# # Check for POSIX compliant uname(2) sys call. # This feature reworked from http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ax_check_uname_syscall.html # GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_selfdir_CheckUnamePosix "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}" PATH) # Check that the POSIX compliant uname(2) call works properly (HAVE_UNAME_SYSCALL) try_run( # Name of variable to store the run result (process exit status; number) in: test_run_result # Name of variable to store the compile result (TRUE or FALSE) in: test_compile_result # Binary directory: ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} # Source file to be compiled: ${_selfdir_CheckUnamePosix}/CheckUnamePosix.c # Where to store the output produced during compilation: COMPILE_OUTPUT_VARIABLE test_compile_output # Where to store the output produced by running the compiled executable: RUN_OUTPUT_VARIABLE test_run_output ) # Did compilation succeed and process return 0 (success)? if("${test_compile_result}" AND ("${test_run_result}" EQUAL 0)) set(HAVE_UNAME_SYSCALL 1) endif()