 * Internal definitions for the JavaScript interpreter.
 * Copyright (c) 1998-1999 New Generation Software (NGS) Oy
 * Author: Markku Rossi <mtr@ngs.fi>

 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
 * Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
 * MA 02111-1307, USA

 * $Source: /tmp/cvsroot-15-2-2007/clamav-devel/libclamav/js/jsint.h,v $
 * $Id: jsint.h,v 1.4 2006/11/10 20:17:43 njh Exp $

#ifndef JSINT_H
#define JSINT_H

/* We have always jsconfig.h */
#include "jsconfig.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <limits.h>

#include <unistd.h>

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <float.h>

#else /* not STDC_HEADERS */

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <errno.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <float.h>

#endif /* not STDC_HEADERS */

/* Misc system headers. */

#include <sys/types.h>

 * Protability kludges.  If something is missing from the w32
 * environment, please edit the micros/w32.{c,h} files and implement
 * them.
#ifndef WIN32

/* Directory handling. */
#include <dirent.h>

#endif /* not WIN32 */

#include "js.h"

#if __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * Types and definitions.

/* Some portability features. */
#ifdef WIN32

#define JS_HOST_LINE_BREAK	"\r\n"

#else /* not WIN32 */

#define JS_HOST_LINE_BREAK	"\n"

#endif /* not WIN32 */

#define JS_BC_FILE_MAGIC	0xc0014a53

#define JS_GLOBAL_NAME	".global"

#define JS_SYMBOL_NULL	((JSSymbol) -1)

  ((ch) == '\t' || (ch) == ' ' || (ch) == '\f' || (ch) == '\v' \
   || (ch) == '\r' || (ch) == '\n')

 * Read macros for byte code files.

#define JS_BC_READ_INT32(cp, var)	\
  (var) = (cp)[0];			\
  (var) <<= 8;				\
  (var) |= (cp)[1];			\
  (var) <<= 8;				\
  (var) |= (cp)[2];			\
  (var) <<= 8;				\
  (var) |= (cp)[3]

#define JS_BC_READ_INT16(cp, var)	\
  (var) = (cp)[0];			\
  (var) <<= 8;				\
  (var) |= (cp)[1]

#define JS_BC_READ_INT8(cp, var)	\
  (var) = (cp)[0]

#define JS_BC_WRITE_INT32(cp, var)			\
  cp[3] = (unsigned char) ((var) & 0x000000ff);		\
  cp[2] = (unsigned char) (((var) >> 8) & 0x000000ff);	\
  cp[1] = (unsigned char) (((var) >> 16) & 0x000000ff); \
  cp[0] = (unsigned char) (((var) >> 24) & 0x000000ff)

/* General VM macros. */


#define JS_SP0		sp
#define JS_SP1		(sp + 1)
#define JS_SP2		(sp + 2)
#define JS_SP(n)	(sp + (n))

#define JS_LOCAL(n)	(fp - 4 - (n))
#define JS_ARG(n)	(fp + 1 + (n))

#define JS_WITHPTR	(fp - 2)
#define JS_ARGS_FIXP	(fp - 1)

#define JS_PUSH()	sp--
#define JS_POP()	sp++
#define JS_POP_N(n)	sp += (n)

#define JS_COPY(to, from)		\
  do {					\
    (to)->type = (from)->type;		\
    (to)->u.copy.a = (from)->u.copy.a;	\
    (to)->u.copy.b = (from)->u.copy.b;	\
  } while (0)

#define JS_CONST(n)	(&vm->consts[(n)])
#define JS_GLOBAL(n)	(&vm->globals[(n)])

#define JS_SAVE_REGS()		\
  do {				\
    vm->sp = sp;		\
    vm->pc = pc;		\
  } while (0)

#define JS_CALL_HOOK(event)						\
  do {									\
    int hook_result;							\
    if (vm->hook)							\
      if ((hook_result = (*vm->hook) ((event), vm->hook_context)) != 0) \
	{								\
	  JS_SAVE_REGS ();						\
	  sprintf (vm->error, "hook break %d", hook_result);		\
	  js_vm_error (vm);						\
	  /* NOTREACHED */						\
	}								\
  } while (0)

#define JS_VM_ALLOCATE_FD(vm, where)					\
  do {									\
    if ((vm)->fd_count == 0)						\
      {									\
	sprintf ((vm)->error, "%s: no more file descriptors allowed",	\
		 (where));						\
	js_vm_error (vm);						\
      }									\
    (vm)->fd_count--;							\
  } while (0)

#define JS_VM_FREE_FD(vm)	\
  do {				\
    (vm)->fd_count++;		\
  } while (0)

#define JS_MAYBE_GC()					\
  do {							\
    if (vm->gc.bytes_allocated >= vm->gc.trigger)	\
      {							\
	js_vm_garbage_collect (vm, fp, sp);		\
      }							\
  } while (0)

#define JS_IS_TRUE(n) ((n)->type > JS_INTEGER				\
		    || ((n)->type == JS_BOOLEAN && (n)->u.vboolean)	\
		    || ((n)->type == JS_INTEGER && (n)->u.vinteger))

#define JS_IS_FALSE(n) ((n)->type < JS_BOOLEAN				\
		     || ((n)->type == JS_BOOLEAN && !(n)->u.vboolean)	\
		     || ((n)->type == JS_INTEGER && !(n)->u.vinteger))


#define JS_SUBROUTINE_CALL(function)				\
  do {								\
    /* Check that we have enought space in the stack. */	\
    if (sp - JS_RESERVE_STACK_FOR_FUNCTION < vm->stack)		\
      ERROR ("stack overflow");					\
    /* STACKFRAME */						\
    /* Save frame pointer. */					\
    JS_SP0->type = JS_IPTR;					\
    JS_SP0->u.iptr = fp;					\
    /* Update fp. */						\
    fp = JS_SP0;						\
    JS_PUSH ();							\
    /* Insert an empty args_fix. */				\
    JS_SP0->type = JS_ARGS_FIX;					\
    JS_SP0->u.args_fix.argc = 0;				\
    JS_SP0->u.args_fix.delta = 0;				\
    JS_PUSH ();							\
    /* Insert empty with pointer. */				\
    JS_SP0->type = JS_IPTR;					\
    JS_SP0->u.iptr = NULL;					\
    JS_PUSH ();							\
    /* Save return address. */					\
    JS_SP0->type = JS_IPTR;					\
    JS_SP0->u.iptr = pc;					\
    JS_PUSH ();							\
    /* And finally, jump to the method code. */			\
    CALL_USER_FUNC ((function));				\
  } while (0)

