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<H3><A NAME="SECTION00074100000000000000">
Data scan functions</A>
    It's possible to scan a buffer, a descriptor, or a file with:
	int cl_scanbuff(const char *buffer, unsigned int length,
	const char **virname, const struct cl_node *root);

	int cl_scandesc(int desc, const char **virname, unsigned
	long int *scanned, const struct cl_node *root, const
	struct cl_limits *limits, unsigned int options);

	int cl_scanfile(const char *filename, const char **virname,
	unsigned long int *scanned, const struct cl_node *root,
	const struct cl_limits *limits, unsigned int options);
    All the functions save a virus name under <code>virname</code> pointer.
    It points to a field in the internal database structure and must not
    be released directly. If the <code>scanned</code> pointer is not NULL the
    functions will increase a value represented by this pointer by a size
    of scanned data in <code>CL_COUNT_PRECISION</code> units. The last two
    functions also support archive limits required to protect against Denial
    of Service attacks.
	struct cl_limits {
	    int maxreclevel; /* maximal recursion level */
	    int maxfiles; /* maximal number of files to be
                   * scanned within archive
	    int maxratio; /* maximal compression ratio */
	    short archivememlim; /* limit memory usage for bzip2 (0/1) */
	    long int maxfilesize; /* archived files larger than this
                           * value will not be scanned
    The <code>options</code> argument configures the scan engine and supports the
    following flags (that can be combined using bit operators):
This is an alias for a recommended set of scan options. You
	      should use it to make your software ready for new features
	      in future versions of libclamav.
It does nothing. Please use it (alone) if you don't want
	      to scan any special files.
This flag enables transparent scanning of various archive formats.
With this flag the library marks encrypted archives as viruses
	      (Encrypted.Zip, Encrypted.RAR).
Mark archives as viruses if <code>maxfiles</code>, <code>maxfilesize</code>,
	      or <code>maxreclevel</code> limit is reached.
It enables support for mail files.
The mail scanner will download and scan URLs listed in a mail
	      body. This flag should not be used on loaded servers. Due to
	      potential problems please do not enable it by default but make
	      it optional.
Enables support for Microsoft Office document files.
This flag enables scanning withing Portable Executable files and
	      allows libclamav to unpack UPX, Petite, and FSG compressed
libclamav will try to detect broken executables and mark them as
This flag enables HTML normalisation (including JScript
    All functions return 0 (<code>CL_CLEAN</code>) if the file is clean,
    <code>CL_VIRUS</code> when virus is detected and an another value on failure.
	    struct cl_limits limits;
	    const char *virname;

	memset(&amp;limits, 0, sizeof(struct cl_limits));
	/* maximal number of files in archive */;
	limits.maxfiles = 1000
	/* maximal archived file size */
	limits.maxfilesize = 10 * 1048576; /* 10 MB */
	/* maximal recursion level */
	limits.maxreclevel = 5;
	/* maximal compression ratio */
	limits.maxratio = 200;
	/* disable memory limit for bzip2 scanner */
	limits.archivememlim = 0;

	if((ret = cl_scanfile("/home/zolw/test", &amp;virname, NULL, root,
	&amp;limits, CL_STDOPT)) == CL_VIRUS) {
	    printf("Detected %s virus.\n", virname);
	} else {
	    printf("No virus detected.\n");
	    if(ret != CL_CLEAN)
	        printf("Error: %s\n", cl_strerror(ret));

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Tomasz Kojm