/* * Copyright (C) 2013-2021 Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Sourcefire, Inc. * * Authors: Tomasz Kojm, Trog, Török Edvin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "clamav-config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #include #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #ifdef C_SOLARIS #include #endif // libclamav #include "clamav.h" #include "others.h" #include "readdb.h" // shared #include "output.h" #include "optparser.h" #include "misc.h" #include "idmef_logging.h" #include "server.h" #include "thrmgr.h" #include "session.h" #include "clamd_others.h" #include "shared.h" #define BUFFSIZE 1024 typedef enum { RELOAD_STAGE__IDLE, RELOAD_STAGE__RELOADING, RELOAD_STAGE__NEW_DB_AVAILABLE, } reload_stage_t; struct reload_th_t { struct cl_settings *settings; char *dbdir; unsigned int dboptions; }; /* * Global variables */ int progexit = 0; pthread_mutex_t exit_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; int reload = 0; time_t reloaded_time = 0; pthread_mutex_t reload_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; int sighup = 0; static pthread_mutex_t reload_stage_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static reload_stage_t reload_stage = RELOAD_STAGE__IDLE; /* protected by reload_stage_mutex */ struct cl_engine *g_newengine = NULL; /* protected by reload_stage_mutex */ extern pthread_mutex_t logg_mutex; static struct cl_stat dbstat; void *event_wake_recv = NULL; void *event_wake_accept = NULL; static void scanner_thread(void *arg) { client_conn_t *conn = (client_conn_t *)arg; #ifndef _WIN32 sigset_t sigset; #endif int ret; int virus = 0, errors = 0; #ifndef _WIN32 /* ignore all signals */ sigfillset(&sigset); /* The behavior of a process is undefined after it ignores a * SIGFPE, SIGILL, SIGSEGV, or SIGBUS signal */ sigdelset(&sigset, SIGFPE); sigdelset(&sigset, SIGILL); sigdelset(&sigset, SIGSEGV); #ifdef SIGBUS sigdelset(&sigset, SIGBUS); #endif sigdelset(&sigset, SIGTSTP); sigdelset(&sigset, SIGCONT); pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &sigset, NULL); #endif ret = command(conn, &virus); if (ret == -1) { pthread_mutex_lock(&exit_mutex); progexit = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&exit_mutex); errors = 1; } else errors = ret; thrmgr_setactiveengine(NULL); if (conn->filename) free(conn->filename); logg("$Finished scanthread\n"); if (thrmgr_group_finished(conn->group, virus ? EXIT_OTHER : errors ? EXIT_ERROR : EXIT_OK)) { logg("$Scanthread: connection shut down (FD %d)\n", conn->sd); /* close connection if we were last in group */ shutdown(conn->sd, 2); closesocket(conn->sd); } cl_engine_free(conn->engine); free(conn); return; } static int syncpipe_wake_recv_w = -1; void sighandler_th(int sig) { int action = 0; switch (sig) { case SIGINT: case SIGTERM: progexit = 1; action = 1; break; #ifdef SIGHUP case SIGHUP: sighup = 1; action = 1; break; #endif #ifdef SIGUSR2 case SIGUSR2: reload = 1; action = 1; break; #endif default: break; /* Take no action on other signals - e.g. SIGPIPE */ } /* a signal doesn't always wake poll(), for example on FreeBSD */ if (action && syncpipe_wake_recv_w != -1) if (write(syncpipe_wake_recv_w, "", 1) != 1) logg("$Failed to write to syncpipe\n"); } static int need_db_reload(void) { if (!dbstat.entries) { logg("No stats for Database check - forcing reload\n"); return TRUE; } if (cl_statchkdir(&dbstat) == 1) { logg("SelfCheck: Database modification detected. Forcing reload.\n"); return TRUE; } logg("SelfCheck: Database status OK.\n"); return FALSE; } /** * @brief Thread entry point to load the signature databases & compile a new scanning engine. * * Once loaded, an event will be set to indicate that the new engine is ready. * * @param arg A reload_th_t structure defining the db directory, db settings, engine settings. * @return void* */ static void *reload_th(void *arg) { cl_error_t status = CL_EMALFDB; struct reload_th_t *rldata = arg; struct cl_engine *engine; unsigned int sigs = 0; int retval; if (NULL == rldata || NULL == rldata->dbdir || NULL == rldata->settings) { logg("!reload_th: Invalid arguments, unable to load signature databases.\n"); status = CL_EARG; goto done; } logg("Reading databases from %s\n", rldata->dbdir); if (NULL == (engine = cl_engine_new())) { logg("!reload_th: Can't initialize antivirus engine\n"); goto done; } retval = cl_engine_settings_apply(engine, rldata->settings); if (CL_SUCCESS != retval) { logg("!reload_th: Failed to apply previous engine settings: %s\n", cl_strerror(retval)); status = CL_EMEM; goto done; } retval = cl_load(rldata->dbdir, engine, &sigs, rldata->dboptions); if (CL_SUCCESS != retval) { logg("!reload_th: Database load failed: %s\n", cl_strerror(retval)); goto done; } retval = cl_engine_compile(engine); if (CL_SUCCESS != retval) { logg("!reload_th: Database initialization error: can't compile engine: %s\n", cl_strerror(retval)); goto done; } logg("Database correctly reloaded (%u signatures)\n", sigs); status = CL_SUCCESS; done: if (NULL != rldata) { if (NULL != rldata->settings) { cl_engine_settings_free(rldata->settings); } if (NULL != rldata->dbdir) { free(rldata->dbdir); } free(rldata); } if (CL_SUCCESS != status) { if (NULL != engine) { cl_engine_free(engine); engine = NULL; } } pthread_mutex_lock(&reload_stage_mutex); reload_stage = RELOAD_STAGE__NEW_DB_AVAILABLE; /* New DB available */ g_newengine = engine; pthread_mutex_unlock(&reload_stage_mutex); #ifdef _WIN32 SetEvent(event_wake_recv); #else if (syncpipe_wake_recv_w != -1) if (write(syncpipe_wake_recv_w, "", 1) != 1) logg("$Failed to write to syncpipe\n"); #endif return NULL; } /** * @brief Reload the database. * * @param[in/out] engine The current scan engine, used to copy the settings. * @param dboptions The current database options, used to copy the options. * @param opts The command line options, used to get the database directory. * @return cl_error_t CL_SUCCESS if the reload thread was successfully started. This does not mean that the database has reloaded successfully. */ static cl_error_t reload_db(struct cl_engine **engine, unsigned int dboptions, const struct optstruct *opts, threadpool_t *thr_pool) { cl_error_t status = CL_EMALFDB; cl_error_t retval; struct reload_th_t *rldata; pthread_t th; pthread_attr_t th_attr; if (NULL == opts || NULL == engine) { logg("!reload_db: Invalid arguments, unable to load signature databases.