 *  Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 *  Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Sourcefire, Inc.
 *  Author: aCaB <acab@clamav.net>
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
 *  published by the Free Software Foundation.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
 *  MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "clamav-config.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>

#include <libmilter/mfapi.h>

#include "libclamav/clamav.h"
#include "shared/optparser.h"
#include "shared/output.h"
#include "libclamav/others.h"

#include "connpool.h"
#include "netcode.h"
#include "whitelist.h"
#include "clamfi.h"

#if __GNUC__ >= 3 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)
#define _UNUSED_ __attribute__((__unused__))
#define _UNUSED_

uint64_t maxfilesize;

static sfsistat FailAction;
static sfsistat (*CleanAction)(SMFICTX *ctx);
static sfsistat (*InfectedAction)(SMFICTX *ctx);
static char *rejectfmt = NULL;

int addxvirus = 0; /* 0 - don't add | 1 - replace | 2 - add */
char xvirushdr[255];
char *viraction = NULL;
int multircpt   = 1;

#define LOGINF_NONE 0
#define LOGINF_BASIC 1
#define LOGINF_FULL 2
#define LOGCLN_BASIC 4
#define LOGCLN_FULL 8
int loginfected;

#define CLAMFIBUFSZ 1424
static const char *HDR_UNAVAIL          = "UNKNOWN";
static pthread_mutex_t virusaction_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;

struct CLAMFI {
    const char *virusname;
    char *msg_subj;
    char *msg_date;
    char *msg_id;
    char **recipients;
    int local;
    int main;
    int alt;
    unsigned int totsz;
    unsigned int bufsz;
    unsigned int all_whitelisted;
    unsigned int gotbody;
    unsigned int scanned_count;
    unsigned int status_count;
    unsigned int nrecipients;
    uint32_t sendme;
    char buffer[CLAMFIBUFSZ];

static void add_x_header(SMFICTX *ctx, char *st, unsigned int scanned, unsigned int status)
    if (addxvirus == 1) { /* Replace/Yes */
        while (scanned)
            if (smfi_chgheader(ctx, (char *)"X-Virus-Scanned", scanned--, NULL) != MI_SUCCESS)
                logg("^Failed to remove existing X-Virus-Scanned header\n");
        while (status)
            if (smfi_chgheader(ctx, (char *)"X-Virus-Status", status--, NULL) != MI_SUCCESS)
                logg("^Failed to remove existing X-Virus-Status header\n");
        if (smfi_addheader(ctx, (char *)"X-Virus-Scanned", xvirushdr) != MI_SUCCESS)
            logg("^Failed to add X-Virus-Scanned header\n");
        if (smfi_addheader(ctx, (char *)"X-Virus-Status", st) != MI_SUCCESS)
            logg("^Failed to add X-Virus-Status header\n");
    } else { /* Add */
        if (smfi_insheader(ctx, 1, (char *)"X-Virus-Scanned", xvirushdr) != MI_SUCCESS)
            logg("^Failed to insert X-Virus-Scanned header\n");
        if (smfi_insheader(ctx, 1, (char *)"X-Virus-Status", st) != MI_SUCCESS)
            logg("^Failed to insert X-Virus-Status header\n");

enum CFWHAT {
    CF_NONE, /* 0 */
    CF_MAIN, /* 1 */
    CF_ALT,  /* 2 */
    CF_BOTH, /* 3 */
    CF_ANY   /* 4 */

static const char *makesanehdr(char *hdr)
    char *ret = hdr;
    if (!hdr) return HDR_UNAVAIL;
    while (*hdr) {
        if (*hdr == '\'' || *hdr == '\t' || *hdr == '\r' || *hdr == '\n' || !isprint(*hdr))
            *hdr = ' ';
    return ret;

static void nullify(SMFICTX *ctx, struct CLAMFI *cf, enum CFWHAT closewhat)
    if (closewhat & CF_MAIN || ((closewhat & CF_ANY) && cf->main >= 0))
    if (closewhat & CF_ALT || ((closewhat & CF_ANY) && cf->alt >= 0))
    if (cf->msg_subj) free(cf->msg_subj);
    if (cf->msg_date) free(cf->msg_date);
    if (cf->msg_id) free(cf->msg_id);
    if (multircpt && cf->nrecipients) {
        while (cf->nrecipients) {
    smfi_setpriv(ctx, NULL);

