 README.CV -- Condition Variables
 The original implementation of condition variables in
 pthreads-win32 was based on a discussion paper:
 "Strategies for Implementing POSIX Condition Variables
 on Win32":
 The changes suggested below were made on Feb 6 2001. This
 file is included in the package for the benefit of anyone
 interested in understanding the pthreads-win32 implementation
 of condition variables and the (sometimes subtle) issues that
 it attempts to resolve.
 Thanks go to the individuals whose names appear throughout
 the following text.
 Ross Johnson
 fyi.. (more detailed problem description/demos + possible fix/patch)
 Alexander Terekhov
 31.01.2001 17:43
 From: Alexander Terekhov/Germany/IBM@IBMDE
 Subject:  Implementation of POSIX CVs: spur.wakeups/lost
         5.1.12 (pthread-win32 snapshot 2000-12-29)
         IBM IntelliStation Z Pro, 2 x XEON 1GHz, Win2K
     TARGET MACHINE and OPERATING SYSTEM, if different from HOST:
         Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
         Implementation of POSIX condition variables - OS.cpp/.h
         EXECUTION? YES!
         a) spurious wakeups (minor problem)
         b) lost signals
         c) broadcast deadlock
         d) unfairness (minor problem)
         Please see attached copy of discussion thread
         from comp.programming.threads for more details on
         some reported problems. (i've also posted a "fyi"
         message to ace-users a week or two ago but
         unfortunately did not get any response so far).
         It seems that current implementation suffers from
         two essential problems:
         1) cond.waiters_count does not accurately reflect
            number of waiters blocked on semaphore - w/o
            proper synchronisation that could result (in the
            time window when counter is not accurate)
            in spurious wakeups organised by subsequent
            _signals  and _broadcasts.
         2) Always having (with no e.g. copy_and_clear/..)
            the same queue in use (semaphore+counter)
            neither signal nor broadcast provide 'atomic'
            behaviour with respect to other threads/subsequent
            calls to signal/broadcast/wait.
         Each problem and combination of both could produce
         various nasty things:
         a) spurious wakeups (minor problem)
              it is possible that waiter(s) which was already
              unblocked even so is still counted as blocked
              waiter. signal and broadcast will release
              semaphore which will produce a spurious wakeup
              for a 'real' waiter coming later.
         b) lost signals
              signalling thread ends up consuming its own
              signal. please see demo/discussion below.
         c) broadcast deadlock
              last_waiter processing code does not correctly
              handle the case with multiple threads
              waiting for the end of broadcast.
              please see demo/discussion below.
         d) unfairness (minor problem)
              without SignalObjectAndWait some waiter(s)
              may end up consuming broadcasted signals
              multiple times (spurious wakeups) because waiter
              thread(s) can be preempted before they call
              semaphore wait (but after count++ and mtx.unlock).
         See below... run problem demos programs (tennis.cpp and
         tennisb.cpp) number of times concurrently (on multiprocessor)
         and in multiple sessions or just add a couple of "Sleep"s
         as described in the attached copy of discussion thread
         from comp.programming.threads
         See attached patch to pthread-win32.. well, I can not
         claim that it is completely bug free but at least my
         test and tests provided by pthreads-win32 seem to work.
         Perhaps that will help.
 >> Forum: comp.programming.threads
 >> Thread: pthread_cond_* implementation questions
 David Schwartz <> wrote:
 > wrote:
 >> BTW, could you please also share your view on other perceived
 >> "problems" such as nested broadcast deadlock, spurious wakeups
 >> and (the latest one) lost signals??
 >I'm not sure what you mean. The standard allows an implementation
 >to do almost whatever it likes. In fact, you could implement
 >pthread_cond_wait by releasing the mutex, sleeping a random
 >amount of time, and then reacquiring the mutex. Of course,
 >this would be a pretty poor implementation, but any code that
 >didn't work under that implementation wouldn't be strictly
 The implementation you suggested is indeed correct
 one (yes, now I see it :). However it requires from
 signal/broadcast nothing more than to "{ return 0; }"
 That is not the case for pthread-win32 and ACE
 implementations. I do think that these implementations
 (basically the same implementation) have some serious
 problems with wait/signal/broadcast calls. I am looking
 for help to clarify whether these problems are real
 or not. I think that I can demonstrate what I mean
 using one or two small sample programs.
 #include "ace/Synch.h"
 #include "ace/Thread.h"
 enum GAME_STATE {
   PLAYER_A,     // Player A playes the ball
   PLAYER_B,     // Player B playes the ball
 enum GAME_STATE             eGameState;
 ACE_Mutex*                  pmtxGameStateLock;
 ACE_Condition< ACE_Mutex >* pcndGameStateChange;
     void* pParm
   // For access to game state variable
   // Play loop
   while ( eGameState < GAME_OVER ) {
     // Play the ball
     cout << endl << "PLAYER-A" << endl;
     // Now its PLAYER-B's turn
     eGameState = PLAYER_B;
     // Signal to PLAYER-B that now it is his turn
     // Wait until PLAYER-B finishes playing the ball
     do {
       if ( PLAYER_B == eGameState )
         cout << endl << "----PLAYER-A: SPURIOUS WAKEUP!!!" << endl;
     } while ( PLAYER_B == eGameState );
   // PLAYER-A gone
   eGameState = (GAME_STATE)(eGameState+1);
   cout << endl << "PLAYER-A GONE" << endl;
   // No more access to state variable needed
   // Signal PLAYER-A gone event
   return 0;
     void* pParm
   // For access to game state variable
   // Play loop
   while ( eGameState < GAME_OVER ) {
     // Play the ball
     cout << endl << "PLAYER-B" << endl;
     // Now its PLAYER-A's turn
     eGameState = PLAYER_A;
     // Signal to PLAYER-A that now it is his turn
     // Wait until PLAYER-A finishes playing the ball
     do {
       if ( PLAYER_A == eGameState )
         cout << endl << "----PLAYER-B: SPURIOUS WAKEUP!!!" << endl;
     } while ( PLAYER_A == eGameState );
   // PLAYER-B gone
   eGameState = (GAME_STATE)(eGameState+1);
   cout << endl << "PLAYER-B GONE" << endl;
   // No more access to state variable needed
   // Signal PLAYER-B gone event
   return 0;
 main (int, ACE_TCHAR *[])
   pmtxGameStateLock   = new ACE_Mutex();
   pcndGameStateChange = new ACE_Condition< ACE_Mutex >( *pmtxGameStateLock
   // Set initial state
   eGameState = START_GAME;
   // Create players
   ACE_Thread::spawn( playerA );
   ACE_Thread::spawn( playerB );
   // Give them 5 sec. to play
   Sleep( 5000 );//sleep( 5 );
   // Set game over state
   eGameState = GAME_OVER;
   // Let them know
   // Wait for players to stop
   do {
   } while ( eGameState < BOTH_PLAYERS_GONE );
   // Cleanup
   cout << endl << "GAME OVER" << endl;
   delete pcndGameStateChange;
   delete pmtxGameStateLock;
   return 0;
 #include "ace/Synch.h"
 #include "ace/Thread.h"
 enum GAME_STATE {
   PLAYER_A,     // Player A playes the ball
   PLAYER_B,     // Player B playes the ball
 enum GAME_STATE             eGameState;
 ACE_Mutex*                  pmtxGameStateLock;
 ACE_Condition< ACE_Mutex >* pcndGameStateChange;
     void* pParm
   // For access to game state variable
   // Play loop
   while ( eGameState < GAME_OVER ) {
     // Play the ball
     cout << endl << "PLAYER-A" << endl;
     // Now its PLAYER-B's turn
     eGameState = PLAYER_B;
     // Signal to PLAYER-B that now it is his turn
     // Wait until PLAYER-B finishes playing the ball
     do {
       if ( PLAYER_B == eGameState )
         cout << endl << "----PLAYER-A: SPURIOUS WAKEUP!!!" << endl;
     } while ( PLAYER_B == eGameState );
   // PLAYER-A gone
   eGameState = (GAME_STATE)(eGameState+1);
   cout << endl << "PLAYER-A GONE" << endl;
   // No more access to state variable needed
   // Signal PLAYER-A gone event
   return 0;
     void* pParm
   // For access to game state variable
   // Play loop
   while ( eGameState < GAME_OVER ) {
     // Play the ball
     cout << endl << "PLAYER-B" << endl;
     // Now its PLAYER-A's turn
     eGameState = PLAYER_A;
     // Signal to PLAYER-A that now it is his turn
     // Wait until PLAYER-A finishes playing the ball
     do {
       if ( PLAYER_A == eGameState )
         cout << endl << "----PLAYER-B: SPURIOUS WAKEUP!!!" << endl;
     } while ( PLAYER_A == eGameState );
   // PLAYER-B gone
   eGameState = (GAME_STATE)(eGameState+1);
   cout << endl << "PLAYER-B GONE" << endl;
   // No more access to state variable needed
   // Signal PLAYER-B gone event
   return 0;
 main (int, ACE_TCHAR *[])
   pmtxGameStateLock   = new ACE_Mutex();
   pcndGameStateChange = new ACE_Condition< ACE_Mutex >( *pmtxGameStateLock
   // Set initial state
   eGameState = START_GAME;
   // Create players
   ACE_Thread::spawn( playerA );
   ACE_Thread::spawn( playerB );
   // Give them 5 sec. to play
   Sleep( 5000 );//sleep( 5 );
   // Make some noise
   cout << endl << "---Noise ON..." << endl;
   for ( int i = 0; i < 100000; i++ )
   cout << endl << "---Noise OFF" << endl;
   // Set game over state
   eGameState = GAME_OVER;
   cout << endl << "---Stopping the game..." << endl;
   // Let them know
   // Wait for players to stop
   do {
   } while ( eGameState < BOTH_PLAYERS_GONE );
   // Cleanup
   cout << endl << "GAME OVER" << endl;
   delete pcndGameStateChange;
   delete pmtxGameStateLock;
   return 0;
 David Schwartz <> wrote:
 >> > It's compliant
 >> That is really good.