\n"); status = CL_EARG; goto done; } rldata = malloc(sizeof(struct reload_th_t)); if (!rldata) { logg("!Failed to allocate reload context\n"); status = CL_EMEM; goto done; } memset(rldata, 0, sizeof(struct reload_th_t)); rldata->dboptions = dboptions; if (*engine) { /* copy current settings */ rldata->settings = cl_engine_settings_copy(*engine); if (!rldata->settings) { logg("!Can't make a copy of the current engine settings\n"); goto done; } } rldata->dbdir = strdup(optget(opts, "DatabaseDirectory")->strarg); if (!rldata->dbdir) { logg("!Can't duplicate the database directory path\n"); goto done; } if (dbstat.entries) { cl_statfree(&dbstat); } memset(&dbstat, 0, sizeof(struct cl_stat)); retval = cl_statinidir(rldata->dbdir, &dbstat); if (CL_SUCCESS != retval) { logg("!cl_statinidir() failed: %s\n", cl_strerror(retval)); goto done; } if (*engine) { if (!optget(opts, "ConcurrentDatabaseReload")->enabled) { /* * If concurrent reload disabled, we'll NULL out the current engine and deref it. * It will only actually be free'd once the last scan finishes. */ thrmgr_setactiveengine(NULL); cl_engine_free(*engine); *engine = NULL; /* Wait for all scans to finish */ thrmgr_wait_for_threads(thr_pool); } } if (pthread_attr_init(&th_attr)) { logg("!Failed to init reload thread attributes\n"); goto done; } if (optget(opts, "ConcurrentDatabaseReload")->enabled) { /* For concurrent reloads: set detached, so we don't leak thread resources */ pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&th_attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); } retval = pthread_create(&th, &th_attr, reload_th, rldata); if (pthread_attr_destroy(&th_attr)) logg("^Failed to release reload thread attributes\n"); if (retval) { logg("!Failed to spawn reload thread\n"); goto done; } if (!optget(opts, "ConcurrentDatabaseReload")->enabled) { /* For non-concurrent reloads: join the thread */ int join_ret = pthread_join(th, NULL); switch (join_ret) { case 0: logg("Database reload completed.\n"); break; case EDEADLK: logg("!A deadlock was detected when waiting for the database reload thread.\n"); goto done; case ESRCH: logg("!Failed to find database reload thread.\n"); goto done; case EINVAL: logg("!The database reload thread is not a joinable thread.\n"); goto done; default: logg("!An unknown error occured when waiting for the database reload thread: %d\n", join_ret); goto done; } } status = CL_SUCCESS; done: if (CL_SUCCESS != status) { /* * Failed to spawn reload thread, so we're responsible for cleaning up * the rldata structure. */ if (NULL != rldata) { if (NULL != rldata->settings) { cl_engine_settings_free(rldata->settings); } if (NULL != rldata->dbdir) { free(rldata->dbdir); } free(rldata); } } return status; } /* * zCOMMANDS are delimited by \0 * nCOMMANDS are delimited by \n * Old-style non-prefixed commands are one packet, optionally delimited by \n, * with trailing \r|\n ignored */ static const char *get_cmd(struct fd_buf *buf, size_t off, size_t *len, char *term, int *oldstyle) { char *pos; if (!buf->off || off >= buf->off) { *len = 0; return NULL; } *term = '\n'; switch (buf->buffer[off]) { /* commands terminated by delimiters */ case 'z': *term = '\0'; case 'n': pos = memchr(buf->buffer + off, *term, buf->off - off); if (!pos) { /* we don't have another full command yet */ *len = 0; return NULL; } *pos = '\0'; if (*term) { *len = cli_chomp(buf->buffer + off); } else { *len = pos - buf->buffer - off; } *oldstyle = 0; return buf->buffer + off + 1; default: /* one packet = one command */ if (off) return NULL; pos = memchr(buf->buffer, '\n', buf->off); if (pos) { *len = pos - buf->buffer; *pos = '\0'; } else { *len = buf->off; buf->buffer[buf->off] = '\0'; } cli_chomp(buf->buffer); *oldstyle = 1; return buf->buffer; } } int statinidir(const char *dirname) { if (!dbstat.entries) { memset(&dbstat, 0, sizeof(dbstat)); } return cl_statinidir(dirname, &dbstat); } struct acceptdata { struct fd_data fds; struct fd_data recv_fds; pthread_cond_t cond_nfds; int max_queue; int commandtimeout; int syncpipe_wake_recv[2]; int syncpipe_wake_accept[2]; }; #define ACCEPTDATA_INIT(mutex1, mutex2) \ { \ FDS_INIT(mutex1), FDS_INIT(mutex2), PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER, 0, 0, {-1, -1}, \ { \ -1, -1 \ } \ } static void *acceptloop_th(void *arg) { char buff[BUFFSIZE + 1]; size_t i; struct acceptdata *data = (struct acceptdata *)arg; struct fd_data *fds = &data->fds; struct fd_data *recv_fds = &data->recv_fds; int max_queue = data->max_queue; int commandtimeout = data->commandtimeout; pthread_mutex_lock(fds->buf_mutex); for (;;) { /* Block waiting for data to become available for reading */ int new_sd = fds_poll_recv(fds, -1, 0, event_wake_accept); #ifdef _WIN32 ResetEvent(event_wake_accept); #endif /* TODO: what about sockets that get rm-ed? */ if (!fds->nfds) { /* no more sockets to poll, all gave an error */ logg("!Main socket gone: fatal\n"); break; } if (new_sd == -1 && errno != EINTR) { logg("!Failed to poll sockets, fatal\n"); pthread_mutex_lock(&exit_mutex); progexit = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&exit_mutex); break; } /* accept() loop */ for (i = 0; i < fds->nfds && new_sd >= 0; i++) { struct fd_buf *buf = &fds->buf[i]; if (!buf->got_newdata) continue; #ifndef _WIN32 if (buf->fd == data->syncpipe_wake_accept[0]) { /* dummy sync pipe, just to wake us */ if (read(buf->fd, buff, sizeof(buff)) < 0) { logg("^Syncpipe read failed\n"); } continue; } #endif if (buf->got_newdata == -1) { logg("$Acceptloop closed FD: %d\n", buf->fd); shutdown(buf->fd, 2); closesocket(buf->fd); buf->fd = -1; continue; } /* don't accept unlimited number of connections, or * we'll run out of file descriptors */ pthread_mutex_lock(recv_fds->buf_mutex); while (recv_fds->nfds > (unsigned)max_queue) { pthread_mutex_lock(&exit_mutex); if (progexit) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&exit_mutex); break; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&exit_mutex); pthread_cond_wait(&data->cond_nfds, recv_fds->buf_mutex); } pthread_mutex_unlock(recv_fds->buf_mutex); pthread_mutex_lock(&exit_mutex); if (progexit) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&exit_mutex); break; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&exit_mutex); /* listen only socket */ new_sd = accept(fds->buf[i].fd, NULL, NULL); if (new_sd >= 0) { int ret, flags; #ifdef F_GETFL flags = fcntl(new_sd, F_GETFL, 0); if (flags != -1) { if (fcntl(new_sd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) == -1) { logg("^Can't set socket to nonblocking mode, errno %d\n", errno); } } else { logg("^Can't get socket flags, errno %d\n", errno); } #else logg("^Nonblocking sockets not available!