/* * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2006 Tomasz Kojm * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "clamav-config.h" #endif #if HAVE_MMAP #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #include #include "others.h" #if HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H #include #else /* HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H */ #undef HAVE_MMAP #endif #include "clamav.h" #include "scanners.h" #include "cltypes.h" #include "sis.h" #define EC32(x) le32_to_host(x) /* Convert little endian to host */ #define EC16(x) le16_to_host(x) /* Convert little endian to host */ extern short cli_leavetemps_flag; static char *langcodes[] = { "", "EN", "FR", "GE", "SP", "IT", "SW", "DA", "NO", "FI", "AM", "SF", "SG", "PO", "TU", "IC", "RU", "HU", "DU", "BL", "AU", "BG", "AS", "NZ", "IF", "CS", "SK", "PL", "SL", "TC", "HK", "ZH", "JA", "TH", "AF", "SQ", "AH", "AR", "HY", "TL", "BE", "BN", "BG", "MY", "CA", "HR", "CE", "IE", "SF", "ET", "FA", "CF", "GD", "KA", "EL", "CG", "GU", "HE", "HI", "IN", "GA", "SZ", "KN", "KK", "KM", "KO", "LO", "LV", "LT", "MK", "MS", "ML", "MR", "MO", "MN", "NN", "BP", "PA", "RO", "SR", "SI", "SO", "OS", "LS", "SH", "FS", "TA", "TE", "BO", "TI", "CT", "TK", "UK", "UR", "", "VI", "CY", "ZU" }; #ifndef O_BINARY #define O_BINARY 0 #endif #define SIS_MAX_NAME 512 #define SIS_MAX_SIZE 134217728 static char *sis_utf16_decode(const char *str, uint32_t length) { char *decoded; uint32_t i, j; if(!length || length % 2) { cli_warnmsg("SIS: sis_utf16_decode: Broken filename (length == %d)\n", length); return NULL; } if(!(decoded = cli_calloc(length / 2 + 1, sizeof(char)))) return NULL; for(i = 0, j = 0; i < length; i += 2, j++) { decoded[j] = str[i + 1] << 4; decoded[j] += str[i]; if(decoded[j] == '%') decoded[j] = '_'; } return decoded; } static int sis_extract_simple(int fd, char *mfile, uint32_t length, uint32_t offset, uint16_t nlangs, uint8_t compressed, uint8_t *ifile, const char *dir, cli_ctx *ctx) { const char *typedir = NULL; char *sname = NULL, *dname = NULL, *subdir, *fname, *buff; int desc, i; uint8_t get_dname = 1; uint32_t namelen, nameoff, filelen, fileoff; struct stat sb; uLong osize = 0; uLongf csize = 0; if(offset + 24 + 8 * nlangs >= length) { cli_errmsg("SIS: sis_extract_simple: Broken file record\n"); return CL_EFORMAT; } switch(cli_readint32(mfile + offset)) { case 0x00: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: File type: Standard file\n"); typedir = "standard"; break; case 0x01: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: File type: Text file\n"); typedir = "text"; get_dname = 0; break; case 0x02: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: File type: Component file\n"); typedir = "component"; break; case 0x03: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: File type: Run file\n"); typedir = "run"; switch(cli_readint32(mfile + offset + 4)) { case 0x0000: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: * During installation only\n"); break; case 0x0001: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: * During removal only\n"); break; case 0x0002: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: * During installation and removal\n"); break; case 0x0100: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: * Ends when installation finished\n"); break; case 0x0200: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: * Waits until closed before continuing\n"); break; default: cli_warnmsg("SIS: sis_extract_simple: Unknown value in file details\n"); } break; case 0x04: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: File type: Null file\n"); return CL_CLEAN; case 0x05: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: File type: MIME file\n"); return CL_CLEAN; default: cli_warnmsg("SIS: Unknown file type in file record\n"); } /* Source name */ namelen = (uint32_t) cli_readint32(mfile + offset + 8); if(namelen > SIS_MAX_NAME) { cli_warnmsg("SIS: sis_extract_simple: Source name too long and will not be decoded\n"); } else { nameoff = cli_readint32(mfile + offset + 12); if(nameoff >= length || nameoff + namelen >= length) { cli_errmsg("SIS: sis_extract_simple: Broken source name data\n"); return CL_EFORMAT; } if((sname = sis_utf16_decode(mfile + nameoff, namelen))) cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Source