 >> Tomorrow (I have to go urgently now) I will try to
 >> demonstrate the lost-signal "problem" of current
 >> pthread-win32 and ACE-(variant w/o SingleObjectAndWait)
 >> implementations: players start suddenly drop their balls :-)
 >> (with no change in source code).
 >Signals aren't lost, they're going to the main thread,
 >which isn't coded correctly to handle them. Try this:
 >  // Wait for players to stop
 >  do {
 >    pthread_cond_wait( &cndGameStateChange,&mtxGameStateLock );
 >printf("Main thread stole a signal\n");
 >  } while ( eGameState < BOTH_PLAYERS_GONE );
 >I bet everytime you thing a signal is lost, you'll see that printf.
 >The signal isn't lost, it was stolen by another thread.
 well, you can probably loose your bet.. it was indeed stolen
 by "another" thread but not the one you seem to think of.
 I think that what actually happens is the following:
 here you can see that PLAYER-B after playing his first
 ball (which came via signal from PLAYER-A) just dropped
 it down. What happened is that his signal to player A
 was consumed as spurious wakeup by himself (player B).
 The implementation has a problem:
 waiting threads:
 { /** Critical Section
   inc cond.waiters_count
   /* Atomic only if using Win32 SignalObjectAndWait
 Player-A after playing game's initial ball went into
 wait (called _wait) but was pre-empted before reaching
 wait semaphore. He was counted as waiter but was not
 actually waiting/blocked yet.
 signal threads:
 { /** Critical Section
   waiters_count = cond.waiters_count
   if ( waiters_count != 0 ) 1
 Player-B after he received signal/ball from Player A
 called _signal. The _signal did see that there was
 one waiter blocked on the condition (Player-A) and
 released the semaphore.. (but it did not unblock
 Player-A because he was not actually blocked).
 Player-B thread continued its execution, called _wait,
 was counted as second waiter BUT was allowed to slip
 through opened semaphore gate (which was opened for
 Player-B) and received his own signal. Player B remained
 blocked followed by Player A. Deadlock happened which
 lasted until main thread came in and said game over.
 It seems to me that the implementation fails to
 correctly implement the following statement
 from specification:
 "These functions atomically release mutex and cause
 the calling thread to block on the condition variable
 cond; atomically here means "atomically with respect
 to access by another thread to the mutex and then the
 condition variable". That is, if another thread is
 able to acquire the mutex after the about-to-block
 thread has released it, then a subsequent call to
 pthread_cond_signal() or pthread_cond_broadcast()
 in that thread behaves as if it were issued after
 the about-to-block thread has blocked."
 Question: Am I right?
 (I produced the program output above by simply
 adding ?Sleep( 1 )?:
 waiting threads:
 { /** Critical Section
   inc cond.waiters_count
   /* Atomic only if using Win32 SignalObjectAndWait
 Sleep( 1 ); // Win32
 to the source code of pthread-win32 implementation:
   * We keep the lock held just long enough to increment the count of
   * waiters by one (above).
   * Note that we can't keep it held across the
   * call to sem_wait since that will deadlock other calls
   * to pthread_cond_signal
   cleanup_args.mutexPtr = mutex; = cv;
   cleanup_args.resultPtr = &result;
   pthread_cleanup_push (ptw32_cond_wait_cleanup, (void *)
   if ((result = pthread_mutex_unlock (mutex)) == 0)
 Sleep( 1 ); // @AT
       * Wait to be awakened by
       *              pthread_cond_signal, or
       *              pthread_cond_broadcast, or
       *              a timeout
       * Note:
       *      ptw32_sem_timedwait is a cancelation point,
       *      hence providing the
       *      mechanism for making pthread_cond_wait a cancelation
       *      point. We use the cleanup mechanism to ensure we
       *      re-lock the mutex and decrement the waiters count
       *      if we are canceled.
       if (ptw32_sem_timedwait (&(cv->sema), abstime) == -1)         {
           result = errno;
   pthread_cleanup_pop (1);  /* Always cleanup */
 BTW, on my system (2 CPUs) I can manage to get
 signals lost even without any source code modification
 if I run the tennis program many times in different
 shell sessions.
 David Schwartz <> wrote:
 > wrote:
 >> well, it might be that the program is in fact buggy.
 >> but you did not show me any bug.
 >You're right. I was close but not dead on. I was correct, however,
 >that the code is buggy because it uses 'pthread_cond_signal' even
 >though not any thread waiting on the condition variable can do the
 >job. I was wrong in which thread could be waiting on the cv but
 >unable to do the job.
 Okay, lets change 'pthread_cond_signal' to 'pthread_cond_broadcast'
 but also add some noise from main() right before declaring the game
 to be over (I need it in order to demonstrate another problem of
 pthread-win32/ACE implementations - broadcast deadlock)...
 It is my understanding of POSIX conditions,
 that on correct implementation added noise
 in form of unnecessary broadcasts from main,
 should not break the tennis program. The
 only 'side effect' of added noise on correct
 implementation would be 'spurious wakeups' of
 players (in fact they are not spurious,
 players just see them as spurious) unblocked,
 not by another player but by main before
 another player had a chance to acquire the
 mutex and change the game state variable:
 ---Noise ON...
 ---Noise OFF
 ---Stopping the game...
 On pthread-win32/ACE implementations the
 program could stall:
 ---Noise ON...
 ---Noise OFF
 The implementation has problems:
 waiting threads:
 { /** Critical Section
   inc cond.waiters_count
   /* Atomic only if using Win32 SignalObjectAndWait
 { /** Critical Section
   dec cond.waiters_count
   last_waiter = ( cond.was_broadcast &&
                     cond.waiters_count == 0 )
   if ( last_waiter )
     cond.was_broadcast = FALSE
   if ( last_waiter )
     /* Atomic only if using Win32 SignalObjectAndWait
     /* /* Event for Win32
   /*** ^^-- ...AND BEFORE CALL TO mtx.acquire (2)
   /*** ^^-- ...AND BEFORE CALL TO mtx.acquire (3)
 broadcast threads:
 { /** Critical Section
   waiters_count = cond.waiters_count
   if ( waiters_count != 0 )
     cond.was_broadcast = TRUE
 if ( waiters_count != 0 ) waiters_count
   /*** ^^^^^--- SPURIOUS WAKEUPS DUE TO (1)
   cond.auto_reset_event_or_sem.wait /* Event for Win32
 a) cond.waiters_count does not accurately reflect
 number of waiters blocked on semaphore - that could
 result (in the time window when counter is not accurate)
 in spurios wakeups organised by subsequent _signals
 and _broadcasts. From standard compliance point of view
 that is OK but that could be a real problem from
 performance/efficiency point of view.
 b) If subsequent broadcast happen to go into wait on
 cond.auto_reset_event_or_sem before previous
 broadcast was unblocked from cond.auto_reset_event_or_sem
 by its last waiter, one of two blocked threads will
 remain blocked because last_waiter processing code
 fails to unblock both threads.
 In the situation with tennisb.c the Player-B was put
 in a deadlock by noise (broadcast) coming from main
 thread. And since Player-B holds the game state
 mutex when it calls broadcast, the whole program
 stalled: Player-A was deadlocked on mutex and
 main thread after finishing with producing the noise
 was deadlocked on mutex too (needed to declare the
 game over)
 (I produced the program output above by simply
 adding ?Sleep( 1 )?:
 broadcast threads:
 { /** Critical Section
   waiters_count = cond.waiters_count
   if ( waiters_count != 0 )
     cond.was_broadcast = TRUE
 if ( waiters_count != 0 )
 Sleep( 1 ); //Win32 waiters_count
   /*** ^^^^^--- SPURIOUS WAKEUPS DUE TO (1)
   cond.auto_reset_event_or_sem.wait /* Event for Win32
 to the source code of pthread-win32 implementation:
   if (wereWaiters)
       * Wake up all waiters
 Sleep( 1 ); //@AT
 #ifdef NEED_SEM
       result = (ptw32_increase_semaphore( &cv->sema, cv->waiters )
                  ? 0
                 : EINVAL);
 #else /* NEED_SEM */
       result = (ReleaseSemaphore( cv->sema, cv->waiters, NULL )
                  ? 0
                 : EINVAL);
 #endif /* NEED_SEM */
   (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&(cv->waitersLock));
   if (wereWaiters && result == 0)
        * Wait for all the awakened threads to acquire their part of
        * the counting semaphore
       if (WaitForSingleObject (cv->waitersDone, INFINITE)
           == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
           result = 0;
           result = EINVAL;
   return (result);
 BTW, on my system (2 CPUs) I can manage to get
 the program stalled even without any source code
 modification if I run the tennisb program many
 times in different shell sessions.
 pthread-win32 patch
 struct pthread_cond_t_ {
   long            nWaitersBlocked;   /* Number of threads blocked
   long            nWaitersUnblocked; /* Number of threads unblocked
   long            nWaitersToUnblock; /* Number of threads to unblock
   sem_t           semBlockQueue;     /* Queue up threads waiting for the
                                      /*   condition to become signalled
   sem_t           semBlockLock;      /* Semaphore that guards access to
                                      /* | waiters blocked count/block queue
                                      /* +-> Mandatory Sync.LEVEL-1
   pthread_mutex_t mtxUnblockLock;    /* Mutex that guards access to
                                      /* | waiters (to)unblock(ed) counts
                                      /* +-> Optional* Sync.LEVEL-2
 };                                   /* Opt*) for _timedwait and
 pthread_cond_init (pthread_cond_t * cond, const pthread_condattr_t * attr)
   int result = EAGAIN;
   pthread_cond_t cv = NULL;
   if (cond == NULL)
       return EINVAL;
   if ((attr != NULL && *attr != NULL) &&
       ((*attr)->pshared == PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED))
        * Creating condition variable that can be shared between
        * processes.
       result = ENOSYS;
       goto FAIL0;
   cv = (pthread_cond_t) calloc (1, sizeof (*cv));
   if (cv == NULL)
       result = ENOMEM;
       goto FAIL0;
   cv->nWaitersBlocked   = 0;
   cv->nWaitersUnblocked = 0;
   cv->nWaitersToUnblock = 0;
   if (sem_init (&(cv->semBlockLock), 0, 1) != 0)
       goto FAIL0;
   if (sem_init (&(cv->semBlockQueue), 0, 0) != 0)
       goto FAIL1;
   if (pthread_mutex_init (&(cv->mtxUnblockLock), 0) != 0)
       goto FAIL2;
   result = 0;
   goto DONE;
    * -------------
    * Failed...
