BUILD INSTRUCTIONS A makefile was supplied with this which should have built the program. If it fails please let us know, and here are some hints for building on different platforms. Tested OK on Linux/x86 with gcc3.2. cc -O3 -pedantic -Wuninitialized -Wall -pipe -mcpu=pentium -march=pentium -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -finline-functions -funroll-loops clamav-milter.c -pthread -lmilter ../libclamav/.libs/libclamav.a ../clamd/cfgfile.o ../clamd/others.o Compiles OK on Linux/x86 with tcc 0.9.16, but fails to link errors with 'atexit' tcc -g -b -lmilter -lpthread clamav-milter.c... Fails to compile on Linux/x86 with icc6.0 (complains about stdio.h...) icc -O3 -tpp7 -xiMKW -ipo -parallel -i_dynamic -w2 clamav-milter.c... Fails to build on Linux/x86 with icc7.1 with -ipo (fails on libclamav.a - keeps saying run ranlib). Otherwise it builds and runs OK. icc -O2 -tpp7 -xiMKW -parallel -i_dynamic -w2 -march=pentium4 -mcpu=pentium4 clamav-milter.c... Tested with Electric Fence 2.2.2 Compiles OK on Linux/ppc (YDL2.3) with gcc2.95.4. Needs -lsmutil to link. cc -O3 -pedantic -Wuninitialized -Wall -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -finline-functions -funroll-loop -pthread -lmilter ../libclamav/.libs/libclamav.a ../clamd/cfgfile.o ../clamd/others.o -lsmutil I haven't tested it further on this platform yet. YDL3.0 should compile out of the box Sendmail on MacOS/X (10.1) is provided without a development package so this can't be run "out of the box" Solaris 8 doesn't have milter support so clamav-milter won't work unless you rebuild sendmail from source. Solaris 9 has milter support in the supplied sendmail, but doesn't include libmilter so you can't develop milter applications on it. Go to, download the lastest sendmail, cd to libmilter and "make install" there. Needs -lresolv FreeBSD4.7 use /usr/local/bin/gcc30. GCC3.0 is an optional extra on FreeBSD. It comes with getopt.h which is handy. To link you need -lgnugetopt gcc30 -O3 -DCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I. -I.. -I../clamd -I../libclamav -pedantic -Wuninitialized -Wall -pipe -mcpu=pentium -march=pentium -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -finline-functions -funroll-loops clamav-milter.c -pthread -lmilter ../libclamav/.libs/libclamav.a ../clamd/cfgfile.o ../clamd/others.o -lgnugetopt FreeBSD4.8: should compile out of the box OpenBSD3.3: the supplied sendmail does not come with Milter support. You will need to rebuild sendmail from source INSTALLATION Install into /usr/local/sbin/clamav-milter, mode 744 See Installations for RedHat Linux and it's derivatives such as YellowDog: Add to /etc/mail/ INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`clamav', `S=local:/var/run/clamav.sock, F=, T=S:4m;R:4m')dnl define(`confINPUT_MAIL_FILTERS', `clamav') Check entry in /usr/local/etc/clamav.conf of the form: LocalSocket /var/run/clamd.sock StreamSaveToDisk If you already have a filter (such as spamassassin-milter from add it thus: INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`clamav', `S=local:/var/run/clamav.sock, F=, T=S:4m;R:4m')dnl INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`spamassassin', `S=local:/var/run/spamass.sock, F=, T=C:15m;S:4m;R:4m;E:10m') define(`confINPUT_MAIL_FILTERS', `spamassassin,clamav')dnl You may find INPUT_MAIL_FILTERS is not needed on your machine, however it is recommended by the Sendmail documentation and I recommend going along with that. I suggest putting SpamAssassin first since you're more likely to get spam than a virus/worm sent to you. Add to /etc/sysconfig/clamav-milter CLAMAV_FLAGS="--max-children=2 local:/var/run/clamav.sock" or if clamd is on a different machine CLAMAV_FLAGS="--max-children=2 --server= local:/var/run/clamav.sock" You should have received a script to put into /etc/init.d with this software. CHANGE HISTORY Changes 0.2: 4/3/03 clamfi_abort() now always calls pthread_mutex_unlock 5/3/03 Only send a bounce if -b is set Version now uses -v not -V --config-file couldn't be set by -c 0.3 7/3/03 Enhanced the Solaris compile time comment No need to save the return result of LogSyslog Use LogVerbose 0.4 9/3/03 Initialise dataSocket/cmdSocket correctly 10/3/03 Say why we don't connect() to clamd Enhanced '-l' usage message 0.5 18/3/03 Ported to FreeBSD 4.7 Source no longer in support, so remove one .. from the build instructions Corrected the use of strerror_r 0.51 20/3/03 Mention StreamSaveToDisk in the installation Added -s option which allows clamd to run on a different machine from the milter 0.52 20/3/03 -b flag now only stops the bounce, sends warning to recipient and postmaster 0.53 24/3/03 %d->%u in syslog call 27/3/03 tcpSocket is now of type in_port_t 27/3/03 Use PING/PONG 0.54 23/5/03 Allow a range of IP addresses as outgoing ones that need not be checked 0.55 24/5/03 Use inet_ntop() instead of inet_ntoa() Thanks to Krzysztof Olędzki 0.60 11/7/03 Some TODOs done by Nigel Kukard Should stop a couple of remote chances of crashes 0.60a 22/7/03 Tidied up message when sender is unknown 0.60b 17/8/03 Optionally set postmaster address. Usually one uses /etc/aliases, but not everyone want's to... 0.60c 22/8/03 Another go at Solaris support 0.60d 26/8/03 Removed superflous buffer and unneeded strerror call ETIMEDOUT isn't an error, but should give a warning 0.60e 09/9/03 Added -P and -q flags by "Nicholas M. Kirsch" 0.60f 17/9/03 Changed fprintf to fputs where possible Redirect stdin from /dev/null, stdout&stderr to /dev/console 0.60g 26/9/03 Handle sendmail calling abort after calling cleanup (Should never happen - but it does) Added -noxheader patch from 0.60h 28/9/03 Support MaxThreads option in config file, overriden by --max-children. Patch from "Richard G. Roberto" 0.60i 30/9/03 clamfi_envfrom() now correctly returns SMFIS_TEMPFAIL, in a few circumstances it used to return EX_TEMPFAIL Patch from Matt Sullivan 0.60j 1/10/03 strerror_r doesn't work on Linux, attempting workaround Added support for hard-coded list of email addresses who's e-mail is not scanned BUG REPORTS Please send bug reports and/or comments to Nigel Horne TODO There are several ideas marked as TODO in the source code. If anyone has any other suggestions please feel free to contact me.