Browse code

Provide finite value for systemd's TimeoutStopSec

This commit switches TimeoutStopSec in DevStack's systemd unit files
from "infinity" to "300". There are two motivations for that change:

* 5 minutes should be more than enough to stop a service.
* systemd included in CentOS 7 and RHEL 7 doesn't support "infinity" as
a value, "0" should be provided instead. When "infinity" is set,
systemd will kill the service instantly, leaving service children
processes orphaned. Instead of differentiating here, we can just set a
sane, finite number.

Closes-Bug: 1731275
Change-Id: I0a079ea9879fa4fbba23104c2f5ab6e0721a2a2a

MichaƂ Dulko authored on 2017/11/15 00:04:51
Showing 1 changed files
... ...
@@ -1394,7 +1394,7 @@ function write_user_unit_file {
1394 1394
     iniset -sudo $unitfile "Service" "User" "$user"
1395 1395
     iniset -sudo $unitfile "Service" "ExecStart" "$command"
1396 1396
     iniset -sudo $unitfile "Service" "KillMode" "process"
-    iniset -sudo $unitfile "Service" "TimeoutStopSec" "infinity"
+    iniset -sudo $unitfile "Service" "TimeoutStopSec" "300"
1398 1398
     iniset -sudo $unitfile "Service" "ExecReload" "$KILL_PATH -HUP \$MAINPID"
1399 1399
     if [[ -n "$group" ]]; then
1400 1400
         iniset -sudo $unitfile "Service" "Group" "$group"