name: %s\n", sname); else cli_warnmsg("SIS: Source name not decoded\n"); } /* Destination name */ if(get_dname) { namelen = (uint32_t) cli_readint32(mfile + offset + 16); if(namelen > SIS_MAX_NAME) { cli_warnmsg("SIS: sis_extract_simple: Destination name too long and will not be decoded\n"); } else { nameoff = cli_readint32(mfile + offset + 20); if(nameoff >= length || nameoff + namelen >= length) { cli_errmsg("SIS: sis_extract_simple: Broken destination name data\n"); if(sname) free(sname); return CL_EFORMAT; } if((dname = sis_utf16_decode(mfile + nameoff, namelen))) cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Destination name: %s\n", dname); else cli_warnmsg("SIS: Destination name not decoded\n"); } } if(!cli_leavetemps_flag) { if(sname) free(sname); if(dname) free(dname); } /* Files */ if(typedir) { if(!(subdir = cli_malloc(strlen(dir) + strlen(typedir) + 2))) return CL_EMEM; sprintf(subdir, "%s/%s", dir, typedir); } else { if(!(subdir = cli_strdup(dir))) return CL_EMEM; } if(stat(subdir, &sb) == -1) { if(mkdir(subdir, 0700) == -1) { free(subdir); return CL_EIO; } } for(i = 0; i < nlangs; i++) { filelen = cli_readint32(mfile + offset + 24 + 4 * i); fileoff = cli_readint32(mfile + offset + 24 + 4 * i + 4 * nlangs); if(fileoff == length) { cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Null file (installation record)\n"); *ifile = 1; continue; } else if (fileoff > length) { if(!*ifile) { cli_errmsg("SIS: sis_extract_simple: Broken file data (fileoff)\n"); free(subdir); return CL_EFORMAT; } else { cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Null file (installation track)\n"); continue; } } if(filelen >= length || filelen + fileoff > length) { cli_errmsg("SIS: sis_extract_simple: Broken file data (filelen, fileoff)\n"); free(subdir); return CL_EFORMAT; } if(!(fname = cli_gentemp(subdir))) { free(subdir); return CL_EMEM; } if(compressed) { csize = (uLong) filelen; filelen = cli_readint32(mfile + offset + 24 + 4 * i + 8 * nlangs); osize = (uLongf) filelen; if(!osize) { cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Empty file, skipping\n"); free(fname); continue; } cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Compressed size: %d\n", csize); cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Original size: %d\n", osize); if(ctx->limits && ctx->limits->maxfilesize && osize > ctx->limits->maxfilesize) { cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Size exceeded (%d, max: %ld)\n", osize, ctx->limits->maxfilesize); if(BLOCKMAX) { *ctx->virname = "SIS.ExceededFileSize"; free(subdir); free(fname); return CL_VIRUS; } free(subdir); free(fname); return CL_EFORMAT; } if(!(buff = cli_malloc((size_t) osize))) { cli_errmsg("SIS: sis_extract_simple: Can't allocate decompression buffer\n"); free(subdir); free(fname); return CL_EIO; } if(uncompress((Bytef *) buff, &osize , (Bytef *) mfile + fileoff, csize) != Z_OK) { cli_errmsg("SIS: sis_extract_simple: File decompression failed\n"); free(buff); free(subdir); free(fname); return CL_EIO; } } else { buff = mfile + fileoff; } if((desc = open(fname, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC|O_BINARY, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR)) == -1) { cli_errmsg("SIS: sis_extract_simple: Can't create new file %s\n", fname); free(subdir); free(fname); if(compressed) free(buff); return CL_EIO; } if((uint32_t) cli_writen(desc, buff, filelen) != filelen) { cli_errmsg("SIS: sis_extract_simple: Can't write %d bytes to %s\n", filelen, fname); free(subdir); free(fname); if(compressed) free(buff); return CL_EIO; } else { if(compressed) cli_dbgmsg("SIS: File decompressed into %s\n", fname); else cli_dbgmsg("SIS: File saved into %s\n", fname); } if(close(desc) == -1) { cli_errmsg("SIS: sis_extract_simple: Can't close descriptor %d\n", filelen, fname); free(subdir); free(fname); if(compressed) free(buff); return CL_EIO; } free(fname); if(compressed) free(buff); } free(subdir); return CL_SUCCESS; } int cli_scansis(int desc, cli_ctx *ctx) { struct sis_file_hdr file_hdr; struct sis_file_hdr6 file_hdr6; uint8_t release = 0, compressed, ifile = 0; uint16_t opts, nlangs, *langrecs, nfiles; uint32_t frecord, n; size_t length; char *mfile = NULL, *langs, *dir; struct stat sb; int