\n"); #endif logg("$Got new connection, FD %d\n", new_sd); pthread_mutex_lock(recv_fds->buf_mutex); ret = fds_add(recv_fds, new_sd, 0, commandtimeout); pthread_mutex_unlock(recv_fds->buf_mutex); if (ret == -1) { logg("!fds_add failed\n"); closesocket(new_sd); continue; } /* notify recvloop */ #ifdef _WIN32 SetEvent(event_wake_recv); #else if (write(data->syncpipe_wake_recv[1], "", 1) == -1) { logg("!write syncpipe failed\n"); continue; } #endif } else if (errno != EINTR) { /* very bad - need to exit or restart */ logg("!accept() failed: %s\n", cli_strerror(errno, buff, BUFFSIZE)); /* give the poll loop a chance to close disconnected FDs */ break; } } /* handle progexit */ pthread_mutex_lock(&exit_mutex); if (progexit) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&exit_mutex); break; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&exit_mutex); } pthread_mutex_unlock(fds->buf_mutex); if (sd_listen_fds(0) == 0) { /* only close the sockets, when not using systemd socket activation */ for (i = 0; i < fds->nfds; i++) { if (fds->buf[i].fd == -1) continue; logg("$Shutdown: closed fd %d\n", fds->buf[i].fd); shutdown(fds->buf[i].fd, 2); closesocket(fds->buf[i].fd); } } fds_free(fds); pthread_mutex_destroy(fds->buf_mutex); pthread_mutex_lock(&exit_mutex); progexit = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&exit_mutex); #ifdef _WIN32 SetEvent(event_wake_recv); #else if (write(data->syncpipe_wake_recv[1], "", 1) < 0) { logg("$Syncpipe write failed\n"); } #endif return NULL; } static const char *parse_dispatch_cmd(client_conn_t *conn, struct fd_buf *buf, size_t *ppos, int *error, const struct optstruct *opts, int readtimeout) { const char *cmd = NULL; int rc; size_t cmdlen; char term; int oldstyle; size_t pos = *ppos; /* Parse & dispatch commands */ while ((conn->mode == MODE_COMMAND) && (cmd = get_cmd(buf, pos, &cmdlen, &term, &oldstyle)) != NULL) { const char *argument; enum commands cmdtype; if (conn->group && oldstyle) { logg("$Received oldstyle command inside IDSESSION: %s\n", cmd); conn_reply_error(conn, "Only nCMDS\\n and zCMDS\\0 are accepted inside IDSESSION."); *error = 1; break; } cmdtype = parse_command(cmd, &argument, oldstyle); logg("$got command %s (%u, %u), argument: %s\n", cmd, (unsigned)cmdlen, (unsigned)cmdtype, argument ? argument : ""); if (cmdtype == COMMAND_FILDES) { if (buf->buffer + buf->off <= cmd + strlen("FILDES\n")) { /* we need the extra byte from recvmsg */ conn->mode = MODE_WAITANCILL; buf->mode = MODE_WAITANCILL; /* put term back */ buf->buffer[pos + cmdlen] = term; cmdlen = 0; logg("$RECVTH: mode -> MODE_WAITANCILL\n"); break; } /* eat extra \0 for controlmsg */ cmdlen++; logg("$RECVTH: FILDES command complete\n"); } conn->term = term; buf->term = term; if ((rc = execute_or_dispatch_command(conn, cmdtype, argument)) < 0) { logg("!Command dispatch failed\n"); if (rc == -1 && optget(opts, "ExitOnOOM")->enabled) { pthread_mutex_lock(&exit_mutex); progexit = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&exit_mutex); } *error = 1; } if (thrmgr_group_need_terminate(conn->group)) { logg("$Receive thread: have to terminate group\n"); *error = CL_ETIMEOUT; break; } if (*error || !conn->group || rc) { if (rc && thrmgr_group_finished(conn->group, EXIT_OK)) { logg("$Receive thread: closing conn (FD %d), group finished\n", conn->sd); /* if there are no more active jobs */ shutdown(conn->sd, 2); closesocket(conn->sd); buf->fd = -1; conn->group = NULL; } else if (conn->mode != MODE_STREAM) { logg("$mode -> MODE_WAITREPLY\n"); /* no more commands are accepted */ conn->mode = MODE_WAITREPLY; /* Stop monitoring this FD, it will be closed either * by us, or by the scanner thread. * Never close a file descriptor that is being * monitored by poll()/select() from another thread, * because this can lead to subtle bugs such as: * Other thread closes file descriptor -> POLLHUP is * set, but the poller thread doesn't wake up yet. * Another client opens a connection and sends some * data. If the socket reuses the previous file descriptor, * then POLLIN is set on the file descriptor too. * When poll() wakes up it sees POLLIN | POLLHUP * and thinks that the client has sent some data, * and closed the connection, so clamd closes the * connection in turn resulting in a bug. * * If we wouldn't have poll()-ed the file descriptor * we closed in another thread, but rather made sure * that we don't put a FD that we're about to close * into poll()'s list of watched fds; then POLLHUP * would be set, but the file descriptor would stay * open, until we wake up from poll() and close it. * Thus a new connection won't be able to reuse the * same FD, and there is no bug. */ buf->fd = -1; } } /* we received a command, set readtimeout */ time(&buf->timeout_at); buf->timeout_at += readtimeout; pos += cmdlen + 1; if (conn->mode == MODE_STREAM) { /* TODO: this doesn't belong here */ buf->dumpname = conn->filename; buf->dumpfd = conn->scanfd; logg("$Receive thread: INSTREAM: %s fd %u\n", buf->dumpname, buf->dumpfd); } if (conn->mode != MODE_COMMAND) { logg("$Breaking command loop, mode is no longer MODE_COMMAND\n"); break; } conn->id++; } *ppos = pos; buf->mode = conn->mode; buf->id = conn->id; buf->group = conn->group; buf->quota = conn->quota; if (conn->scanfd != -1 && conn->scanfd != buf->dumpfd) { logg("$Unclaimed file descriptor received, closing: %d\n", conn->scanfd); close(conn->scanfd); /* protocol error */ conn_reply_error(conn, "PROTOCOL ERROR: ancillary data sent without FILDES."); *error = 1; return NULL; } if (!