    * -------------
   (void) sem_destroy (&(cv->semBlockQueue));
   (void) sem_destroy (&(cv->semBlockLock));
   *cond = cv;
   return (result);
 }                               /* pthread_cond_init */
 pthread_cond_destroy (pthread_cond_t * cond)
   int result = 0;
   pthread_cond_t cv;
    * Assuming any race condition here is harmless.
   if (cond == NULL
       || *cond == NULL)
       return EINVAL;
   if (*cond != (pthread_cond_t) PTW32_OBJECT_AUTO_INIT)
       cv = *cond;
        * Synchronize access to waiters blocked count (LEVEL-1)
       if (sem_wait(&(cv->semBlockLock)) != 0)
           return errno;
        * Synchronize access to waiters (to)unblock(ed) counts (LEVEL-2)
       if ((result = pthread_mutex_lock(&(cv->mtxUnblockLock))) != 0)
           (void) sem_post(&(cv->semBlockLock));
           return result;
        * Check whether cv is still busy (still has waiters blocked)
       if (cv->nWaitersBlocked - cv->nWaitersUnblocked > 0)
           (void) sem_post(&(cv->semBlockLock));
           (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&(cv->mtxUnblockLock));
           return EBUSY;
        * Now it is safe to destroy
       (void) sem_destroy (&(cv->semBlockLock));
       (void) sem_destroy (&(cv->semBlockQueue));
       (void) pthread_mutex_unlock (&(cv->mtxUnblockLock));
       (void) pthread_mutex_destroy (&(cv->mtxUnblockLock));
       *cond = NULL;
        * See notes in ptw32_cond_check_need_init() above also.
        * Check again.
       if (*cond == (pthread_cond_t) PTW32_OBJECT_AUTO_INIT)
            * This is all we need to do to destroy a statically
            * initialised cond that has not yet been used (initialised).
            * If we get to here, another thread
            * waiting to initialise this cond will get an EINVAL.
           *cond = NULL;
            * The cv has been initialised while we were waiting
            * so assume it's in use.
           result = EBUSY;
   return (result);
  * Arguments for cond_wait_cleanup, since we can only pass a
  * single void * to it.
 typedef struct {
   pthread_mutex_t * mutexPtr;
   pthread_cond_t cv;
   int * resultPtr;
 } ptw32_cond_wait_cleanup_args_t;
 static void
 ptw32_cond_wait_cleanup(void * args)
   ptw32_cond_wait_cleanup_args_t * cleanup_args =
 (ptw32_cond_wait_cleanup_args_t *) args;
   pthread_cond_t cv = cleanup_args->cv;
   int * resultPtr = cleanup_args->resultPtr;
   int eLastSignal; /* enum: 1=yes 0=no -1=cancelled/timedout w/o signal(s)
   int result;
    * Whether we got here as a result of signal/broadcast or because of
    * timeout on wait or thread cancellation we indicate that we are no
    * longer waiting. The waiter is responsible for adjusting waiters
    * (to)unblock(ed) counts (protected by unblock lock).
    * Unblock lock/Sync.LEVEL-2 supports _timedwait and cancellation.
   if ((result = pthread_mutex_lock(&(cv->mtxUnblockLock))) != 0)
       *resultPtr = result;
   eLastSignal = (cv->nWaitersToUnblock == 0) ?
                    -1 : (--cv->nWaitersToUnblock == 0);
    * No more LEVEL-2 access to waiters (to)unblock(ed) counts needed
   if ((result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(cv->mtxUnblockLock))) != 0)
       *resultPtr = result;
    * If last signal...
   if (eLastSignal == 1)
       * means that we have end of 'atomic' signal/broadcast
       if (sem_post(&(cv->semBlockLock)) != 0)
           *resultPtr = errno;
    * If not last signal and not timed out/cancelled wait w/o signal...
   else if (eLastSignal == 0)
       * means that next waiter can go through semaphore
       if (sem_post(&(cv->semBlockQueue)) != 0)
           *resultPtr = errno;
    * XSH: Upon successful return, the mutex has been locked and is owned
    * by the calling thread
   if ((result = pthread_mutex_lock(cleanup_args->mutexPtr)) != 0)
       *resultPtr = result;
 }                               /* ptw32_cond_wait_cleanup */
 static int
 ptw32_cond_timedwait (pthread_cond_t * cond,
                       pthread_mutex_t * mutex,
                       const struct timespec *abstime)
   int result = 0;
   pthread_cond_t cv;
   ptw32_cond_wait_cleanup_args_t cleanup_args;
   if (cond == NULL || *cond == NULL)
       return EINVAL;
    * We do a quick check to see if we need to do more work
    * to initialise a static condition variable. We check
    * again inside the guarded section of ptw32_cond_check_need_init()
    * to avoid race conditions.
   if (*cond == (pthread_cond_t) PTW32_OBJECT_AUTO_INIT)
       result = ptw32_cond_check_need_init(cond);
   if (result != 0 && result != EBUSY)
       return result;
   cv = *cond;
    * Synchronize access to waiters blocked count (LEVEL-1)
   if (sem_wait(&(cv->semBlockLock)) != 0)
       return errno;
    * Thats it. Counted means waiting, no more access needed
   if (sem_post(&(cv->semBlockLock)) != 0)
       return errno;
    * Setup this waiter cleanup handler
   cleanup_args.mutexPtr = mutex; = cv;
   cleanup_args.resultPtr = &result;
   pthread_cleanup_push (ptw32_cond_wait_cleanup, (void *) &cleanup_args);
    * Now we can release 'mutex' and...
   if ((result = pthread_mutex_unlock (mutex)) == 0)
        * ...wait to be awakened by
        *              pthread_cond_signal, or
        *              pthread_cond_broadcast, or
        *              timeout, or
        *              thread cancellation
        * Note:
        *      ptw32_sem_timedwait is a cancellation point,
        *      hence providing the mechanism for making
        *      pthread_cond_wait a cancellation point.
        *      We use the cleanup mechanism to ensure we
        *      re-lock the mutex and adjust (to)unblock(ed) waiters
        *      counts if we are cancelled, timed out or signalled.
       if (ptw32_sem_timedwait (&(cv->semBlockQueue), abstime) != 0)
           result = errno;
    * Always cleanup
   pthread_cleanup_pop (1);
    * "result" can be modified by the cleanup handler.
   return (result);
 }                               /* ptw32_cond_timedwait */
 static int
 ptw32_cond_unblock (pthread_cond_t * cond,
                     int unblockAll)
   int result;
   pthread_cond_t cv;
   if (cond == NULL || *cond == NULL)
       return EINVAL;
   cv = *cond;
    * No-op if the CV is static and hasn't been initialised yet.
    * Assuming that any race condition is harmless.
   if (cv == (pthread_cond_t) PTW32_OBJECT_AUTO_INIT)
       return 0;
    * Synchronize access to waiters blocked count (LEVEL-1)
   if (sem_wait(&(cv->semBlockLock)) != 0)
       return errno;
    * Synchronize access to waiters (to)unblock(ed) counts (LEVEL-2)
    * This sync.level supports _timedwait and cancellation
   if ((result = pthread_mutex_lock(&(cv->mtxUnblockLock))) != 0)
       return result;
    * Adjust waiters blocked and unblocked counts (collect garbage)
   if (cv->nWaitersUnblocked != 0)
       cv->nWaitersBlocked  -= cv->nWaitersUnblocked;
       cv->nWaitersUnblocked = 0;
    * If (after adjustment) there are still some waiters blocked counted...
   if ( cv->nWaitersBlocked > 0)
        * We will unblock first waiter and leave semBlockLock/LEVEL-1 locked
        * LEVEL-1 access is left disabled until last signal/unblock
       cv->nWaitersToUnblock = (unblockAll) ? cv->nWaitersBlocked : 1;
        * No more LEVEL-2 access to waiters (to)unblock(ed) counts needed
        * This sync.level supports _timedwait and cancellation
       if ((result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(cv->mtxUnblockLock))) != 0)
           return result;
        * Now, with LEVEL-2 lock released let first waiter go through
       if (sem_post(&(cv->semBlockQueue)) != 0)
           return errno;
    * No waiter blocked - no more LEVEL-1 access to blocked count needed...
   else if (sem_post(&(cv->semBlockLock)) != 0)
       return errno;
    * ...and no more LEVEL-2 access to waiters (to)unblock(ed) counts needed
    * This sync.level supports _timedwait and cancellation
       result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(cv->mtxUnblockLock));
 }                               /* ptw32_cond_unblock */
 pthread_cond_wait (pthread_cond_t * cond,
                    pthread_mutex_t * mutex)
   /* The NULL abstime arg means INFINITE waiting. */
   return(ptw32_cond_timedwait(cond, mutex, NULL));
 }                               /* pthread_cond_wait */
 pthread_cond_timedwait (pthread_cond_t * cond,
                         pthread_mutex_t * mutex,
                         const struct timespec *abstime)
   if (abstime == NULL)
       return EINVAL;
   return(ptw32_cond_timedwait(cond, mutex, abstime));
 }                               /* pthread_cond_timedwait */
 pthread_cond_signal (pthread_cond_t * cond)
   /* The '0'(FALSE) unblockAll arg means unblock ONE waiter. */
   return(ptw32_cond_unblock(cond, 0));
 }                               /* pthread_cond_signal */
 pthread_cond_broadcast (pthread_cond_t * cond)
   /* The '1'(TRUE) unblockAll arg means unblock ALL waiters. */
   return(ptw32_cond_unblock(cond, 1));
 }                               /* pthread_cond_broadcast */ on 17.01.2001 01:00:57
 Please respond to
 Subject:  win32 conditions: sem+counter+event = broadcast_deadlock +
       spur.wakeup/unfairness/incorrectness ??