i, ret; if(fstat(desc, &sb) == -1) { cli_errmsg("SIS: fstat() failed\n"); return CL_EIO; } if(sb.st_size < sizeof(struct sis_file_hdr)) { cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Broken or not a SIS file (too small)\n"); return CL_CLEAN; } length = sb.st_size; if(length <= SIS_MAX_SIZE) { mfile = (char *) mmap(NULL, length, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, desc, 0); if(mfile == MAP_FAILED) { cli_errmsg("SIS: mmap() failed\n"); return CL_EMEM; } else { cli_dbgmsg("SIS: mmap'ed file\n"); memcpy(&file_hdr, mfile, sizeof(struct sis_file_hdr)); } } else { cli_warnmsg("SIS: File too large (> %d)\n", SIS_MAX_SIZE); return CL_CLEAN; } if(EC32(file_hdr.uid3) != 0x10000419) { cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Not a SIS file\n"); munmap(mfile, length); return CL_CLEAN; } switch(EC32(file_hdr.uid2)) { case 0x1000006d: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: EPOC release 3, 4 or 5\n"); release = 3; break; case 0x10003a12: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: EPOC release 6\n"); release = 6; break; case 0x100039ce: case 0x10003a38: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Application(?)\n"); return CL_CLEAN; default: cli_warnmsg("SIS: Unknown value of UID 2 (EPOC release == 0x%x) -> not a real SIS file??\n", EC32(file_hdr.uid2)); munmap(mfile, length); return CL_CLEAN; } /* TODO: Verify checksums (uid4 and checksum) */ /* Languages */ nlangs = EC16(file_hdr.nlangs); cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Number of languages: %d\n", nlangs); if(nlangs && nlangs < 100) { if(EC32(file_hdr.plangs) >= length || EC32(file_hdr.plangs) + nlangs * 2 >= sb.st_size) { cli_errmsg("SIS: Broken file structure (language records)\n"); munmap(mfile, length); return CL_EFORMAT; } if(!(langrecs = (uint16_t *) cli_malloc(nlangs * 2))) { munmap(mfile, length); return CL_EMEM; } memcpy(langrecs, mfile + EC32(file_hdr.plangs), nlangs * 2); if(!(langs = (char *) cli_calloc(nlangs * 3 + 1, sizeof(char)))) { munmap(mfile, length); free(langrecs); return CL_EMEM; } for(i = 0; i < nlangs; i++) { strncat(langs, langcodes[EC16(langrecs[i]) % 98], 2); if(i != nlangs - 1) strncat(langs, " ", 1); } cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Supported languages: %s\n", langs); free(langrecs); free(langs); } else { cli_errmsg("SIS: Incorrect number of languages (%d)\n", nlangs); munmap(mfile, length); return CL_EFORMAT; } cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Offset of languages records: %d\n", EC32(file_hdr.plangs)); if(EC16(file_hdr.ilang)) cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Installation language: %d\n", EC16(file_hdr.ilang)); /* Requisites */ cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Number of requisites: %d\n", EC16(file_hdr.nreqs)); cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Offset of requisites records: %d\n", EC32(file_hdr.preqs)); /* Options flags */ opts = EC16(file_hdr.options); cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Options:\n"); if(opts & 0x0001) cli_dbgmsg("SIS: * File is in Unicode format\n"); if(opts & 0x0002) cli_dbgmsg("SIS: * File is distributable\n"); if(opts & 0x0008) { cli_dbgmsg("SIS: * Packed files are not compressed\n"); compressed = 0; } else { cli_dbgmsg("SIS: * Packed files are compressed\n"); compressed = 1; } if(opts & 0x0010) cli_dbgmsg("SIS: * File installation shuts down all applications\n"); /* Type flags */ switch(EC16(file_hdr.type)) { case 0x0000: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Type: Contains an application\n"); break; case 0x0001: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Type: Contains a shared/system component\n"); break; case 0x0002: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Type: Contains an optional (selectable) component\n"); break; case 0x0003: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Type: Configures an existing application or service\n"); break; case 0x0004: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Type: Patches an existing component\n"); break; case 0x0005: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Type: Upgrades an existing component\n"); break; default: cli_warnmsg("SIS: Unknown value of type\n"); } cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Major version: %d\n", EC16(file_hdr.majorver)); cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Minor version: %d\n", EC16(file_hdr.minorver)); if(release == 6) { if(sizeof(struct sis_file_hdr) + sizeof(struct sis_file_hdr6) >= length) { cli_errmsg("SIS: Broken file structure (language records)\n"); munmap(mfile, length); return CL_EFORMAT; } memcpy(&file_hdr6, mfile + sizeof(struct sis_file_hdr), sizeof(struct sis_file_hdr6)); cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Maximum space required: %d\n", EC32(file_hdr6.maxispace)); } /* Files */ nfiles = EC16(file_hdr.nfiles); if(ctx->limits && ctx->limits->maxfiles && nfiles > ctx->limits->maxfiles) { cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Files limit reached (max: %d)\n", ctx->limits->maxfiles); if(BLOCKMAX) { *ctx->virname = "SIS.ExceededFilesLimit"; munmap(mfile, length); return CL_VIRUS; } return CL_CLEAN; } cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Number of files: %d\n", nfiles); cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Offset of files records: %d\n", EC32(file_hdr.pfiles)); if(!(dir = cli_gentempdir(NULL))) { cli_errmsg("SIS: Can't generate temporary directory\n"); munmap(mfile, length); return CL_ETMPDIR; } if((frecord = EC32(file_hdr.pfiles)) >= length) { cli_errmsg("SIS: Broken file structure (frecord)\n"); munmap(mfile, length); free(dir); return CL_EFORMAT; } for(i = 0; i < nfiles; i++) { cli_dbgmsg("SIS: -----\n"); if(frecord + 4 >= length) { cli_errmsg("SIS: Broken file structure (frecord)\n"); munmap(mfile, length); if(!cli_leavetemps_flag) cli_rmdirs(dir); free(dir); return CL_EFORMAT; } switch(cli_readint32(mfile + frecord)) { case 0x00000000: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Simple file record\n"); if((ret = sis_extract_simple(desc, mfile, sb.st_size, frecord + 4, 1, compressed, &ifile, dir, ctx))) { munmap(mfile, length); if(!cli_leavetemps_flag) cli_rmdirs(dir); free(dir); return ret; } if(release == 6) frecord += 32 + 12 + 4; else frecord += 28 + 4 + 4; break; case 0x00000001: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Multiple languages file record\n"); /* TODO: Pass language strings into sis_extract */ if((ret = sis_extract_simple(desc, mfile, sb.st_size, frecord + 4, nlangs, compressed, &ifile, dir, ctx))) { munmap(mfile, length); if(!cli_leavetemps_flag) cli_rmdirs(dir); free(dir); return ret; } if(release == 6) frecord += 32 + 12 * nlangs + 4; else frecord += 28 + 4 * nlangs + 4; break; case 0x00000002: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Options record\n"); if(frecord + 8 >= length) { munmap(mfile, length); if(!cli_leavetemps_flag) cli_rmdirs(dir); free(dir); return CL_EFORMAT; } n = cli_readint32(mfile + frecord + 4); cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Number of options: %d\n", n); if(n > 128 || frecord + 8 * n * nlangs >= length) { cli_errmsg("SIS: Incorrect number of options\n"); munmap(mfile, length); if(!cli_leavetemps_flag) cli_rmdirs(dir); free(dir); return CL_EFORMAT; } frecord += 8 + 8 * n * nlangs + 16; break; case 0x00000003: case 0x00000004: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: If/ElseIf record\n"); if(frecord + 8 >= length) { munmap(mfile, length); if(!cli_leavetemps_flag) cli_rmdirs(dir); free(dir); return CL_EFORMAT; } n = cli_readint32(mfile + frecord + 4); cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Size of conditional expression: %d\n", n); if(n >= length) { cli_errmsg("SIS: Incorrect size of conditional expression\n"); munmap(mfile, length); if(!cli_leavetemps_flag) cli_rmdirs(dir); free(dir); return CL_EFORMAT; } frecord += 8 + n; break; case 0x00000005: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: Else record\n"); frecord += 4; break; case 0x00000006: cli_dbgmsg("SIS: EndIf record\n"); frecord += 4; break; default: cli_warnmsg("SIS: Unknown file record type\n"); } } /* scan extracted files */ cli_dbgmsg("SIS: ****** Scanning extracted files ******\n"); ret = cli_scandir(dir, ctx); if(!cli_leavetemps_flag) cli_rmdirs(dir); free(dir); munmap(mfile, length); return ret; } #else /* HAVE_MMAP */ #include "clamav.h" #include "others.h" #include "sis.h" int cli_scansis(int desc, cli_ctx *ctx) { cli_warnmsg("Support for SIS files not compiled in!\n"); return CL_CLEAN; } #endif /* HAVE_MMAP */