#define JS_OPERAND_CMP_REL(_OP_)					\
  do {									\
    if (JS_SP2->type == JS_STRING && JS_SP1->type == JS_STRING)		\
      {									\
	JS_SP2->u.vboolean						\
	  = js_compare_strings (JS_SP2, JS_SP1) _OP_ 0;			\
	JS_SP2->type = JS_BOOLEAN;					\
	JS_POP ();							\
      }									\
    else if (JS_SP2->type == JS_INTEGER && JS_SP1->type == JS_INTEGER)	\
      {									\
	JS_SP2->u.vboolean						\
	  = JS_SP2->u.vinteger _OP_ JS_SP1->u.vinteger;			\
	JS_SP2->type = JS_BOOLEAN;					\
	JS_POP ();							\
      }									\
    else								\
      {									\
	JSNode l, r;							\
	/* Do it the hard way. */					\
	switch (JS_SP2->type)						\
	  {								\
	  case JS_INTEGER:						\
	  case JS_FLOAT:						\
	  case JS_NAN:							\
	    JS_COPY (&l, JS_SP2);					\
	    break;							\
	  default:							\
	    js_vm_to_number (vm, JS_SP2, &l);				\
	    break;							\
	  }								\
	switch (JS_SP1->type)						\
	  {								\
	  case JS_INTEGER:						\
	  case JS_FLOAT:						\
	  case JS_NAN:							\
	    JS_COPY (&r, JS_SP1);					\
	    break;							\
	  default:							\
	    js_vm_to_number (vm, JS_SP1, &r);				\
	    break;							\
	  }								\
	/* Do the comparison. */					\
	JS_POP ();							\
	if (l.type == JS_NAN || r.type == JS_NAN)			\
	  JS_SP1->type = JS_UNDEFINED;					\
	else if (l.type == JS_INTEGER && r.type == JS_INTEGER)		\
	  {								\
	    JS_SP1->type = JS_BOOLEAN;					\
	    JS_SP1->u.vboolean = l.u.vinteger _OP_ r.u.vinteger;	\
	  }								\
	else								\
	  {								\
	    double ld, rd;						\
	    if (l.type == JS_FLOAT)					\
	      ld = l.u.vfloat;						\
	    else							\
	      ld = (double) l.u.vinteger;				\
	    if (r.type == JS_FLOAT)					\
	      rd = r.u.vfloat;						\
	    else							\
	      rd = (double) r.u.vinteger;				\
	    JS_SP1->type = JS_BOOLEAN;					\
	    JS_SP1->u.vboolean = ld _OP_ rd;				\
	  }								\
      }									\
  } while (0)

#define JS_OPERAND_CMP_EQ(_OP_, _VAL_)					\
  while (1) {								\
  int res;								\
  if (JS_SP2->type == JS_SP1->type)					\
    {									\
      /* Comparsion between same types. */				\
      switch (JS_SP2->type)						\
	{								\
	case JS_INTEGER:						\
	  res = JS_SP2->u.vinteger _OP_ JS_SP1->u.vinteger;		\
	  break;							\
	case JS_STRING:							\
	  res = js_compare_strings (JS_SP2, JS_SP1) _OP_ 0;		\
	  break;							\
	case JS_FLOAT:							\
	  res = JS_SP2->u.vfloat _OP_ JS_SP1->u.vfloat;			\
	  break;							\
	case JS_NAN:							\
	  /* 11.9.3: cases 5 and 6 */					\
	  res = !_VAL_;							\
	  break;							\
	case JS_BOOLEAN:						\
	  res = JS_SP2->u.vboolean _OP_ JS_SP1->u.vboolean;		\
	  break;							\
	case JS_OBJECT:							\
	  res = JS_SP2->u.vobject _OP_ JS_SP1->u.vobject;		\
	  break;							\
	case JS_BUILTIN:						\
	  res = ((JS_SP2->u.vbuiltin->info				\
		  == JS_SP1->u.vbuiltin->info				\
		  && (JS_SP2->u.vbuiltin->instance_context		\
		      == JS_SP1->u.vbuiltin->instance_context))		\
		 ? _VAL_ : !_VAL_);					\
	  break;							\
	case JS_FUNC:							\
	  res = JS_SP2->u.vfunction _OP_ JS_SP1->u.vfunction;		\
	  break;							\
	case JS_SYMBOL:							\
	  res = JS_SP2->u.vsymbol _OP_ JS_SP1->u.vsymbol;		\
	  break;							\
	case JS_IPTR:							\
	  res = JS_SP2->u.iptr _OP_ JS_SP1->u.iptr;			\
	  break;							\
	default:							\
	  res = _VAL_;							\
	  break;							\
	}								\
    }									\
  else									\
    {									\
      /* Type conversions between different types. */			\
      if ((JS_SP2->type == JS_UNDEFINED || JS_SP2->type == JS_NULL)	\
	  && (JS_SP1->type == JS_UNDEFINED				\
	      || JS_SP1->type == JS_NULL))				\
	res = _VAL_;							\
      /* Numbers. */							\
      else if (JS_IS_NUMBER (JS_SP2) && JS_IS_NUMBER (JS_SP1))		\
	{								\
	  if (JS_SP2->type == JS_NAN || JS_SP1->type == JS_NAN)		\
	    /* 11.9.3: cases 5 and 6 */					\
	    res = !_VAL_;						\
	  else if (JS_SP2->type == JS_INTEGER)				\
	    /* Integer-integer was already handled. */			\
	    res = (double) JS_SP2->u.vinteger _OP_ JS_SP1->u.vfloat;	\
	  else								\
	    /* Integer-integer was already handled. */			\
	    res = JS_SP2->u.vfloat _OP_ (double) JS_SP1->u.vinteger;	\
	}								\
      else								\
	{								\
	  JSNode l, r;							\
	  /* Must perform type casts. */				\
	  if ((JS_SP2->type == JS_STRING || JS_SP2->type == JS_BOOLEAN	\
	       || JS_IS_NUMBER (JS_SP2))				\
	      && (JS_SP1->type == JS_STRING				\
		  || JS_SP1->type == JS_BOOLEAN				\
		  || JS_IS_NUMBER (JS_SP1)))				\
	    {								\
	      js_vm_to_number (vm, JS_SP2, &l);				\
	      js_vm_to_number (vm, JS_SP1, &r);				\
	      if (l.type == JS_NAN || r.type == JS_NAN)			\
		res = !_VAL_;						\
	      else if (l.type == JS_INTEGER)				\
		{							\
		  if (r.type == JS_INTEGER)				\
		    res = l.u.vinteger _OP_ r.u.vinteger;		\
		  else							\
		    res = (double) l.u.vinteger _OP_ r.u.vfloat;	\
		}							\
	      else							\
		{							\
		  if (r.type == JS_INTEGER)				\
		    res = l.u.vfloat _OP_ (double) r.u.vinteger;	\
		  else							\
		    res = l.u.vfloat _OP_ r.u.vfloat;			\
		}							\
	    }								\
	  else if (JS_SP2->type == JS_OBJECT				\
		   && (JS_SP1->type == JS_STRING			\
		       || JS_IS_NUMBER (JS_SP1)))			\
	    {								\
	      JSNode cvt;						\
	      /* ECMA 11.9.3 21. No preferred type specified. */	\
	      js_vm_to_primitive (vm, JS_SP2, &cvt, JS_UNDEFINED);	\
	      JS_COPY (JS_SP2, &cvt);					\
	      continue;							\
	    }								\
	  else if (JS_SP1->type == JS_OBJECT				\
		   && (JS_SP2->type == JS_STRING			\
		       || JS_IS_NUMBER (JS_SP2)))			\
	    {								\
	      JSNode cvt;						\
	      /* ECMA 11.9.3 20. No preferred type specified. */	\
	      js_vm_to_primitive (vm, JS_SP1, &cvt, JS_UNDEFINED);	\
	      JS_COPY (JS_SP1, &cvt);					\
	      continue;							\
	    }								\
	  else								\
	    res = !_VAL_;						\
	}								\
    }									\
  JS_SP2->type = JS_BOOLEAN;						\
  JS_SP2->u.vboolean = res;						\
  JS_POP ();								\
  break;								\

