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Output format

clamd uses a clamscan compatible output format:
	zolw@Wierszokleta:~$ telnet localhost 3310
	Connected to localhost.
	Escape character is '^]'.
	SCAN /home/zolw/infected
	/home/zolw/infected/ W32.Magistr.B FOUND
	Connection closed by foreign host.
In the SCAN mode it closes the connection when first virus is found. In the case of archives the output is exactly the same as with normal files because archive support is transparent:
	SCAN /home/zolw/Clam/test/
	/home/zolw/Clam/test/ ClamAV-Test-Signature FOUND
CONTSCAN displays all infected files found.
Error messages are printed in the following format:
	SCAN /no/such/file
	/no/such/file: Can't stat() the file ERROR
and they can be easily parsed.

clamscan writes all messages to stderr (only help is written to stdout by default). You may want to redirect it to stdout - this is handled with --stdout. An example of the clamscan output is:

	/tmp/test/removal-tool.exe: Worm.Sober FOUND
	/tmp/test/md5.o: OK
	/tmp/test/blob.c: OK
	/tmp/test/message.c: OK
	/tmp/test/error.hta: VBS.Inor.D FOUND
When a virus is found its name is printed between the filename: and FOUND strings. If a virus is found in an archive that has been extracted with an external unpacker it's noticed with Infected Archive. "Infected Archives" are not counted as infected files - only files within them are. Notice the difference with built-in unarchiver - extraction process is realized transparently by libclamav and clamscan doesn't know which concrete file is infected - just marks whole archives as infected.

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Tomasz Kojm 2004-06-29