
ClamAV 0.99.2 is a release of bug fixes and minor enhancements.

    - fix ups improving the reliability of several ClamAV file parsers.
    - sigtool now decodes file type signatures (e.g., daily.ftm CVD file).
    - now supporting libpcre2 in addition to libpcre.
    - systemd support for clamd and freshclam. Patch provided by 
      Andreas Cadhalpun.
    - fixed builds on Mac OS X 10.10 & 10.11.
    - improved debug info for certificate metadata.
    - improved freshclam messaging when using a proxy.
    - fixed some freshclam functionality when using private mirrors.
    - clamd refinements of open file limitations on Solaris. Patch by
      Jim Morris
    - clamav-milter signal handling for improved clean up during

Thank you to the following ClamAV community members for your code
submissions and bug reports! 

Brandon Perry
Sebastian Andrzej Siewior
Andreas Cadhalpun
Jim Morris
Kai Risku
Bill Parker
Tomasz Kojm
Steve Basford
Daniel J. Luke
James Ralston
John Dodson

The ClamAV team (http://www.clamav.net/about.html#credits)