 Problem 1: broadcast_deadlock
 It seems that current implementation does not provide "atomic"
 broadcasts. That may lead to "nested" broadcasts... and it seems
 that nested case is not handled correctly -> producing a broadcast
 DEADLOCK as a result.
 N (>1) waiting threads W1..N are blocked (in _wait) on condition's
 Thread B1 calls pthread_cond_broadcast, which results in "releasing" N
 W threads via incrementing semaphore counter by N (stored in
 cv->waiters) BUT cv->waiters counter does not change!! The caller
 thread B1 remains blocked on cv->waitersDone event (auto-reset!!) BUT
 condition is not protected from starting another broadcast (when called
 on another thread) while still waiting for the "old" broadcast to
 complete on thread B1.
 M (>=0, <N) W threads are fast enough to go thru their _wait call and
 decrement cv->waiters counter.
 L (N-M) "late" waiter W threads are a) still blocked/not returned from
 their semaphore wait call or b) were preempted after sem_wait but before
 lock( &cv->waitersLock ) or c) are blocked on cv->waitersLock.
 cv->waiters is still > 0 (= L).
 Another thread B2 (or some W thread from M group) calls
 pthread_cond_broadcast and gains access to counter... neither a) nor b)
 prevent thread B2 in pthread_cond_broadcast from gaining access to
 counter and starting another broadcast ( for c) - it depends on
 cv->waitersLock scheduling rules: FIFO=OK, PRTY=PROBLEM,... )
 That call to pthread_cond_broadcast (on thread B2) will result in
 incrementing semaphore by cv->waiters (=L) which is INCORRECT (all
 W1..N were in fact already released by thread B1) and waiting on
 _auto-reset_ event cv->waitersDone which is DEADLY WRONG (produces a
 All late W1..L threads now have a chance to complete their _wait call.
 Last W_L thread sets an auto-reselt event cv->waitersDone which will
 release either B1 or B2 leaving one of B threads in a deadlock.
 Problem 2: spur.wakeup/unfairness/incorrectness
 It seems that:
 a) because of the same problem with counter which does not reflect the
 actual number of NOT RELEASED waiters, the signal call may increment
 a semaphore counter w/o having a waiter blocked on it. That will result
 in (best case) spurious wake ups - performance degradation due to
 unnecessary context switches and predicate re-checks and (in worth case)
 unfairness/incorrectness problem - see b)
 b) neither signal nor broadcast prevent other threads - "new waiters"
 (and in the case of signal, the caller thread as well) from going into
 _wait and overtaking "old" waiters (already released but still not returned
 from sem_wait on condition's semaphore). Win semaphore just [API DOC]:
 "Maintains a count between zero and some maximum value, limiting the number
 of threads that are simultaneously accessing a shared resource." Calling
 ReleaseSemaphore does not imply (at least not documented) that on return
 from ReleaseSemaphore all waiters will in fact become released (returned
 from their Wait... call) and/or that new waiters calling Wait... afterwards
 will become less importance. It is NOT documented to be an atomic release
 waiters... And even if it would be there is still a problem with a thread
 being preempted after Wait on semaphore and before Wait on cv->waitersLock
 and scheduling rules for cv->waitersLock itself
 That may result in unfairness/incorrectness problem as described
 for SetEvent impl. in "Strategies for Implementing POSIX Condition
 on Win32":
 Unfairness -- The semantics of the POSIX pthread_cond_broadcast function is
 to wake up all threads currently blocked in wait calls on the condition
 variable. The awakened threads then compete for the external_mutex. To
 fairness, all of these threads should be released from their
 pthread_cond_wait calls and allowed to recheck their condition expressions
 before other threads can successfully complete a wait on the condition
 Unfortunately, the SetEvent implementation above does not guarantee that
 threads sleeping on the condition variable when cond_broadcast is called
 acquire the external_mutex and check their condition expressions. Although
 the Pthreads specification does not mandate this degree of fairness, the
 lack of fairness can cause starvation.
 To illustrate the unfairness problem, imagine there are 2 threads, C1 and
 that are blocked in pthread_cond_wait on condition variable not_empty_ that
 is guarding a thread-safe message queue. Another thread, P1 then places two
 messages onto the queue and calls pthread_cond_broadcast. If C1 returns
 pthread_cond_wait, dequeues and processes the message, and immediately
 again then it and only it may end up acquiring both messages. Thus, C2 will
 never get a chance to dequeue a message and run.
 The following illustrates the sequence of events:
 1.   Thread C1 attempts to dequeue and waits on CV non_empty_
 2.   Thread C2 attempts to dequeue and waits on CV non_empty_
 3.   Thread P1 enqueues 2 messages and broadcasts to CV not_empty_
 4.   Thread P1 exits
 5.   Thread C1 wakes up from CV not_empty_, dequeues a message and runs
 6.   Thread C1 waits again on CV not_empty_, immediately dequeues the 2nd
         message and runs
 7.   Thread C1 exits
 8.   Thread C2 is the only thread left and blocks forever since
         not_empty_ will never be signaled
 Depending on the algorithm being implemented, this lack of fairness may
 concurrent programs that have subtle bugs. Of course, application
 should not rely on the fairness semantics of pthread_cond_broadcast.
 there are many cases where fair implementations of condition variables can
 simplify application code.
 Incorrectness -- A variation on the unfairness problem described above
 when a third consumer thread, C3, is allowed to slip through even though it
 was not waiting on condition variable not_empty_ when a broadcast occurred.
 To illustrate this, we will use the same scenario as above: 2 threads, C1
 C2, are blocked dequeuing messages from the message queue. Another thread,
 then places two messages onto the queue and calls pthread_cond_broadcast.
 returns from pthread_cond_wait, dequeues and processes the message. At this
 time, C3 acquires the external_mutex, calls pthread_cond_wait and waits on
 the events in WaitForMultipleObjects. Since C2 has not had a chance to run
 yet, the BROADCAST event is still signaled. C3 then returns from
 WaitForMultipleObjects, and dequeues and processes the message in the
 Thus, C2 will never get a chance to dequeue a message and run.
 The following illustrates the sequence of events:
 1.   Thread C1 attempts to dequeue and waits on CV non_empty_
 2.   Thread C2 attempts to dequeue and waits on CV non_empty_
 3.   Thread P1 enqueues 2 messages and broadcasts to CV not_empty_
 4.   Thread P1 exits
 5.   Thread C1 wakes up from CV not_empty_, dequeues a message and runs
 6.   Thread C1 exits
 7.   Thread C3 waits on CV not_empty_, immediately dequeues the 2nd
         message and runs
 8.   Thread C3 exits
 9.   Thread C2 is the only thread left and blocks forever since
         not_empty_ will never be signaled
 In the above case, a thread that was not waiting on the condition variable
 when a broadcast occurred was allowed to proceed. This leads to incorrect
 semantics for a condition variable.
 Subject: RE: FYI/comp.programming.threads/Re: pthread_cond_*
      implementation questions
 Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 11:54:47 +0100
 CC:, Thomas Pfaff <>,
      Nanbor Wang <>
 Hi Louis,
 generation number 8..
 had some time to revisit timeouts/spurious wakeup problem..
 found some bugs (in 7.b/c/d) and something to improve
 (7a - using IPC semaphores but it should speedup Win32
 version as well).
 ---------- Algorithm 8a / IMPL_SEM,UNBLOCK_STRATEGY == UNBLOCK_ALL ------
 semBlockLock - bin.semaphore
 semBlockQueue - semaphore
 mtxExternal - mutex or CS
 mtxUnblockLock - mutex or CS
 nWaitersGone - int
 nWaitersBlocked - int
 nWaitersToUnblock - int
 wait( timeout ) {
   [auto: register int result          ]     // error checking omitted
   [auto: register int nSignalsWasLeft ]
   [auto: register int nWaitersWasGone ]
   sem_wait( semBlockLock );
   sem_post( semBlockLock );
   unlock( mtxExternal );
   bTimedOut = sem_wait( semBlockQueue,timeout );
   lock( mtxUnblockLock );
   if ( 0 != (nSignalsWasLeft = nWaitersToUnblock) ) {
     if ( bTimeout ) {                       // timeout (or canceled)
       if ( 0 != nWaitersBlocked ) {
       else {
         nWaitersGone++;                     // count spurious wakeups
     if ( 0 == --nWaitersToUnblock ) {
       if ( 0 != nWaitersBlocked ) {
         sem_post( semBlockLock );           // open the gate
         nSignalsWasLeft = 0;                // do not open the gate below
       else if ( 0 != (nWaitersWasGone = nWaitersGone) ) {
         nWaitersGone = 0;
   else if ( INT_MAX/2 == ++nWaitersGone ) { // timeout/canceled or spurious
 semaphore :-)
     sem_wait( semBlockLock );
     nWaitersBlocked -= nWaitersGone;        // something is going on here -
 test of timeouts? :-)
     sem_post( semBlockLock );
     nWaitersGone = 0;
   unlock( mtxUnblockLock );
   if ( 1 == nSignalsWasLeft ) {
     if ( 0 != nWaitersWasGone ) {
       // sem_adjust( -nWaitersWasGone );
       while ( nWaitersWasGone-- ) {
         sem_wait( semBlockLock );          // better now than spurious
     sem_post( semBlockLock );              // open the gate
   lock( mtxExternal );
   return ( bTimedOut ) ? ETIMEOUT : 0;
 signal(bAll) {
   [auto: register int result         ]
   [auto: register int nSignalsToIssue]
   lock( mtxUnblockLock );
   if ( 0 != nWaitersToUnblock ) { // the gate is closed!!!