*error) { /* move partial command to beginning of buffer */ if (pos < buf->off) { memmove(buf->buffer, &buf->buffer[pos], buf->off - pos); buf->off -= pos; } else buf->off = 0; if (buf->off) logg("$Moved partial command: %lu\n", (unsigned long)buf->off); else logg("$Consumed entire command\n"); /* adjust pos to account for the buffer shuffle */ pos = 0; } *ppos = pos; return cmd; } /* static const unsigned char* parse_dispatch_cmd(client_conn_t *conn, struct fd_buf *buf, size_t *ppos, int *error, const struct optstruct *opts, int readtimeout) */ static int handle_stream(client_conn_t *conn, struct fd_buf *buf, const struct optstruct *opts, int *error, size_t *ppos, int readtimeout) { int rc; size_t pos = *ppos; size_t cmdlen; logg("$mode == MODE_STREAM\n"); /* we received some data, set readtimeout */ time(&buf->timeout_at); buf->timeout_at += readtimeout; while (pos <= buf->off) { if (!buf->chunksize) { /* read chunksize */ if (buf->off - pos >= 4) { uint32_t cs; memmove(&cs, buf->buffer + pos, 4); pos += 4; buf->chunksize = ntohl(cs); logg("$Got chunksize: %u\n", buf->chunksize); if (!buf->chunksize) { /* chunksize 0 marks end of stream */ conn->scanfd = buf->dumpfd; conn->term = buf->term; buf->dumpfd = -1; buf->mode = buf->group ? MODE_COMMAND : MODE_WAITREPLY; if (buf->mode == MODE_WAITREPLY) buf->fd = -1; logg("$Chunks complete\n"); buf->dumpname = NULL; if ((rc = execute_or_dispatch_command(conn, COMMAND_INSTREAMSCAN, NULL)) < 0) { logg("!Command dispatch failed\n"); if (rc == -1 && optget(opts, "ExitOnOOM")->enabled) { pthread_mutex_lock(&exit_mutex); progexit = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&exit_mutex); } *error = 1; } else { memmove(buf->buffer, &buf->buffer[pos], buf->off - pos); buf->off -= pos; *ppos = 0; buf->id++; return 0; } } if (buf->chunksize > buf->quota) { logg("^INSTREAM: Size limit reached, (requested: %lu, max: %lu)\n", (unsigned long)buf->chunksize, (unsigned long)buf->quota); conn_reply_error(conn, "INSTREAM size limit exceeded."); *error = 1; *ppos = pos; return -1; } else { buf->quota -= buf->chunksize; } logg("$Quota Remaining: %lu\n", buf->quota); } else { /* need more data, so return and wait for some */ memmove(buf->buffer, &buf->buffer[pos], buf->off - pos); buf->off -= pos; *ppos = 0; return -1; } } if (pos + buf->chunksize < buf->off) cmdlen = buf->chunksize; else cmdlen = buf->off - pos; buf->chunksize -= cmdlen; if (cli_writen(buf->dumpfd, buf->buffer + pos, cmdlen) == (size_t)-1) { conn_reply_error(conn, "Error writing to temporary file"); logg("!INSTREAM: Can't write to temporary file.\n"); *error = 1; } logg("$Processed %llu bytes of chunkdata, pos %llu\n", (long long unsigned)cmdlen, (long long unsigned)pos); pos += cmdlen; if (pos == buf->off) { buf->off = 0; pos = 0; /* need more data, so return and wait for some */ *ppos = pos; return -1; } } *ppos = pos; return 0; } int recvloop(int *socketds, unsigned nsockets, struct cl_engine *engine, unsigned int dboptions, const struct optstruct *opts) { int max_threads, max_queue, readtimeout, ret = 0; struct cl_scan_options options; char timestr[32]; #ifndef _WIN32 struct sigaction sigact; sigset_t sigset; struct rlimit rlim; #endif const struct optstruct *opt; char buff[BUFFSIZE + 1]; int idletimeout; unsigned long long val; size_t i, j, rr_last = 0; pthread_t accept_th; pthread_mutex_t fds_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; pthread_mutex_t recvfds_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; struct acceptdata acceptdata = ACCEPTDATA_INIT(&fds_mutex, &recvfds_mutex); struct fd_data *fds = &acceptdata.recv_fds; time_t start_time, current_time; unsigned int selfchk; threadpool_t *thr_pool; #ifndef _WIN32 memset(&sigact, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction)); #endif /* Initalize scan options struct */ memset(&options, 0, sizeof(struct cl_scan_options)); /* set up limits */ if ((opt = optget(opts, "MaxScanTime"))->active) { if ((ret = cl_engine_set_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_SCANTIME, opt->numarg))) { logg("!cl_engine_set_num(CL_ENGINE_MAX_SCANTIME) failed: %s\n", cl_strerror(ret)); cl_engine_free(engine); return 1; } } val = cl_engine_get_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_SCANTIME, NULL); if (val) logg("Limits: Global time limit set to %llu milliseconds.\n", val); else logg("^Limits: Global time limit protection disabled.\n"); if ((opt = optget(opts, "MaxScanSize"))->active) { if ((ret = cl_engine_set_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_SCANSIZE, opt->numarg))) { logg("!cl_engine_set_num(CL_ENGINE_MAX_SCANSIZE) failed: %s\n", cl_strerror(ret)); cl_engine_free(engine); return 1; } } val = cl_engine_get_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_SCANSIZE, NULL); if (val) logg("Limits: Global size limit set to %llu bytes.\n", val); else logg("^Limits: Global size limit protection disabled.\n"); if ((opt = optget(opts, "MaxFileSize"))->active) { if ((ret = cl_engine_set_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_FILESIZE, opt->numarg))) { logg("!cl_engine_set_num(CL_ENGINE_MAX_FILESIZE) failed: %s\n", cl_strerror(ret)); cl_engine_free(engine); return 1; } } val = cl_engine_get_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_FILESIZE, NULL); if (val) logg("Limits: File size limit set to %llu bytes.\n", val); else logg("^Limits: File size limit protection disabled.\n"); #ifndef _WIN32 if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_FSIZE, &rlim) == 0) { if (rlim.rlim_cur < (rlim_t)cl_engine_get_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_FILESIZE, NULL)) logg("^System limit for file size is lower than engine->maxfilesize\n"); if (rlim.rlim_cur < (rlim_t)cl_engine_get_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_SCANSIZE, NULL)) logg("^System limit for file size is lower than engine->maxscansize\n"); } else { logg("^Cannot obtain resource limits for file size\n"); } #endif if ((opt = optget(opts, "MaxRecursion"))->active) { if ((ret = cl_engine_set_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_RECURSION, opt->numarg))) { logg("!cl_engine_set_num(CL_ENGINE_MAX_RECURSION) failed: %s\n", cl_strerror(ret)); cl_engine_free(engine); return 1; } } val = cl_engine_get_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_RECURSION, NULL); if (val) logg("Limits: Recursion level limit set to %u.\n", (unsigned int)val); else logg("^Limits: Recursion level limit protection disabled.\n"); if ((opt = optget(opts, "MaxFiles"))->active) { if ((ret = cl_engine_set_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_FILES, opt->numarg))) { logg("!cl_engine_set_num(CL_ENGINE_MAX_FILES) failed: %s\n", cl_strerror(ret)); cl_engine_free(engine); return 1; } } val = cl_engine_get_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_FILES, NULL); if (val) logg("Limits: Files limit set to %u.\n", (unsigned int)val); else logg("^Limits: Files limit protection disabled.\n"); #ifndef _WIN32 if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rlim) == 0) { logg("*Limits: Core-dump limit is %lu.\n", (unsigned long)rlim.rlim_cur); } #endif /* Engine max sizes */ if ((opt = optget(opts, "MaxEmbeddedPE"))->active) { if ((ret = cl_engine_set_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_EMBEDDEDPE, opt->numarg))) { logg("!cli_engine_set_num(CL_ENGINE_MAX_EMBEDDEDPE) failed: %s\n", cl_strerror(ret)); cl_engine_free(engine); return 1; } } val = cl_engine_get_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_EMBEDDEDPE, NULL); logg("Limits: MaxEmbeddedPE limit set to %llu bytes.