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Clamuko is a special thread in clamd that performs on-access scanning under Linux. It was implemented as a thread in clamd due to the Dazuko implementation. Client (clamuko) - server (clamd) model is currently not supported by Dazuko. However there are some benefits of the current implementation - clamuko is sharing the internal virus database with clamd and it's updated with the RELOAD command. You must obey the following important principles when using clamuko: You need to enable clamuko in clamav.conf. To protect the /home directory enable the following directive:
	ClamukoIncludePath /home
To protect the whole system:
	ClamukoIncludePath /
	ClamukoExcludePath /proc
	ClamukoExcludePath /temporary/dir/of/your/mail/scanning/software
You can use clamuko to protect files on Samba/Netatalk (but far more better and safe idea is to use the samba-vscan module 5.17. NFS is not supported (Dazuko doesn't intercept NFS access calls). Yet another idea - you may build a database that contains signatures for popular exploits and setup clamd to protect your server from script-kiddies.

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Tomasz Kojm 2004-02-11