August 13, 2020
View 9e20cdf

Add CMake build tooling

Micah Snyder (micasnyd) authored on 2020/08/13 16:25:34
July 16, 2019
View cafa0bf

Updated libmspack 0.8alpha to 0.10.1alpha. Only different from vanilla is that we add a file.

Micah Snyder (micasnyd) authored on 2019/07/16 04:24:06
October 22, 2018
View 3b789ae

Updated from libmspack-0.7.1alpha to libmspack-0.8alpha.

Micah Snyder authored on 2018/10/22 22:32:03
September 17, 2018
View 4010925

Re-applying libmspack adjustments to extract and scan files from archives that are non-standard and may appear to be corrupted or may in fact be corrupted. Differences from previous implementation: Fewer debug log messages. No normalization of filenames found in CAB archives. Implemented new param that enabled the best-effort attempt to extract possibly malformed archives. Used set_param() to enabled the FIXMSZIP option where it was previously hardcoded. Opted to provide the -Wno-unused-parameter CFLAG to the compiler in place of explicitely indicating unused parameters in each function. Omitted changes to mszipd.c and also omitted quantum decompression (qtmd.c) infinite loop protection because it appears to have been fixed in the newer libmspack.

Micah Snyder authored on 2018/09/17 08:24:40
September 15, 2018
View 3e6a202

Replaced modified libmspack-0.5alpha with libmspack-0.7alpha (vanilla).

Micah Snyder authored on 2018/09/15 09:54:02
View b563e84

Moved libmspack-0.5alpha from libclamav to libclammspack, and restructured the build so that there should be no need to modify the libmspack build files in the future (i.e. libmspack autoconf and automake files aren't actually used).

Micah Snyder authored on 2018/09/15 08:53:48