/* * Copyright (C) 2006 Nigel Horne * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Save the JavaScript embedded in an HTML file, then run the script, saving * the output in a file that is to be scanned, then remove the script file */ static char const rcsid[] = "$Id: js.c,v 1.9 2006/10/09 15:51:33 njh Exp $"; #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "clamav-config.h" #endif #ifdef CL_EXPERIMENTAL #if HAVE_MMAP #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include "clamav.h" #include "others.h" #include "js.h" #if HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H #include #endif /* Maximum filenames under various systems - njh */ #ifndef NAME_MAX /* e.g. Linux */ # ifdef MAXNAMELEN /* e.g. Solaris */ # define NAME_MAX MAXNAMELEN # else # ifdef FILENAME_MAX /* e.g. SCO */ # define NAME_MAX FILENAME_MAX # else # define NAME_MAX 256 # endif # endif #endif static const char *cli_pmemstr(const char *haystack, size_t hs, const char *needle, size_t ns); int cli_scanjs(const char *dir, int desc) { struct stat statb; off_t size; /* total number of bytes in the file */ char *buf; /* start of memory mapped area */ const char *p; long bytesleft; int done_header, rc; FILE *fout; char script_filename[NAME_MAX + 1]; cli_dbgmsg("in cli_scanjs(%s)\n", dir); if(fstat(desc, &statb) < 0) return CL_EOPEN; size = (size_t)statb.st_size; if(size == 0) return CL_CLEAN; if(size <= 17) /* doesn't even include */ return CL_EFORMAT; p = buf = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, desc, 0); if(buf == MAP_FAILED) return CL_EMEM; cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanjs: scanning %lu bytes\n", size); p = buf; bytesleft = size; done_header = 0; fout = NULL; while(p < &buf[size]) { const char *q = cli_pmemstr(p, bytesleft, "", 1); if(q == NULL) break; bytesleft -= (q - p); p = q; p++; bytesleft--; while(bytesleft) { char c; if(*p == '<') { p++; if(--bytesleft == 0) break; if(*p == '!') { while(bytesleft && (*p != '\n')) { p++; bytesleft--; } continue; } if((bytesleft >= 7) && (strncasecmp(p, "/script", 7) == 0)) { bytesleft -= 7; p = &p[7]; while(bytesleft && (*p != '>')) { p++; bytesleft--; } break; } c = '<'; } else { c = tolower(*p); p++; bytesleft--; } if(!done_header) { int fd; snprintf(script_filename, sizeof(script_filename), "%s/jsXXXXXX", dir); #if defined(C_LINUX) || defined(C_BSD) || defined(HAVE_MKSTEMP) || defined(C_SOLARIS) || defined(C_CYGWIN) fd = mkstemp(script_filename); fout = fdopen(fd, "wb"); if(fout == NULL) close(fd); #elif defined(C_WINDOWS) if(_mktemp(script_filename) == NULL) { /* mktemp only allows 26 files */ char *name = cli_gentemp(dir); if(name == NULL) fout = NULL; else { strcpy(script_filename, name); free(name); fout = fopen(script_filename, "wb"); } } else fout = fopen(script_filename, "wb"); #else mktemp(script_filename); fout = fopen(script_filename, "wb"); #endif if(fout == NULL) { cli_errmsg("cli_scanjs: can't create temporary file %s: %s\n", script_filename, strerror(errno)); munmap(buf, size); return CL_ETMPFILE; } cli_dbgmsg("Saving javascript to %s\n", script_filename); /* * Create a document object, on web pages it's * used to send output to the browser */ fputs("function createDoc() {\n", fout); fputs("\tfunction write(text) {\n", fout); fputs("\t\tprint(text);\n", fout); fputs("\t}\n", fout); fputs("}\n", fout); fputs("document = new createDoc();\n", fout); done_header = 1; } putc(c, fout); } } munmap(buf, size); rc = CL_SUCCESS; if(!done_header) cli_dbgmsg("No javascript was detected\n"); else if(fout == NULL) cli_errmsg("cli_scanjs: fout == NULL\n"); else { extern short cli_leavetemps_flag; JSInterpPtr interp; fclose(fout); #if 0 /* * Run NGS on the file */ interp = create_interp(); if(!js_eval_file(interp, script_filename)) { cli_warnmsg("JS failed: %s\n", js_error_message(interp)); rc = CL_EIO; } js_destroy_interp(interp); #endif if(!cli_leavetemps_flag) unlink(script_filename); } return CL_CLEAN; } /* Copied from pdf.c :-( */ /* * like cli_memstr - but returns the location of the match * FIXME: need a case insensitive version` */ static const char * cli_pmemstr(const char *haystack, size_t hs, const char *needle, size_t ns) { const char *pt, *hay; size_t n; if(haystack == needle) return haystack; if(hs < ns) return NULL; if(memcmp(haystack, needle, ns) == 0) return haystack; pt = hay = haystack; n = hs; while((pt = memchr(hay, needle[0], n)) != NULL) { n -= (int) pt - (int) hay; if(n < ns) break; if(memcmp(pt, needle, ns) == 0) return pt; if(hay == pt) { n--; hay++; } else hay = pt; } return NULL; } #else int cli_scanjs(const char *dir, int desc) { cli_warnmsg("File not decoded - JS decoding needs mmap() (for now)\n"); return CL_CLEAN; } #endif /*HAVE_MMAP*/ #endif /*CL_EXPERIMENTAL*/