 /* Types.h -- Basic types
 2008-11-23 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */
 #ifndef __7Z_TYPES_H
 #define __7Z_TYPES_H
 #include <stddef.h>
 #ifdef _WIN32
 #include <windows.h>
 /* aCaB -- lame workaround for "Byte" refef */
 #include <zconf.h>
 #define SZ_OK 0
 #define SZ_ERROR_DATA 1
 #define SZ_ERROR_MEM 2
 #define SZ_ERROR_CRC 3
 #define SZ_ERROR_PARAM 5
 #define SZ_ERROR_READ 8
 #define SZ_ERROR_WRITE 9
 #define SZ_ERROR_FAIL 11
 #define SZ_ERROR_THREAD 12
 #define SZ_ERROR_ARCHIVE 16
 typedef int SRes;
 #ifdef _WIN32
 typedef DWORD WRes;
 typedef int WRes;
 #ifndef RINOK
 #define RINOK(x) { int __result__ = (x); if (__result__ != 0) return __result__; }
 /* aCaB -- use Byte defined in zconf.h
 typedef unsigned char Byte;
 typedef short Int16;
 typedef unsigned short UInt16;
 typedef long Int32;
 typedef unsigned long UInt32;
 typedef int Int32;
 typedef unsigned int UInt32;
 #ifdef _SZ_NO_INT_64
 /* define _SZ_NO_INT_64, if your compiler doesn't support 64-bit integers.
    NOTES: Some code will work incorrectly in that case! */
 typedef long Int64;
 typedef unsigned long UInt64;
 #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
 typedef __int64 Int64;
 typedef unsigned __int64 UInt64;
 typedef long long int Int64;
 typedef unsigned long long int UInt64;
 typedef UInt32 SizeT;
 typedef size_t SizeT;
 typedef int Bool;
 #define True 1
 #define False 0
 #ifdef _MSC_VER
 #if _MSC_VER >= 1300
 #define MY_NO_INLINE __declspec(noinline)
 #define MY_NO_INLINE
 #define MY_CDECL __cdecl
 #define MY_STD_CALL __stdcall
 #define MY_FAST_CALL MY_NO_INLINE __fastcall
 #define MY_CDECL
 #define MY_STD_CALL
 #define MY_FAST_CALL
 /* The following interfaces use first parameter as pointer to structure */
 typedef struct
   SRes (*Read)(void *p, void *buf, size_t *size);
     /* if (input(*size) != 0 && output(*size) == 0) means end_of_stream.
        (output(*size) < input(*size)) is allowed */
 } ISeqInStream;
 /* it can return SZ_ERROR_INPUT_EOF */
 SRes SeqInStream_Read(ISeqInStream *stream, void *buf, size_t size);
 SRes SeqInStream_Read2(ISeqInStream *stream, void *buf, size_t size, SRes errorType);
 SRes SeqInStream_ReadByte(ISeqInStream *stream, Byte *buf);
 typedef struct
   size_t (*Write)(void *p, const void *buf, size_t size);
     /* Returns: result - the number of actually written bytes.
        (result < size) means error */
 } ISeqOutStream;
 typedef enum
   SZ_SEEK_SET = 0,
   SZ_SEEK_CUR = 1,
   SZ_SEEK_END = 2
 } ESzSeek;
 typedef struct
   SRes (*Read)(void *p, void *buf, size_t *size);  /* same as ISeqInStream::Read */
   SRes (*Seek)(void *p, Int64 *pos, ESzSeek origin);
 } ISeekInStream;
 typedef struct
   SRes (*Look)(void *p, void **buf, size_t *size);
     /* if (input(*size) != 0 && output(*size) == 0) means end_of_stream.
        (output(*size) > input(*size)) is not allowed
        (output(*size) < input(*size)) is allowed */
   SRes (*Skip)(void *p, size_t offset);
     /* offset must be <= output(*size) of Look */
   SRes (*Read)(void *p, void *buf, size_t *size);
     /* reads directly (without buffer). It's same as ISeqInStream::Read */
   SRes (*Seek)(void *p, Int64 *pos, ESzSeek origin);
 } ILookInStream;
 SRes LookInStream_LookRead(ILookInStream *stream, void *buf, size_t *size);
 SRes LookInStream_SeekTo(ILookInStream *stream, UInt64 offset);
 /* reads via ILookInStream::Read */
 SRes LookInStream_Read2(ILookInStream *stream, void *buf, size_t size, SRes errorType);
 SRes LookInStream_Read(ILookInStream *stream, void *buf, size_t size);
 #define LookToRead_BUF_SIZE (1 << 14)
 typedef struct
   ILookInStream s;
   ISeekInStream *realStream;
   size_t pos;
   size_t size;
   Byte buf[LookToRead_BUF_SIZE];
 } CLookToRead;
 void LookToRead_CreateVTable(CLookToRead *p, int lookahead);
 void LookToRead_Init(CLookToRead *p);
 typedef struct
   ISeqInStream s;
   ILookInStream *realStream;
 } CSecToLook;
 void SecToLook_CreateVTable(CSecToLook *p);
 typedef struct
   ISeqInStream s;
   ILookInStream *realStream;
 } CSecToRead;
 void SecToRead_CreateVTable(CSecToRead *p);
 typedef struct
   SRes (*Progress)(void *p, UInt64 inSize, UInt64 outSize);
     /* Returns: result. (result != SZ_OK) means break.
        Value (UInt64)(Int64)-1 for size means unknown value. */
 } ICompressProgress;
 typedef struct
   void *(*Alloc)(void *p, size_t size);
   void (*Free)(void *p, void *address); /* address can be 0 */
 } ISzAlloc;
 #define IAlloc_Alloc(p, size) (p)->Alloc((p), size)
 #define IAlloc_Free(p, a) (p)->Free((p), a)