{ glibc-freeres-dbg Memcheck:Free fun:free fun:free_mem fun:__libc_freeres } { glibc-freeres Memcheck:Free fun:free obj:/lib*/libc-*.so fun:__libc_freeres } { glibc-etch1 Memcheck:Free fun:* fun:_dl_allocate_tls } { glibc-etch2 Memcheck:Free obj:/lib*/ld-*.so obj:/lib*/ld-*.so } { glibc-etch1 Memcheck:Free fun:* fun:_dl_allocate_tls } { glibc-etch2 Memcheck:Addr8 obj:/lib*/ld-*.so obj:/lib*/ld-*.so } { glibc-etch2 Memcheck:Addr4 obj:/lib*/ld-*.so obj:/lib*/ld-*.so } { helgrind-glibc27-dbg01 Helgrind:Race fun:mythread_wrapper fun:start_thread } { helgrind-glibc27-dbg02 Helgrind:Race fun:pthread_mutex_* } { helgrind-glibc27-dbg03 Helgrind:Race fun:pthread_create* } { helgrind-glibc27-dbg04 Helgrind:Race fun:pthread_create* } { helgrind-glibc27-dbg05 Helgrind:Race fun:__deallocate_stack fun:start_thread } { helgrind-glibc27-dbg05 Helgrind:Race fun:free_stacks fun:__deallocate_stack fun:start_thread } { helgrind-glibc27-dbg06 Helgrind:Race fun:* obj:/usr/lib/debug/libpthread-*.so } { helgrind-glibc27-dbg06 Helgrind:Race fun:* obj:/lib/libpthread-*.so } { helgrind-glibc27-dbg08 Helgrind:Race obj:/lib/ld-*.so } { helgrind-glibc27-dbg09 Helgrind:Race fun:* fun:exit } { helgrind-glibc27-dbg10 Helgrind:Race fun:* fun:* fun:exit } { helgrind-glibc27-dbg11 Helgrind:Race fun:* fun:* fun:* fun:exit } { helgrind-glibc27-dbg12 Helgrind:Race fun:* fun:* fun:* fun:* fun:exit } { helgrind-glibc27-dbg13 Helgrind:Race fun:* fun:* fun:ctime_r } { helgrind-glibc27-dbg15 Helgrind:Race fun:* fun:* fun:* fun:ctime_r } { helgrind-glibc27-dbg14 Helgrind:Race fun:_IO_link_in fun:_IO_file_init* } # libc has a gconv_lock, but valgrind doesn't know that because it uses lll_lock # instead of pthread_mutex_lock { helgrind-glibc27-dbg15 Helgrind:Race fun:__gconv_release_shlib } { helgrind-glibc27-dbg16 Helgrind:Race fun:__gconv_find_shlib } { helgrind-glibc27-dbg17 Helgrind:Race fun:exit } { # suppress false positives, see bb 1189 chm-etch-gcc41-fp Memcheck:Cond fun:cli_chm_open fun:cli_scanmschm } { glibc-etch Memcheck:Leak fun:* fun:_dl_allocate_tls } { glibc-suse Memcheck:Leak fun:* obj:* fun:_dl_allocate_tls } { glibc-tls3 Memcheck:Leak fun:* fun:allocate_dtv fun:_dl_allocate_tls } { glibc-tls4 Memcheck:Leak fun:allocate_dtv fun:_dl_allocate_tls } # glibc uses IO_lock_lock, which uses lll_lock, # and valgrind doesn't know about it, so it thinks it is unlocked { glibc-IOlock-fp Helgrind:Race fun:* fun:* fun:fputs } { glibc-IOlock-fp Helgrind:Race fun:fputs } { glibc-fork Helgrind:Race fun:fork } { glibc-fork Helgrind:Race fun:* fun:fork } { glibc-freetcb Helgrind:Race fun:__free_tcb } { glibc-2.5-strcpy_chk Memcheck:Addr8 obj:/lib64/libc-2.5.so fun:decodeLine } { glibc-2.5-strcpy_chk Memcheck:Cond obj:/lib64/libc-2.5.so fun:decodeLine } { glibc-2.5-strcpy_chk Memcheck:Cond obj:/lib64/libc-2.5.so fun:cli_mbox } { glibc-2.8-lll Helgrind:Race fun:__lll_unlock_wake } { glibc-freeres Helgrind:Race fun: * fun: __libc_thread_freeres } { glibc-poll Helgrind:Race fun: __libc_enable_asynccancel fun: poll } { glibc-poll Helgrind:Race fun: _setjmp fun: clone } { glibc-ubuntu-jaunty Helgrind:Race fun:__fprintf_chk } # no symbols in opensuse's libs :( { glibc-suse Helgrind:Race obj:/lib*/ld-*.so obj:/lib*/ld-*.so obj:/lib*/ld-*.so } { glibc-suse2 Helgrind:Race obj:/lib*/ld-*.so obj:/lib*/ld-*.so obj:/lib*/ld-*.so obj:/lib*/ld-*.so } { glibc-suse4 Helgrind:Race obj:/lib*/libc-*.so obj:/lib*/libc-*.so obj:/lib*/libc-*.so } { glibc-suse3 Helgrind:Race obj:* fun:start_thread } #{ # helgrind-glibc27-dbg18 # Helgrind:Race # fun:__reclaim_stacks # fun:fork #}