#define JS_OPERAND_CMP_SEQ(_OP_, _VAL_)					\
  do {									\
  int res;								\
  if (JS_SP2->type == JS_SP1->type)					\
    {									\
      switch (JS_SP2->type)						\
	{								\
	case JS_INTEGER:						\
	  res = JS_SP2->u.vinteger _OP_ JS_SP1->u.vinteger;		\
	  break;							\
	case JS_FLOAT:							\
	  res = JS_SP2->u.vfloat _OP_ JS_SP1->u.vfloat;			\
	  break;							\
	case JS_NAN:							\
	  /* 11.9.6: cases 3 and 4 */					\
	  res = !_VAL_;							\
	  break;							\
	case JS_STRING:							\
	  res = js_compare_strings (JS_SP2, JS_SP1) _OP_ 0;		\
	  break;							\
	case JS_BOOLEAN:						\
	  res = JS_SP2->u.vboolean _OP_ JS_SP1->u.vboolean;		\
	  break;							\
	case JS_OBJECT:							\
	  res = JS_SP2->u.vobject _OP_ JS_SP1->u.vobject;		\
	  break;							\
	case JS_BUILTIN:						\
	  res = ((JS_SP2->u.vbuiltin->info				\
		  == JS_SP1->u.vbuiltin->info				\
		  && (JS_SP2->u.vbuiltin->instance_context		\
		      == JS_SP1->u.vbuiltin->instance_context))		\
		 ? _VAL_ : !_VAL_);					\
	  break;							\
	case JS_FUNC:							\
	  res = JS_SP2->u.vfunction _OP_ JS_SP1->u.vfunction;		\
	  break;							\
	default:							\
	  /* 11.9.6: case 12 */						\
	  res = !_VAL_;							\
	  break;							\
	}								\
    }									\
  else									\
    {									\
      /* Only numbers are allowed here. */				\
      if (JS_IS_NUMBER (JS_SP2) && JS_IS_NUMBER (JS_SP1))		\
	{								\
	  if (JS_SP2->type == JS_NAN || JS_SP1->type == JS_NAN)		\
	    /* 11.9.6: cases 3 and 4 */					\
	    res = !_VAL_;						\
	  else if (JS_SP2->type == JS_INTEGER)				\
	    res = (double) JS_SP2->u.vinteger _OP_ JS_SP1->u.vfloat;	\
	  else								\
	    res = JS_SP2->u.vfloat _OP_ (double) JS_SP1->u.vinteger;	\
	}								\
      else								\
	res = !_VAL_;							\
    }									\
  JS_SP2->type = JS_BOOLEAN;						\
  JS_SP2->u.vboolean = res;						\
  JS_POP ();								\
  } while (0)

#define JS_OPERAND_BINARY(_OP_)					\
  do {								\
  if (JS_SP2->type == JS_INTEGER && JS_SP1->type == JS_INTEGER) \
    {								\
      JS_SP2->u.vinteger = ((JSInt32) JS_SP2->u.vinteger	\
			    _OP_ (JSInt32) JS_SP1->u.vinteger); \
      JS_POP ();						\
    }								\
  else								\
    {								\
      JSInt32 l, r;						\
      l = js_vm_to_int32 (vm, JS_SP2);				\
      r = js_vm_to_int32 (vm, JS_SP1);				\
      JS_SP2->u.vinteger = (l _OP_ r);				\
      JS_SP2->type = JS_INTEGER;				\
      JS_POP ();						\
    }								\
  } while (0)

#define JS_IS_NUMBER(n) \
  ((n)->type == JS_INTEGER || (n)->type == JS_FLOAT || (n)->type == JS_NAN)

/* Some math macros. */

  do {					\
    (node)->type = JS_FLOAT;		\
    (node)->u.vfloat = HUGE_VAL;	\
  } while (0)

  do {					\
    (node)->type = JS_FLOAT;		\
    (node)->u.vfloat = -HUGE_VAL;	\
  } while (0)

  ((node)->type == JS_FLOAT && (node)->u.vfloat == HUGE_VAL)

  ((node)->type == JS_FLOAT && (node)->u.vfloat == -HUGE_VAL)

#define JS_IS_FINITE(node)		\
   && !JS_IS_NEGATIVE_INFINITY ((node)) \
   && (node)->type != JS_NAN)		\

#define JS_IS_PRIMITIVE_VALUE(node)				\
  ((node)->type == JS_UNDEFINED || (node)->type == JS_NULL	\
   || (node)->type == JS_BOOLEAN || JS_IS_NUMBER ((node))	\
   || (node)->type == JS_STRING)

/* Macro to clear all flags from a heap memory block. */
  do {						\
    (mb)->flag_mark = 0;			\
    (mb)->flag_destroyable = 0;			\
  } while (0)


 * Virtual machine security flags.  When these flags are enabled in
 * the vm->security, the appropriate built-in modules don't implement
 * insecure methods.

