August 5, 2009
View cc447ac

configure, libclamav: fix compile issues on IRIX (bb#1532)

Tomasz Kojm authored on 2009/08/05 06:17:28
April 3, 2008
View 2023340

update copyrights and stick more files to GPLv2; move and add more credits to the AUTHORS file; add COPYING.BSD

Tomasz Kojm authored on 2008/04/03 00:24:51
February 7, 2008
View c367122

introduce hashset_* functions use a faster hash function use hashset to load mdb signatures regenerate files due to hash function change enable hash function profiling during generation

Török Edvin authored on 2008/02/07 03:53:23
January 24, 2008
View b8a505e

optimize u16_normalize, encode as hex entities (Ȁ) update dependencies to rebuild on hashtab.c change support keys with common prefix by checking match length update due to hashtab change

Török Edvin authored on 2008/01/24 05:19:14
January 22, 2008
View b0b8398

* contrib/entitynorm: * use fewer entities, browsers don't support all either. * update to generate code for new entconv. * no need for configure, use just a simple Makefile (it is an internal tool) libclamav/entconv.c, hashtab.c, htmlnorm.c: * don't allocate memory for each entity_norm call. * don't touch length of mmaped area (bb #785) * update htmlnorm to use new entity_norm

Török Edvin authored on 2008/01/22 00:52:21
March 9, 2007
View 3c88220

Fix entity list generator to support more entities, including & (bb #391) Include new entitylist generated using contrib/entitynorm/generate_entitylist (bb #391) Fix bug in growing hash tables (must use hash on new table)

Török Edvin authored on 2007/03/09 05:30:49
February 18, 2007
View a99111f

remove old CVS-stuff and make the repository look more like SVN

Sven Strickroth authored on 2007/02/18 04:02:20