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Database reloading

The most important thing is to keep the internal instance of the database up to date. You can watch database changes with the cl_stat family of functions.
	int cl_statinidir(const char *dirname, struct cl_stat *dbstat);
	int cl_statchkdir(const struct cl_stat *dbstat);
	int cl_statfree(struct cl_stat *dbstat);
	    struct cl_stat dbstat;

	memset(&dbstat, 0, sizeof(struct cl_stat));
	cl_statinidir(dbdir, &dbstat);
To check for a change you just need to call cl_statchkdir and check its return value:
	if(cl_statchkdir(&dbstat) == 1) {
	    cl_statinidir(cl_retdbdir(), &dbstat);
Remember to reset the cl_stat structure after reload.


Tomasz Kojm 2007-03-01