#define JS_VM_SECURE_FILE	0x01
#define JS_VM_SECURE_SYSTEM	0x02

 * Noticeable virtual machine events.  The `JS_VM_EVENT_OPERAND_COUNT'
 * event is generated only if the interpreter was configured with the
 * `--enable-operand-hooks' option.


 * Integer types.

typedef unsigned char JSUInt8;
typedef signed char JSInt8;

typedef unsigned short JSUInt16;
typedef short JSInt16;

#if SIZEOF_INT == 4

typedef unsigned int JSUInt32;
typedef int JSInt32;

#else /* not SIZEOF_INT == 4 */

#if SIZEOF_LONG == 4

typedef unsigned long JSUInt32;
typedef long JSInt32;

#else /* not SIZEOF_LONG == 4 */

#error "do not know how to define a 32 bit long integer"

#endif /* not SIZEOF_LONG == 4 */

#endif /* not SIZEOF_INT == 4 */

 * An unsigned interger number that can be used to align structures to
 * correct byte boundaries.  On 64 bit machines (Alpha) this should be
 * 64 bits long, etc.  For now one, we just assume that the mashine is
 * a LP64 so the `unsigned long' is a correct type for it.
typedef unsigned long JSUIntAlign;

/* I/O streams. */

/* Buffer filler or flusher function. */
typedef int (*JSIOStreamIOFunc) (void *context, unsigned char *buffer,
				 unsigned int todo, int *error_return);

typedef int (*JSIOStreamSeek) (void *context, long offset, int whence);

typedef long (*JSIOStreamGetPosition) (void *context);

typedef long (*JSIOStreamGetLength) (void *context);

typedef void (*JSIOStreamClose) (void *context);

/* The I/O stream handle. */
struct js_io_stream_st
  unsigned char *buffer;	/* Must be reallocatable with js_realloc(). */
  unsigned int buflen;
  unsigned int data_in_buf;
  unsigned int bufpos;

  /* Flags. */
  unsigned int at_eof : 1;
  unsigned int autoflush : 1;
  unsigned int writep : 1;	/* Does the buffer contain write data? */

  /* The system error code for the last operation that failed. */
  int error;

  /* Only one of the read and write is active. */
  JSIOStreamIOFunc	read;
  JSIOStreamIOFunc	write;
  JSIOStreamSeek	seek;
  JSIOStreamGetPosition	get_position;
  JSIOStreamGetLength	get_length;

  JSIOStreamClose close;

  void *context;

typedef struct js_io_stream_st JSIOStream;

/* The destroy callback for the destroyable heap blocks. */
typedef void (*JSHeapDestroyableCB) (void *ptr);

 * Each destroyable heap block must be castable to this structure e.g.
 * the first item in the block must be pointer to the destroy function.
struct js_heap_destroyable_st
  JSHeapDestroyableCB destroy;

typedef struct js_heap_destroyable_st JSHeapDestroyable;

/* Interned symbol. */
typedef unsigned int JSSymbol;

/* JavaScript Types. */

typedef enum
  JS_NULL	= 1,
  JS_BOOLEAN 	= 2,
  JS_INTEGER 	= 3,		/* Integer, float and nan are `number' */
  JS_STRING 	= 4,
  JS_FLOAT 	= 5,
  JS_ARRAY	= 6,
  JS_OBJECT	= 7,

   * The following ones are the internal types, used by this implementation.

  JS_SYMBOL 	= 10,
  JS_BUILTIN 	= 11,
  JS_FUNC	= 12,
  JS_NAN	= 13,

  JS_IPTR 	= 14,
  JS_ARGS_FIX	= 15
} JSNodeType;

struct js_node_st;
struct js_vm_st;
struct js_builtin_info_st;

/* Registry information for builtin objects. */


typedef void (*JSBuiltinGlobalMethod) (struct js_vm_st *vm,
				       struct js_builtin_info_st *builtin_info,
				       void *instance_context,
				       struct js_node_st *result_return,
				       struct js_node_st *args);

 * Function to call method <method> from the object.  Function must return
 * JS_PROPERTY_FOUND if the method was found or JS_PROPERTY_UNKNOWN
 * otherwise.
typedef int (*JSBuiltinMethod) (struct js_vm_st *vm,
				struct js_builtin_info_st *builtin_info,
				void *instance_context,
				JSSymbol method,
				struct js_node_st *result_return,
				struct js_node_st *args);

 * Function to load and set property <property> of object.  If <set>
 * is true, property <property> should be set to value <node>.  Otherwise
 * function should return the value of property <property> in <node>.
 * Function must return JS_PROPERTY_FOUND if the property was found or
typedef int (*JSBuiltinProperty) (struct js_vm_st *vm,
				  struct js_builtin_info_st *builtin_info,
				  void *instance_context,
				  JSSymbol property, int set,
				  struct js_node_st *node);

typedef void (*JSBuiltinNew) (struct js_vm_st *vm,
			      struct js_builtin_info_st *builtin_info,
			      struct js_node_st *args,
			      struct js_node_st *result_return);

typedef void (*JSBuiltinDelete) (struct js_builtin_info_st *builtin_info,
				 void *instance_context);

typedef void (*JSBuiltinMark) (struct js_builtin_info_st *builtin_info,
			       void *instance_context);

typedef void (*JSBuiltinObjectCtxDelete) (void *obj_context);

struct js_builtin_info_st
  JSHeapDestroyableCB	destroy;

  JSBuiltinGlobalMethod	global_method_proc;
  JSBuiltinMethod 	method_proc;
  JSBuiltinProperty	property_proc;
  JSBuiltinNew		new_proc;
  JSBuiltinDelete	delete_proc;
  JSBuiltinMark		mark_proc;

  void *obj_context;
  JSBuiltinObjectCtxDelete obj_context_delete;

  struct js_object_st *prototype;

typedef struct js_builtin_info_st JSBuiltinInfo;

/* Builtin object / class. */
struct js_builtin_st
  JSHeapDestroyableCB destroy;