\n", val); if ((opt = optget(opts, "MaxHTMLNormalize"))->active) { if ((ret = cl_engine_set_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_HTMLNORMALIZE, opt->numarg))) { logg("!cli_engine_set_num(CL_ENGINE_MAX_HTMLNORMALIZE) failed: %s\n", cl_strerror(ret)); cl_engine_free(engine); return 1; } } val = cl_engine_get_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_HTMLNORMALIZE, NULL); logg("Limits: MaxHTMLNormalize limit set to %llu bytes.\n", val); if ((opt = optget(opts, "MaxHTMLNoTags"))->active) { if ((ret = cl_engine_set_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_HTMLNOTAGS, opt->numarg))) { logg("!cli_engine_set_num(CL_ENGINE_MAX_HTMLNOTAGS) failed: %s\n", cl_strerror(ret)); cl_engine_free(engine); return 1; } } val = cl_engine_get_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_HTMLNOTAGS, NULL); logg("Limits: MaxHTMLNoTags limit set to %llu bytes.\n", val); if ((opt = optget(opts, "MaxScriptNormalize"))->active) { if ((ret = cl_engine_set_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_SCRIPTNORMALIZE, opt->numarg))) { logg("!cli_engine_set_num(CL_ENGINE_MAX_SCRIPTNORMALIZE) failed: %s\n", cl_strerror(ret)); cl_engine_free(engine); return 1; } } val = cl_engine_get_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_SCRIPTNORMALIZE, NULL); logg("Limits: MaxScriptNormalize limit set to %llu bytes.\n", val); if ((opt = optget(opts, "MaxZipTypeRcg"))->active) { if ((ret = cl_engine_set_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_ZIPTYPERCG, opt->numarg))) { logg("!cli_engine_set_num(CL_ENGINE_MAX_ZIPTYPERCG) failed: %s\n", cl_strerror(ret)); cl_engine_free(engine); return 1; } } val = cl_engine_get_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_ZIPTYPERCG, NULL); logg("Limits: MaxZipTypeRcg limit set to %llu bytes.\n", val); if ((opt = optget(opts, "MaxPartitions"))->active) { if ((ret = cl_engine_set_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_PARTITIONS, opt->numarg))) { logg("!cli_engine_set_num(MaxPartitions) failed: %s\n", cl_strerror(ret)); cl_engine_free(engine); return 1; } } val = cl_engine_get_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_PARTITIONS, NULL); logg("Limits: MaxPartitions limit set to %llu.\n", val); if ((opt = optget(opts, "MaxIconsPE"))->active) { if ((ret = cl_engine_set_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_ICONSPE, opt->numarg))) { logg("!cli_engine_set_num(MaxIconsPE) failed: %s\n", cl_strerror(ret)); cl_engine_free(engine); return 1; } } val = cl_engine_get_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_ICONSPE, NULL); logg("Limits: MaxIconsPE limit set to %llu.\n", val); if ((opt = optget(opts, "MaxRecHWP3"))->active) { if ((ret = cl_engine_set_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_RECHWP3, opt->numarg))) { logg("!cli_engine_set_num(MaxRecHWP3) failed: %s\n", cl_strerror(ret)); cl_engine_free(engine); return 1; } } val = cl_engine_get_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MAX_RECHWP3, NULL); logg("Limits: MaxRecHWP3 limit set to %llu.\n", val); /* options are handled in main (clamd.c) */ val = cl_engine_get_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_PCRE_MATCH_LIMIT, NULL); logg("Limits: PCREMatchLimit limit set to %llu.\n", val); val = cl_engine_get_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_PCRE_RECMATCH_LIMIT, NULL); logg("Limits: PCRERecMatchLimit limit set to %llu.\n", val); if ((opt = optget(opts, "PCREMaxFileSize"))->active) { if ((ret = cl_engine_set_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_PCRE_MAX_FILESIZE, opt->numarg))) { logg("!cli_engine_set_num(PCREMaxFileSize) failed: %s\n", cl_strerror(ret)); cl_engine_free(engine); return 1; } } val = cl_engine_get_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_PCRE_MAX_FILESIZE, NULL); logg("Limits: PCREMaxFileSize limit set to %llu.\n", val); if (optget(opts, "ScanArchive")->enabled) { logg("Archive support enabled.\n"); options.parse |= CL_SCAN_PARSE_ARCHIVE; } else { logg("Archive support disabled.\n"); } /* TODO: Remove deprecated option in a future feature release. */ if (optget(opts, "ArchiveBlockEncrypted")->enabled) { if (options.parse & CL_SCAN_PARSE_ARCHIVE) { logg( "^Using deprecated option \"ArchiveBlockEncrypted\" to alert on " "encrypted archives _and_ documents. Please update your " "configuration to use replacement options \"AlertEncrypted\", or " "\"AlertEncryptedArchive\" and/or \"AlertEncryptedDoc\".\n"); options.heuristic |= CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_ENCRYPTED_ARCHIVE; options.heuristic |= CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_ENCRYPTED_DOC; } else { logg( "^Using deprecated option \"ArchiveBlockEncrypted\" to alert on " "encrypted documents. Please update your configuration to use " "replacement options \"AlertEncrypted\", or " "\"AlertEncryptedArchive\" and/or \"AlertEncryptedDoc\".\n"); options.heuristic |= CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_ENCRYPTED_DOC; } } if (optget(opts, "AlertEncrypted")->enabled) { if (options.parse & CL_SCAN_PARSE_ARCHIVE) { logg("Alerting of encrypted archives _and_ documents enabled.\n"); options.heuristic |= CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_ENCRYPTED_ARCHIVE; options.heuristic |= CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_ENCRYPTED_DOC; } else { logg("Alerting of encrypted documents enabled.\n"); options.heuristic |= CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_ENCRYPTED_DOC; } } if (optget(opts, "AlertEncryptedArchive")->enabled) { if (options.parse & CL_SCAN_PARSE_ARCHIVE) { logg("Alerting of encrypted archives enabled.\n"); options.heuristic |= CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_ENCRYPTED_ARCHIVE; } else { logg("^Encrypted archive alerting requested, but archive support " "is disabled!\n"); } } if (optget(opts, "AlertEncryptedDoc")->enabled) { logg("Alerting of encrypted documents enabled.\n"); options.heuristic |= CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_ENCRYPTED_DOC; } /* TODO: Remove deprecated option in a future feature release. */ if (optget(opts, "BlockMax")->enabled) { logg("^Using deprecated option \"BlockMax\" to enable heuristic alerts " "when scans exceed set maximums. Please update your configuration " "to use replacement option \"AlertExceedsMax\".