static sfsistat sendchunk(struct CLAMFI *cf, unsigned char *bodyp, size_t len, SMFICTX *ctx)
    if (cf->totsz >= maxfilesize || len == 0)
        return SMFIS_CONTINUE;

    if (!cf->totsz) {
        sfsistat ret;
        if (nc_connect_rand(&cf->main, &cf->alt, &cf->local)) {
            logg("!Failed to initiate streaming/fdpassing\n");
            nullify(ctx, cf, CF_NONE);
            return FailAction;
        cf->totsz = 1; /* do not infloop */
        if ((ret = sendchunk(cf, (unsigned char *)"From clamav-milter\n", 19, ctx)) != SMFIS_CONTINUE)
            return ret;
        cf->totsz -= 1;

    if (cf->totsz + len > maxfilesize)
        len = maxfilesize - cf->totsz;

    cf->totsz += len;
    if (cf->local) {
        while (len) {
            int n = write(cf->alt, bodyp, len);

            if (n == -1) {
                logg("!Failed to write temporary file\n");
                nullify(ctx, cf, CF_BOTH);
                return FailAction;
            len -= n;
            bodyp += n;
    } else {
        int sendfailed = 0;

        if (len < CLAMFIBUFSZ - cf->bufsz) {
            memcpy(&cf->buffer[cf->bufsz], bodyp, len);
            cf->bufsz += len;
        } else if (len < CLAMFIBUFSZ) {
            memcpy(&cf->buffer[cf->bufsz], bodyp, CLAMFIBUFSZ - cf->bufsz);
            cf->sendme = htonl(CLAMFIBUFSZ);
            sendfailed = nc_send(cf->main, &cf->sendme, CLAMFIBUFSZ + 4);
            len -= (CLAMFIBUFSZ - cf->bufsz);
            memcpy(cf->buffer, &bodyp[CLAMFIBUFSZ - cf->bufsz], len);
            cf->bufsz = len;
        } else {
            uint32_t sendmetoo = htonl(len);
            cf->sendme         = htonl(cf->bufsz);
            if ((cf->bufsz && nc_send(cf->main, &cf->sendme, cf->bufsz + 4)) || nc_send(cf->main, &sendmetoo, 4) || nc_send(cf->main, bodyp, len))
                sendfailed = 1;
            cf->bufsz = 0;
        if (sendfailed) {
            logg("!Streaming failed\n");
            nullify(ctx, cf, CF_NONE);
            return FailAction;
    return SMFIS_CONTINUE;

sfsistat clamfi_header(SMFICTX *ctx, char *headerf, char *headerv)
    struct CLAMFI *cf;
    sfsistat ret;

    if (!(cf = (struct CLAMFI *)smfi_getpriv(ctx)))
        return SMFIS_CONTINUE; /* whatever */

    if (!cf->totsz && cf->all_whitelisted) {
        logg("*Skipping scan (all destinations whitelisted)\n");
        nullify(ctx, cf, CF_NONE);
        return SMFIS_ACCEPT;

    if (!headerf) return SMFIS_CONTINUE; /* just in case */

    if ((loginfected & (LOGINF_FULL | LOGCLN_FULL)) || viraction) {
        if (!cf->msg_subj && !strcasecmp(headerf, "Subject"))
            cf->msg_subj = strdup(headerv ? headerv : "");
        if (!cf->msg_date && !strcasecmp(headerf, "Date"))
            cf->msg_date = strdup(headerv ? headerv : "");
        if (!cf->msg_id && !strcasecmp(headerf, "Message-ID"))
            cf->msg_id = strdup(headerv ? headerv : "");

    if (addxvirus == 1) {
        if (!strcasecmp(headerf, "X-Virus-Scanned")) cf->scanned_count++;
        if (!strcasecmp(headerf, "X-Virus-Status")) cf->status_count++;