  JSBuiltinInfo *info;
  void *instance_context;

  struct js_object_st *prototype;

typedef struct js_builtin_st JSBuiltin;

/* String. */
struct js_string_st
  /* Flags. */
  unsigned int staticp : 1;

  unsigned char *data;
  unsigned int len;

  struct js_object_st *prototype;

typedef struct js_string_st JSString;

/* Array. */
struct js_array_st
  unsigned int length;
  struct js_node_st *data;

  struct js_object_st *prototype;

typedef struct js_array_st JSArray;

/* Function. */
struct js_function_st
  void *implementation;
  struct js_object_st *prototype;

typedef struct js_function_st JSFunction;

/* Node. */
struct js_node_st
  JSNodeType type;

    unsigned int vboolean;

    JSString *vstring;

    long vinteger;
    double vfloat;

    struct js_object_st *vobject;

    JSArray *varray;

    /* Internal values. */

    JSSymbol vsymbol;

    JSBuiltin *vbuiltin;

    JSFunction *vfunction;

    void *iptr;

      JSUInt32 argc;
      JSUInt32 delta;
    } args_fix;

      JSUInt32 a;
      JSUInt32 b;
    } copy;
  } u;

typedef struct js_node_st JSNode;

/* Object. */

/* Hash node for object's properties. */
struct js_object_prop_hash_bucket_st
  struct js_object_prop_hash_bucket_st *next;
  unsigned char *data;
  unsigned int len;
  unsigned int value;

typedef struct js_object_prop_hash_bucket_st JSObjectPropHashBucket;

/* The attribute flags for object's properties. */
#define JS_ATTRIB_Internal		8

/* Object's property. */
struct js_property_st
  JSSymbol name;
  JSNode value;
  unsigned int attributes;

typedef struct js_property_st JSProperty;

struct js_object_st
  JSObjectPropHashBucket **hash;
  unsigned int *hash_lengths;
  unsigned int num_props;	/* Number of properties in this object. */
  JSProperty *props;

typedef struct js_object_st JSObject;

/* Byte code. */

typedef enum
} JSBCSectionType;

struct js_bc_sect_st
  JSBCSectionType type;
  unsigned int length;
  void *data;			/* <length> bytes of data */

typedef struct js_bc_sect_st JSBCSect;

struct js_bc_st
  unsigned int num_sects;
  JSBCSect *sects;

typedef struct js_bc_st JSByteCode;

/* Debug information. */
#define JS_DI_FILENAME		1

/* Heap block. */
struct js_heap_block_st
  struct js_heap_block_st *next;
  unsigned int size;
  /* <size> bytes of data follows the structure. */

typedef struct js_heap_block_st JSHeapBlock;

/* Heap memory block. */

#define JS_MEM_DEBUG 0

/* All allocated blocks have this header. */
struct js_heap_memory_block_st
  JSUIntAlign magic;

  JSUIntAlign flag_mark : 1;
  JSUIntAlign flag_destroyable : 1;
  JSUIntAlign size : (sizeof (JSUIntAlign) * 8 - 2);
  /* <size> bytes of data follows this header. */

typedef struct js_heap_memory_block_st JSHeapMemoryBlock;

 * When the block is on the freelist, it has this header.  The first
 * sizeof (void *) bytes of the block's data is used to hold the
 * freelist next pointer.
struct js_heap_freelist_block_st
  JSHeapMemoryBlock block;
  JSHeapMemoryBlock *next;

typedef struct js_heap_freelist_block_st JSHeapFreelistBlock;

/* Parsed symbol table entry. */
struct js_symtab_entry_st
  char *name;
  unsigned int offset;

typedef struct js_symtab_entry_st JSSymtabEntry;

 * Entry points to different byte-code instruction dispatcher functions.
 * Each dispatcher must implement these.

typedef int (*JSVMExecute) (struct js_vm_st *vm, JSByteCode *bc,
			    JSSymtabEntry *symtab,
			    unsigned int num_symtab_entries,
			    unsigned int consts_offset,
			    unsigned int anonymous_function_offset,
			    unsigned char *debug_info,
			    unsigned int debug_info_len,
			    JSNode *object, JSNode *func,
			    unsigned int argc, JSNode *argv);

typedef const char *(*JSVMFuncName) (struct js_vm_st *vm, void *pc);

typedef const char *(*JSVMDebugPosition) (struct js_vm_st *vm,
					  unsigned int *linenum_return);

/* Virtual Machine. */

#define JS_HASH_TABLE_SIZE 256

struct js_hash_bucket_st
  struct js_hash_bucket_st *next;
  char *name;
    void *data;
    unsigned int ui;
  } u;

typedef struct js_hash_bucket_st JSHashBucket;

/* Error handler frame. */
struct js_error_handler_frame_st
  struct js_error_handler_frame_st *next;
  jmp_buf error_jmp;

  /* The value thrown by the throw operand. */
  JSNode thrown;

  /* Saved state for the `try_push' operand. */
  JSNode *sp;
  JSNode *fp;
  void *pc;
  JSInt32 pc_delta;

typedef struct js_error_handler_frame_st JSErrorHandlerFrame;

struct js_vm_st
  /* Options for the virtual machine. */
  unsigned int verbose;		/* verbosity has different levels. */

  unsigned int stacktrace_on_error : 1;
  unsigned int verbose_stacktrace : 1;
  unsigned int warn_undef : 1;

  /* Security flags. */
  unsigned long security;

  /* The default system streams. */
  JSIOStream *s_stdin;
  JSIOStream *s_stdout;
  JSIOStream *s_stderr;

  /* The byte-code instruction dispatcher. */
  JSVMDispatchMethod	dispatch_method;
  const char 	       *dispatch_method_name;
  JSVMExecute 		dispatch_execute;
  JSVMFuncName		dispatch_func_name;
  JSVMDebugPosition	dispatch_debug_position;

  /* Constants pool. */
  JSNode *consts;
  unsigned int num_consts;
  unsigned int consts_alloc;

   * Global symbols (both functions and variables).  <globals_hash> is
   * a name-to-index mapping between symbol names and their positions
   * in <globals>.
  JSHashBucket *globals_hash[JS_HASH_TABLE_SIZE];
  JSNode *globals;
  unsigned int num_globals;
  unsigned int globals_alloc;

  /* The next anonymous function id. */
  unsigned int anonymous_function_next_id;

