#include "rar.hpp" #include "recvol3.cpp" #include "recvol5.cpp" bool RecVolumesRestore(RAROptions *Cmd,const wchar *Name,bool Silent) { Archive Arc(Cmd); if (!Arc.Open(Name)) { if (!Silent) ErrHandler.OpenErrorMsg(Name); return false; } RARFORMAT Fmt=RARFMT15; if (Arc.IsArchive(true)) Fmt=Arc.Format; else { byte Sign[REV5_SIGN_SIZE]; Arc.Seek(0,SEEK_SET); if (Arc.Read(Sign,REV5_SIGN_SIZE)==REV5_SIGN_SIZE && memcmp(Sign,REV5_SIGN,REV5_SIGN_SIZE)==0) Fmt=RARFMT50; } Arc.Close(); // We define RecVol as local variable for proper stack unwinding when // handling exceptions. So it can close and delete files on Cancel. if (Fmt==RARFMT15) { RecVolumes3 RecVol(false); return RecVol.Restore(Cmd,Name,Silent); } else { RecVolumes5 RecVol(false); return RecVol.Restore(Cmd,Name,Silent); } } void RecVolumesTest(RAROptions *Cmd,Archive *Arc,const wchar *Name) { wchar RevName[NM]; *RevName=0; if (Arc!=NULL) { // We received .rar or .exe volume as a parameter, trying to find // the matching .rev file number 1. bool NewNumbering=Arc->NewNumbering; wchar ArcName[NM]; wcsncpyz(ArcName,Name,ASIZE(ArcName)); wchar *VolNumStart=VolNameToFirstName(ArcName,ArcName,ASIZE(ArcName),NewNumbering); wchar RecVolMask[NM]; wcsncpyz(RecVolMask,ArcName,ASIZE(RecVolMask)); size_t BaseNamePartLength=VolNumStart-ArcName; wcsncpyz(RecVolMask+BaseNamePartLength,L"*.rev",ASIZE(RecVolMask)-BaseNamePartLength); FindFile Find; Find.SetMask(RecVolMask); FindData RecData; while (Find.Next(&RecData)) { wchar *Num=GetVolNumPart(RecData.Name); if (*Num!='1') // Name must have "0...01" numeric part. continue; bool FirstVol=true; while (--Num>=RecData.Name && IsDigit(*Num)) if (*Num!='0') { FirstVol=false; break; } if (FirstVol) { wcsncpyz(RevName,RecData.Name,ASIZE(RevName)); Name=RevName; break; } } if (*RevName==0) // First .rev file not found. return; } File RevFile; if (!RevFile.Open(Name)) { ErrHandler.OpenErrorMsg(Name); // It also sets RARX_OPEN. return; } mprintf(L"\n"); byte Sign[REV5_SIGN_SIZE]; bool Rev5=RevFile.Read(Sign,REV5_SIGN_SIZE)==REV5_SIGN_SIZE && memcmp(Sign,REV5_SIGN,REV5_SIGN_SIZE)==0; RevFile.Close(); if (Rev5) { RecVolumes5 RecVol(true); RecVol.Test(Cmd,Name); } else { RecVolumes3 RecVol(true); RecVol.Test(Cmd,Name); } }