    if ((ret = sendchunk(cf, (unsigned char *)headerf, strlen(headerf), ctx)) != SMFIS_CONTINUE) {
        return ret;
    if ((ret = sendchunk(cf, (unsigned char *)": ", 2, ctx)) != SMFIS_CONTINUE) {
        return ret;
    if (headerv && (ret = sendchunk(cf, (unsigned char *)headerv, strlen(headerv), ctx)) != SMFIS_CONTINUE) {
        return ret;
    ret = sendchunk(cf, (unsigned char *)"\r\n", 2, ctx);
    if (ret != SMFIS_CONTINUE)
    return ret;

sfsistat clamfi_body(SMFICTX *ctx, unsigned char *bodyp, size_t len)
    struct CLAMFI *cf;
    sfsistat ret;

    if (!(cf = (struct CLAMFI *)smfi_getpriv(ctx)))
        return SMFIS_CONTINUE; /* whatever */

    if (!cf->gotbody) {
        ret = sendchunk(cf, (unsigned char *)"\r\n", 2, ctx);
        if (ret != SMFIS_CONTINUE) {
            return ret;
        cf->gotbody = 1;

    ret = sendchunk(cf, bodyp, len, ctx);
    if (ret != SMFIS_CONTINUE)
    return ret;

sfsistat clamfi_abort(SMFICTX *ctx)
    struct CLAMFI *cf;

    if ((cf = (struct CLAMFI *)smfi_getpriv(ctx))) {
        nullify(ctx, cf, CF_ANY);
    return SMFIS_CONTINUE;

sfsistat clamfi_eom(SMFICTX *ctx)
    struct CLAMFI *cf;
    char *reply;
    int len, ret;
    unsigned int crcpt;

    if (!(cf = (struct CLAMFI *)smfi_getpriv(ctx)))
        return SMFIS_CONTINUE; /* whatever */

    if (!cf->totsz) {
        /* got no headers and no body */
        logg("*Not scanning an empty message\n");
        ret = CleanAction(ctx);
        nullify(ctx, cf, CF_NONE);
        return ret;

    if (cf->local) {
        lseek(cf->alt, 0, SEEK_SET);

        if (nc_sendmsg(cf->main, cf->alt) == -1) {
            logg("!FD send failed\n");
            nullify(ctx, cf, CF_ALT);
            return FailAction;
    } else {
        uint32_t sendmetoo = 0;
        cf->sendme         = htonl(cf->bufsz);
        if ((cf->bufsz && nc_send(cf->main, &cf->sendme, cf->bufsz + 4)) || nc_send(cf->main, &sendmetoo, 4)) {
            logg("!Failed to flush STREAM\n");
            nullify(ctx, cf, CF_NONE);
            return FailAction;

    reply = nc_recv(cf->main);

    if (cf->local)

    cf->alt = -1;

    if (!reply) {
        logg("!No reply from clamd\n");
        nullify(ctx, cf, CF_NONE);
        return FailAction;

    len = strlen(reply);
    if (len > 5 && !strcmp(reply + len - 5, ": OK\n")) {
        if (addxvirus) add_x_header(ctx, "Clean", cf->scanned_count, cf->status_count);
        if (loginfected & LOGCLN_FULL) {
            const char *id       = smfi_getsymval(ctx, "{i}");
            const char *from     = smfi_getsymval(ctx, "{mail_addr}");
            const char *msg_subj = makesanehdr(cf->msg_subj);
            const char *msg_date = makesanehdr(cf->msg_date);
            const char *msg_id   = makesanehdr(cf->msg_id);
            if (multircpt && cf->nrecipients) {
                for (crcpt = 0; crcpt < cf->nrecipients; crcpt++)
                    logg("~Clean message %s from <%s> to <%s> with subject '%s' message-id '%s' date '%s'\n", id, from, cf->recipients[crcpt], msg_subj, msg_id, msg_date);
            } else {
                const char *to = smfi_getsymval(ctx, "{rcpt_addr}");
                logg("~Clean message %s from <%s> to <%s> with subject '%s' message-id '%s' date '%s'\n", id, from, to ? to : HDR_UNAVAIL, msg_subj, msg_id, msg_date);
        } else if (loginfected & LOGCLN_BASIC) {
            const char *from = smfi_getsymval(ctx, "{mail_addr}");
            if (multircpt && cf->nrecipients) {
                for (crcpt = 0; crcpt < cf->nrecipients; crcpt++)
                    logg("~Clean message from <%s> to <%s>\n", from, cf->recipients[crcpt]);
            } else {
                const char *to = smfi_getsymval(ctx, "{rcpt_addr}");
                logg("~Clean message from <%s> to <%s>\n", from, to ? to : HDR_UNAVAIL);
        ret = CleanAction(ctx);
    } else if (len > 7 && !strcmp(reply + len - 7, " FOUND\n")) {
        cf->virusname = NULL;
        if ((loginfected & (LOGINF_BASIC | LOGINF_FULL)) || addxvirus || rejectfmt || viraction) {
            char *vir;