  /* Stack. */
  JSNode *stack;
  unsigned int stack_size;
  JSNode *sp;			/* Fuzzy stack pointer. */

  void *pc;			/* Fuzzy program counter. */

  /* Builtin objects for the primitive datatypes. */
  JSBuiltinInfo *prim[JS_IPTR + 1];

  /* Some commonly used symbols. */
    JSSymbol s___proto__;
    JSSymbol s_prototype;
    JSSymbol s_toSource;
    JSSymbol s_toString;
    JSSymbol s_valueOf;
  } syms;

  /* Heap. */

  JSHeapBlock *heap;
  JSHeapMemoryBlock *heap_freelists[JS_NUM_HEAP_FREELISTS];
  unsigned long heap_size;

  /* Information for the garbage collector. */
    unsigned long trigger;
    unsigned long bytes_allocated;
    unsigned long bytes_free;
    unsigned long count;
  } gc;

  /* Error handler frames. */
  JSErrorHandlerFrame *error_handler;

  /* Buffer for the error message.  Sorry, we don't support long errors ;-) */
  char error[1024];

   * The result from the latest evaluation.  This is set when the
   * js_vm_execute(), js_vm_apply(), or js_vm_call_method() functions
   * return to the caller.
  JSNode exec_result;

  /* Event callback hook. */
  int (*hook) (int event, void *context);
  void *hook_context;
  unsigned int hook_operand_count;
  unsigned int hook_operand_count_trigger;

  /* How many file descriptors can be allocated. */
  unsigned long fd_count;


  /* Byte-code operand profiling support. */

  unsigned int prof_count[256];
  unsigned char prof_op;

#endif /* PROFILING */

typedef struct js_vm_st JSVirtualMachine;

 * Global variables.

extern unsigned char js_latin1_tolower[256];
extern unsigned char js_latin1_toupper[256];

 * Prototypes for global functions.

 * Memory allocation routines.  If the allocation request fails, the
 * error recovery is performed according to the argument <vm>.  If
 * <vm> is not NULL, an error message is formatted to vm->error and an
 * error is raise with js_vm_error().  If the <vm> is NULL, the
 * functions will return value NULL.  It is an error to call these
 * functions with a non-NULL <vm> that has no error handler
 * initialized.

#endif /* not JS_DEBUG_MEMORY_LEAKS */


#define js_malloc(vm, size)		js_malloc_i ((vm), (size), \
						     __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define js_calloc(vm, num, size)	js_calloc_i ((vm), (num), (size), \
						     __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define js_realloc(vm, ptr, size) 	js_realloc_i ((vm), (ptr), (size), \
						      __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define js_strdup(vm, str)		js_strdup_i ((vm), (str), \
						     __FILE__, __LINE__)

void *js_malloc_i (JSVirtualMachine *vm, size_t size, char *, int);
void *js_calloc_i (JSVirtualMachine *vm, size_t num, size_t size, char *, int);
void *js_realloc_i (JSVirtualMachine *vm, void *ptr, size_t size, char *, int);
void js_free (void *ptr);
char *js_strdup_i (JSVirtualMachine *vm, const char *str, char *, int);

#else /* not JS_DEBUG_MEMORY_LEAKS */

void *js_malloc (JSVirtualMachine *vm, size_t size);
void *js_calloc (JSVirtualMachine *vm, size_t num, size_t size);
void *js_realloc (JSVirtualMachine *vm, void *ptr, size_t size);
void js_free (void *ptr);
char *js_strdup (JSVirtualMachine *vm, const char *str);

#endif /* not JS_DEBUG_MEMORY_LEAKS */

/* Byte code. */

JSByteCode *js_bc_read_file (FILE *fp);

JSByteCode *js_bc_read_data (unsigned char *data, unsigned int datalen);

void js_bc_free (JSByteCode *bc);

/* I/O streams. */

/* Allocate one I/O stream handle. */
JSIOStream *js_iostream_new ();

JSIOStream *js_iostream_file (FILE *fp, int readp, int writep, int do_close);

JSIOStream *js_iostream_pipe (FILE *fp, int readp);

size_t js_iostream_read (JSIOStream *stream, void *ptr, size_t size);

size_t js_iostream_write (JSIOStream *stream, void *ptr, size_t size);

int js_iostream_flush (JSIOStream *stream);

int js_iostream_unget (JSIOStream *stream, int byte);

int js_iostream_close (JSIOStream *stream);

int js_iostream_seek (JSIOStream *stream, long offset, int whence);

long js_iostream_get_position (JSIOStream *stream);

long js_iostream_get_length (JSIOStream *stream);

void js_iostream_fill_buffer (JSIOStream *stream);

/* Virtual machine. */

JSVirtualMachine *js_vm_create (unsigned int stack_size,
				JSVMDispatchMethod dispatch_method,
				unsigned int verbose, int stacktrace_on_error,
				JSIOStream *s_stdin, JSIOStream *s_stdout,
				JSIOStream *s_stderr);

void js_vm_destroy (JSVirtualMachine *vm);

 * Execute byte code <bc>.  Function returns 1 if the operation was
 * successful or 0 if any errors were encountered.  In case of errors,
 * the error message is stored at vm->error.
int js_vm_execute (JSVirtualMachine *vm, JSByteCode *bc);

 * Apply function <func_name> to arguments <argc, argv>.  If
 * function's name <func_name> is NULL, then <func> must specify function
 * to which arguments are applied.
int js_vm_apply (JSVirtualMachine *vm, char *func_name, JSNode *func,
		 unsigned int argc, JSNode *argv);

 * Call method <method_name> from object <objet> with arguments <argc, argv>.
int js_vm_call_method (JSVirtualMachine *vm, JSNode *object,
		       const char *method_name, unsigned int argc,
		       JSNode *argv);

/* Map program counter to the source file line. */
const char *js_vm_debug_position (JSVirtualMachine *vm,
				  unsigned int *linenum_return);

/* Fetch the function name from the program counter value. */
const char *js_vm_func_name (JSVirtualMachine *vm, void *pc);

/* Intern symbol <name, len> to virtual machine and return its JSSymbol id. */
JSSymbol js_vm_intern_with_len (JSVirtualMachine *vm, const char *name,
				unsigned int len);

/* Intern symbol <name> to virtual machine and return its JSSymbol id. */
static inline JSSymbol
js_vm_intern (JSVirtualMachine *vm, const char *name)
  return js_vm_intern_with_len (vm, name, strlen (name));

/* Return the name of symbol <sym>. */
const char *js_vm_symname (JSVirtualMachine *vm, JSSymbol sym);

