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        <h1>PXE Boot Server Guide: Magic Dust for Network Boot</h1>
        <p>Boot DevStack from a PXE server to a RAM disk.</p>

      <section id="requirements">
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          <h2>Prerequisites <small>Hardware & OpenWRT</small></h2>
        <p>The whole point of this exercise is to have a highly portable boot server, so using a small router with a USB port is the desired platform.  This guide uses a Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH as an example, but it is easily generalized for other supported platforms. See openwrt.org for more.</p>
        <p>Any recent 'Backfire' build of OpenWRT will work for the boot server project.  We build from trunk and have made the images available at <a href="http://openwrt.xr7.org/openwrt">http://openwrt.xr7.org/openwrt</a>.</p>

      <section id="installation">
        <div class="page-header">
          <h2>Installation <small>bit blasting</small></h2>

        <h3>Install the Image</h3>
        <p>This process follows <a href="http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/buffalo/wzr-hp-g300h">the OpenWRT doc OEM Install</a> to tftp the new image onto the router.  You need a computer to set up the router, we assume it is a recent Linux or OS/X installation.</p>
          <li>Get openwrt-ar71xx-wzr-hp-g300nh-squashfs-tftp.bin
            <pre>wget http://openwrt.xr7.org/openwrt/ar71xx/openwrt-ar71xx-wzr-hp-g300nh-squashfs-tftp.bin</pre>
          <li>Connect computer to LAN port 4 (closest to WAN port)</li>
          <li>Set computer interface to IP address in the</li>
          <li>Add static arp entry for router
            <pre>arp -s &lt;mac-address&gt;</pre>
          <li>Start TFTP transfer attempt
rexmt 1
timeout 60
put openwrt-ar71xx-wzr-hp-g300nh-squashfs-tftp.bin</pre>
          <li>Power on router. Router will reboot and initialize on</li>
          <li>Delete static arp entry for router
            <pre>arp -d</pre>
          <li>Set computer to DHCP, connect and telnet to router and set root password.</li>

        <h3>Configure the Router</h3>
          <li>Update <code>/etc/opkg.conf</code> to point to our repo:
            <pre>src/gz packages</pre>
          <li>Configure anon mounts:
            <pre>uci delete fstab.@mount[0]
uci commit fstab
/etc/init.d/fstab restart</pre>
          <li>Reset the DHCP address range.  DevStack will claim the upper 
            /25 of the router's LAN address space for floating IPs so the
            default DHCP address range needs to be moved:
            <pre>uci set dhcp.lan.start=65
uci set dhcp.lan.limit=60
uci commit dhcp</pre>
          <li>Enable TFTP:
            <pre>uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].enable_tftp=1
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].tftp_root=/mnt/sda1/tftpboot
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].dhcp_boot=pxelinux.0
uci commit dhcp
/etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart</pre>

        <h3>Set Up tftpboot</h3>
          <li>Create the <code>/tmp/tftpboot</code> structure and populate it:
            <pre>cd ~/devstack
tools/build_pxe_boot.sh /tmp</pre>
            This calls <code>tools/build_ramdisk.sh</code> to create a 2GB ramdisk 
            containing a complete development Oneiric OS plus the 
            OpenStack code checkouts.
          <li>Copy <code>tftpboot</code> to a USB drive:
            <pre>mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/tmp
rsync -a /tmp/tftpboot/ /mnt/tmp/tftpboot/
umount /mnt/tmp</pre>
          <li>Plug USB drive into router.  It will be automounted and is ready to serve content.</li>

        <p>Now <a href="ramdisk.html">return</a> to the RAM disk Guide to kick
           off your DevStack experience.</p>


        <p>&copy; Openstack Foundation 2011-2013 &mdash; this is not an official OpenStack project...</p>

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