LIBRARY libclamav
; cl_functions
; ------------
; These APIs are stable and can be safey linked by name or ordinal
; Note: add new exports to the bottom of this block!

EXPORTS cl_countsigs @1
EXPORTS cl_cvdfree @2
EXPORTS cl_cvdhead @3
EXPORTS cl_cvdparse @4
EXPORTS cl_cvdverify @5
EXPORTS cl_debug @6
EXPORTS cl_engine_addref @7
EXPORTS cl_engine_compile @8
EXPORTS cl_engine_free @9
EXPORTS cl_engine_get_num @10
EXPORTS cl_engine_new @11
EXPORTS cl_engine_set_num @12
EXPORTS cl_engine_set_str @13
EXPORTS cl_engine_settings_apply @14
EXPORTS cl_engine_settings_copy @15
EXPORTS cl_engine_settings_free @16
EXPORTS cl_init @17
EXPORTS cl_load @18
EXPORTS cl_retdbdir @19
EXPORTS cl_retflevel @20
EXPORTS cl_retver @21
EXPORTS cl_scandesc @22
EXPORTS cl_scanfile @23
EXPORTS cl_statchkdir @24
EXPORTS cl_statfree @25
EXPORTS cl_statinidir @26
EXPORTS cl_strerror @27
EXPORTS cl_engine_set_clcb_pre_scan @28
EXPORTS cl_engine_set_clcb_post_scan @29
EXPORTS cl_scandesc_callback @30
EXPORTS cl_engine_set_clcb_sigload @31
EXPORTS cl_scanfile_callback @32
EXPORTS cl_set_clcb_msg @33
EXPORTS cl_engine_set_clcb_hash @34
EXPORTS cl_engine_set_clcb_pre_cache @35
EXPORTS cl_engine_set_clcb_meta @36

; path variables
; --------------
; These variables (char *) are for primary use by the ClamAV tools
; They are however stable and safe to link by 3rd parties


; ------------------
; All the following symbols are private and therefore only exported by
; ordinals. The API and ABI is guaranteed to break frequently and
; ordinals will be randomized at each and every minor release.

; cli_xxxxx and other internal internal symbols required by the tools
EXPORTS cli_gentemp @44203 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_gentempfd @44204 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_gettmpdir @44205 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_regcomp @44206 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_regexec @44207 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_regfree @44208 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_ctime @44209 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_rmdirs @44210 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_isnumber @44211 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_strtok @44212 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_cvdunpack @44213 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_chomp @44214 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_strtokenize @44215 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_versig2 @44216 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_strerror @44217 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_rndnum @44218 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_unlink @44219 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_writen @44220 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_ftw @44221 NONAME
EXPORTS have_rar @44222 NONAME
EXPORTS have_clamjit @44223 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_bytecode_done @44224 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_bytecode_destroy @44225 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_bytecode_context_destroy @44226 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_bytecode_context_getresult_int @44227 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_bytecode_run @44228 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_bytecode_context_setfile @44230 NONAME
EXPORTS fmap @44231 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_bytecode_context_setparam_int @44232 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_bytecode_context_setfuncid @44233 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_bytecode_context_set_trace @44234 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_bytecode_context_alloc @44235 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_bytecode_prepare2 @44236 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_bytecode_load @44237 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_bytecode_init @44238 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_bytecode_debug @44239 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_bytecode_debug_printsrc @44240 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_bytecode_printversion @44241 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_printcxxver @44242 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_bytecode_describe @44243 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_malloc @44244 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_wm_decrypt_macro @44245 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_wm_readdir @44246 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_ppt_vba_read @44247 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_vba_inflate @44248 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_vba_readdir @44249 NONAME
EXPORTS uniq_get @44250 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_ole2_extract @44251 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_calloc @44252 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_str2hex @44253 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_hashstream @44254 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_hashfile @44255 NONAME
EXPORTS html_normalise_map @44256 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_utf16toascii @44257 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_strbcasestr @44258 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_ac_chklsig @44259 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_parse_add @44260 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_initroots @44261 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_hex2str @44262 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_hex2ui @44263 NONAME
EXPORTS mpool_getstats @44264 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_fmap_scandesc @44265 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_hashset_destroy @44266 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_detect_environment @44267 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_filecopy @44268 NONAME

