#!/usr/bin/env bash

# **fixup_stuff.sh**

# fixup_stuff.sh
# All distro and package specific hacks go in here
# - prettytable 0.7.2 permissions are 600 in the package and
#   pip 1.4 doesn't fix it (1.3 did)
# - httplib2 0.8 permissions are 600 in the package and
#   pip 1.4 doesn't fix it (1.3 did)
# - Fedora:
#   - set selinux not enforcing
#   - uninstall firewalld (f20 only)

# If TOP_DIR is set we're being sourced rather than running stand-alone
# or in a sub-shell
if [[ -z "$TOP_DIR" ]]; then
    set -o errexit
    set -o xtrace

    # Keep track of the current directory
    TOOLS_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd)
    TOP_DIR=$(cd $TOOLS_DIR/..; pwd)

    # Change dir to top of devstack
    cd $TOP_DIR

    # Import common functions
    source $TOP_DIR/functions


# Keystone Port Reservation
# -------------------------
# Reserve and prevent $KEYSTONE_AUTH_PORT and $KEYSTONE_AUTH_PORT_INT from
# being used as ephemeral ports by the system. The default(s) are 35357 and
# 35358 which are in the Linux defined ephemeral port range (in disagreement
# with the IANA ephemeral port range). This is a workaround for bug #1253482
# where Keystone will try and bind to the port and the port will already be
# in use as an ephemeral port by another process. This places an explicit
# exception into the Kernel for the Keystone AUTH ports.

# only do the reserved ports when available, on some system (like containers)
# where it's not exposed we are almost pretty sure these ports would be
# exclusive for our devstack.
if sysctl net.ipv4.ip_local_reserved_ports >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    # Get any currently reserved ports, strip off leading whitespace
    reserved_ports=$(sysctl net.ipv4.ip_local_reserved_ports | awk -F'=' '{print $2;}' | sed 's/^ //')

    if [[ -z "${reserved_ports}" ]]; then
        # If there are no currently reserved ports, reserve the keystone ports
        sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_local_reserved_ports=${keystone_ports}
        # If there are currently reserved ports, keep those and also reserve the
        # keystone specific ports. Duplicate reservations are merged into a single
        # reservation (or range) automatically by the kernel.
        sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_local_reserved_ports=${keystone_ports},${reserved_ports}
    echo_summary "WARNING: unable to reserve keystone ports"

# Python Packages
# ---------------

# get_package_path python-package    # in import notation
function get_package_path {
    local package=$1
    echo $(python -c "import os; import $package; print(os.path.split(os.path.realpath($package.__file__))[0])")

# Pre-install affected packages so we can fix the permissions
# These can go away once we are confident that pip 1.4.1+ is available everywhere

# Fix prettytable 0.7.2 permissions
# Don't specify --upgrade so we use the existing package if present
pip_install 'prettytable>=0.7'
PACKAGE_DIR=$(get_package_path prettytable)
# Only fix version 0.7.2
dir=$(echo $PACKAGE_DIR/prettytable-0.7.2*)
if [[ -d $dir ]]; then
    sudo chmod +r $dir/*

# Fix httplib2 0.8 permissions
# Don't specify --upgrade so we use the existing package if present
pip_install httplib2
PACKAGE_DIR=$(get_package_path httplib2)
# Only fix version 0.8
dir=$(echo $PACKAGE_DIR-0.8*)
if [[ -d $dir ]]; then
    sudo chmod +r $dir/*

if is_fedora; then
    # Disable selinux to avoid configuring to allow Apache access
    # to Horizon files (LP#1175444)
    if selinuxenabled; then
        sudo setenforce 0

    if [[ ${DISTRO} =~ (f20) && $FORCE_FIREWALLD == "False" ]]; then
        # On Fedora 20 firewalld interacts badly with libvirt and
        # slows things down significantly.  However, for those cases
        # where that combination is desired, allow this fix to be skipped.

        # There was also an additional issue with firewalld hanging
        # after install of libvirt with polkit.  See
        # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1099031
        if is_package_installed firewalld; then
            uninstall_package firewalld