\n"); options.heuristic |= CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_EXCEEDS_MAX; } else if (optget(opts, "AlertExceedsMax")->enabled) { logg("Heuristic alerting enabled for scans that exceed set maximums.\n"); options.heuristic |= CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_EXCEEDS_MAX; } else { logg("AlertExceedsMax heuristic detection disabled.\n"); } /* TODO: Remove deprecated option in a future feature release. */ if (!optget(opts, "AlgorithmicDetection")->enabled) { logg("^Using deprecated option \"AlgorithmicDetection\" to disable " "heuristic alerts. Please update your configuration to use " "replacement option \"HeuristicAlerts\".\n"); } else if (!optget(opts, "HeuristicAlerts")->enabled) { logg("Heuristic alerts disabled.\n"); } else { logg("Heuristic alerts enabled.\n"); options.general |= CL_SCAN_GENERAL_HEURISTICS; } if (optget(opts, "ScanPE")->enabled) { logg("Portable Executable support enabled.\n"); options.parse |= CL_SCAN_PARSE_PE; } else { logg("Portable Executable support disabled.\n"); } if (optget(opts, "ScanELF")->enabled) { logg("ELF support enabled.\n"); options.parse |= CL_SCAN_PARSE_ELF; } else { logg("ELF support disabled.\n"); } /* TODO: Remove deprecated option in a future feature release */ if (optget(opts, "ScanPE")->enabled || optget(opts, "ScanELF")->enabled) { if ((optget(opts, "DetectBrokenExecutables")->enabled) || (optget(opts, "AlertBrokenExecutables")->enabled)) { logg("Alerting on broken executables enabled.\n"); options.heuristic |= CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_BROKEN; } } if (optget(opts, "AlertBrokenMedia")->enabled) { options.heuristic |= CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_BROKEN_MEDIA; logg("Media (Graphics) Format Validatation enabled\n"); } if (optget(opts, "ScanMail")->enabled) { logg("Mail files support enabled.\n"); options.parse |= CL_SCAN_PARSE_MAIL; if (optget(opts, "ScanPartialMessages")->enabled) { logg("Mail: RFC1341 handling enabled.\n"); options.mail |= CL_SCAN_MAIL_PARTIAL_MESSAGE; } } else { logg("Mail files support disabled.\n"); } if (optget(opts, "ScanOLE2")->enabled) { logg("OLE2 support enabled.\n"); options.parse |= CL_SCAN_PARSE_OLE2; /* TODO: Remove deprecated option in a future feature release */ if ((optget(opts, "OLE2BlockMacros")->enabled) || (optget(opts, "AlertOLE2Macros")->enabled)) { logg("OLE2: Alerting on all VBA macros.\n"); options.heuristic |= CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_MACROS; } } else { logg("OLE2 support disabled.\n"); } if (optget(opts, "ScanPDF")->enabled) { logg("PDF support enabled.\n"); options.parse |= CL_SCAN_PARSE_PDF; } else { logg("PDF support disabled.\n"); } if (optget(opts, "ScanSWF")->enabled) { logg("SWF support enabled.\n"); options.parse |= CL_SCAN_PARSE_SWF; } else { logg("SWF support disabled.\n"); } if (optget(opts, "ScanHTML")->enabled) { logg("HTML support enabled.\n"); options.parse |= CL_SCAN_PARSE_HTML; } else { logg("HTML support disabled.\n"); } #ifdef PRELUDE if (optget(opts, "PreludeEnable")->enabled) { if ((opt = optget(opts, "PreludeAnalyzerName"))->enabled) { prelude_initialize_client(opt->strarg); } else { prelude_initialize_client("ClamAV"); } } #endif if (optget(opts, "ScanXMLDOCS")->enabled) { logg("XMLDOCS support enabled.\n"); options.parse |= CL_SCAN_PARSE_XMLDOCS; } else { logg("XMLDOCS support disabled.\n"); } if (optget(opts, "ScanHWP3")->enabled) { logg("HWP3 support enabled.\n"); options.parse |= CL_SCAN_PARSE_HWP3; } else { logg("HWP3 support disabled.\n"); } if (optget(opts, "PhishingScanURLs")->enabled) { /* TODO: Remove deprecated option in a future feature release */ if ((optget(opts, "PhishingAlwaysBlockCloak")->enabled) || (optget(opts, "AlertPhishingCloak")->enabled)) { options.heuristic |= CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_PHISHING_CLOAK; logg("Phishing: Always checking for cloaked urls\n"); } /* TODO: Remove deprecated option in a future feature release */ if ((optget(opts, "PhishingAlwaysBlockSSLMismatch")->enabled) || (optget(opts, "AlertPhishingSSLMismatch")->enabled)) { options.heuristic |= CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_PHISHING_SSL_MISMATCH; logg("Phishing: Always checking for ssl mismatches\n"); } } /* TODO: Remove deprecated option in a future feature release */ if ((optget(opts, "PartitionIntersection")->enabled) || (optget(opts, "AlertPartitionIntersection")->enabled)) { options.heuristic |= CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_PARTITION_INTXN; logg("Raw DMG: Alert on partitions intersections\n"); } if (optget(opts, "HeuristicScanPrecedence")->enabled) { options.general |= CL_SCAN_GENERAL_HEURISTIC_PRECEDENCE; logg("Heuristic: precedence enabled\n"); } if (optget(opts, "StructuredDataDetection")->enabled) { options.heuristic |= CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_STRUCTURED; if ((opt = optget(opts, "StructuredMinCreditCardCount"))->enabled) { if ((ret = cl_engine_set_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MIN_CC_COUNT, opt->numarg))) { logg("!cl_engine_set_num(CL_ENGINE_MIN_CC_COUNT) failed: %s\n", cl_strerror(ret)); cl_engine_free(engine); return 1; } } val = cl_engine_get_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MIN_CC_COUNT, NULL); logg("Structured: Minimum Credit Card Number Count set to %u\n", (unsigned int)val); if (optget(opts, "StructuredCCOnly")->enabled) options.heuristic |= CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_STRUCTURED_CC; if ((opt = optget(opts, "StructuredMinSSNCount"))->enabled) { if ((ret = cl_engine_set_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MIN_SSN_COUNT, opt->numarg))) { logg("!cl_engine_set_num(CL_ENGINE_MIN_SSN_COUNT) failed: %s\n", cl_strerror(ret)); cl_engine_free(engine); return 1; } } val = cl_engine_get_num(engine, CL_ENGINE_MIN_SSN_COUNT, NULL); logg("Structured: Minimum Social Security Number Count set to %u\n", (unsigned int)val); if (optget(opts, "StructuredSSNFormatNormal")->enabled) options.heuristic |= CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_STRUCTURED_SSN_NORMAL; if (optget(opts, "StructuredSSNFormatStripped")->enabled) options.heuristic |= CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_STRUCTURED_SSN_STRIPPED; } #ifdef HAVE__INTERNAL__SHA_COLLECT if (optget(opts, "DevCollectHashes")->enabled) options.dev |= CL_SCAN_DEV_COLLECT_SHA; #endif selfchk = optget(opts, "SelfCheck")->numarg; if (!selfchk) { logg("Self checking disabled.