 * ToPrimitive().  Convert node <n> to its primitive value and return
 * the result in <result_return>.
void js_vm_to_primitive (JSVirtualMachine *vm, const JSNode *n,
			 JSNode *result_return, JSNodeType preferred_type);

 * ToString().  Convert node <n> to its string presentations and
 * return the result in <result_return>.
void js_vm_to_string (JSVirtualMachine *vm, const JSNode *n,
		      JSNode *result_return);

 * ToNumber().  Convert node <n> to its number presentations and
 * return the result in <result_return>.
void js_vm_to_number (JSVirtualMachine *vm, const JSNode *n,
		      JSNode *result_return);

/* ToObject().  Convert node <n> to object according to its type.  */
void js_vm_to_object (JSVirtualMachine *vm, const JSNode *n,
		      JSNode *result_return);

 * ToInt32().  Convert node <n> to its signed 32 bit integer
 * presentation and return the result.
JSInt32 js_vm_to_int32 (JSVirtualMachine *vm, JSNode *n);

 * ToBoolean().  Convert node <n> to a boolean value and return the
 * result.
int js_vm_to_boolean (JSVirtualMachine *vm, JSNode *n);

 * Raise an error.  The error message must have been saved to vm->error
 * before this function is called.  The function never returns.
void js_vm_error (JSVirtualMachine *vm);

 * Count a hash value for <data_len> bytes of data <data>.  The resulting
 * hash value should be re-mapped to the correct range, for example,
 * with the mod operand.
static inline unsigned int
js_count_hash (const char *data, unsigned int data_len)
  unsigned int val = 0, i;

  for (i = 0; i < data_len; i++)
    val = (val << 5) ^ (unsigned char) data[i]
      ^ (val >> 16) ^ (val >> 7);

  return val;

/* Prototypes for the different instruction dispatcher implementations. */


int js_vm_switch0_exec (JSVirtualMachine *vm, JSByteCode *bc,
			JSSymtabEntry *symtab,
			unsigned int num_symtab_entries,
			unsigned int consts_offset,
			unsigned int anonymous_function_offset,
			unsigned char *debug_info,
			unsigned int debug_info_len,
			JSNode *object, JSNode *func,
			unsigned int argc, JSNode *argv);

const char *js_vm_switch0_func_name (JSVirtualMachine *vm, void *pc);

const char *js_vm_switch0_debug_position (JSVirtualMachine *vm,
					  unsigned int *linenum_return);

#endif /* ALL_DISPATCHERS */

int js_vm_switch_exec (JSVirtualMachine *vm, JSByteCode *bc,
		       JSSymtabEntry *symtab,
		       unsigned int num_symtab_entries,
		       unsigned int consts_offset,
		       unsigned int anonymous_function_offset,
		       unsigned char *debug_info, unsigned int debug_info_len,
		       JSNode *object, JSNode *func,
		       unsigned int argc, JSNode *argv);

const char *js_vm_switch_func_name (JSVirtualMachine *vm, void *pc);

const char *js_vm_switch_debug_position (JSVirtualMachine *vm,
					 unsigned int *linenum_return);

int js_vm_jumps_exec (JSVirtualMachine *vm, JSByteCode *bc,
		      JSSymtabEntry *symtab,
		      unsigned int num_symtab_entries,
		      unsigned int consts_offset,
		      unsigned int anonymous_function_offset,
		      unsigned char *debug_info, unsigned int debug_info_len,
		      JSNode *object, JSNode *func,
		      unsigned int argc, JSNode *argv);

const char *js_vm_jumps_func_name (JSVirtualMachine *vm, void *pc);

const char *js_vm_jumps_debug_position (JSVirtualMachine *vm,
					unsigned int *linenum_return);

/* Heap. */

void *js_vm_alloc (JSVirtualMachine *vm, unsigned int size);

void *js_vm_alloc_destroyable (JSVirtualMachine *vm, unsigned int size);

void *js_vm_realloc (JSVirtualMachine *vm, void *ptr, unsigned int new_size);

void js_vm_free (JSVirtualMachine *vm, void *ptr);

void js_vm_garbage_collect (JSVirtualMachine *vm, JSNode *fp, JSNode *sp);

void js_vm_clear_heap (JSVirtualMachine *vm);

void js_vm_mark (JSNode *node);

int js_vm_mark_ptr (void *ptr);

int js_vm_is_marked_ptr (void *ptr);

/* Function. */

static inline JSFunction *
js_vm_make_function (JSVirtualMachine *vm, void *implementation)
  JSFunction *f = (JSFunction *) js_vm_alloc (vm, sizeof (*f));

  f->implementation = implementation;
  f->prototype = (JSObject *) NULL;

  return f;

/* Built-in. */

/* Create a new built-in info. */
JSBuiltinInfo *js_vm_builtin_info_create (JSVirtualMachine *vm);

/* Create a new builtin object with <info, instance_context> to <result>. */
void js_vm_builtin_create (JSVirtualMachine *vm, JSNode *result,
			   JSBuiltinInfo *info, void *instance_context);

/* Array. */

static inline void
js_vm_make_array (JSVirtualMachine *vm, JSNode *n, unsigned int length)
  unsigned int i;

  n->type = JS_ARRAY;
  n->u.varray = (JSArray *) js_vm_alloc (vm, sizeof (*n->u.varray));
  n->u.varray->prototype = NULL;
  n->u.varray->length = length;
  n->u.varray->data = (JSNode *) js_vm_alloc (vm, length * sizeof (JSNode));

  for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
    n->u.varray->data[i].type = JS_UNDEFINED;

static inline void
js_vm_expand_array (JSVirtualMachine *vm, JSNode *n, unsigned int length)
  if (n->u.varray->length < length)
      n->u.varray->data = (JSNode *) js_vm_realloc (vm, n->u.varray->data,
						    length * sizeof (JSNode));
      for (; n->u.varray->length < length; n->u.varray->length++)
	n->u.varray->data[n->u.varray->length].type = JS_UNDEFINED;

/* File. */

/* Enter file <fp> to the system. */
void js_builtin_File_new (JSVirtualMachine *vm, JSNode *result_return,
			  char *path, JSIOStream *stream, int dont_close);

