/* * Copyright (C) 2006 aCaB * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "clamav-config.h" #endif #include "others.h" static int doubledl(char **scur, uint8_t *mydlptr, char *buffer, uint32_t buffersize) { unsigned char mydl = *mydlptr; unsigned char olddl = mydl; mydl*=2; if ( !(olddl & 0x7f)) { if ( *scur < buffer || *scur >= buffer+buffersize-1 ) return -1; olddl = **scur; mydl = olddl*2+1; *scur=*scur + 1; } *mydlptr = mydl; return (olddl>>7)&1; } int cli_unfsg(char *source, char *dest, int ssize, int dsize, char **endsrc, char **enddst) { uint8_t mydl=0x80; uint32_t backbytes, backsize, oldback = 0; char *csrc = source, *cdst = dest; int oob, lostbit = 1; /* I assume buffers size is >0 - No checking! */ *cdst++=*csrc++; while ( 1 ) { if ((oob=doubledl(&csrc, &mydl, source, ssize))) { if (oob == -1) return -1; /* 164 */ backsize = 0; if ((oob=doubledl(&csrc, &mydl, source, ssize))) { if (oob == -1) return -1; /* 16a */ backbytes = 0; if ((oob=doubledl(&csrc, &mydl, source, ssize))) { if (oob == -1) return -1; /* 170 */ lostbit = 1; backsize++; backbytes = 0x10; while ( backbytes < 0x100 ) { if ((oob=doubledl(&csrc, &mydl, source, ssize)) == -1) return -1; backbytes = backbytes*2+oob; } backbytes &= 0xff; if ( ! backbytes ) { if (cdst >= dest+dsize) return -1; *cdst++=0x00; continue; } } else { /* 18f */ if (csrc >= source+ssize) return -1; backbytes = *(unsigned char*)csrc; backsize = backsize * 2 + (backbytes & 1); backbytes = (backbytes & 0xff)>>1; csrc++; if (! backbytes) break; backsize+=2; oldback = backbytes; lostbit = 0; } } else { /* 180 */ backsize = 1; do { if ((oob=doubledl(&csrc, &mydl, source, ssize)) == -1) return -1; backsize = backsize*2+oob; if ((oob=doubledl(&csrc, &mydl, source, ssize)) == -1) return -1; } while (oob); backsize = backsize - 1 - lostbit; if (! backsize) { /* 18a */ backsize = 1; do { if ((oob=doubledl(&csrc, &mydl, source, ssize)) == -1) return -1; backsize = backsize*2+oob; if ((oob=doubledl(&csrc, &mydl, source, ssize)) == -1) return -1; } while (oob); backbytes = oldback; } else { /* 198 */ if (csrc >= source+ssize) return -1; backbytes = *(unsigned char*)csrc; backbytes += (backsize-1)<<8; backsize = 1; csrc++; do { if ((oob=doubledl(&csrc, &mydl, source, ssize)) == -1) return -1; backsize = backsize*2+oob; if ((oob=doubledl(&csrc, &mydl, source, ssize)) == -1) return -1; } while (oob); if (backbytes >= 0x7d00) backsize++; if (backbytes >= 0x500) backsize++; if (backbytes <= 0x7f) backsize += 2; oldback = backbytes; } lostbit = 0; } if (!CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, cdst, backsize) || !CLI_ISCONTAINED(dest, dsize, cdst-backbytes, backsize)) return -1; while(backsize--) { *cdst=*(cdst-backbytes); cdst++; } } else { /* 15d */ if (cdst < dest || cdst >= dest+dsize || csrc < source || csrc >= source+ssize) return -1; *cdst++=*csrc++; lostbit=1; } } if (endsrc) *endsrc = csrc; if (enddst) *enddst = cdst; return 0; }