/* * C implementation of the Aho-Corasick pattern matching algorithm. It's based * on ScannerDaemon's Java version by Kurt Huwig and * http://www-sr.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/~buehler/AC/AC.html * Thanks to Kurt Huwig for pointing me to this page. * * Copyright (C) 2002 Tomasz Kojm * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "clamav.h" #include "others.h" #include "matcher.h" #include "unrarlib.h" #include "defaults.h" int cli_addpatt(struct cl_node *root, struct cli_patt *pattern) { struct cl_node *pos, *next; int i; if(pattern->length < CL_MIN_LENGTH) { return CL_EPATSHORT; } pos = root; for(i = 0; i < CL_MIN_LENGTH; i++) { next = pos->trans[((unsigned char) pattern->pattern[i]) & 0xff]; if(!next) { next = (struct cl_node *) cli_calloc(1, sizeof(struct cl_node)); if(!next) { cli_dbgmsg("Unable to allocate pattern node (%d)\n", sizeof(struct cl_node)); return CL_EMEM; } root->nodes++; root->nodetable = (struct cl_node **) realloc(root->nodetable, (root->nodes) * sizeof(struct cl_node *)); if (root->nodetable == NULL) { cli_dbgmsg("Unable to realloc nodetable (%d)\n", (root->nodes) * sizeof(struct cl_node *)); return CL_EMEM; } root->nodetable[root->nodes - 1] = next; pos->trans[((unsigned char) pattern->pattern[i]) & 0xff] = next; } pos = next; } pos->islast = 1; pattern->next = pos->list; pos->list = pattern; return 0; } void cli_enqueue(struct nodelist **bfs, struct cl_node *n) { struct nodelist *new; new = (struct nodelist *) cli_calloc(1, sizeof(struct nodelist)); if (new == NULL) { cli_dbgmsg("Unable to allocate node list (%d)\n", sizeof(struct nodelist)); return; /* FIXME: should return CL_EMEM */ } new->next = *bfs; new->node = n; *bfs = new; } struct cl_node *cli_dequeue(struct nodelist **bfs) { struct nodelist *handler, *prev = NULL; struct cl_node *pt; handler = *bfs; while(handler && handler->next) { prev = handler; handler = handler->next; } if(!handler) { return NULL; } else { pt = handler->node; free(handler); if(prev) prev->next = NULL; else *bfs = NULL; return pt; } } void cli_maketrans(struct cl_node *root) { struct nodelist *bfs = NULL; struct cl_node *child, *node; int i; root->fail = NULL; cli_enqueue(&bfs, root); while((node = cli_dequeue(&bfs))) { if(node->islast) continue; for(i = 0; i < CL_NUM_CHILDS; i++) { child = node->trans[i]; if(!child) { if(node->fail) node->trans[i] = (node->fail)->trans[i]; else node->trans[i] = root; } else { if(node->fail) child->fail = (node->fail)->trans[i]; else child->fail = root; cli_enqueue(&bfs, child); } } } } void cl_buildtrie(struct cl_node *root) { cli_maketrans(root); } void cli_freepatt(struct cli_patt *list) { struct cli_patt *handler, *prev; handler = list; while(handler) { free(handler->pattern); free(handler->virname); prev = handler; handler = handler->next; free(prev); } } void cl_freetrie(struct cl_node *root) { int i; for(i = 0; i < root->nodes; i++) { cli_freepatt(root->nodetable[i]->list); free(root->nodetable[i]); } free(root->nodetable); free(root); } int cl_scanbuff(const char *buffer, unsigned int length, char **virname, const struct cl_node *root) { struct cl_node *current; struct cli_patt *pt; int i, position, *partcnt; current = (struct cl_node *) root; if ((partcnt = (int *) cli_calloc(root->partsigs + 1, sizeof(int))) == NULL) { cli_dbgmsg("cl_scanbuff(): unable to calloc(%d, %d)\n", root->partsigs + 1, sizeof(int)); return CL_EMEM; } for(i = 0; i < length; i++) { current = current->trans[(unsigned char) buffer[i] & 0xff]; if(current->islast) { position = i - CL_MIN_LENGTH + 1; pt = current->list; while(pt) { if(cli_findpos(buffer, position, length, pt)) { if(pt->sigid) { /* it's a partial signature */ if(partcnt[pt->sigid] + 1 == pt->partno) { if(++partcnt[pt->sigid] == pt->parts) { /* last */ if(virname) *virname = pt->virname; free(partcnt); return CL_VIRUS; } } } else { /* old type signature */ if(virname) *virname = pt->virname; free(partcnt); return CL_VIRUS; } } pt = pt->next; } current = current->fail; } } free(partcnt); return CL_CLEAN; } int cli_findpos(const char *buffer, int offset, int length, const struct cli_patt *pattern) { int bufferpos = offset + CL_MIN_LENGTH; int postfixend = offset + length; int i; for(i = CL_MIN_LENGTH; i < pattern->length; i++) { bufferpos %= length; if(bufferpos == postfixend) return 0; if(pattern->pattern[i] != CLI_IGN && (char) pattern->pattern[i] != buffer[bufferpos]) return 0; bufferpos++; } return 1; }