     if ( 0 == nWaitersBlocked ) { // NO-OP
       return unlock( mtxUnblockLock );
     if (bAll) {
       nWaitersToUnblock += nSignalsToIssue=nWaitersBlocked;
       nWaitersBlocked = 0;
     else {
       nSignalsToIssue = 1;
   else if ( nWaitersBlocked > nWaitersGone ) { // HARMLESS RACE CONDITION!
     sem_wait( semBlockLock ); // close the gate
     if ( 0 != nWaitersGone ) {
       nWaitersBlocked -= nWaitersGone;
       nWaitersGone = 0;
     if (bAll) {
       nSignalsToIssue = nWaitersToUnblock = nWaitersBlocked;
       nWaitersBlocked = 0;
     else {
       nSignalsToIssue = nWaitersToUnblock = 1;
   else { // NO-OP
     return unlock( mtxUnblockLock );
   unlock( mtxUnblockLock );
   sem_post( semBlockQueue,nSignalsToIssue );
   return result;
 semBlockLock - bin.semaphore
 semBlockQueue - bin.semaphore
 mtxExternal - mutex or CS
 mtxUnblockLock - mutex or CS
 nWaitersGone - int
 nWaitersBlocked - int
 nWaitersToUnblock - int
 wait( timeout ) {
   [auto: register int result          ]     // error checking omitted
   [auto: register int nWaitersWasGone ]
   [auto: register int nSignalsWasLeft ]
   sem_wait( semBlockLock );
   sem_post( semBlockLock );
   unlock( mtxExternal );
   bTimedOut = sem_wait( semBlockQueue,timeout );
   lock( mtxUnblockLock );
   if ( 0 != (nSignalsWasLeft = nWaitersToUnblock) ) {
     if ( bTimeout ) {                       // timeout (or canceled)
       if ( 0 != nWaitersBlocked ) {
         nSignalsWasLeft = 0;                // do not unblock next waiter
 below (already unblocked)
       else {
         nWaitersGone = 1;                   // spurious wakeup pending!!
     if ( 0 == --nWaitersToUnblock &&
       if ( 0 != nWaitersBlocked ) {
         sem_post( semBlockLock );           // open the gate
         nSignalsWasLeft = 0;                // do not open the gate below
       else if ( 0 != (nWaitersWasGone = nWaitersGone) ) {
         nWaitersGone = 0;
   else if ( INT_MAX/2 == ++nWaitersGone ) { // timeout/canceled or spurious
 semaphore :-)
     sem_wait( semBlockLock );
     nWaitersBlocked -= nWaitersGone;        // something is going on here -
 test of timeouts? :-)
     sem_post( semBlockLock );
     nWaitersGone = 0;
   unlock( mtxUnblockLock );
   if ( 1 == nSignalsWasLeft ) {
     if ( 0 != nWaitersWasGone ) {
       // sem_adjust( -1 );
       sem_wait( semBlockQueue );           // better now than spurious
     sem_post( semBlockLock );              // open the gate
   else if ( 0 != nSignalsWasLeft ) {
     sem_post( semBlockQueue );             // unblock next waiter
   lock( mtxExternal );
   return ( bTimedOut ) ? ETIMEOUT : 0;
 signal(bAll) {
   [auto: register int result ]
   lock( mtxUnblockLock );
   if ( 0 != nWaitersToUnblock ) { // the gate is closed!!!
     if ( 0 == nWaitersBlocked ) { // NO-OP
       return unlock( mtxUnblockLock );
     if (bAll) {
       nWaitersToUnblock += nWaitersBlocked;
       nWaitersBlocked = 0;
     else {
     unlock( mtxUnblockLock );
   else if ( nWaitersBlocked > nWaitersGone ) { // HARMLESS RACE CONDITION!
     sem_wait( semBlockLock ); // close the gate
     if ( 0 != nWaitersGone ) {
       nWaitersBlocked -= nWaitersGone;
       nWaitersGone = 0;
     if (bAll) {
       nWaitersToUnblock = nWaitersBlocked;
       nWaitersBlocked = 0;
     else {
       nWaitersToUnblock = 1;
     unlock( mtxUnblockLock );
     sem_post( semBlockQueue );
   else { // NO-OP
     unlock( mtxUnblockLock );
   return result;
 hevBlockLock - auto-reset event
 hevBlockQueue - auto-reset event
 mtxExternal - mutex or CS
 mtxUnblockLock - mutex or CS
 nWaitersGone - int
 nWaitersBlocked - int
 nWaitersToUnblock - int
 wait( timeout ) {
   [auto: register int result          ]     // error checking omitted
   [auto: register int nSignalsWasLeft ]
   [auto: register int nWaitersWasGone ]
   wait( hevBlockLock,INFINITE );
   set_event( hevBlockLock );
   unlock( mtxExternal );
   bTimedOut = wait( hevBlockQueue,timeout );
   lock( mtxUnblockLock );
   if ( 0 != (SignalsWasLeft = nWaitersToUnblock) ) {
     if ( bTimeout ) {                       // timeout (or canceled)
       if ( 0 != nWaitersBlocked ) {
         nSignalsWasLeft = 0;                // do not unblock next waiter
 below (already unblocked)
       else {
         nWaitersGone = 1;                   // spurious wakeup pending!!
     if ( 0 == --nWaitersToUnblock )
       if ( 0 != nWaitersBlocked ) {
         set_event( hevBlockLock );          // open the gate
         nSignalsWasLeft = 0;                // do not open the gate below
       else if ( 0 != (nWaitersWasGone = nWaitersGone) ) {
         nWaitersGone = 0;
   else if ( INT_MAX/2 == ++nWaitersGone ) { // timeout/canceled or spurious
 event :-)
     wait( hevBlockLock,INFINITE );
     nWaitersBlocked -= nWaitersGone;        // something is going on here -
 test of timeouts? :-)
     set_event( hevBlockLock );
     nWaitersGone = 0;
   unlock( mtxUnblockLock );
   if ( 1 == nSignalsWasLeft ) {
     if ( 0 != nWaitersWasGone ) {
       reset_event( hevBlockQueue );         // better now than spurious
     set_event( hevBlockLock );              // open the gate
   else if ( 0 != nSignalsWasLeft ) {
     set_event( hevBlockQueue );             // unblock next waiter
   lock( mtxExternal );
   return ( bTimedOut ) ? ETIMEOUT : 0;
 signal(bAll) {
   [auto: register int result ]
   lock( mtxUnblockLock );
   if ( 0 != nWaitersToUnblock ) { // the gate is closed!!!
     if ( 0 == nWaitersBlocked ) { // NO-OP
       return unlock( mtxUnblockLock );
     if (bAll) {
       nWaitersToUnblock += nWaitersBlocked;
       nWaitersBlocked = 0;
     else {
     unlock( mtxUnblockLock );
   else if ( nWaitersBlocked > nWaitersGone ) { // HARMLESS RACE CONDITION!
     wait( hevBlockLock,INFINITE ); // close the gate
     if ( 0 != nWaitersGone ) {
       nWaitersBlocked -= nWaitersGone;
       nWaitersGone = 0;
     if (bAll) {
       nWaitersToUnblock = nWaitersBlocked;
       nWaitersBlocked = 0;
     else {
       nWaitersToUnblock = 1;
     unlock( mtxUnblockLock );
     set_event( hevBlockQueue );
   else { // NO-OP
     unlock( mtxUnblockLock );
   return result;
 ---------- Algorithm 8d / IMPL_EVENT,UNBLOCK_STRATEGY == UNBLOCK_ALL ------
 hevBlockLock - auto-reset event
 hevBlockQueueS - auto-reset event  // for signals
 hevBlockQueueB - manual-reset even // for broadcasts
 mtxExternal - mutex or CS
 mtxUnblockLock - mutex or CS
 eBroadcast - int                   // 0: no broadcast, 1: broadcast, 2:
 broadcast after signal(s)
 nWaitersGone - int
 nWaitersBlocked - int
 nWaitersToUnblock - int
 wait( timeout ) {
   [auto: register int result          ]     // error checking omitted
   [auto: register int eWasBroadcast   ]
   [auto: register int nSignalsWasLeft ]
   [auto: register int nWaitersWasGone ]
   wait( hevBlockLock,INFINITE );
   set_event( hevBlockLock );
   unlock( mtxExternal );
   bTimedOut = waitformultiple( hevBlockQueueS,hevBlockQueueB,timeout,ONE );
   lock( mtxUnblockLock );
   if ( 0 != (SignalsWasLeft = nWaitersToUnblock) ) {
     if ( bTimeout ) {                       // timeout (or canceled)
       if ( 0 != nWaitersBlocked ) {
         nSignalsWasLeft = 0;                // do not unblock next waiter
 below (already unblocked)
       else if ( 1 != eBroadcast ) {
         nWaitersGone = 1;
     if ( 0 == --nWaitersToUnblock ) {
       if ( 0 != nWaitersBlocked ) {
         set_event( hevBlockLock );           // open the gate
         nSignalsWasLeft = 0;                 // do not open the gate below
       else {
         if ( 0 != (eWasBroadcast = eBroadcast) ) {
           eBroadcast = 0;
         if ( 0 != (nWaitersWasGone = nWaitersGone ) {
           nWaitersGone = 0;
     else if ( 0 != eBroadcast ) {
       nSignalsWasLeft = 0;                  // do not unblock next waiter
 below (already unblocked)
   else if ( INT_MAX/2 == ++nWaitersGone ) { // timeout/canceled or spurious
 event :-)
     wait( hevBlockLock,INFINITE );
     nWaitersBlocked -= nWaitersGone;        // something is going on here -
 test of timeouts? :-)
     set_event( hevBlockLock );
     nWaitersGone = 0;
   unlock( mtxUnblockLock );
   if ( 1 == nSignalsWasLeft ) {
     if ( 0 != eWasBroadcast ) {
       reset_event( hevBlockQueueB );
     if ( 0 != nWaitersWasGone ) {
       reset_event( hevBlockQueueS );        // better now than spurious
     set_event( hevBlockLock );              // open the gate
   else if ( 0 != nSignalsWasLeft ) {
     set_event( hevBlockQueueS );            // unblock next waiter
   lock( mtxExternal );
   return ( bTimedOut ) ? ETIMEOUT : 0;
 signal(bAll) {
   [auto: register int    result        ]
   [auto: register HANDLE hevBlockQueue ]
   lock( mtxUnblockLock );
   if ( 0 != nWaitersToUnblock ) { // the gate is closed!!!
