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* revised and updated by:  Marcus Hennecke, Ross Moore, Herb Swan
* with significant contributions from:
  Jens Lippmann, Marek Rouchal, Martin Wilck and others -->
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<H3><A NAME="SECTION00074200000000000000">
Database loading</A>
    The following set of functions provides an interface for loading
    the virus database:
	const char *cl_retdbdir(void);

	int cl_load(const char *path, struct cl_engine **engine,
		    unsigned int *signo, unsigned int options);
    <code>cl_retdbdir</code> returns the default (hardcoded) path to the directory
    with ClamAV databases.
    <code>cl_load</code> loads a single database file or all databases from a
    directory (if <code>path</code> points to a directory). The second argument
    is used for passing in the engine structure which should be previously
    initialized with NULL. A number of loaded signatures will be <B>added</B>
    to <code>signo</code> <A NAME="tex2html16"
  HREF="footnode.html#foot292"><SUP>7</SUP></A>. The last argument can pass the following flags:
This is an alias for a recommended set of scan options.
Initialize NodalCore and load the hardware database (if applicable).
Load phishing signatures.
Initialize the phishing detection module and load .wdb and .pdb files.
    <code>cl_load</code> returns 0 (<code>CL_SUCCESS</code>) on success and a non-negative
    value on failure.
	    struct cl_engine *engine = NULL;
	    unsigned int sigs = 0;
	    int ret;

	ret = cl_load(cl_retdbdir(), &amp;engine, &amp;sigs, CL_DB_STDOPT);

Tomasz Kojm