Browse code

Use `os role list` instead of `os user role list`

Since `os user role list` is being deprecated, we should start
migrating to `os role list`, which now has the required ability
to list a users role on a project as of v1.0.2 of osc.

Change-Id: I3fa8bf8f1feaac16e1cde5c55b1be00b92eaa5f6

Steve Martinelli authored on 2015/01/20 05:58:49
Showing 1 changed files
... ...
@@ -919,8 +919,8 @@ function get_or_create_role {
919 919
 # Usage: get_or_add_user_role <role> <user> <project>
920 920
 function get_or_add_user_role {
921 921
     # Gets user role id
-    local user_role_id=$(openstack user role list \
-        $2 \
+    local user_role_id=$(openstack role list \
+        --user $2 \
924 924
         --project $3 \
925 925
         --column "ID" \
926 926
         --column "Name" \