     if ( 0 == nWaitersBlocked ) { // NO-OP
       return unlock( mtxUnblockLock );
     if (bAll) {
       nWaitersToUnblock += nWaitersBlocked;
       nWaitersBlocked = 0;
       eBroadcast = 2;
       hevBlockQueue = hevBlockQueueB;
     else {
       return unlock( mtxUnblockLock );
   else if ( nWaitersBlocked > nWaitersGone ) { // HARMLESS RACE CONDITION!
     wait( hevBlockLock,INFINITE ); // close the gate
     if ( 0 != nWaitersGone ) {
       nWaitersBlocked -= nWaitersGone;
       nWaitersGone = 0;
     if (bAll) {
       nWaitersToUnblock = nWaitersBlocked;
       nWaitersBlocked = 0;
       eBroadcast = 1;
       hevBlockQueue = hevBlockQueueB;
     else {
       nWaitersToUnblock = 1;
       hevBlockQueue = hevBlockQueueS;
   else { // NO-OP
     return unlock( mtxUnblockLock );
   unlock( mtxUnblockLock );
   set_event( hevBlockQueue );
   return result;
 ---------------------- Forwarded by Alexander Terekhov/Germany/IBM on
 02/21/2001 09:13 AM ---------------------------
 Alexander Terekhov
 02/20/2001 04:33 PM
 To:   Louis Thomas <>
 From: Alexander Terekhov/Germany/IBM@IBMDE
 Subject:  RE: FYI/comp.programming.threads/Re: pthread_cond_* implementatio
       n questions
 Importance:    Normal
 >Sorry, gotta take a break and work on something else for a while.
 >Real work
 >calls, unfortunately. I'll get back to you in two or three days.
 ok. no problem. here is some more stuff for pauses you might have
 in between :)
 ---------- Algorithm 7d / IMPL_EVENT,UNBLOCK_STRATEGY == UNBLOCK_ALL ------
 hevBlockLock - auto-reset event
 hevBlockQueueS - auto-reset event  // for signals
 hevBlockQueueB - manual-reset even // for broadcasts
 mtxExternal - mutex or CS
 mtxUnblockLock - mutex or CS
 bBroadcast - int
 nWaitersGone - int
 nWaitersBlocked - int
 nWaitersToUnblock - int
 wait( timeout ) {
   [auto: register int result          ]     // error checking omitted
   [auto: register int bWasBroadcast   ]
   [auto: register int nSignalsWasLeft ]
   wait( hevBlockLock,INFINITE );
   set_event( hevBlockLock );
   unlock( mtxExternal );
   bTimedOut = waitformultiple( hevBlockQueueS,hevBlockQueueB,timeout,ONE );
   lock( mtxUnblockLock );
   if ( 0 != (SignalsWasLeft = nWaitersToUnblock) ) {
     if ( bTimeout ) {                       // timeout (or canceled)
       if ( 0 != nWaitersBlocked ) {
         nSignalsWasLeft = 0;                // do not unblock next waiter
 below (already unblocked)
       else if ( !bBroadcast ) {
         wait( hevBlockQueueS,INFINITE );    // better now than spurious
     if ( 0 == --nWaitersToUnblock ) {
       if ( 0 != nWaitersBlocked ) {
         if ( bBroadcast ) {
           reset_event( hevBlockQueueB );
           bBroadcast = false;
         set_event( hevBlockLock );           // open the gate
         nSignalsWasLeft = 0;                 // do not open the gate below
       else if ( false != (bWasBroadcast = bBroadcast) ) {
         bBroadcast = false;
     else {
       bWasBroadcast = bBroadcast;
   else if ( INT_MAX/2 == ++nWaitersGone ) { // timeout/canceled or spurious
 event :-)
     wait( hevBlockLock,INFINITE );
     nWaitersBlocked -= nWaitersGone;        // something is going on here -
 test of timeouts? :-)
     set_event( hevBlockLock );
     nWaitersGone = 0;
   unlock( mtxUnblockLock );
   if ( 1 == nSignalsWasLeft ) {
     if ( bWasBroadcast ) {
       reset_event( hevBlockQueueB );
     set_event( hevBlockLock );              // open the gate
   else if ( 0 != nSignalsWasLeft && !bWasBroadcast ) {
     set_event( hevBlockQueueS );            // unblock next waiter
   lock( mtxExternal );
   return ( bTimedOut ) ? ETIMEOUT : 0;
 signal(bAll) {
   [auto: register int    result        ]
   [auto: register HANDLE hevBlockQueue ]
   lock( mtxUnblockLock );
   if ( 0 != nWaitersToUnblock ) { // the gate is closed!!!
     if ( 0 == nWaitersBlocked ) { // NO-OP
       return unlock( mtxUnblockLock );
     if (bAll) {
       nWaitersToUnblock += nWaitersBlocked;
       nWaitersBlocked = 0;
       bBroadcast = true;
       hevBlockQueue = hevBlockQueueB;
     else {
       return unlock( mtxUnblockLock );
   else if ( nWaitersBlocked > nWaitersGone ) { // HARMLESS RACE CONDITION!
     wait( hevBlockLock,INFINITE ); // close the gate
     if ( 0 != nWaitersGone ) {
       nWaitersBlocked -= nWaitersGone;
       nWaitersGone = 0;
     if (bAll) {
       nWaitersToUnblock = nWaitersBlocked;
       nWaitersBlocked = 0;
       bBroadcast = true;
       hevBlockQueue = hevBlockQueueB;
     else {
       nWaitersToUnblock = 1;
       hevBlockQueue = hevBlockQueueS;
   else { // NO-OP
     return unlock( mtxUnblockLock );
   unlock( mtxUnblockLock );
   set_event( hevBlockQueue );
   return result;
 Subject: RE: FYI/comp.programming.threads/Re: pthread_cond_* implementatio
      n questions
 Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 22:20:12 -0600
 From: Louis Thomas <>
 To: "''" <>
 CC:, Thomas Pfaff <>,
      Nanbor Wang
 Sorry all. Busy week.
 > this insures the fairness
 > which POSIX does not (e.g. two subsequent broadcasts - the gate does
 > that first wave waiters will start the race for the mutex before waiters
 > from the second wave - Linux pthreads process/unblock both waves
 > concurrently...)
 I'm not sure how we are any more fair about this than Linux. We certainly
 don't guarantee that the threads released by the first broadcast will get
 the external mutex before the threads of the second wave. In fact, it is
 possible that those threads will never get the external mutex if there is
 enough contention for it.
 > e.g. i was thinking about implementation with a pool of
 > N semaphores/counters [...]
 I considered that too. The problem is as you mentioned in a). You really
 need to assign threads to semaphores once you know how you want to wake them
 up, not when they first begin waiting which is the only time you can assign
 > well, i am not quite sure that i've fully understood your scenario,
 Hmm. Well, it think it's an important example, so I'll try again. First, we
 have thread A which we KNOW is waiting on a condition. As soon as it becomes
 unblocked for any reason, we will know because it will set a flag. Since the
 flag is not set, we are 100% confident that thread A is waiting on the
 condition. We have another thread, thread B, which has acquired the mutex
 and is about to wait on the condition. Thus it is pretty clear that at any
 point, either just A is waiting, or A and B are waiting. Now thread C comes
 along. C is about to do a broadcast on the condition. A broadcast is
 guaranteed to unblock all threads currently waiting on a condition, right?
 Again, we said that either just A is waiting, or A and B are both waiting.
 So, when C does its broadcast, depending upon whether B has started waiting
 or not, thread C will unblock A or unblock A and B. Either way, C must
 unblock A, right?
 Now, you said anything that happens is correct so long as a) "a signal is
 not lost between unlocking the mutex and waiting on the condition" and b) "a
 thread must not steal a signal it sent", correct? Requirement b) is easy to
 satisfy: in this scenario, thread C will never wait on the condition, so it
 won't steal any signals.  Requirement a) is not hard either. The only way we
 could fail to meet requirement a) in this scenario is if thread B was
 started waiting but didn't wake up because a signal was lost. This will not
 Now, here is what happens. Assume thread C beats thread B. Thread C looks to
 see how many threads are waiting on the condition. Thread C sees just one
 thread, thread A, waiting. It does a broadcast waking up just one thread
 because just one thread is waiting. Next, before A can become unblocked,
 thread B begins waiting. Now there are two threads waiting, but only one
 will be unblocked. Suppose B wins. B will become unblocked. A will not
 become unblocked, because C only unblocked one thread (sema_post cond, 1).
