#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt); sub wwarn { my $w = shift; warn "WARNING: $w\n"; } sub tosconf { my ($cfg, $v) = @_; if($v) { my $sep = $v=~/ / ? '"' : ''; $v = "\n$cfg $sep$v$sep"; } return $v; } my $notify = 0; my $black = 0; my $report = 0; my $debug = 0; my $sign = 0; my $broad = 0; my $forge = 0; my $sanity = 1; my $blackhole = 0; my $quarantine = 0; my $rate = 0; my $monitor = 0; my $oninfected = 'Reject'; my $onfail = 'Defer'; my @localnets = (); my $whitelist = ''; my $config = ''; my $chroot = ''; my $pidfile = ''; my $addheader = 1; my $tcpclamds = ''; my $localclamd; GetOptions ( "from|a:s" => \$notify, "bounce|b" => \$notify, "headers|H" => \$notify, "postmaster|p=s" => \$notify, "postmaster-only|P" => \$notify, "template-file|t=s" => \$notify, "template-headers|1=s" => \$notify, "quiet|q" => sub { $notify = 0 }, "dont-blacklist|K=s" => \$black, "blacklist-time|k=i" => \$black, "report-phish|r=s" => \$report, "report-phish-false-positives|R=s" => \$report, "debug-level|x=i" => \$debug, "debug|D" => \$debug, "sign|S" => \$sign, "signature-file|F=s" => \$sign, "broadcast|B=s" => \$broad, "detect-forged-local-address|L" => \$forge, "dont-sanitise|z" => sub { $sanity = 0 }, "black-hole-mode|2" => \$blackhole, "quarantine|Q=s" => \$quarantine, "quarantine-dir|U" => \$quarantine, "max-children|m=i" => \$rate, "dont-wait|w" => \$rate, "timeout|T=i" => \$rate, "freshclam-monitor|M=i" => \$monitor, "external|e" => sub { }, "no-check-cf" => sub { }, "sendmail-cf|0=s" => sub { }, "advisory|A" => sub { $oninfected='Accept'; }, "noreject|N" => sub { $oninfected='Blackhole'; }, "dont-scan-on-error|d" => sub { $onfail = 'Accept'; }, "ignore|I=s" => \@localnets, "local|l" => sub { @localnets = (); }, "force-scan|f" => sub { @localnets = (); }, "whitelist-file|W=s" => \$whitelist, "config-file|c=s" => \$config, "chroot|C=s" => \$chroot, "pidfile|i=s" => \$pidfile, "noxheader|n" => sub { $addheader = 0}, "outgoing|o" => sub { push(@localnets, 'localhost'); }, "server|s=s" => \$tcpclamds, ) or die "huh?!"; my %clamds = (); foreach (split(/:/, $tcpclamds)) { $clamds{"tcp:$_:3310"}++; } my $user = ''; my $supgrp = ''; my $syslog = ''; my $facility = ''; my $tempdir = ''; my $maxsize = ''; if ($config) { my $port = 0; my $ip = ''; my $lsock = ''; open CFG, "<$chroot/$config" or die "failed to open clamd config file $config"; while () { chomp; $port = $1 if /^TCPSocket\s+(.*)$/; $ip = $1 if /^TCPAddr\s+(.*)$/; $lsock = $1 if /^LocalSocket\s+(.*)$/; $user = $1 if /^User\s+(.*)$/; $supgrp = $1 if /^AllowSupplementaryGroups\s+(.*)$/; $syslog = $1 if /^LogSyslog\s+(.*)$/; $facility = $1 if /^LogFacility\s+(.*)$/; $tempdir = $1 if /^TemporaryDirectory\s+(.*)$/; $maxsize = $1 if /^MaxFileSize\s+(.*)$/; } close(CFG); if ($lsock) { $clamds{"unix:$lsock"}++; } elsif ($port) { if($ip) { $clamds{"tcp:$ip:$port"}++; } else { $clamds{"tcp:localhost:$port"}++; } } } die "FAIL: No socket provided" unless $ARGV[0]; die "FAIL: Unable to determine clamd socket\n" unless scalar keys %clamds; wwarn "Notifications and bounces are no longer supported. As a result the following command line options cannot be converted into new config options: --from (-a) --bounce (-b) --headers (-H) --postmaster (-p) --postmaster-only (-P) --template-file (-t) --template-headers (-1) " if $notify; wwarn "Temporary blacklisting of ip addresses is no longer supported. As a result the following command line options cannot be converted into new config options: --dont-blacklist (-K) --blacklist-time (-k) " if $black; wwarn "Phishing reports are no longer supported. As a result the following command line options cannot be converted into new config options: --report-phish (-r) --report-phish-false-positives (-R) " if $report; wwarn "The options --debug (-D) and --debug-level (-x) are no longer supported. Please set LogVerbose to yes instead " if $debug; wwarn "Message scan signatures are no longer supported. As a result the following command line options cannot be converted into new config options: --sign (-S) --signature-file (-F) " if $sign; wwarn "Broadcasting is no longer supported\n" if $broad; wwarn "Forgery detection is no longer supported\n" if $forge; wwarn "Please be aware that email addresses are no longer checked for weird characters like '|' and ';'\n" if $sanity; wwarn "Blackhole mode is no longer available\nIf you have a lot users aliased to /dev/null you may want to whitelist them instead\n" if $blackhole; wwarn "Quarantine now achieved via native milter support\nPlease read more about it in the example config file\n" if $quarantine; wwarn "Rate limiting in the milter is no longer supported. As a result the following command line options cannot be converted into new config options: --max-children (-m) --dont-wait (-w) --timeout (-T) Please make use of the native Sendmail / Postfix rate limiting facilities " if $rate; wwarn "The option --freshclam-monitor (-M) only made sense in internal mode\nPlease configure freshclam to notify clamd about updates instead\n" if $monitor; wwarn "Your whitelist file path has been preserved, however please be aware that its syntax is changed\nInstead of a full email address you are now allowed to use regexes. See the example clamav-milter.conf file for more info.\n" if $whitelist; wwarn "Here is the auto generated config file. Please review:\n"; my $mysock = tosconf('MilterSocket', $ARGV[0]); $chroot = tosconf('Chroot', $chroot); $pidfile = tosconf('PidFile', $pidfile); $oninfected = tosconf('OnInfected', $oninfected); $onfail = tosconf('OnFail', $onfail); $whitelist = tosconf('Whitelist', $whitelist); $addheader = $addheader ? "\nAddHeader Yes" : ''; $user = tosconf('User', $user); $supgrp = $supgrp ? "\nAllowSupplementaryGroups Yes" : ''; if ($syslog =~ /yes/i) { $syslog = "LogSyslog yes"; $facility = tosconf('LogFacility', $facility); } else { $syslog = ''; $facility = ''; } $tempdir = tosconf('TemporaryDirectory', $tempdir); $maxsize = tosconf('MaxFileSize', $maxsize); print <