# lib/database
# Interface for interacting with different database backends

# Dependencies:
# ``ENABLED_SERVICES`` must be defined

# ``DATABASE_BACKENDS`` will contain a list of available database backends
# after sourcing this file.

# This is a wrapper for the specific database backends available.
# Each database must implement four functions:
# - recreate_database_$DATABASE_TYPE
# - install_database_$DATABASE_TYPE
# - configure_database_$DATABASE_TYPE
# - database_connection_url_$DATABASE_TYPE
# and call register_database $DATABASE_TYPE

# Save trace setting
_XTRACE_LIB_DB=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace


# Register a database backend
#   $1 The name of the database backend
# This is required to be defined before the specific database scripts are sourced
function register_database {

# Sourcing the database libs sets DATABASE_BACKENDS with the available list
for f in $TOP_DIR/lib/databases/*; do
    source $f;

# ``DATABASE_BACKENDS`` now contains a list of the supported databases
# Look in ``ENABLED_SERVICES`` to see if one has been selected
for db in $DATABASE_BACKENDS; do
    # Set the type for the rest of the backend to use
    if is_service_enabled $db; then
        # Set this now for the rest of the database functions
# If ``DATABASE_TYPE`` is unset here no database was selected
# This is not an error as multi-node installs will do this on the compute nodes

# Functions
# ---------

# Get rid of everything enough to cleanly change database backends
function cleanup_database {

# Set the database type based on the configuration
function initialize_database_backends {
    for backend in $DATABASE_BACKENDS; do
        is_service_enabled $backend && DATABASE_TYPE=$backend

    [ -z "$DATABASE_TYPE" ] && return 1

    # For backward-compatibility, read in the MYSQL_HOST/USER variables and use
    # them as the default values for the DATABASE_HOST/USER variables.

    # Set DATABASE_HOST equal to MYSQL_HOST. If SERVICE_IP_VERSION is equal to 6,
    # set DATABASE_HOST equal to [MYSQL_HOST]. MYSQL_HOST cannot use brackets due
    # to mysql not using bracketing for IPv6 addresses. DATABASE_HOST must have brackets
    # due to sqlalchemy only reading IPv6 addresses with brackets.
    if [[ "$SERVICE_IP_VERSION" == 6 ]]; then


    if [ -n "$MYSQL_PASSWORD" ]; then

    # We configure Nova, Horizon, Glance and Keystone to use MySQL as their
    # database server.  While they share a single server, each has their own
    # database and tables.

    # By default this script will install and configure MySQL.  If you want to
    # use an existing server, you can pass in the user/password/host parameters.
    # You will need to send the same ``DATABASE_PASSWORD`` to every host if you are doing
    # a multi-node DevStack installation.

    # NOTE: Don't specify ``/db`` in this string so we can use it for multiple services

    return 0

# Recreate a given database
#  $1 The name of the database
function recreate_database {
    local db=$1
    recreate_database_$DATABASE_TYPE $db

# Install the database
function install_database {

# Install the database Python packages
function install_database_python {

# Configure and start the database
function configure_database {

# Generate an SQLAlchemy connection URL and output it using echo
#  $1 The name of the database
function database_connection_url {
    local db=$1
    database_connection_url_$DATABASE_TYPE $db

# Restore xtrace

# Tell emacs to use shell-script-mode
## Local variables:
## mode: shell-script
## End: