/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Sourcefire, Inc. * * Authors: Tomasz Kojm * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "clamav-config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include "clamav.h" #include "others.h" #include "matcher.h" #include "matcher-ac.h" #include "filetypes.h" #include "cltypes.h" #include "str.h" #include "readdb.h" #include "default.h" #include "mpool.h" int cli_ac_addpatt(struct cli_matcher *root, struct cli_ac_patt *pattern) { struct cli_ac_node *pt, *next; struct cli_ac_patt *ph; void *newtable; struct cli_ac_alt *a1, *a2; uint8_t i, match; uint16_t len = MIN(root->ac_maxdepth, pattern->length); for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { if(pattern->pattern[i] & CLI_MATCH_WILDCARD) { len = i; break; } } if(len < root->ac_mindepth) return CL_EPATSHORT; pt = root->ac_root; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { if(!pt->trans) { pt->trans = (struct cli_ac_node **) mpool_calloc(root->mempool, 256, sizeof(struct cli_ac_node *)); if(!pt->trans) { cli_errmsg("cli_ac_addpatt: Can't allocate memory for pt->trans\n"); return CL_EMEM; } } next = pt->trans[(unsigned char) (pattern->pattern[i] & 0xff)]; if(!next) { next = (struct cli_ac_node *) mpool_calloc(root->mempool, 1, sizeof(struct cli_ac_node)); if(!next) { cli_errmsg("cli_ac_addpatt: Can't allocate memory for AC node\n"); return CL_EMEM; } if(i != len - 1) { next->trans = (struct cli_ac_node **) mpool_calloc(root->mempool, 256, sizeof(struct cli_ac_node *)); if(!next->trans) { cli_errmsg("cli_ac_addpatt: Can't allocate memory for next->trans\n"); mpool_free(root->mempool, next); return CL_EMEM; } } root->ac_nodes++; newtable = mpool_realloc(root->mempool, root->ac_nodetable, root->ac_nodes * sizeof(struct cli_ac_node *)); if(!newtable) { root->ac_nodes--; cli_errmsg("cli_ac_addpatt: Can't realloc ac_nodetable\n"); if(next->trans) mpool_free(root->mempool, next->trans); mpool_free(root->mempool, next); return CL_EMEM; } root->ac_nodetable = (struct cli_ac_node **) newtable; root->ac_nodetable[root->ac_nodes - 1] = next; pt->trans[(unsigned char) (pattern->pattern[i] & 0xff)] = next; } pt = next; } root->ac_patterns++; newtable = mpool_realloc(root->mempool, root->ac_pattable, root->ac_patterns * sizeof(struct cli_ac_patt *)); if(!newtable) { root->ac_patterns--; cli_errmsg("cli_ac_addpatt: Can't realloc ac_pattable\n"); return CL_EMEM; } root->ac_pattable = (struct cli_ac_patt **) newtable; root->ac_pattable[root->ac_patterns - 1] = pattern; pattern->depth = i; ph = pt->list; while(ph) { if((ph->length == pattern->length) && (ph->prefix_length == pattern->prefix_length) && (ph->ch[0] == pattern->ch[0]) && (ph->ch[1] == pattern->ch[1])) { if(!memcmp(ph->pattern, pattern->pattern, ph->length * sizeof(uint16_t)) && !memcmp(ph->prefix, pattern->prefix, ph->prefix_length * sizeof(uint16_t))) { if(!ph->alt && !pattern->alt) { match = 1; } else if(ph->alt == pattern->alt) { match = 1; for(i = 0; i < ph->alt; i++) { a1 = ph->alttable[i]; a2 = pattern->alttable[i]; if(a1->num != a2->num) { match = 0; break; } if(a1->chmode != a2->chmode) { match = 0; break; } else if(a1->chmode) { if(memcmp(a1->str, a2->str, a1->num)) { match = 0; break; } } else { while(a1 && a2) { if((a1->len != a2->len) || memcmp(a1->str, a2->str, a1->len)) break; a1 = a1->next; a2 = a2->next; } if(a1 || a2) { match = 0; break; } } } } else { match = 0; } if(match) { pattern->next_same = ph->next_same; ph->next_same = pattern; return CL_SUCCESS; } } } ph = ph->next; } pattern->next = pt->list; pt->list = pattern; return CL_SUCCESS; } struct bfs_list { struct cli_ac_node *node; struct bfs_list *next; }; static int bfs_enqueue(struct bfs_list **bfs, struct bfs_list **last, struct cli_ac_node *n) { struct bfs_list *new; new = (struct bfs_list *) cli_malloc(sizeof(struct bfs_list)); if(!new) { cli_errmsg("bfs_enqueue: Can't allocate memory for bfs_list\n"); return CL_EMEM; } new->next = NULL; new->node = n; if(*last) { (*last)->next = new; *last = new; } else { *bfs = *last = new; } return CL_SUCCESS; } static struct cli_ac_node *bfs_dequeue(struct bfs_list **bfs, struct bfs_list **last) { struct bfs_list *lpt; struct cli_ac_node *pt; if(!(lpt = *bfs)) { return NULL; } else { *bfs = (*bfs)->next; pt = lpt->node; if(lpt == *last) *last = NULL; free(lpt); return pt; } } static int ac_maketrans(struct cli_matcher *root) { struct bfs_list *bfs = NULL, *bfs_last = NULL; struct cli_ac_node *ac_root = root->ac_root, *child, *node, *fail; struct cli_ac_patt *patt; int i, ret; for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) { node = ac_root->trans[i]; if(!node) { ac_root->trans[i] = ac_root; } else { node->fail = ac_root; if((ret = bfs_enqueue(&bfs, &bfs_last, node))) return ret; } } while((node = bfs_dequeue(&bfs, &bfs_last))) { if(IS_LEAF(node)) { struct cli_ac_node *failtarget = node->fail; while(IS_LEAF(failtarget)) failtarget = failtarget->fail; node->fail = failtarget; continue; } for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) { child = node->trans[i]; if(child) { fail = node->fail; while(IS_LEAF(fail) || !fail->trans[i]) fail = fail->fail; child->fail = fail->trans[i]; if(child->list) { patt = child->list; while(patt->next) patt = patt->next; patt->next = child->fail->list; } else { child->list = child->fail->list; } if((ret = bfs_enqueue(&bfs, &bfs_last, child)) != 0) return ret; } } } bfs = bfs_last = NULL; for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) { node = ac_root->trans[i]; if(node != ac_root) { if((ret = bfs_enqueue(&bfs, &bfs_last, node))) return ret; } } while((node = bfs_dequeue(&bfs, &bfs_last))) { if(IS_LEAF(node)) continue; for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) { child = node->trans[i]; if(!child) { struct cli_ac_node *failtarget = node->fail; while(IS_LEAF(failtarget) || !failtarget->trans[i]) failtarget = failtarget->fail; node->trans[i] = failtarget->trans[i]; } else { if((ret = bfs_enqueue(&bfs, &bfs_last, child)) != 0) return ret; } } } return CL_SUCCESS; } int cli_ac_buildtrie(struct cli_matcher *root) { if(!root) return CL_EMALFDB; if(!root->ac_root) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_ac_buildtrie: AC pattern matcher is not initialised\n"); return CL_SUCCESS; } return ac_maketrans(root); } int cli_ac_init(struct cli_matcher *root, uint8_t mindepth, uint8_t maxdepth) { #ifdef USE_MPOOL assert(root->mempool && "mempool must be initialized"); #endif root->ac_root = (struct cli_ac_node *) mpool_calloc(root->mempool, 1, sizeof(struct cli_ac_node)); if(!root->ac_root) { cli_errmsg("cli_ac_init: Can't allocate memory for ac_root\n"); return CL_EMEM; } root->ac_root->trans = (struct cli_ac_node **) mpool_calloc(root->mempool, 256, sizeof(struct cli_ac_node *)); if(!root->ac_root->trans) { cli_errmsg("cli_ac_init: Can't allocate memory for ac_root->trans\n"); mpool_free(root->mempool, root->ac_root); return CL_EMEM; } root->ac_mindepth = mindepth; root->ac_maxdepth = maxdepth; return CL_SUCCESS; } #ifdef USE_MPOOL #define mpool_ac_free_alt(a, b) ac_free_alt(a, b) static void ac_free_alt(mpool_t *mempool, struct cli_ac_patt *p) #else #define mpool_ac_free_alt(a, b) ac_free_alt(b) static void ac_free_alt(struct cli_ac_patt *p) #endif { uint16_t i; struct cli_ac_alt *a1, *a2; if(!p->alt) return; for(i = 0; i < p->alt; i++) { a1 = p->alttable[i]; while(a1) { a2 = a1; a1 = a1->next; if(a2->str) mpool_free(mempool, a2->str); mpool_free(mempool, a2); } } mpool_free(mempool, p->alttable); } void cli_ac_free(struct cli_matcher *root) { uint32_t i; struct cli_ac_patt *patt; for(i = 0; i < root->ac_patterns; i++) { patt = root->ac_pattable[i]; mpool_free(root->mempool, patt->prefix ? patt->prefix : patt->pattern); mpool_free(root->mempool, patt->virname); if(patt->offset) mpool_free(root->mempool, patt->offset); if(patt->alt) mpool_ac_free_alt(root->mempool, patt); mpool_free(root->mempool, patt); } if(root->ac_pattable) mpool_free(root->mempool, root->ac_pattable); for(i = 0; i < root->ac_nodes; i++) { if(!IS_LEAF(root->ac_nodetable[i])) mpool_free(root->mempool, root->ac_nodetable[i]->trans); mpool_free(root->mempool, root->ac_nodetable[i]); } if(root->ac_nodetable) mpool_free(root->mempool, root->ac_nodetable); if(root->ac_root) { mpool_free(root->mempool, root->ac_root->trans); mpool_free(root->mempool, root->ac_root); } } /* * In parse_only mode this function returns -1 on error or the max subsig id */ int cli_ac_chklsig(const char *expr, const char *end, uint32_t *lsigcnt, unsigned int *cnt, uint64_t *ids, unsigned int parse_only) { unsigned int i, len = end - expr, pth = 0, opoff = 0, op1off = 0, val; unsigned int blkend = 0, id, modval1, modval2 = 0, lcnt = 0, rcnt = 0, tcnt, modoff = 0; uint64_t lids = 0, rids = 0, tids; int ret, lval, rval; char op = 0, op1 = 0, mod = 0, blkmod = 0; const char *lstart = expr, *lend = NULL, *rstart = NULL, *rend = end, *pt; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { switch(expr[i]) { case '(': pth++; break; case ')': if(!pth) { cli_errmsg("cli_ac_chklsig: Syntax error: Missing opening parenthesis\n"); return -1; } pth--; case '>': case '<': case '=': mod = expr[i]; modoff = i; break; default: if(strchr("&|", expr[i])) { if(!pth) { op = expr[i]; opoff = i; } else if(pth == 1) { op1 = expr[i]; op1off = i; } } } if(op) break; if(op1 && !pth) { blkend = i; if(expr[i + 1] == '>' || expr[i + 1] == '<' || expr[i + 1] == '=') { blkmod = expr[i + 1]; ret = sscanf(&expr[i + 2], "%u,%u", &modval1, &modval2); if(ret != 2) ret = sscanf(&expr[i + 2], "%u", &modval1); if(!ret || ret == EOF) { cli_errmsg("chklexpr: Syntax error: Missing number after '%c'\n", expr[i + 1]); return -1; } for(i += 2; i + 1 < len && (isdigit(expr[i + 1]) || expr[i + 1] == ','); i++); } if(&expr[i + 1] == rend) break; else blkmod = 0; } } if(pth) { cli_errmsg("cli_ac_chklsig: Syntax error: Missing closing parenthesis\n"); return -1; } if(!op && !op1) { if(expr[0] == '(') return cli_ac_chklsig(++expr, --end, lsigcnt, cnt, ids, parse_only); ret = sscanf(expr, "%u", &id); if(!ret || ret == EOF) { cli_errmsg("cli_ac_chklsig: Can't parse %s\n", expr); return -1; } if(parse_only) val = id; else val = lsigcnt[id]; if(mod) { pt = expr + modoff + 1; ret = sscanf(pt, "%u", &modval1); if(!ret || ret == EOF) { cli_errmsg("chklexpr: Syntax error: Missing number after '%c'\n", mod); return -1; } if(!parse_only) { switch(mod) { case '=': if(val != modval1) return 0; break; case '<': if(val >= modval1) return 0; break; case '>': if(val <= modval1) return 0; break; default: return 0; } *cnt += val; *ids |= (uint64_t) 1 << id; return 1; } } if(parse_only) { return val; } else { if(val) { *cnt += val; *ids |= (uint64_t) 1 << id; return 1; } else { return 0; } } } if(!op) { op = op1; opoff = op1off; lstart++; rend = &expr[blkend]; } if(!opoff) { cli_errmsg("cli_ac_chklsig: Syntax error: Missing left argument\n"); return -1; } lend = &expr[opoff]; if(opoff + 1 == len) { cli_errmsg("cli_ac_chklsig: Syntax error: Missing right argument\n"); return -1; } rstart = &expr[opoff + 1]; lval = cli_ac_chklsig(lstart, lend, lsigcnt, &lcnt, &lids, parse_only); if(lval == -1) { cli_errmsg("cli_ac_chklsig: Calculation of lval failed\n"); return -1; } rval = cli_ac_chklsig(rstart, rend, lsigcnt, &rcnt, &rids, parse_only); if(rval == -1) { cli_errmsg("cli_ac_chklsig: Calculation of rval failed\n"); return -1; } if(parse_only) { switch(op) { case '&': case '|': return MAX(lval, rval); default: cli_errmsg("cli_ac_chklsig: Incorrect operator type\n"); return -1; } } else { switch(op) { case '&': ret = lval && rval; break; case '|': ret = lval || rval; break; default: cli_errmsg("cli_ac_chklsig: Incorrect operator type\n"); return -1; } if(!blkmod) { if(ret) { *cnt += lcnt + rcnt; *ids |= lids | rids; } return ret; } else { if(ret) { tcnt = lcnt + rcnt; tids = lids | rids; } else { tcnt = 0; tids = 0; } switch(blkmod) { case '=': if(tcnt != modval1) return 0; break; case '<': if(tcnt >= modval1) return 0; break; case '>': if(tcnt <= modval1) return 0; break; default: return 0; } if(modval2) { val = 0; while(tids) { val += tids & (uint64_t) 1; tids >>= 1; } if(val < modval2) return 0; } *cnt += tcnt; return 1; } } } /* * FIXME: the current support for string alternatives uses a brute-force * approach and doesn't perform any kind of verification and * backtracking. This may easily lead to false negatives, eg. when * an alternative contains strings of different lengths and * more than one of them can match at the current position. */ #define AC_MATCH_CHAR(p,b) \ switch(wc = p & CLI_MATCH_WILDCARD) { \ case CLI_MATCH_CHAR: \ if((unsigned char) p != b) \ match = 0; \ break; \ \ case CLI_MATCH_IGNORE: \ break; \ \ case CLI_MATCH_ALTERNATIVE: \ match = 0; \ alt = pattern->alttable[altcnt]; \ if(alt->chmode) { \ for(j = 0; j < alt->num; j++) { \ if(alt->str[j] == b) { \ match = 1; \ break; \ } \ } \ } else { \ while(alt) { \ if(bp + alt->len <= length) { \ if(!memcmp(&buffer[bp], alt->str, alt->len)) { \ match = 1; \ bp += alt->len - 1; \ break; \ } \ } \ alt = alt->next; \ } \ } \ altcnt++; \ break; \ \ case CLI_MATCH_NIBBLE_HIGH: \ if((unsigned char) (p & 0x00f0) != (b & 0xf0)) \ match = 0; \ break; \ \ case CLI_MATCH_NIBBLE_LOW: \ if((unsigned char) (p & 0x000f) != (b & 0x0f)) \ match = 0; \ break; \ \ default: \ cli_errmsg("ac_findmatch: Unknown wildcard 0x%x\n", wc); \ match = 0; \ } inline static int ac_findmatch(const unsigned char *buffer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t length, const struct cli_ac_patt *pattern, uint32_t *end) { uint32_t bp, match; uint16_t wc, i, j, altcnt = pattern->alt_pattern; struct cli_ac_alt *alt; if((offset + pattern->length > length) || (pattern->prefix_length > offset)) return 0; bp = offset + pattern->depth; match = 1; for(i = pattern->depth; i < pattern->length && bp < length; i++) { AC_MATCH_CHAR(pattern->pattern[i],buffer[bp]); if(!match) return 0; bp++; } *end = bp; if(!(pattern->ch[1] & CLI_MATCH_IGNORE)) { bp += pattern->ch_mindist[1]; for(i = pattern->ch_mindist[1]; i <= pattern->ch_maxdist[1]; i++) { if(bp >= length) return 0; match = 1; AC_MATCH_CHAR(pattern->ch[1],buffer[bp]); if(match) break; bp++; } if(!match) return 0; } if(pattern->prefix) { altcnt = 0; bp = offset - pattern->prefix_length; match = 1; for(i = 0; i < pattern->prefix_length; i++) { AC_MATCH_CHAR(pattern->prefix[i],buffer[bp]); if(!match) return 0; bp++; } } if(!(pattern->ch[0] & CLI_MATCH_IGNORE)) { bp = offset - pattern->prefix_length; if(pattern->ch_mindist[0] + (uint32_t) 1 > bp) return 0; bp -= pattern->ch_mindist[0] + 1; for(i = pattern->ch_mindist[0]; i <= pattern->ch_maxdist[0]; i++) { match = 1; AC_MATCH_CHAR(pattern->ch[0],buffer[bp]); if(match) break; if(!bp) return 0; else bp--; } if(!match) return 0; } return 1; } int cli_ac_initdata(struct cli_ac_data *data, uint32_t partsigs, uint32_t lsigs, uint8_t tracklen) { unsigned int i; if(!data) { cli_errmsg("cli_ac_init: data == NULL\n"); return CL_ENULLARG; } data->partsigs = partsigs; if(partsigs) { data->offmatrix = (int32_t ***) cli_calloc(partsigs, sizeof(int32_t **)); if(!data->offmatrix) { cli_errmsg("cli_ac_init: Can't allocate memory for data->offmatrix\n"); return CL_EMEM; } } data->lsigs = lsigs; if(lsigs) { data->lsigcnt = (uint32_t **) cli_malloc(lsigs * sizeof(uint32_t *)); if(!data->lsigcnt) { if(partsigs) free(data->offmatrix); cli_errmsg("cli_ac_init: Can't allocate memory for data->lsigcnt\n"); return