/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Sourcefire, Inc. * * Authors: Ivan Zlatev * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* Decrypts files, protected by Y0da Cryptor 1.3 */ /* aCaB: * 13/01/2006 - merged standalone unpacker into libclamav * 14/01/2006 - major rewrite and bugfix */ #include #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "clamav-config.h" #endif #include "cltypes.h" #include "pe.h" #include "others.h" #include "yc.h" #define EC16(x) le16_to_host(x) /* Convert little endian to host */ /* ========================================================================== */ /* "Emulates" the poly decryptors */ static int yc_poly_emulator(char* decryptor_offset, char* code, unsigned int ecx) { /* This is the instruction set of the poly code. Numbers stand for example only. 2C 05 SUB AL,5 2AC1 SUB AL,CL 34 10 XOR AL,10 32C1 XOR AL,CL FEC8 DEC AL 04 10 ADD AL,10 02C1 ADD AL,CL C0C0 06 ROL AL,6 C0C8 05 ROR AL,5 D2C8 ROR AL,CL D2C0 ROL AL,CL */ unsigned char al; unsigned char cl = ecx & 0xff; unsigned int j,i; for(i=0;iSizeOfOptionalHeader) + 0x18; /* First layer (decryptor of the section decryptor) in last section Start offset for analyze: Start of yC Section + 0x93 End offset for analyze: Start of yC Section + 0xC3 Length to decrypt - ECX = 0xB97 */ cli_dbgmsg("yC: offset: %x, length: %x\n", offset, ecx); cli_dbgmsg("yC: decrypting decryptor on sect %d\n", sectcount); if (yc_poly_emulator(fbuf + ycsect + 0x93, fbuf + ycsect + 0xc6, ecx)) return 1; filesize-=sections[sectcount].ursz; /* Second layer (decryptor of the sections) in last section Start offset for analyze: Start of yC Section + 0x457 End offset for analyze: Start of yC Section + 0x487 Lenght to decrypt - ECX = Raw Size of Section */ /* Loop through all sections and decrypt them... */ for(i=0;iNumberOfSections=EC16(sectcount); /* Remove IMPORT_DIRECTORY information */ memset((char *)pe + sizeof(struct pe_image_file_hdr) + 0x68, 0, 8); /* OEP resolving */ /* OEP = DWORD PTR [ Start of yC section+ A0F] */ cli_writeint32((char *)pe + sizeof(struct pe_image_file_hdr) + 16, cli_readint32(fbuf + ycsect + 0xa0f)); /* Fix SizeOfImage */ cli_writeint32((char *)pe + sizeof(struct pe_image_file_hdr) + 0x38, cli_readint32((char *)pe + sizeof(struct pe_image_file_hdr) + 0x38) - sections[sectcount].vsz); if (cli_writen(desc, fbuf, filesize)==-1) { cli_dbgmsg("yC: Cannot write unpacked file\n"); return 1; } return 0; }