            reply[len - 7] = '\0';
            vir            = strrchr(reply, ' ');
            if (vir) {
                unsigned int have_multi = (multircpt != 0 && cf->nrecipients);
                unsigned int lst_rcpt   = (have_multi * (cf->nrecipients - 1)) + 1;

                if (rejectfmt)
                    cf->virusname = vir;

                if (addxvirus) {
                    char msg[255];
                    snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Infected (%s)", vir);
                    msg[sizeof(msg) - 1] = '\0';
                    add_x_header(ctx, msg, cf->scanned_count, cf->status_count);

                for (crcpt = 0; crcpt < lst_rcpt; crcpt++) {
                    if (loginfected || viraction) {
                        const char *from = smfi_getsymval(ctx, "{mail_addr}");
                        const char *to   = have_multi ? cf->recipients[crcpt] : smfi_getsymval(ctx, "{rcpt_addr}");

                        if (!from) from = HDR_UNAVAIL;
                        if (!to) to = HDR_UNAVAIL;
                        if ((loginfected & LOGINF_FULL) || viraction) {
                            const char *id       = smfi_getsymval(ctx, "{i}");
                            const char *msg_subj = makesanehdr(cf->msg_subj);
                            const char *msg_date = makesanehdr(cf->msg_date);
                            const char *msg_id   = makesanehdr(cf->msg_id);

                            if (!id) id = HDR_UNAVAIL;

                            if (loginfected & LOGINF_FULL)
                                logg("~Message %s from <%s> to <%s> with subject '%s' message-id '%s' date '%s' infected by %s\n", id, from, to, msg_subj, msg_id, msg_date, vir);

                            if (viraction) {
                                char er[256];
                                char *e_id       = strdup(id);
                                char *e_from     = strdup(from);
                                char *e_to       = strdup(to);
                                char *e_msg_subj = strdup(msg_subj);
                                char *e_msg_date = strdup(msg_date);
                                char *e_msg_id   = strdup(msg_id);
                                pid_t pid;

                                logg("*VirusEvent: about to execute '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s'\n", viraction, vir, e_id, e_from, e_to, e_msg_subj, e_msg_id, e_msg_date);

                                pid = fork();
                                if (!pid) {
                                    char *args[9]; /* avoid element is not computable at load time warns */
                                    args[0] = viraction;
                                    args[1] = vir;
                                    args[2] = e_id;
                                    args[3] = e_from;
                                    args[4] = e_to;
                                    args[5] = e_msg_subj;
                                    args[6] = e_msg_id;
                                    args[7] = e_msg_date;
                                    args[8] = NULL;
                                    exit(execvp(viraction, args));
                                } else if (pid > 0) {
                                    int wret;
                                    while ((wret = waitpid(pid, &ret, 0)) == -1 && errno == EINTR) continue;
                                    if (wret < 0)
                                        logg("!VirusEvent: waitpid() failed: %s\n", cli_strerror(errno, er, sizeof(er)));
                                    else {
                                        if (WIFEXITED(ret))
                                            logg("*VirusEvent: child exited with code %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(ret));
                                        else if (WIFSIGNALED(ret))
                                            logg("*VirusEvent: child killed by signal %d\n", WTERMSIG(ret));
                                            logg("*VirusEvent: child lost\n");
                                } else {
                                    logg("!VirusEvent: fork failed: %s\n", cli_strerror(errno, er, sizeof(er)));
                        if (loginfected & LOGINF_BASIC)
                            logg("~Message from <%s> to <%s> infected by %s\n", from, to, vir);
        ret = InfectedAction(ctx);
    } else {
        logg("!Unknown reply from clamd\n");
        ret = FailAction;

