Browse code

Creates randomized fixed_key in

The key manager in nova is currently configured to use a fixed key for
testing until a proper key manager is integrated. However, encrypted
volumes will fail during attachment to a server if a fixed_key is not defined.
Randomized creation of a fixed_key in was included in the
stable/icehouse release for testing purposes.

Adding a randomized value for fixed_key allowed new encryption tempest test CR
to pass in the gate for tests that ran the stable/icehouse branch of Devstack.
There is still an issue with tests that start off running stable/havana, such
as the Icehouse Grenade tests. See:

If the randomized value for fixed_key is also added to the stable/havana
branch, the patch linked above should pass all of the Jenkins tests.

Change-Id: Ieae6ed056c5e51cda7509a87cbe9b02586c6365b
Implements: blueprint cinder-volume-encryption-tempest-tests
(Modified cherry-picked from commit def4c141f1d917705ac1dbdbfe7525f47382dada)

Kaitlin Farr authored on 2014/01/06 22:52:49
Showing 1 changed files
... ...
@@ -1074,6 +1074,12 @@ if is_service_enabled key && is_service_enabled swift3 && is_service_enabled nov
1074 1074
     iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT s3_affix_tenant "True"
1075 1075
1076 1076
+# Create a randomized default value for the keymgr's fixed_key
+if is_service_enabled nova; then
+    FIXED_KEY=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd 'A-F0-9' | head -c 64)
+    iniset $NOVA_CONF keymgr fixed_key "$FIXED_KEY"
1077 1083
 if is_service_enabled zeromq; then
1078 1084
     echo_summary "Starting zermomq receiver"
1079 1085
     screen_it zeromq "cd $NOVA_DIR && $NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-rpc-zmq-receiver"