Browse code

Update to using pike cloud-archive

Now that Pike has been released, switch to using the pike version of
UCA instead of ocata, too.

One reason to do so it that it adds python3-ceph packages, allow to have
progress with the python3 compatibility of the Ceph integration.

Change-Id: I7d95e53892b697c72af75ad0ce7ce2dec6d31fde

Jens Harbott authored on 2017/09/06 19:58:04
Showing 1 changed files
... ...
@@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ if [[ "${ENABLE_UBUNTU_CLOUD_ARCHIVE}" == "True" && "$DISTRO" = "xenial" ]]; the
84 84
         # we can find local mirrors then use that mirror.
85 85
         source /etc/ci/
86 86
-        sudo apt-add-repository -y "deb $NODEPOOL_UCA_MIRROR xenial-updates/ocata main"
+        sudo apt-add-repository -y "deb $NODEPOOL_UCA_MIRROR xenial-updates/pike main"
88 88
89 89
         # Otherwise use upstream UCA
-        sudo add-apt-repository -y cloud-archive:ocata
+        sudo add-apt-repository -y cloud-archive:pike
91 91
92 92
93 93
     # Disable use of libvirt wheel since a cached wheel build might be