 So at the end, B finishes and A remains blocked.
 We have met both of your requirements, so by your rules, this is an
 acceptable outcome. However, I think that the spec says this is an
 unacceptable outcome! We know for certain that A was waiting and that C did
 a broadcast, but A did not become unblocked! Yet, the spec says that a
 broadcast wakes up all waiting threads. This did not happen. Do you agree
 that this shows your rules are not strict enough?
 > and what about N2? :) this one does allow almost everything.
 Don't get me started about rule #2. I'll NEVER advocate an algorithm that
 uses rule 2 as an excuse to suck!
 > but it is done (decrement)under mutex protection - this is not a subject
 > of a race condition.
 You are correct. My mistake.
 > i would remove "_bTimedOut=false".. after all, it was a real timeout..
 I disagree. A thread that can't successfully retract its waiter status can't
 really have timed out. If a thread can't return without executing extra code
 to deal with the fact that someone tried to unblock it, I think it is a poor
 idea to pretend we
 didn't realize someone was trying to signal us. After all, a signal is more
 important than a time out.
 > when nSignaled != 0, it is possible to update nWaiters (--) and do not
 > touch nGone
 I realize this, but I was thinking that writing it the other ways saves
 another if statement.
 > adjust only if nGone != 0 and save one cache memory write - probably much
 slower than 'if'
 Hmm. You are probably right.
 > well, in a strange (e.g. timeout test) program you may (theoretically)
 > have an overflow of nWaiters/nGone counters (with waiters repeatedly
 > out and no signals at all).
 Also true. Not only that, but you also have the possibility that one could
 overflow the number of waiters as well! However, considering the limit you
 have chosen for nWaitersGone, I suppose it is unlikely that anyone would be
 able to get INT_MAX/2 threads waiting on a single condition. :)
 Analysis of 8a:
 It looks correct to me.
 What are IPC semaphores?
 In the line where you state, "else if ( nWaitersBlocked > nWaitersGone ) {
 // HARMLESS RACE CONDITION!" there is no race condition for nWaitersGone
 because nWaitersGone is never modified without holding mtxUnblockLock. You
 are correct that there is a harmless race on nWaitersBlocked, which can
 increase and make the condition become true just after we check it. If this
 happens, we interpret it as the wait starting after the signal.
 I like your optimization of this. You could improve Alg. 6 as follows:
 ---------- Algorithm 6b ----------
 signal(bAll) {
   lock counters
   // this is safe because nWaiting can only be decremented by a thread that
   // owns counters and nGone can only be changed by a thread that owns
   if (nWaiting>nGone) {
     if (0==nSignaled) {
       sema_wait gate // close gate if not already closed
     if (nGone>0) {
   unlock counters
   if (0!=_nSig) {
     sema_post queue, _nSig
 ---------- ---------- ----------
 I guess this wouldn't apply to Alg 8a because nWaitersGone changes meanings
 depending upon whether the gate is open or closed.
 In the loop "while ( nWaitersWasGone-- ) {" you do a sema_wait on
 semBlockLock. Perhaps waiting on semBlockQueue would be a better idea.
 What have you gained by making the last thread to be signaled do the waits
 for all the timed out threads, besides added complexity? It took me a long
 time to figure out what your objective was with this, to realize you were
 using nWaitersGone to mean two different things, and to verify that you
 hadn't introduced any bug by doing this. Even now I'm not 100% sure.
 What has all this playing about with nWaitersGone really gained us besides a
 lot of complexity (it is much harder to verify that this solution is
 correct), execution overhead (we now have a lot more if statements to
 evaluate), and space overhead (more space for the extra code, and another
 integer in our data)? We did manage to save a lock/unlock pair in an
 uncommon case (when a time out occurs) at the above mentioned expenses in
 the common cases.
 As for 8b, c, and d, they look ok though I haven't studied them thoroughly.
 What would you use them for?
         -Louis! :)
 Subject: RE: FYI/comp.programming.threads/Re: pthread_cond_* implementatio
      n questions
 Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 15:51:28 +0100
 To: Louis Thomas <>
 CC:, Thomas Pfaff <>,
      Nanbor Wang <>
 Hi Louis,
 >> that first wave waiters will start the race for the mutex before waiters
 >> from the second wave - Linux pthreads process/unblock both waves
 >> concurrently...)
 >I'm not sure how we are any more fair about this than Linux. We certainly
 >don't guarantee that the threads released by the first broadcast will get
 >the external mutex before the threads of the second wave. In fact, it is
 >possible that those threads will never get the external mutex if there is
 >enough contention for it.
 correct. but gate is nevertheless more fair than Linux because of the
 barrier it establishes between two races (1st and 2nd wave waiters) for
 the mutex which under 'normal' circumstances (e.g. all threads of equal
 priorities,..) will 'probably' result in fair behaviour with respect to
 mutex ownership.
 >> well, i am not quite sure that i've fully understood your scenario,
 >Hmm. Well, it think it's an important example, so I'll try again. ...
 ok. now i seem to understand this example. well, now it seems to me
 that the only meaningful rule is just:
 a) "a signal is not lost between unlocking the mutex and waiting on the
 and that the rule
 b) "a thread must not steal a signal it sent"
 is not needed at all because a thread which violates b) also violates a).
 i'll try to explain..
 i think that the most important thing is how POSIX defines waiter's
 "if another thread is able to acquire the mutex after the about-to-block
 has released it, then a subsequent call to pthread_cond_signal() or
 pthread_cond_broadcast() in that thread behaves as if it were issued after
 the about-to-block thread has blocked. "
 my understanding is the following:
 1) there is no guarantees whatsoever with respect to whether
 will actually unblock any 'waiter' if it is done w/o acquiring the mutex
 (note that a thread may release it before signal/broadcast - it does not
 2) it is guaranteed that waiters become 'visible' - eligible for unblock as
 as signalling thread acquires the mutex (but not before!!)
 >So, when C does its broadcast, depending upon whether B has started
 >or not, thread C will unblock A or unblock A and B. Either way, C must
 >unblock A, right?
 right. but only if C did acquire the mutex prior to broadcast (it may
 release it before broadcast as well).
 implementation will violate waiters visibility rule (signal will become
 if C will not unblock A.
 >Now, here is what happens. Assume thread C beats thread B. Thread C looks
 >see how many threads are waiting on the condition. Thread C sees just one
 >thread, thread A, waiting. It does a broadcast waking up just one thread
 >because just one thread is waiting. Next, before A can become unblocked,
 >thread B begins waiting. Now there are two threads waiting, but only one
 >will be unblocked. Suppose B wins. B will become unblocked. A will not
 >become unblocked, because C only unblocked one thread (sema_post cond, 1).
 >So at the end, B finishes and A remains blocked.
 thread C did acquire the mutex ("Thread C sees just one thread, thread A,
 waiting"). beginning from that moment it is guaranteed that subsequent
 broadcast will unblock A. Otherwise we will have a lost signal with respect
 to A. I do think that it does not matter whether the signal was physically
 (completely) lost or was just stolen by another thread (B) - in both cases
 it was simply lost with respect to A.
 >..Do you agree that this shows your rules are not strict enough?
 probably the opposite.. :-) i think that it shows that the only meaningful
 rule is
 a) "a signal is not lost between unlocking the mutex and waiting on the
 with clarification of waiters visibility as defined by POSIX above.
 >> i would remove "_bTimedOut=false".. after all, it was a real timeout..
 >I disagree. A thread that can't successfully retract its waiter status
 >really have timed out. If a thread can't return without executing extra
 >to deal with the fact that someone tried to unblock it, I think it is a
 >idea to pretend we
 >didn't realize someone was trying to signal us. After all, a signal is
 >important than a time out.
 a) POSIX does allow timed out thread to consume a signal (cancelled is
 b) ETIMEDOUT status just says that: "The time specified by abstime to
 pthread_cond_timedwait() has passed."
 c) it seem to me that hiding timeouts would violate "The
 function is the same as pthread_cond_wait() except that an error is
 returned if
 the absolute time specified by abstime passes (that is, system time equals
 exceeds abstime) before the condition cond is signaled or broadcasted"
 the abs. time did really pass before cond was signaled (waiter was
 released via semaphore). however, if it really matters, i could imaging
 that we
 can save an abs. time of signal/broadcast and compare it with timeout after
 unblock to find out whether it was a 'real' timeout or not. absent this
 i do think that hiding timeouts would result in technical violation of
 specification.. but i think that this check is not important and we can
 trust timeout error code provided by wait since we are not trying to make
 'hard' realtime implementation.
 >What are IPC semaphores?
 int   semctl(int, int, int, ...);
 int   semget(key_t, int, int);
 int   semop(int, struct sembuf *, size_t);
 they support adjustment of semaphore counter (semvalue)
 in one single call - imaging Win32 ReleaseSemaphore( hsem,-N )
 >In the line where you state, "else if ( nWaitersBlocked > nWaitersGone ) {
 >// HARMLESS RACE CONDITION!" there is no race condition for nWaitersGone
 >because nWaitersGone is never modified without holding mtxUnblockLock. You
 >are correct that there is a harmless race on nWaitersBlocked, which can
 >increase and make the condition become true just after we check it. If
 >happens, we interpret it as the wait starting after the signal.
 well, the reason why i've asked on comp.programming.threads whether this
 condition is harmless or not is that in order to be harmless it should not
 violate the waiters visibility rule (see above). Fortunately, we increment
 the counter under protection of external mutex.. so that any (signalling)
 thread which will acquire the mutex next, should see the updated counter
 (in signal) according to POSIX memory visibility rules and mutexes
 (memory barriers). But i am not so sure how it actually works on
 which does not explicitly define any memory visibility rules :(
 >I like your optimization of this. You could improve Alg. 6 as follows:
 >---------- Algorithm 6b ----------
 >signal(bAll) {
 >  _nSig=0
 >  lock counters
 >  // this is safe because nWaiting can only be decremented by a thread
 >  // owns counters and nGone can only be changed by a thread that owns
 >  if (nWaiting>nGone) {
 >    if (0==nSignaled) {
 >      sema_wait gate // close gate if not already closed
 >    }
 >    if (nGone>0) {
 >      nWaiting-=nGone
 >      nGone=0
 >    }
 >    _nSig=bAll?nWaiting:1
 >    nSignaled+=_nSig
 >    nWaiting-=_nSig
 >  }
 >  unlock counters
 >  if (0!=_nSig) {
 >    sema_post queue, _nSig
 >  }
 >---------- ---------- ----------
 >I guess this wouldn't apply to Alg 8a because nWaitersGone changes
 >depending upon whether the gate is open or closed.