; compatibility layer, tommath, zlib
EXPORTS w32_srand @44269 NONAME
EXPORTS w32_rand @44270 NONAME
EXPORTS gettimeofday @44271 NONAME
EXPORTS opendir @44272 NONAME
EXPORTS readdir @44273 NONAME
EXPORTS closedir @44274 NONAME
EXPORTS safe_open @44275 NONAME
EXPORTS snprintf @44276 NONAME
;EXPORTS mp_init @44277 NONAME
;EXPORTS mp_read_radix @44278 NONAME
;EXPORTS mp_clear @44279 NONAME
EXPORTS sha256_init @44280 NONAME
EXPORTS sha256_update @44281 NONAME
EXPORTS sha256_final @44282 NONAME
EXPORTS optget @44283 NONAME
EXPORTS optparse @44284 NONAME
EXPORTS optfree @44285 NONAME
EXPORTS w32_glob @44286 NONAME
EXPORTS dirname @44287 NONAME
EXPORTS basename @44288 NONAME
EXPORTS clam_options @44289 NONAME DATA

; zlib
EXPORTS gzopen @44290 NONAME
EXPORTS gzgets @44291 NONAME
EXPORTS gzdopen @44292 NONAME
EXPORTS gzclose @44293 NONAME
EXPORTS gzwrite @44294 NONAME
EXPORTS zlibCompileFlags @44295 NONAME
EXPORTS zlibVersion @44296 NONAME

; pthreads
EXPORTS pthread_mutex_lock @44297 NONAME
EXPORTS pthread_mutex_unlock @44298 NONAME
EXPORTS pthread_mutex_destroy @44299 NONAME
EXPORTS pthread_once @44300 NONAME
EXPORTS pthread_getspecific @44301 NONAME
EXPORTS pthread_setspecific @44302 NONAME
EXPORTS pthread_create @44303 NONAME
EXPORTS pthread_cond_timedwait @44304 NONAME
EXPORTS pthread_cond_init @44305 NONAME
EXPORTS pthread_cond_broadcast @44306 NONAME
EXPORTS pthread_cond_signal @44307 NONAME
EXPORTS pthread_cond_destroy @44308 NONAME
EXPORTS pthread_join @44309 NONAME
EXPORTS pthread_key_create @44310 NONAME
EXPORTS pthread_cond_wait @44311 NONAME
EXPORTS pthread_attr_init @44312 NONAME
EXPORTS pthread_attr_setdetachstate @44313 NONAME
EXPORTS pthread_attr_destroy @44314 NONAME
EXPORTS pthread_mutex_init @44315 NONAME

; winsock bridge and compatibility functions
EXPORTS htonl @44316 NONAME
EXPORTS htons @44317 NONAME
EXPORTS ntohl @44318 NONAME
EXPORTS ntohs @44319 NONAME
EXPORTS w32_socket @44321 NONAME
EXPORTS w32_getsockopt @44322 NONAME
EXPORTS w32_setsockopt @44323 NONAME
EXPORTS w32_bind @44324 NONAME
EXPORTS w32_listen @44325 NONAME
EXPORTS w32_accept @44326 NONAME
EXPORTS w32_connect @44327 NONAME
EXPORTS w32_shutdown @44328 NONAME
EXPORTS w32_send @44329 NONAME
EXPORTS w32_recv @44330 NONAME
EXPORTS w32_closesocket @44331 NONAME
EXPORTS w32_getservbyname @44332 NONAME
EXPORTS w32_getaddrinfo @44333 NONAME
EXPORTS w32_freeaddrinfo @44334 NONAME
EXPORTS w32_inet_ntop @44335 NONAME
EXPORTS w32_gethostbyname @44336 NONAME
EXPORTS w32_select @44337 NONAME
EXPORTS poll_with_event @44338 NONAME
EXPORTS w32_stat @44339 NONAME
EXPORTS w32_access @44340 NONAME
EXPORTS w32_strerror @44341 NONAME
EXPORTS w32_strerror_r @44342 NONAME
EXPORTS inet_addr @44343 NONAME
EXPORTS fcntl @44344 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_to_utf8_maybe_alloc @44345 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_strdup_to_utf8 @44346 NONAME
EXPORTS w32_inet_ntoa @44347 NONAME
EXPORTS w32_getpeername @44348 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_sigperf_print @44349 NONAME
EXPORTS cli_sigperf_events_destroy @44350 NONAME