## Example config file for the clamav-milter
## /* FIXME : NOT DONE YET */ Please read the clamav-milter.conf(5) manual before editing this file.

# Comment or remove the line below.

## Main options

# Define the interface through which we communicate with sendmail
# This option is mandatory! Possible formats are:
# [[unix|local]:]/path/to/file - to specify a unix domain socket
# inet:port@[hostname|ip-address] - to specify an ipv4 socket
# inet6:port@[hostname|ip-address] - to specify an ipv6 socket
# Default: no default
##MilterSocket /tmp/clamav-milter.socket
##MilterSocket inet:7357

# Remove stale socket after unclean shutdown.
# Default: yes
##FixStaleSocket yes

# Maximum number of threads running at the same time.
# Default: 10
##MaxThreads 20

# Run as another user (clamav-milter must be started by root for this option to work)
# Default: unset (don't drop privileges)
##User clamav

# Initialize supplementary group access (clamd must be started by root).
# Default: no
##AllowSupplementaryGroups no

# Waiting for data from clamd will timeout after this time (seconds).
# Value of 0 disables the timeout.
# Default: 120
##ReadTimeout 300

# Don't fork into background.
# Default: no
##Foreground yes

# Chroot to the specified directory.
# Chrooting is performed just after reading the config file and before dropping privileges.
# Default: unset (don't chroot)
##Chroot /newroot

# This option allows you to save a process identifier of the listening
# daemon (main thread).
# Default: disabled
##PidFile /var/run/clamd.pid

# Optional path to the global temporary directory.
# Default: system specific (usually /tmp or /var/tmp).
#TemporaryDirectory /var/tmp

## Clamd options

# Define the clamd socket to connect to for scanning.
# If not set (the default), clamav-milter uses internal mode.
# This option is mandatory! Syntax:
# ClamdSocket unix:path
# ClamdSocket tcp:host:port
# The first syntax specifies a local unix socket (needs an bsolute path) e.g.:
#     ClamdSocket unix:/var/run/clamd/clamd.socket
# The second syntax specifies a tcp local or remote tcp socket: the
# host can be a hostname or an ip address; the ":port" field is only required
# for IPv6 addresses, otherwise it defaults to 3310
#     ClamdSocket tcp:
# This option can be repeated several times with different sockets or even
# with the same socket: clamd servers will be selected in a round-robin fashion.
# Default: no default
##ClamdSocket tcp:scanner.mydomain:7357

# WARNING: The following options are deprecated and may go away soon.
# Please use ClamdSocket instead!
# Default: disabled

## Exclusions

# Messages originating from these hosts/networks will not be scanned
# This option takes a host(name)/mask pair in CIRD notation and can be
# repeated several times. If "/mask" is omitted, a host is assumed.
# To specify a locally orignated, non-smtp, email use the keyword "local"
# Default: unset (scan everything regardless of the origin)
#LocalNet local
#LocalNet 1111:2222:3333::/48

# This option specifies a file which contains a list of POSIX regular
# expressions. Addresses (sent to or from - see below) matching these regexes
# will not be scanned.  Optionally each line can start with the string "From:"
# or "To:" (note: no whitespace after the colon) indicating if it is, 
# respectively, the sender or recipient that is to be whitelisted.
# If the field is missing, "To:" is assumed.
# Lines starting with #, : or ! are ignored.
# Default unset (no exclusion applied)
#Whitelist /etc/whitelisted_addresses

## Actions

# The following group of options controls the delievery process under
# different circumstances.
# The following actions are available:
# - Accept
#   The message is accepted for delievery
# - Reject
#   Immediately refuse delievery (a 5xx error is returned to the peer)
# - Defer
#   Return a temporary failure message (4xx) to the peer
# - Blackhole (not available for OnFail)
#   Like accept but the message is sent to oblivion
# - Quarantine (not available for OnFail)
#   Like accept but message is quarantined instead of being deilievered
#   In sendmail the quarantine queue can be examined via mailq -qQ
#   For Postfix this causes the message to be accepted but placed on hold
# Action to be performed on clean messages (mostly useful for testing)
# Default Accept
#OnClean Accept

# Action to be performed on infected messages
# Default: Quarantine
#OnInfected Quarantine

# Action to be performed on error conditions (this includes failure to
# allocate data structures, no scanners available, network timeouts,
# unknown scanner replies and the like)
# Default Defer
#OnFail Defer

# If this option is set to Yes, an "X-Virus-Scanned" and an "X-Virus-Status"
# headers will be attached to each processed message, possibly replacing
# existing headers. 
# Default: No
#AddHeader Yes

## Logging options

# Uncomment this option to enable logging.
# LogFile must be writable for the user running daemon.
# A full path is required.
# Default: disabled
##LogFile /tmp/clamav-milter.log

# By default the log file is locked for writing - the lock protects against
# running clamav-milter multiple times.
# This option disables log file locking.
# Default: no
##LogFileUnlock yes

# Maximum size of the log file.
# Value of 0 disables the limit.
# You may use 'M' or 'm' for megabytes (1M = 1m = 1048576 bytes)
# and 'K' or 'k' for kilobytes (1K = 1k = 1024 bytes). To specify the size
# in bytes just don't use modifiers.
# Default: 1M
##LogFileMaxSize 2M

# Log time with each message.
# Default: no
##LogTime yes

# Use system logger (can work together with LogFile).
# Default: no
##LogSyslog yes

# Specify the type of syslog messages - please refer to 'man syslog'
# for facility names.
# Default: LOG_LOCAL6
##LogFacility LOG_MAIL

# Enable verbose logging.
# Default: no
##LogVerbose yes

## Limits

# Messages larger than this value won't be scanned.
# Default: 25M
##MaxFileSize 150M

# WARNING: The following two options are deprecated and may go away soon.
# Please use MaxFile size instead!
# For compatibility reasons the minimum value among MaxFileSize,
# MaxScanSize and StreamMaxLength will be used.

## Deprecated options

# The following deprecated options are only kept for compatibility
# reaosns and may go away soon. These do not affect clamav-milter
# in any way, except for a small warning emitted on startup.


##-C --chroot
#-D --debug
##-i --pidfile
##-I --ignore
##-W --whitelist-file

#Deprecated switches
#-a --from
#-H --headers
#-x --debug-level
#-b --bounce
#-B --broadcast
#-f --force-scan
#-e --external
#-k --blacklist-time
#-K --dont-blacklist
#-l --local
#-M --freshclam-monitor
#-o --outgoing
#-p --postmaster
#-P --postmaster-only
#-q --quiet
#-r --report-phish
#-R --report-phish-false-positives
#-s --sign
#-F --signature-file
#-m --max-children
#-t --template-file
#-T --timeout
#-L --detect-forged-local-address

##-A --advisory
##-d --dont-scan-on-error
##-n --noxheader
##-N --noreject
##-Q --quarantine
##-U, --quarantine-dir