 >In the loop "while ( nWaitersWasGone-- ) {" you do a sema_wait on
 >semBlockLock. Perhaps waiting on semBlockQueue would be a better idea.
 you are correct. my mistake.
 >What have you gained by making the last thread to be signaled do the waits
 >for all the timed out threads, besides added complexity? It took me a long
 >time to figure out what your objective was with this, to realize you were
 >using nWaitersGone to mean two different things, and to verify that you
 >hadn't introduced any bug by doing this. Even now I'm not 100% sure.
 >What has all this playing about with nWaitersGone really gained us besides
 >lot of complexity (it is much harder to verify that this solution is
 >correct), execution overhead (we now have a lot more if statements to
 >evaluate), and space overhead (more space for the extra code, and another
 >integer in our data)? We did manage to save a lock/unlock pair in an
 >uncommon case (when a time out occurs) at the above mentioned expenses in
 >the common cases.
 well, please consider the following:
 1) with multiple waiters unblocked (but some timed out) the trick with
 seem to ensure potentially higher level of concurrency by not delaying
 most of unblocked waiters for semaphore cleanup - only the last one
 will be delayed but all others would already contend/acquire/release
 the external mutex - the critical section protected by mtxUnblockLock is
 made smaller (increment + couple of IFs is faster than system/kernel call)
 which i think is good in general. however, you are right, this is done
 at expense of 'normal' waiters..
 2) some semaphore APIs (e.g. POSIX IPC sems) do allow to adjust the
 semaphore counter in one call => less system/kernel calls.. imagine:
 if ( 1 == nSignalsWasLeft ) {
     if ( 0 != nWaitersWasGone ) {
       ReleaseSemaphore( semBlockQueue,-nWaitersWasGone );  // better now
 than spurious later
     sem_post( semBlockLock );              // open the gate
 3) even on win32 a single thread doing multiple cleanup calls (to wait)
 will probably result in faster execution (because of processor caching)
 than multiple threads each doing a single call to wait.
 >As for 8b, c, and d, they look ok though I haven't studied them
 >What would you use them for?
 8b) for semaphores which do not allow to unblock multiple waiters
 in a single call to post/release (e.g. POSIX realtime semaphores -
 8c/8d) for WinCE prior to 3.0 (WinCE 3.0 does have semaphores)
 ok. so, which one is the 'final' algorithm(s) which we should use in
 Louis Thomas <> on 02/27/2001 05:20:12 AM
 Please respond to Louis Thomas <>
 To:   Alexander Terekhov/Germany/IBM@IBMDE
 cc:, Thomas Pfaff <>, Nanbor Wang
 Subject:  RE: FYI/comp.programming.threads/Re: pthread_cond_* implementatio
       n questions
 Sorry all. Busy week.
 > this insures the fairness
 > which POSIX does not (e.g. two subsequent broadcasts - the gate does
 > that first wave waiters will start the race for the mutex before waiters
 > from the second wave - Linux pthreads process/unblock both waves
 > concurrently...)
 I'm not sure how we are any more fair about this than Linux. We certainly
 don't guarantee that the threads released by the first broadcast will get
 the external mutex before the threads of the second wave. In fact, it is
 possible that those threads will never get the external mutex if there is
 enough contention for it.
 > e.g. i was thinking about implementation with a pool of
 > N semaphores/counters [...]
 I considered that too. The problem is as you mentioned in a). You really
 need to assign threads to semaphores once you know how you want to wake
 up, not when they first begin waiting which is the only time you can assign
 > well, i am not quite sure that i've fully understood your scenario,
 Hmm. Well, it think it's an important example, so I'll try again. First, we
 have thread A which we KNOW is waiting on a condition. As soon as it
 unblocked for any reason, we will know because it will set a flag. Since
 flag is not set, we are 100% confident that thread A is waiting on the
 condition. We have another thread, thread B, which has acquired the mutex
 and is about to wait on the condition. Thus it is pretty clear that at any
 point, either just A is waiting, or A and B are waiting. Now thread C comes
 along. C is about to do a broadcast on the condition. A broadcast is
 guaranteed to unblock all threads currently waiting on a condition, right?
 Again, we said that either just A is waiting, or A and B are both waiting.
 So, when C does its broadcast, depending upon whether B has started waiting
 or not, thread C will unblock A or unblock A and B. Either way, C must
 unblock A, right?
 Now, you said anything that happens is correct so long as a) "a signal is
 not lost between unlocking the mutex and waiting on the condition" and b)
 thread must not steal a signal it sent", correct? Requirement b) is easy to
 satisfy: in this scenario, thread C will never wait on the condition, so it
 won't steal any signals.  Requirement a) is not hard either. The only way
 could fail to meet requirement a) in this scenario is if thread B was
 started waiting but didn't wake up because a signal was lost. This will not
 Now, here is what happens. Assume thread C beats thread B. Thread C looks
 see how many threads are waiting on the condition. Thread C sees just one
 thread, thread A, waiting. It does a broadcast waking up just one thread
 because just one thread is waiting. Next, before A can become unblocked,
 thread B begins waiting. Now there are two threads waiting, but only one
 will be unblocked. Suppose B wins. B will become unblocked. A will not
 become unblocked, because C only unblocked one thread (sema_post cond, 1).
 So at the end, B finishes and A remains blocked.
 We have met both of your requirements, so by your rules, this is an
 acceptable outcome. However, I think that the spec says this is an
 unacceptable outcome! We know for certain that A was waiting and that C did
 a broadcast, but A did not become unblocked! Yet, the spec says that a
 broadcast wakes up all waiting threads. This did not happen. Do you agree
 that this shows your rules are not strict enough?
 > and what about N2? :) this one does allow almost everything.
 Don't get me started about rule #2. I'll NEVER advocate an algorithm that
 uses rule 2 as an excuse to suck!
 > but it is done (decrement)under mutex protection - this is not a subject
 > of a race condition.
 You are correct. My mistake.
 > i would remove "_bTimedOut=false".. after all, it was a real timeout..
 I disagree. A thread that can't successfully retract its waiter status
 really have timed out. If a thread can't return without executing extra
 to deal with the fact that someone tried to unblock it, I think it is a
 idea to pretend we
 didn't realize someone was trying to signal us. After all, a signal is more
 important than a time out.
 > when nSignaled != 0, it is possible to update nWaiters (--) and do not
 > touch nGone
 I realize this, but I was thinking that writing it the other ways saves
 another if statement.
 > adjust only if nGone != 0 and save one cache memory write - probably much
 slower than 'if'
 Hmm. You are probably right.
 > well, in a strange (e.g. timeout test) program you may (theoretically)
 > have an overflow of nWaiters/nGone counters (with waiters repeatedly
 > out and no signals at all).
 Also true. Not only that, but you also have the possibility that one could
 overflow the number of waiters as well! However, considering the limit you
 have chosen for nWaitersGone, I suppose it is unlikely that anyone would be
 able to get INT_MAX/2 threads waiting on a single condition. :)
 Analysis of 8a:
 It looks correct to me.
 What are IPC semaphores?
 In the line where you state, "else if ( nWaitersBlocked > nWaitersGone ) {
 // HARMLESS RACE CONDITION!" there is no race condition for nWaitersGone
 because nWaitersGone is never modified without holding mtxUnblockLock. You
 are correct that there is a harmless race on nWaitersBlocked, which can
 increase and make the condition become true just after we check it. If this
 happens, we interpret it as the wait starting after the signal.
 I like your optimization of this. You could improve Alg. 6 as follows:
 ---------- Algorithm 6b ----------
 signal(bAll) {
   lock counters
   // this is safe because nWaiting can only be decremented by a thread that
   // owns counters and nGone can only be changed by a thread that owns
   if (nWaiting>nGone) {
     if (0==nSignaled) {
       sema_wait gate // close gate if not already closed
     if (nGone>0) {
   unlock counters
   if (0!=_nSig) {
     sema_post queue, _nSig
 ---------- ---------- ----------
 I guess this wouldn't apply to Alg 8a because nWaitersGone changes meanings
 depending upon whether the gate is open or closed.
 In the loop "while ( nWaitersWasGone-- ) {" you do a sema_wait on
 semBlockLock. Perhaps waiting on semBlockQueue would be a better idea.
 What have you gained by making the last thread to be signaled do the waits
 for all the timed out threads, besides added complexity? It took me a long
 time to figure out what your objective was with this, to realize you were
 using nWaitersGone to mean two different things, and to verify that you
 hadn't introduced any bug by doing this. Even now I'm not 100% sure.
 What has all this playing about with nWaitersGone really gained us besides
 lot of complexity (it is much harder to verify that this solution is
 correct), execution overhead (we now have a lot more if statements to
 evaluate), and space overhead (more space for the extra code, and another
 integer in our data)? We did manage to save a lock/unlock pair in an
 uncommon case (when a time out occurs) at the above mentioned expenses in
 the common cases.
 As for 8b, c, and d, they look ok though I haven't studied them thoroughly.
 What would you use them for?
         -Louis! :)