#!/usr/bin/env bash # Tests for DevStack INI functions TOP=$(cd $(dirname "$0")/.. && pwd) source $TOP/functions-common source $TOP/inc/python source $TOP/tests/unittest.sh echo "Testing Python 3 functions" # Initialize variables manipulated by functions under test. export ENABLED_PYTHON3_PACKAGES="" export DISABLED_PYTHON3_PACKAGES="" assert_false "should not be enabled yet" python3_enabled_for testpackage1 enable_python3_package testpackage1 assert_equal "$ENABLED_PYTHON3_PACKAGES" "testpackage1" "unexpected result" assert_true "should be enabled" python3_enabled_for testpackage1 assert_false "should not be disabled yet" python3_disabled_for testpackage2 disable_python3_package testpackage2 assert_equal "$DISABLED_PYTHON3_PACKAGES" "testpackage2" "unexpected result" assert_true "should be disabled" python3_disabled_for testpackage2 report_results