    nullify(ctx, cf, CF_MAIN);
    return ret;

sfsistat clamfi_connect(_UNUSED_ SMFICTX *ctx, char *hostname, _SOCK_ADDR *hostaddr)
    while (1) {
        /* Postfix doesn't seem to honor passing a NULL hostaddr and hostname
	   set to "localhost" for non-smtp messages (they still appear as SMTP
	   messages from Here's a small workaround. */
        if (hostaddr) {
            if (islocalnet_sock(hostaddr)) {
                logg("*Skipping scan for %s (in LocalNet)\n", hostname);
                return SMFIS_ACCEPT;
        if (!strcasecmp(hostname, "localhost"))
            hostname = NULL;
        if (islocalnet_name(hostname)) {
            logg("*Skipping scan for %s (in LocalNet)\n", hostname ? hostname : "local");
            return SMFIS_ACCEPT;
    return SMFIS_CONTINUE;

static int parse_action(char *action)
    if (!strcasecmp(action, "Accept"))
        return 0;
    if (!strcasecmp(action, "Defer"))
        return 1;
    if (!strcasecmp(action, "Reject"))
        return 2;
    if (!strcasecmp(action, "Blackhole"))
        return 3;
    if (!strcasecmp(action, "Quarantine"))
        return 4;
    logg("!Unknown action %s\n", action);
    return -1;

static sfsistat action_accept(_UNUSED_ SMFICTX *ctx)
    return SMFIS_ACCEPT;
static sfsistat action_defer(_UNUSED_ SMFICTX *ctx)
    return SMFIS_TEMPFAIL;
static sfsistat action_reject(_UNUSED_ SMFICTX *ctx)
    return SMFIS_REJECT;
static sfsistat action_blackhole(_UNUSED_ SMFICTX *ctx)
    return SMFIS_DISCARD;
static sfsistat action_quarantine(SMFICTX *ctx)
    if (smfi_quarantine(ctx, "quarantined by clamav-milter") != MI_SUCCESS) {
        logg("^Failed to quarantine message\n");
        return SMFIS_TEMPFAIL;
    return SMFIS_ACCEPT;

static sfsistat action_reject_msg(SMFICTX *ctx)
    struct CLAMFI *cf;
    char buf[1024];

    if (!rejectfmt || !(cf = (struct CLAMFI *)smfi_getpriv(ctx)))
        return SMFIS_REJECT;

    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), rejectfmt, cf->virusname);
    buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = '\0';
    smfi_setreply(ctx, "550", "5.7.1", buf);
    return SMFIS_REJECT;

int init_actions(struct optstruct *opts)
    const struct optstruct *opt;

    if (!(opt = optget(opts, "LogInfected"))->enabled || !strcasecmp(opt->strarg, "Off"))
        loginfected = LOGINF_NONE;
    else if (!strcasecmp(opt->strarg, "Basic"))
        loginfected = LOGINF_BASIC;
    else if (!strcasecmp(opt->strarg, "Full"))
        loginfected = LOGINF_FULL;
    else {
        logg("!Invalid setting %s for option LogInfected\n", opt->strarg);
        return 1;

    if ((opt = optget(opts, "LogClean"))->enabled) {
        if (!strcasecmp(opt->strarg, "Basic"))
            loginfected |= LOGCLN_BASIC;
        else if (!strcasecmp(opt->strarg, "Full"))
            loginfected |= LOGCLN_FULL;
        else if (strcasecmp(opt->strarg, "Off")) {
            logg("!Invalid setting %s for option LogClean\n", opt->strarg);
            return 1;

    if ((opt = optget(opts, "VirusAction"))->enabled)
        viraction = strdup(opt->strarg);

    if ((opt = optget(opts, "OnFail"))->enabled) {
        switch (parse_action(opt->strarg)) {
            case 0:
                FailAction = SMFIS_ACCEPT;
            case 1:
                FailAction = SMFIS_TEMPFAIL;
            case 2:
                FailAction = SMFIS_REJECT;
                logg("!Invalid action %s for option OnFail\n", opt->strarg);
                return 1;
    } else
        FailAction = SMFIS_TEMPFAIL;