CL_EMEM; } data->lsigcnt[0] = (uint32_t *) cli_calloc(lsigs * 64, sizeof(uint32_t)); if(!data->lsigcnt[0]) { free(data->lsigcnt); if(partsigs) free(data->offmatrix); cli_errmsg("cli_ac_init: Can't allocate memory for data->lsigcnt[0]\n"); return CL_EMEM; } for(i = 1; i < lsigs; i++) data->lsigcnt[i] = data->lsigcnt[0] + 64 * i; } return CL_SUCCESS; } void cli_ac_freedata(struct cli_ac_data *data) { uint32_t i; if(data && data->partsigs) { for(i = 0; i < data->partsigs; i++) { if(data->offmatrix[i]) { free(data->offmatrix[i][0]); free(data->offmatrix[i]); } } free(data->offmatrix); data->partsigs = 0; } if(data && data->lsigs) { free(data->lsigcnt[0]); free(data->lsigcnt); data->lsigs = 0; } } inline static int ac_addtype(struct cli_matched_type **list, cli_file_t type, off_t offset, const cli_ctx *ctx) { struct cli_matched_type *tnode, *tnode_last; if(type == CL_TYPE_ZIPSFX) { if(*list && ctx && ctx->engine->maxfiles && (*list)->cnt > ctx->engine->maxfiles) return CL_SUCCESS; } else if(*list && (*list)->cnt >= MAX_EMBEDDED_OBJ) return CL_SUCCESS; if(!(tnode = cli_calloc(1, sizeof(struct cli_matched_type)))) { cli_errmsg("cli_ac_addtype: Can't allocate memory for new type node\n"); return CL_EMEM; } tnode->type = type; tnode->offset = offset; tnode_last = *list; while(tnode_last && tnode_last->next) tnode_last = tnode_last->next; if(tnode_last) tnode_last->next = tnode; else *list = tnode; (*list)->cnt++; return CL_SUCCESS; } int cli_ac_scanbuff(const unsigned char *buffer, uint32_t length, const char **virname, void **customdata, struct cli_ac_result **res, const struct cli_matcher *root, struct cli_ac_data *mdata, uint32_t offset, cli_file_t ftype, int fd, struct cli_matched_type **ftoffset, unsigned int mode, const cli_ctx *ctx) { struct cli_ac_node *current; struct cli_ac_patt *patt, *pt; uint32_t i, bp, realoff, matchend; uint16_t j; int32_t **offmatrix; uint8_t found; struct cli_target_info info; int type = CL_CLEAN; struct cli_ac_result *newres; if(!root->ac_root) return CL_CLEAN; if(!mdata) { cli_errmsg("cli_ac_scanbuff: mdata == NULL\n"); return CL_ENULLARG; } memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); current = root->ac_root; for(i = 0; i < length; i++) { if(IS_LEAF(current)) current = current->fail; current = current->trans[buffer[i]]; if(IS_FINAL(current)) { patt = current->list; while(patt) { bp = i + 1 - patt->depth; if(ac_findmatch(buffer, bp, length, patt, &matchend)) { pt = patt; while(pt) { if((pt->type && !(mode & AC_SCAN_FT)) || (!pt->type && !(mode & AC_SCAN_VIR))) { pt = pt->next_same; continue; } realoff = offset + bp - pt->prefix_length; if(pt->offset && (!pt->sigid || pt->partno == 1)) { if((fd == -1 && !ftype) || !cli_validatesig(ftype, pt->offset, realoff, &info, fd, pt->virname)) { pt = pt->next_same; continue; } } if(pt->sigid) { /* it's a partial signature */ if(pt->partno != 1 && (!mdata->offmatrix[pt->sigid - 1] || !mdata->offmatrix[pt->sigid - 1][pt->partno - 2][0])) { pt = pt->next_same; continue; } if(!mdata->offmatrix[pt->sigid - 1]) { mdata->offmatrix[pt->sigid - 1] = cli_malloc(pt->parts * sizeof(int32_t *)); if(!mdata->offmatrix[pt->sigid - 1]) { cli_errmsg("cli_ac_scanbuff: Can't allocate memory for mdata->offmatrix[%u]\n", pt->sigid - 1); if(info.exeinfo.section) free(info.exeinfo.section); return CL_EMEM; } mdata->offmatrix[pt->sigid - 1][0] = cli_malloc(pt->parts * (CLI_DEFAULT_AC_TRACKLEN + 1) * sizeof(int32_t)); if(!mdata->offmatrix[pt->sigid - 1][0]) { cli_errmsg("cli_ac_scanbuff: Can't allocate memory for mdata->offmatrix[%u][0]\n", pt->sigid - 1); free(mdata->offmatrix[pt->sigid - 1]); mdata->offmatrix[pt->sigid - 1] = NULL; if(info.exeinfo.section) free(info.exeinfo.section); return CL_EMEM; } memset(mdata->offmatrix[pt->sigid - 1][0], -1, pt->parts * (CLI_DEFAULT_AC_TRACKLEN + 1) * sizeof(int32_t)); mdata->offmatrix[pt->sigid - 1][0][0] = 0; for(j = 1; j < pt->parts; j++) { mdata->offmatrix[pt->sigid - 1][j] = mdata->offmatrix[pt->sigid - 1][0] + j * (CLI_DEFAULT_AC_TRACKLEN + 1); mdata->offmatrix[pt->sigid - 1][j][0] = 0; } } offmatrix = mdata->offmatrix[pt->sigid - 1]; if(pt->partno != 1) { found = 0; for(j = 1; j <= CLI_DEFAULT_AC_TRACKLEN && offmatrix[pt->partno - 2][j] != -1; j++) { found = 1; if(pt->maxdist) if(realoff - offmatrix[pt->partno - 2][j] > pt->maxdist) found = 0; if(found && pt->mindist) if(realoff - offmatrix[pt->partno - 2][j] < pt->mindist) found = 0; if(found) break; } } if(pt->partno == 1 || (found && (pt->partno != pt->parts))) { offmatrix[pt->partno - 1][0] %= CLI_DEFAULT_AC_TRACKLEN; offmatrix[pt->partno - 1][0]++; offmatrix[pt->partno - 1][offmatrix[pt->partno - 1][0]] = offset + matchend; if(pt->partno == 1) /* save realoff for the first part */ offmatrix[pt->parts - 1][offmatrix[pt->partno - 1][0]] = realoff; } else if(found && pt->partno == pt->parts) { if(pt->type) { if(pt->type == CL_TYPE_IGNORED && (!pt->rtype || ftype == pt->rtype)) { if(info.exeinfo.section) free(info.exeinfo.section); return CL_TYPE_IGNORED; } if((pt->type > type || pt->type >= CL_TYPE_SFX || pt->type == CL_TYPE_MSEXE) && (!pt->rtype || ftype == pt->rtype)) { cli_dbgmsg("Matched signature for file type %s\n", pt->virname); type = pt->type; if(ftoffset && (!*ftoffset || (*ftoffset)->cnt < MAX_EMBEDDED_OBJ || type == CL_TYPE_ZIPSFX) && ((ftype == CL_TYPE_MSEXE && type >= CL_TYPE_SFX) || ((ftype == CL_TYPE_MSEXE || ftype == CL_TYPE_ZIP || ftype == CL_TYPE_MSOLE2) && type == CL_TYPE_MSEXE))) { /* FIXME: we don't know which offset of the first part is the correct one */ for(j = 1; j <= CLI_DEFAULT_AC_TRACKLEN && offmatrix[0][j] != -1; j++) { if(ac_addtype(ftoffset, type, offmatrix[pt->parts - 1][j], ctx)) { if(info.exeinfo.section) free(info.exeinfo.section); return CL_EMEM; } } } memset(offmatrix[0], -1, pt->parts * (CLI_DEFAULT_AC_TRACKLEN + 1) * sizeof(int32_t)); for(j = 0; j < pt->parts; j++) offmatrix[j][0] = 0; } } else { /* !pt->type */ if(pt->lsigid[0]) { mdata->lsigcnt[pt->lsigid[1]][pt->lsigid[2]]++; pt = pt->next; continue; } if(res) { newres = (struct cli_ac_result *) malloc(sizeof(struct cli_ac_result)); if(!newres) { if(info.exeinfo.section) free(info.exeinfo.section); return CL_EMEM; } newres->virname = pt->virname; newres->customdata = pt->customdata; newres->next = *res; *res = newres; pt = pt->next; continue; } else { if(virname) *virname = pt->virname; if(customdata) *customdata = pt->customdata; if(info.exeinfo.section) free(info.exeinfo.section); return CL_VIRUS; } } } } else { /* old type signature */ if(pt->type) { if(pt->type == CL_TYPE_IGNORED && (!pt->rtype || ftype == pt->rtype)) { if(info.exeinfo.section) free(info.exeinfo.section); return CL_TYPE_IGNORED; } if((pt->type > type || pt->type >= CL_TYPE_SFX || pt->type == CL_TYPE_MSEXE) && (!pt->rtype || ftype == pt->rtype)) { cli_dbgmsg("Matched signature for file type %s at %u\n", pt->virname, realoff); type = pt->type; if(ftoffset && (!*ftoffset || (*ftoffset)->cnt < MAX_EMBEDDED_OBJ || type == CL_TYPE_ZIPSFX) && ((ftype == CL_TYPE_MSEXE && type >= CL_TYPE_SFX) || ((ftype == CL_TYPE_MSEXE || ftype == CL_TYPE_ZIP || ftype == CL_TYPE_MSOLE2) && type == CL_TYPE_MSEXE))) { if(ac_addtype(ftoffset, type, realoff, ctx)) { if(info.exeinfo.section) free(info.exeinfo.section); return CL_EMEM; } } } } else { if(pt->lsigid[0]) { mdata->lsigcnt[pt->lsigid[1]][pt->lsigid[2]]++; pt = pt->next; continue; } if(res) { newres = (struct cli_ac_result *) malloc(sizeof(struct cli_ac_result)); if(!newres) { if(info.exeinfo.section) free(info.exeinfo.section); return CL_EMEM; } newres->virname = pt->virname; newres->customdata = pt->customdata; newres->next = *res; *res = newres; pt = pt->next; continue; } else { if(virname) *virname = pt->virname; if(customdata) *customdata = pt->customdata; if(info.exeinfo.section) free(info.exeinfo.section); return CL_VIRUS; } } } pt = pt->next_same; } } patt = patt->next; } } } if(info.exeinfo.section) free(info.exeinfo.section); return (mode & AC_SCAN_FT) ? type : CL_CLEAN; } /* FIXME: clean up the code */ int cli_ac_addsig(struct cli_matcher *root, const char *virname, const char *hexsig, uint32_t sigid, uint16_t parts, uint16_t partno, uint16_t rtype, uint16_t type, uint32_t mindist, uint32_t maxdist, const char *offset, const uint32_t *lsigid, unsigned int options) { struct cli_ac_patt *new; char *pt, *pt2, *hex = NULL, *hexcpy = NULL; uint16_t i, j, ppos = 0, pend, *dec, nzpos = 0; uint8_t wprefix = 0, zprefix = 1, plen = 0, nzplen = 0; struct cli_ac_alt *newalt, *altpt, **newtable; int ret, error = CL_SUCCESS; if(!root) { cli_errmsg("cli_ac_addsig: root == NULL\n"); return CL_ENULLARG; } if(strlen(hexsig) / 2 < root->ac_mindepth) return CL_EPATSHORT; if((new = (struct cli_ac_patt *) mpool_calloc(root->mempool, 1, sizeof(struct cli_ac_patt))) == NULL) return CL_EMEM; new->rtype = rtype; new->type = type; new->sigid = sigid; new->parts = parts; new->partno = partno; new->mindist = mindist; new->maxdist = maxdist; new->customdata = NULL; new->ch[0] |= CLI_MATCH_IGNORE; new->ch[1] |= CLI_MATCH_IGNORE; if(lsigid) { new->lsigid[0] = 1; memcpy(&new->lsigid[1], lsigid, 2 * sizeof(uint32_t)); } if(strchr(hexsig, '[')) { if(!(hexcpy = cli_strdup(hexsig))) { mpool_free(root->mempool, new); return CL_EMEM; } hex = hexcpy; for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { unsigned int n1, n2; if(!(pt = strchr(hex, '['))) break; *pt++ = 0; if(!(pt2 = strchr(pt, ']'))) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_ac_addsig: missing closing square bracket\n"); error = CL_EMALFDB; break; } *pt2++ = 0; if(sscanf(pt, "%u-%u", &n1, &n2) != 2) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_ac_addsig: incorrect range inside square brackets\n"); error = CL_EMALFDB; break; } if((n1 > n2) || (n2 > AC_CH_MAXDIST)) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_ac_addsig: incorrect range inside square brackets\n"); error = CL_EMALFDB; break; } if(strlen(hex) == 2) { if(i) { error = CL_EMALFDB; break; } dec = cli_hex2ui(hex); if(!dec) { error = CL_EMALFDB; break; } new->ch[i] = *dec; free(dec); new->ch_mindist[i] = n1; new->ch_maxdist[i] = n2; hex = pt2; } else if(strlen(pt2) == 2) { i = 1; dec = cli_hex2ui(pt2); if(!dec) { error = CL_EMALFDB; break; } new->ch[i] = *dec; free(dec); new->ch_mindist[i] = n1; new->ch_maxdist[i] = n2; } else { error = CL_EMALFDB; break; } } if(error) { free(hexcpy); mpool_free(root->mempool, new); return error; } hex = cli_strdup(hex); free(hexcpy); if(!hex) { mpool_free(root->mempool, new); return CL_EMEM; } } if(strchr(hexsig, '(')) { char *hexnew, *start, *h, *c; if(hex) { hexcpy = hex; } else if(!(hexcpy = cli_strdup(hexsig))) { mpool_free(root->mempool, new); return CL_EMEM; } if(!(hexnew = (char *) cli_calloc(strlen(hexsig) + 1, 1))) { free(new); free(hexcpy); return CL_EMEM; } start = pt = hexcpy; while((pt = strchr(start, '('))) { *pt++ = 0; if(!start) { error = CL_EMALFDB; break; } strcat(hexnew, start); strcat(hexnew, "()"); if(!(start = strchr(pt, ')'))) { error = CL_EMALFDB; break; } *start++ = 0; newalt = (struct cli_ac_alt *) mpool_calloc(root->mempool, 1, sizeof(struct cli_ac_alt)); if(!newalt) { cli_errmsg("cli_ac_addsig: Can't allocate newalt\n"); error = CL_EMEM; break; } new->alt++; newtable = (struct cli_ac_alt **) mpool_realloc(root->mempool, new->alttable, new->alt * sizeof(struct cli_ac_alt *)); if(!newtable) { new->alt--; mpool_free(root->mempool, newalt); cli_errmsg("cli_ac_addsig: Can't realloc new->alttable\n"); error = CL_EMEM; break; } newtable[new->alt - 1] = newalt; new->alttable = newtable; for(i = 0; i < strlen(pt); i++) if(pt[i] == '|') newalt->num++; if(!newalt->num) { error = CL_EMALFDB; break; } else newalt->num++; if(3 * newalt->num - 1 == (uint16_t) strlen(pt)) { newalt->chmode = 1; newalt->str = (unsigned char *) mpool_malloc(root->mempool, newalt->num); if(!newalt->str) { cli_errmsg("cli_ac_addsig: Can't allocate newalt->str\n"); error = CL_EMEM; break; } } for(i = 0; i < newalt->num; i++) { if(!