# Passwords for archive files \[experimental\] ClamAV 0.99 allows for users to specify password attempts for certain password-compatible archives. Passwords will be attempted in order of appearance in the password signature file which use the extension of `.pwdb`. If no passwords apply or none are provided, ClamAV will default to the original behavior of parsing the file. Currently, as of ClamAV 0.99 \[flevel 81\], only `.zip` archives using the traditional PKWARE encryption are supported. The signature format is ``` SignatureName;TargetDescriptionBlock;PWStorageType;Password ``` where: - `SignatureName`: name to be displayed during debug when a password is successful - `TargetDescriptionBlock`: provides information about the engine and target file with comma separated Arg:Val pairs - `Engine:X-Y`: Required engine functionality level. See the [FLEVEL reference](FunctionalityLevels.md) for details. - `Container:CL_TYPE_*`: File type of applicable containers - `PWStorageType`: determines how the password field is parsed - 0 = cleartext - 1 = hex - `Password`: value used in password attempt The signatures for password attempts are stored inside `.pwdb` files.