/* RegExp. */

 * Create a new regular expression node from <source, sourcelen> according
 * to <flags>.  The argument <immutable> defines whether the created
 * regexp is immutable.  The new regexp is returned in <result_return>.
 * If the <info> is NULL, the function will resolve it.  Otherwise the given
 * value is used.
void js_builtin_RegExp_new (JSVirtualMachine *vm, char *source,
			    unsigned int source_len, unsigned int flags,
			    int immutable, JSBuiltinInfo *info,
			    JSNode *result_return);

 * Do search-replace for the string <data, datalen> by replacing
 * matches of <regexp> with <repl, repl_len>.  The resulting string is
 * returned in <result_return>
void js_builtin_RegExp_replace (JSVirtualMachine *vm, char *data,
				unsigned int datalen, JSNode *regexp,
				char *repl, unsigned int repl_len,
				JSNode *result_return);

 * Do regexp match against <data, datalen>.   Format the result array
 * to <result_return>.
void js_builtin_RegExp_match (JSVirtualMachine *vm, char *data,
			      unsigned int datalen, JSNode *regexp,
			      JSNode *result_return);

 * Do regexp search against <data, datalen>.  Return the start index of
 * the match in <result_return>.
void js_builtin_RegExp_search (JSVirtualMachine *vm, char *data,
			       unsigned int datalen, JSNode *regexp,
			       JSNode *result_return);

 * Split the string <data, datalen> by regular expression <regexp>.
 * Function returns an array containing the substrings.
void js_builtin_RegExp_split (JSVirtualMachine *vm, char *data,
			      unsigned int datalen, JSNode *regexp,
			      unsigned int limit, JSNode *result_return);

/* Object. */

JSObject *js_vm_object_new (JSVirtualMachine *vm);

void js_vm_object_mark (JSObject *obj);

int js_vm_object_load_property (JSVirtualMachine *vm, JSObject *obj,
				JSSymbol prop, JSNode *value_return);

void js_vm_object_store_property (JSVirtualMachine *vm, JSObject *obj,
				  JSSymbol prop, JSNode *value);

void js_vm_object_delete_property (JSVirtualMachine *vm, JSObject *obj,
				   JSSymbol prop);

void js_vm_object_load_array (JSVirtualMachine *vm, JSObject *obj, JSNode *sel,
			      JSNode *value_return);

void js_vm_object_store_array (JSVirtualMachine *vm, JSObject *obj,
			       JSNode *sel, JSNode *value);

void js_vm_object_delete_array (JSVirtualMachine *vm, JSObject *obj,
				JSNode *sel);

int js_vm_object_nth (JSVirtualMachine *vm, JSObject *obj, int nth,
		      JSNode *value_return);

/* Debug. */

void js_vm_stacktrace (JSVirtualMachine *vm, unsigned int num_frames);

/* Strings. */

static inline void
js_vm_make_string (JSVirtualMachine *vm, JSNode *n, const char *data,
		   unsigned int data_len)
  n->type = JS_STRING;
  n->u.vstring = (JSString *) js_vm_alloc (vm, sizeof (*n->u.vstring));
  n->u.vstring->staticp = 0;
  n->u.vstring->prototype = NULL;
  n->u.vstring->len = data_len;
  n->u.vstring->data = (unsigned char *) js_vm_alloc (vm, data_len);
  if (data)
    memcpy (n->u.vstring->data, data, data_len);


static inline void
js_vm_make_static_string (JSVirtualMachine *vm, JSNode *n, const char *data,
			  unsigned int data_len)
  n->type = JS_STRING;
  n->u.vstring = (JSString *) js_vm_alloc (vm, sizeof (*n->u.vstring));
  n->u.vstring->staticp = 1;
  n->u.vstring->prototype = NULL;
  n->u.vstring->len = data_len;
  n->u.vstring->data = (unsigned char *) data;

static inline int
js_compare_strings (JSNode *a, JSNode *b)
  unsigned int i;

  for (i = 0; i < a->u.vstring->len && i < b->u.vstring->len; i++)
      if (a->u.vstring->data[i] < b->u.vstring->data[i])
	return -1;
      if (a->u.vstring->data[i] > b->u.vstring->data[i])
	return 1;
  if (a->u.vstring->len < b->u.vstring->len)
    return -1;
  if (a->u.vstring->len > b->u.vstring->len)
    return 1;

  return 0;

static inline char *
js_string_to_c_string (JSVirtualMachine *vm, const JSNode *a)
  char *cp;

  cp = (char *) js_malloc (vm, a->u.vstring->len + 1);
  memcpy (cp, a->u.vstring->data, a->u.vstring->len);
  cp[a->u.vstring->len] = '\0';

  return cp;

/* Dynamic loading. */

 * Try to open shared library <filename>.  If the opening was
 * successful, a handle to the library is returned.  Otherwise, the
 * function returns NULL, and an error message is returned in
 * <error_return>.  The argument <error_return_len> specifies the
 * maximum length of the error message the function should return.
void *js_dl_open (const char *filename, char *error_return,
		  unsigned int error_return_len);

 * Try to fetch the address of the symbol <symbol> from shared library
 * <library>.
void *js_dl_sym (void *library, char *symbol, char *error_return,
		 unsigned int error_return_len);

/* Misc helper functions. */

unsigned long js_crc32 (const unsigned char *s, unsigned int len);

 * Definitions for the JavaScript part of the JavaScript interp.

/* Flags for the compiler.  See `jsc/entry.js'. */

#define JSC_FLAG_VERBOSE			0x00000001
#define JSC_FLAG_GENERATE_DEBUG_INFO		0x00000004

#define JSC_FLAG_OPTIMIZE_PEEPHOLE		0x00000020
#define JSC_FLAG_OPTIMIZE_JUMPS			0x00000040
#define JSC_FLAG_OPTIMIZE_BC_SIZE		0x00000080
#define JSC_FLAG_OPTIMIZE_HEAVY			0x00000100

#define JSC_FLAG_OPTIMIZE_MASK			0x0000fff0

#define JSC_FLAG_WARN_SHADOW			0x00040000
#define JSC_FLAG_WARN_WITH_CLOBBER		0x00080000
#define JSC_FLAG_WARN_STRICT_ECMA		0x00200000
#define JSC_FLAG_WARN_DEPRECATED		0x00400000

#define JSC_FLAG_WARN_MASK			0xffff0000

/* JavaScript interpreter handle. */
struct js_interp_st
  JSInterpOptions options;
  JSVirtualMachine *vm;

/* Declaration for the JS compiler byte-code. */
extern const unsigned char js_compiler_bytecode[];
extern unsigned int js_compiler_bytecode_len;

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* not JSINT_H */