of ClamAV
 	virus protection?</B>
 Yes, you can use ClamWin, a port of ClamAV for win32 systems with a
 	very nice graphic interface. Download it at <TT><A NAME="tex2html49"
 <LI><B>Where can I find more information about ClamAV?</B>
 Please read this documentation. You can also try searching the mailing
 	list archives. If you can't find the answer, you can ask for support on
 	the clamav-users mailing-list, but please before doing it, search the
 	archives! Also, make sure that you don't send HTML-ized email messages
 	and that you don't top-post (these violate the netiquette and lessen
 	your chances of being answered).
 <LI><B>How can I contribute to the ClamAV project?</B>
 There are many ways to contribute to the ClamAV project. See the
 	donations page (<TT><A NAME="tex2html50"
   HREF=""></A></TT> for more info.
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 Tomasz Kojm