(h = cli_strtok(pt, i, "|"))) { error = CL_EMALFDB; break; } if(!(c = cli_mpool_hex2str(root->mempool, h))) { free(h); error = CL_EMALFDB; break; } if(newalt->chmode) { newalt->str[i] = *c; mpool_free(root->mempool, c); } else { if(i) { altpt = newalt; while(altpt->next) altpt = altpt->next; altpt->next = (struct cli_ac_alt *) mpool_calloc(root->mempool, 1, sizeof(struct cli_ac_alt)); if(!altpt->next) { cli_errmsg("cli_ac_addsig: Can't allocate altpt->next\n"); error = CL_EMEM; free(c); free(h); break; } altpt->next->str = (unsigned char *) c; altpt->next->len = strlen(h) / 2; } else { newalt->str = (unsigned char *) c; newalt->len = strlen(h) / 2; } } free(h); } if(error) break; } if(start) strcat(hexnew, start); hex = hexnew; free(hexcpy); if(error) { if(new->alt) { free(hex); mpool_ac_free_alt(root->mempool, new); } mpool_free(root->mempool, new); return error; } } new->pattern = cli_mpool_hex2ui(root->mempool, hex ? hex : hexsig); if(new->pattern == NULL) { if(new->alt) mpool_ac_free_alt(root->mempool, new); mpool_free(root->mempool, new); free(hex); return CL_EMALFDB; } new->length = strlen(hex ? hex : hexsig) / 2; free(hex); for(i = 0; i < root->ac_maxdepth && i < new->length; i++) { if(new->pattern[i] & CLI_MATCH_WILDCARD) { wprefix = 1; break; } if(zprefix && new->pattern[i]) zprefix = 0; } if(wprefix || zprefix) { pend = new->length - root->ac_mindepth + 1; for(i = 0; i < pend; i++) { for(j = i; j < i + root->ac_maxdepth && j < new->length; j++) { if(new->pattern[j] & CLI_MATCH_WILDCARD) { break; } else { if(j - i + 1 >= plen) { plen = j - i + 1; ppos = i; } } if(new->pattern[ppos] || new->pattern[ppos + 1]) { if(plen >= root->ac_maxdepth) { break; } else if(plen >= root->ac_mindepth && plen > nzplen) { nzplen = plen; nzpos = ppos; } } } if(plen >= root->ac_maxdepth && (new->pattern[ppos] || new->pattern[ppos + 1])) break; } if(!new->pattern[ppos] && !new->pattern[ppos + 1] && nzplen) { plen = nzplen; ppos = nzpos; } if(plen < root->ac_mindepth) { cli_errmsg("cli_ac_addsig: Can't find a static subpattern of length %u\n", root->ac_mindepth); mpool_ac_free_alt(root->mempool, new); mpool_free(root->mempool, new->pattern); mpool_free(root->mempool, new); return CL_EMALFDB; } new->prefix = new->pattern; new->prefix_length = ppos; new->pattern = &new->prefix[ppos]; new->length -= ppos; for(i = 0; i < new->prefix_length; i++) if((new->prefix[i] & CLI_MATCH_WILDCARD) == CLI_MATCH_ALTERNATIVE) new->alt_pattern++; } if(new->length > root->maxpatlen) root->maxpatlen = new->length; new->virname = cli_mpool_virname(root->mempool, (char *) virname, options & CL_DB_OFFICIAL); if(!new->virname) { mpool_free(root->mempool, new->prefix ? new->prefix : new->pattern); mpool_ac_free_alt(root->mempool, new); mpool_free(root->mempool, new); return CL_EMEM; } if(new->lsigid[0]) root->ac_lsigtable[new->lsigid[1]]->virname = new->virname; if(offset) { new->offset = cli_mpool_strdup(root->mempool, offset); if(!new->offset) { mpool_free(root->mempool, new->prefix ? new->prefix : new->pattern); mpool_ac_free_alt(root->mempool, new); mpool_free(root->mempool, new->virname); mpool_free(root->mempool, new); return CL_EMEM; } } if((ret = cli_ac_addpatt(root, new))) { mpool_free(root->mempool, new->prefix ? new->prefix : new->pattern); mpool_free(root->mempool, new->virname); mpool_ac_free_alt(root->mempool, new); if(new->offset) mpool_free(root->mempool, new->offset); mpool_free(root->mempool, new); return ret; } return CL_SUCCESS; }