\n"); } else { logg("Self checking every %u seconds.\n", selfchk); } logg("*Listening daemon: PID: %u\n", (unsigned int)getpid()); max_threads = optget(opts, "MaxThreads")->numarg; max_queue = optget(opts, "MaxQueue")->numarg; acceptdata.commandtimeout = optget(opts, "CommandReadTimeout")->numarg; readtimeout = optget(opts, "ReadTimeout")->numarg; #if !defined(_WIN32) && defined(RLIMIT_NOFILE) if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlim) == 0) { /* don't warn if default value is too high, silently fix it */ unsigned maxrec; int max_max_queue; unsigned warn = optget(opts, "MaxQueue")->active; const unsigned clamdfiles = 6; #ifdef C_SOLARIS int solaris_has_extended_stdio = 0; #endif /* Condition to not run out of file descriptors: * MaxThreads * MaxRecursion + (MaxQueue - MaxThreads) + CLAMDFILES < RLIMIT_NOFILE * CLAMDFILES is 6: 3 standard FD + logfile + 2 FD for reloading the DB * */ #ifdef C_SOLARIS /* ** If compiling 64bit, then set the solaris_has_extended_stdio ** flag */ #if defined(_LP64) solaris_has_extended_stdio++; #endif #ifdef HAVE_ENABLE_EXTENDED_FILE_STDIO if (enable_extended_FILE_stdio(-1, -1) == -1) { logg("^Unable to set extended FILE stdio, clamd will be limited to max 256 open files\n"); rlim.rlim_cur = rlim.rlim_cur > 255 ? 255 : rlim.rlim_cur; } else { solaris_has_extended_stdio++; } #elif !defined(_LP64) if (solaris_has_extended_stdio && rlim.rlim_cur > 255) { rlim.rlim_cur = 255; logg("^Solaris only supports 256 open files for 32-bit processes, you need at least Solaris 10u4, or compile as 64-bit to support more!\n"); } #endif /* ** If compiling in 64bit or the file stdio has been extended, ** then increase the soft limit for the number of open files ** as the default is usually 256 */ if (solaris_has_extended_stdio) { rlim_t saved_soft_limit = rlim.rlim_cur; rlim.rlim_cur = rlim.rlim_max; if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlim) < 0) { logg("!setrlimit() for RLIMIT_NOFILE to %lu failed: %s\n", (unsigned long)rlim.rlim_cur, strerror(errno)); rlim.rlim_cur = saved_soft_limit; } } /* If 64bit or has extended stdio */ #endif opt = optget(opts, "MaxRecursion"); maxrec = opt->numarg; max_max_queue = rlim.rlim_cur - maxrec * max_threads - clamdfiles + max_threads; if (max_queue < max_threads) { max_queue = max_threads; if (warn) logg("^MaxQueue value too low, increasing to: %d\n", max_queue); } if (max_max_queue < max_threads) { logg("^MaxThreads * MaxRecursion is too high: %d, open file descriptor limit is: %lu\n", maxrec * max_threads, (unsigned long)rlim.rlim_cur); max_max_queue = max_threads; } if (max_queue > max_max_queue) { max_queue = max_max_queue; if (warn) logg("^MaxQueue value too high, lowering to: %d\n", max_queue); } else if (max_queue < 2 * max_threads && max_queue < max_max_queue) { max_queue = 2 * max_threads; if (max_queue > max_max_queue) max_queue = max_max_queue; /* always warn here */ logg("^MaxQueue is lower than twice MaxThreads, increasing to: %d\n", max_queue); } } #endif logg("*MaxQueue set to: %d\n", max_queue); acceptdata.max_queue = max_queue; #ifndef _WIN32 /* set up signal handling */ sigfillset(&sigset); sigdelset(&sigset, SIGINT); sigdelset(&sigset, SIGTERM); sigdelset(&sigset, SIGSEGV); sigdelset(&sigset, SIGHUP); sigdelset(&sigset, SIGPIPE); sigdelset(&sigset, SIGUSR2); /* The behavior of a process is undefined after it ignores a * SIGFPE, SIGILL, SIGSEGV, or SIGBUS signal */ sigdelset(&sigset, SIGFPE); sigdelset(&sigset, SIGILL); sigdelset(&sigset, SIGSEGV); #ifdef SIGBUS sigdelset(&sigset, SIGBUS); #endif sigdelset(&sigset, SIGTSTP); sigdelset(&sigset, SIGCONT); sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &sigset, NULL); /* SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGSEGV */ sigact.sa_handler = sighandler_th; sigemptyset(&sigact.sa_mask); sigaddset(&sigact.sa_mask, SIGINT); sigaddset(&sigact.sa_mask, SIGTERM); sigaddset(&sigact.sa_mask, SIGHUP); sigaddset(&sigact.sa_mask, SIGPIPE); sigaddset(&sigact.sa_mask, SIGUSR2); sigaction(SIGINT, &sigact, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &sigact, NULL); sigaction(SIGHUP, &sigact, NULL); sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sigact, NULL); sigaction(SIGUSR2, &sigact, NULL); #endif idletimeout = optget(opts, "IdleTimeout")->numarg; for (i = 0; i < nsockets; i++) if (fds_add(&acceptdata.fds, socketds[i], 1, 0) == -1) { logg("!fds_add failed\n"); cl_engine_free(engine); return 1; } #ifdef _WIN32 event_wake_accept = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); event_wake_recv = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); #else if (pipe(acceptdata.syncpipe_wake_recv) == -1 || (pipe(acceptdata.syncpipe_wake_accept) == -1)) { logg("!pipe failed\n"); exit(-1); } syncpipe_wake_recv_w = acceptdata.syncpipe_wake_recv[1]; if (fds_add(fds, acceptdata.syncpipe_wake_recv[0], 1, 0) == -1 || fds_add(&acceptdata.fds, acceptdata.syncpipe_wake_accept[0], 1, 0)) { logg("!failed to add pipe fd\n"); exit(-1); } #endif if ((thr_pool = thrmgr_new(max_threads, idletimeout, max_queue, scanner_thread)) == NULL) { logg("!thrmgr_new failed\n"); exit(-1); } if (pthread_create(&accept_th, NULL, acceptloop_th, &acceptdata)) { logg("!pthread_create failed\n"); exit(-1); } time(&start_time); for (;;) { int new_sd; /* Block waiting for connection on any of the sockets */ pthread_mutex_lock(fds->buf_mutex); fds_cleanup(fds); /* signal that we can accept more connections */ if (fds->nfds <= (unsigned)max_queue) pthread_cond_signal(&acceptdata.cond_nfds); new_sd = fds_poll_recv(fds, selfchk ? (int)selfchk : -1, 1, event_wake_recv); #ifdef _WIN32 ResetEvent(event_wake_recv); #else if (!fds->nfds) { /* at least the dummy/sync pipe should have remained */ logg("!All recv() descriptors gone: fatal\n"); pthread_mutex_lock(&exit_mutex); progexit = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&exit_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(fds->buf_mutex); break; } #endif if (new_sd == -1 && errno != EINTR) { logg("!Failed to poll sockets, fatal\n"); pthread_mutex_lock(&exit_mutex); progexit = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&exit_mutex); } if (fds->nfds) i = (rr_last + 1) % fds->nfds; for (j = 0; j < fds->nfds && new_sd >= 0; j++, i = (i + 1) % fds->nfds) { size_t pos = 0; int error = 0; struct fd_buf *buf = &fds->buf[i]; if (!buf->got_newdata) continue; #ifndef _WIN32 if (buf->fd == acceptdata.syncpipe_wake_recv[0]) { /* dummy