 *  Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 *  Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Sourcefire, Inc.
 *  Authors: Alberto Wu, Tomasz Kojm, Andrew Williams
 *  Acknowledgements: The header structures were based upon a PE format
 *                    analysis by B. Luevelsmeyer.
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
 *  published by the Free Software Foundation.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
 *  MA 02110-1301, USA.

#ifndef __PE_STRUCTS_H
#define __PE_STRUCTS_H

#include "clamav.h"

/** @file */
/** Header for this PE file
 * \group_pe */
struct pe_image_file_hdr {
    uint32_t Magic;                /**< PE magic header: PE\\0\\0 */
    uint16_t Machine;              /**< CPU this executable runs on, see libclamav/pe.c for possible values */
    uint16_t NumberOfSections;     /**< Number of sections in this executable */
    uint32_t TimeDateStamp;        /**< Unreliable */
    uint32_t PointerToSymbolTable; /**< debug */
    uint32_t NumberOfSymbols;      /**< debug */
    uint16_t SizeOfOptionalHeader; /**< == 224 */
    uint16_t Characteristics;

/** PE data directory header
 * \group_pe
struct pe_image_data_dir {
    uint32_t VirtualAddress;
    uint32_t Size;

/** 32-bit PE optional header
 * \group_pe
struct pe_image_optional_hdr32 {
    uint16_t Magic;
    uint8_t MajorLinkerVersion;       /**< unreliable */
    uint8_t MinorLinkerVersion;       /**< unreliable */
    uint32_t SizeOfCode;              /**< unreliable */
    uint32_t SizeOfInitializedData;   /**< unreliable */
    uint32_t SizeOfUninitializedData; /**< unreliable */
    uint32_t AddressOfEntryPoint;
    uint32_t BaseOfCode;
    uint32_t BaseOfData;
    uint32_t ImageBase;                   /**< multiple of 64 KB */
    uint32_t SectionAlignment;            /**< usually 32 or 4096 */
    uint32_t FileAlignment;               /**< usually 32 or 512 */
    uint16_t MajorOperatingSystemVersion; /**< not used */
    uint16_t MinorOperatingSystemVersion; /**< not used */
    uint16_t MajorImageVersion;           /**< unreliable */
    uint16_t MinorImageVersion;           /**< unreliable */
    uint16_t MajorSubsystemVersion;
    uint16_t MinorSubsystemVersion;
    uint32_t Win32VersionValue; /*< ? */
    uint32_t SizeOfImage;
    uint32_t SizeOfHeaders;
    uint32_t CheckSum; /**< NT drivers only */
    uint16_t Subsystem;
    uint16_t DllCharacteristics;
    uint32_t SizeOfStackReserve;
    uint32_t SizeOfStackCommit;
    uint32_t SizeOfHeapReserve;
    uint32_t SizeOfHeapCommit;
    uint32_t LoaderFlags; /*< ? */
    uint32_t NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
    //struct pe_image_data_dir DataDirectory[16];

/** PE 64-bit optional header
 * \group_pe
struct pe_image_optional_hdr64 {
    uint16_t Magic;
    uint8_t MajorLinkerVersion;       /**< unreliable */
    uint8_t MinorLinkerVersion;       /**< unreliable */
    uint32_t SizeOfCode;              /**< unreliable */
    uint32_t SizeOfInitializedData;   /**< unreliable */
    uint32_t SizeOfUninitializedData; /**< unreliable */
    uint32_t AddressOfEntryPoint;
    uint32_t BaseOfCode;
    uint64_t ImageBase;                   /**< multiple of 64 KB */
    uint32_t SectionAlignment;            /**< usually 32 or 4096 */
    uint32_t FileAlignment;               /**< usually 32 or 512 */
    uint16_t MajorOperatingSystemVersion; /**< not used */
    uint16_t MinorOperatingSystemVersion; /**< not used */
    uint16_t MajorImageVersion;           /**< unreliable */
    uint16_t MinorImageVersion;           /**< unreliable */
    uint16_t MajorSubsystemVersion;
    uint16_t MinorSubsystemVersion;
    uint32_t Win32VersionValue; /* ? */
    uint32_t SizeOfImage;
    uint32_t SizeOfHeaders;
    uint32_t CheckSum; /**< NT drivers only */
    uint16_t Subsystem;
    uint16_t DllCharacteristics;
    uint64_t SizeOfStackReserve;
    uint64_t SizeOfStackCommit;
    uint64_t SizeOfHeapReserve;
    uint64_t SizeOfHeapCommit;
    uint32_t LoaderFlags; /* ? */
    uint32_t NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
    //struct pe_image_data_dir DataDirectory[16];

/** PE section header
 * \group_pe
struct pe_image_section_hdr {
    uint8_t Name[8]; /**< may not end with NULL */
     * union {
     *     uint32_t PhysicalAddress;
     *     uint32_t VirtualSize;
     * } AddrSize;
    uint32_t VirtualSize;
    uint32_t VirtualAddress;
    uint32_t SizeOfRawData;        /**< multiple of FileAlignment */
    uint32_t PointerToRawData;     /**< offset to the section's data */
    uint32_t PointerToRelocations; /**< object files only */
    uint32_t PointerToLinenumbers; /**< object files only */
    uint16_t NumberOfRelocations;  /**< object files only */
    uint16_t NumberOfLinenumbers;  /**< object files only */
    uint32_t Characteristics;

#define WIN_CERT_REV_2 0x0200
#define WIN_CERT_TYPE_PKCS7 0x0002

/** PE authenticode data header
 * \group_pe
struct pe_certificate_hdr {
    uint32_t length; /** length of the certificate data, including the header */
    uint16_t revision;
    uint16_t type;
