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        <h1>Stack-in-a-Box: Try before you mkfs</h1>
        <p>Run DevStack from a RAM disk to give it a whirl before making the 
           commitment to install it.  We'll cover booting from a USB drive or 
           over the network via PXE.  We'll even thow in configuring a home
           router to handle the PXE boot.  You will need a minimum of 3GB 
           for both of these configurations as the RAM disk itself is 2GB.</p>

      <section id="requirements">
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          <h2>Prerequisites <small>Hardware</small></h2>
        <h3>USB Boot</h3>
        <p><a href="usb-boot.html">This guide</a> covers the creation of a bootable USB drive.  Your 
        computer BIOS must support booting from USB.</p>
        <h3>PXE Boot</h3>
        <p><a href="pxe-boot.html">This guide</a> covers the installation of OpenWRT on a home router
        and configuring it as a PXE server, plus the creation of the
        boot images and PXE support files.

      <section id="installation">
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          <h2>Installation <small>bit blasting</small></h2>

        <h3>Install DevStack</h3>
        <p>Grab the latest version of DevStack via https:</p>
		<pre>sudo apt-get install git -y
git clone https://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack.git
cd devstack</pre>

        <h3>Prepare the Boot RAMdisk</h3>
        <p>Pick your boot method and follow the guide to prepare to build
           the RAM disk and set up the boot process:</p>
          <li><a href="usb-boot.html">USB boot</a></li>
          <li><a href="pxe-boot.html">PXE boot</a></li>

        <h3>Fire It Up</h3>
          <li>Boot the computer into the RAM disk.  The details will vary from
              machine to machine but most BIOSes have a method to select the
              boot device, often by pressing F12 during POST.</li>
          <li>Select 'DevStack' from the Boot Menu.</li>
          <li>Log in with the 'stack' user and 'pass' password.</li>
          <li>Create <code>devstack/localrc</code> if you wish to change any 
              of the configuration variables.  You will probably want to at 
              least set the admin login password to something memorable rather 
              than the default 20 random characters:
          <li>Fire up OpenStack!
          <li>See the processes running in screen:
            <pre>screen -x</pre>
          <li>Connect to the dashboard at <code>http://&lt;ip-address&gt;/</code></li>


        <p>&copy; Openstack Foundation 2011-2013 &mdash; this is not an official OpenStack project...</p>

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