sync pipe, just to wake us */ if (read(buf->fd, buff, sizeof(buff)) < 0) { logg("^Syncpipe read failed\n"); } continue; } #endif if (buf->got_newdata == -1) { if (buf->mode == MODE_WAITREPLY) { logg("$mode WAIT_REPLY -> closed\n"); buf->fd = -1; thrmgr_group_terminate(buf->group); thrmgr_group_finished(buf->group, EXIT_ERROR); continue; } else { logg("$client read error or EOF on read\n"); error = 1; } } if (buf->fd != -1 && buf->got_newdata == -2) { logg("$Client read timed out\n"); mdprintf(buf->fd, "COMMAND READ TIMED OUT\n"); error = 1; } rr_last = i; if (buf->mode == MODE_WAITANCILL) { buf->mode = MODE_COMMAND; logg("$mode -> MODE_COMMAND\n"); } while (!error && buf->fd != -1 && buf->buffer && pos < buf->off && buf->mode != MODE_WAITANCILL) { client_conn_t conn; const char *cmd = NULL; int rc; /* New data available to read on socket. */ memset(&conn, 0, sizeof(conn)); conn.scanfd = buf->recvfd; buf->recvfd = -1; conn.sd = buf->fd; conn.options = &options; conn.opts = opts; conn.thrpool = thr_pool; conn.engine = engine; conn.group = buf->group; conn.id = buf->id; conn.quota = buf->quota; conn.filename = buf->dumpname; conn.mode = buf->mode; conn.term = buf->term; /* Parse & dispatch command */ cmd = parse_dispatch_cmd(&conn, buf, &pos, &error, opts, readtimeout); if (conn.mode == MODE_COMMAND && !cmd) break; if (!error) { if (buf->mode == MODE_WAITREPLY && buf->off) { /* Client is not supposed to send anything more */ logg("^Client sent garbage after last command: %lu bytes\n", (unsigned long)buf->off); buf->buffer[buf->off] = '\0'; logg("$Garbage: %s\n", buf->buffer); error = 1; } else if (buf->mode == MODE_STREAM) { rc = handle_stream(&conn, buf, opts, &error, &pos, readtimeout); if (rc == -1) break; else continue; } } if (error && error != CL_ETIMEOUT) { conn_reply_error(&conn, "Error processing command."); } } if (error) { if (buf->dumpfd != -1) { close(buf->dumpfd); if (buf->dumpname) { cli_unlink(buf->dumpname); free(buf->dumpname); } buf->dumpfd = -1; } thrmgr_group_terminate(buf->group); if (thrmgr_group_finished(buf->group, EXIT_ERROR)) { if (buf->fd < 0) { logg("$Skipping shutdown of bad socket after error (FD %d)\n", buf->fd); } else { logg("$Shutting down socket after error (FD %d)\n", buf->fd); shutdown(buf->fd, 2); closesocket(buf->fd); } } else logg("$Socket not shut down due to active tasks\n"); buf->fd = -1; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(fds->buf_mutex); /* handle progexit */ pthread_mutex_lock(&exit_mutex); if (progexit) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&exit_mutex); pthread_mutex_lock(fds->buf_mutex); if (sd_listen_fds(0) == 0) { /* only close the sockets, when not using systemd socket activation */ for (i = 0; i < fds->nfds; i++) { if (fds->buf[i].fd == -1) continue; thrmgr_group_terminate(fds->buf[i].group); if (thrmgr_group_finished(fds->buf[i].group, EXIT_ERROR)) { logg("$Shutdown closed fd %d\n", fds->buf[i].fd); shutdown(fds->buf[i].fd, 2); closesocket(fds->buf[i].fd); fds->buf[i].fd = -1; } } } pthread_mutex_unlock(fds->buf_mutex); break; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&exit_mutex); /* SIGHUP */ if (sighup) { logg("SIGHUP caught: re-opening log file.\n"); logg_close(); sighup = 0; if (!logg_file && (opt = optget(opts, "LogFile"))->enabled) logg_file = opt->strarg; } /* SelfCheck */ if (selfchk) { time(¤t_time); if ((current_time - start_time) >= (time_t)selfchk) { if (need_db_reload()) { pthread_mutex_lock(&reload_mutex); reload = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&reload_mutex); } time(&start_time); } } /* DB reload */ pthread_mutex_lock(&reload_mutex); if (reload) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&reload_mutex); /* Reload was requested */ pthread_mutex_lock(&reload_stage_mutex); if (reload_stage == RELOAD_STAGE__IDLE) { /* Reloading not already taking place */ reload_stage = RELOAD_STAGE__RELOADING; pthread_mutex_unlock(&reload_stage_mutex); if (CL_SUCCESS != reload_db(&engine, dboptions, opts, thr_pool)) { logg("^Database reload setup failed, keeping the previous instance\n"); pthread_mutex_lock(&reload_mutex); reload = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&reload_mutex); pthread_mutex_lock(&reload_stage_mutex); reload_stage = RELOAD_STAGE__IDLE; pthread_mutex_unlock(&reload_stage_mutex); } pthread_mutex_lock(&reload_stage_mutex); } if (reload_stage == RELOAD_STAGE__NEW_DB_AVAILABLE) { /* New database available */ if (g_newengine) { /* Reload succeeded */ logg("Activating the newly loaded database...\n"); thrmgr_setactiveengine(g_newengine); if (optget(opts, "ConcurrentDatabaseReload")->enabled) { /* If concurrent database reload, we now need to free the old engine. */ cl_engine_free(engine); } engine = g_newengine; g_newengine = NULL; } else { logg("^Database reload failed, keeping the previous instance\n"); } reload_stage = RELOAD_STAGE__IDLE; pthread_mutex_unlock(&reload_stage_mutex); pthread_mutex_lock(&reload_mutex); reload = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&reload_mutex); time(&reloaded_time); } else { pthread_mutex_unlock(&reload_stage_mutex); } } else { pthread_mutex_unlock(&reload_mutex); } } pthread_mutex_lock(&exit_mutex); progexit = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&exit_mutex); #ifdef _WIN32 SetEvent(event_wake_accept); #else if (write(acceptdata.syncpipe_wake_accept[1], "", 1) < 0) { logg("^Write to syncpipe failed\n"); } #endif /* Destroy the thread manager. * This waits for all current tasks to end */ logg("*Waiting for all threads to finish\n"); thrmgr_destroy(thr_pool); if (engine) { thrmgr_setactiveengine(NULL); cl_engine_free(engine); } pthread_join(accept_th, NULL); fds_free(fds); pthread_mutex_destroy(fds->buf_mutex); pthread_cond_destroy(&acceptdata.cond_nfds); #ifdef _WIN32 CloseHandle(event_wake_accept); CloseHandle(event_wake_recv); #else close(acceptdata.syncpipe_wake_accept[1]); close(acceptdata.syncpipe_wake_recv[1]); #endif if (dbstat.entries) cl_statfree(&dbstat); if (sd_listen_fds(0) == 0) { /* only close the sockets, when not using systemd socket activation */ logg("*Shutting down the main socket%s.\n", (nsockets > 1) ? "s" : ""); for (i = 0; i < nsockets; i++) shutdown(socketds[i], 2); } if ((opt = optget(opts, "PidFile"))->enabled) { if (unlink(opt->strarg) == -1) logg("!Can't unlink the pid file %s\n", opt->strarg); else logg("Pid file removed.\n"); } time(¤t_time); logg("--- Stopped at %s", cli_ctime(¤t_time, timestr, sizeof(timestr))); return ret; }