    if ((opt = optget(opts, "OnClean"))->enabled) {
        switch (parse_action(opt->strarg)) {
            case 0:
                CleanAction = action_accept;
            case 1:
                CleanAction = action_defer;
            case 2:
                CleanAction = action_reject;
            case 3:
                CleanAction = action_blackhole;
            case 4:
                CleanAction = action_quarantine;
                logg("!Invalid action %s for option OnClean\n", opt->strarg);
                return 1;
    } else
        CleanAction = action_accept;

    if ((opt = optget(opts, "OnInfected"))->enabled) {
        switch (parse_action(opt->strarg)) {
            case 0:
                InfectedAction = action_accept;
            case 1:
                InfectedAction = action_defer;
            case 3:
                InfectedAction = action_blackhole;
            case 4:
                InfectedAction = action_quarantine;
            case 2:
                InfectedAction = action_reject_msg;
                if ((opt = optget(opts, "RejectMsg"))->enabled) {
                    const char *src = opt->strarg;
                    char *dst, c;
                    int gotpctv = 0;

                    rejectfmt = dst = malloc(strlen(src) * 4 + 1);
                    if (!dst) {
                        logg("!Failed to allocate memory for RejectMsg\n");
                        return 1;
                    while ((c = *src++)) {
                        if (!isprint(c)) {
                            logg("!RejectMsg contains non printable characters\n");
                            return 1;
                        *dst++ = c;
                        if (c == '%') {
                            if (*src == 'v') {
                                if (gotpctv) {
                                    logg("!%%v may appear at most once in RejectMsg\n");
                                    return 1;
                                gotpctv |= 1;
                                *dst++ = 's';
                            } else {
                                dst[0] = dst[1] = dst[2] = '%';
                                dst += 3;
                    *dst = '\0';
                logg("!Invalid action %s for option OnInfected\n", opt->strarg);
                return 1;
    } else
        InfectedAction = action_quarantine;
    return 0;

sfsistat clamfi_envfrom(SMFICTX *ctx, char **argv)
    struct CLAMFI *cf;
    const char *login = smfi_getsymval(ctx, "{auth_authen}");

    if (login && smtpauthed(login)) {
        logg("*Skipping scan for authenticated user %s\n", login);
        return SMFIS_ACCEPT;

    if (whitelisted(argv[0], 1)) {
        logg("*Skipping scan for %s (whitelisted from)\n", argv[0]);
        return SMFIS_ACCEPT;

    if (!(cf = (struct CLAMFI *)malloc(sizeof(*cf)))) {
        logg("!Failed to allocate CLAMFI struct\n");
        return FailAction;
    cf->totsz = 0;
    cf->bufsz = 0;
    cf->main = cf->alt  = -1;
    cf->all_whitelisted = 1;
    cf->gotbody         = 0;
    cf->msg_subj = cf->msg_date = cf->msg_id = NULL;
    if (multircpt) {
        cf->recipients  = NULL;
        cf->nrecipients = 0;
    if (addxvirus == 1) {
        cf->scanned_count = 0;
        cf->status_count  = 0;
    smfi_setpriv(ctx, (void *)cf);

    return SMFIS_CONTINUE;

sfsistat clamfi_envrcpt(SMFICTX *ctx, char **argv)
    struct CLAMFI *cf;

    if (!(cf = (struct CLAMFI *)smfi_getpriv(ctx)))
        return SMFIS_CONTINUE; /* whatever */

    if (cf->all_whitelisted)
        cf->all_whitelisted &= whitelisted(argv[0], 0);

    if (multircpt) {
        void *new_rcpt = realloc(cf->recipients, (cf->nrecipients + 1) * sizeof(*(cf->recipients)));
        unsigned int rcpt_cnt;
        if (!new_rcpt) {
            logg("!Failed to allocate array for new recipient\n");
            nullify(ctx, cf, CF_ANY);
            return FailAction;
        cf->recipients = new_rcpt;
        rcpt_cnt       = cf->nrecipients++;
        if (!(cf->recipients[rcpt_cnt] = strdup(argv[0]))) {
            logg("!Failed to allocate space for new recipient\n");
            nullify(ctx, cf, CF_ANY);
            return FailAction;

    return SMFIS_CONTINUE;

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