 package snapshots
 import (
 // Kind identifies the kind of snapshot.
 type Kind uint8
 // definitions of snapshot kinds
 const (
 	KindUnknown Kind = iota
 // ParseKind parses the provided string into a Kind
 // If the string cannot be parsed KindUnknown is returned
 func ParseKind(s string) Kind {
 	s = strings.ToLower(s)
 	switch s {
 	case "view":
 		return KindView
 	case "active":
 		return KindActive
 	case "committed":
 		return KindCommitted
 	return KindUnknown
 // String returns the string representation of the Kind
 func (k Kind) String() string {
 	switch k {
 	case KindView:
 		return "View"
 	case KindActive:
 		return "Active"
 	case KindCommitted:
 		return "Committed"
 	return "Unknown"
 // MarshalJSON the Kind to JSON
 func (k Kind) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
 	return json.Marshal(k.String())
 // UnmarshalJSON the Kind from JSON
 func (k *Kind) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
 	var s string
 	if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &s); err != nil {
 		return err
 	*k = ParseKind(s)
 	return nil
 // Info provides information about a particular snapshot.
 // JSON marshallability is supported for interactive with tools like ctr,
 type Info struct {
 	Kind    Kind              // active or committed snapshot
 	Name    string            // name or key of snapshot
 	Parent  string            `json:",omitempty"` // name of parent snapshot
 	Labels  map[string]string `json:",omitempty"` // Labels for snapshot
 	Created time.Time         `json:",omitempty"` // Created time
 	Updated time.Time         `json:",omitempty"` // Last update time
 // Usage defines statistics for disk resources consumed by the snapshot.
 // These resources only include the resources consumed by the snapshot itself
 // and does not include resources usage by the parent.
 type Usage struct {
 	Inodes int64 // number of inodes in use.
 	Size   int64 // provides usage, in bytes, of snapshot
 // Add the provided usage to the current usage
 func (u *Usage) Add(other Usage) {
 	u.Size += other.Size
 	// TODO(stevvooe): assumes independent inodes, but provides and upper
 	// bound. This should be pretty close, assuming the inodes for a
 	// snapshot are roughly unique to it. Don't trust this assumption.
 	u.Inodes += other.Inodes
 // Snapshotter defines the methods required to implement a snapshot snapshotter for
 // allocating, snapshotting and mounting filesystem changesets. The model works
 // by building up sets of changes with parent-child relationships.
 // A snapshot represents a filesystem state. Every snapshot has a parent, where
 // the empty parent is represented by the empty string. A diff can be taken
 // between a parent and its snapshot to generate a classic layer.
 // An active snapshot is created by calling `Prepare`. After mounting, changes
 // can be made to the snapshot. The act of committing creates a committed
 // snapshot. The committed snapshot will get the parent of active snapshot. The
 // committed snapshot can then be used as a parent. Active snapshots can never
 // act as a parent.
 // Snapshots are best understood by their lifecycle. Active snapshots are
 // always created with Prepare or View. Committed snapshots are always created
 // with Commit.  Active snapshots never become committed snapshots and vice
 // versa. All snapshots may be removed.
 // For consistency, we define the following terms to be used throughout this
 // interface for snapshotter implementations:
 // 	`ctx` - refers to a context.Context
 // 	`key` - refers to an active snapshot
 // 	`name` - refers to a committed snapshot
 // 	`parent` - refers to the parent in relation
 // Most methods take various combinations of these identifiers. Typically,
 // `name` and `parent` will be used in cases where a method *only* takes
 // committed snapshots. `key` will be used to refer to active snapshots in most
 // cases, except where noted. All variables used to access snapshots use the
 // same key space. For example, an active snapshot may not share the same key
 // with a committed snapshot.
 // We cover several examples below to demonstrate the utility of a snapshot
 // snapshotter.
 // Importing a Layer
 // To import a layer, we simply have the Snapshotter provide a list of
 // mounts to be applied such that our dst will capture a changeset. We start
 // out by getting a path to the layer tar file and creating a temp location to
 // unpack it to:
 //	layerPath, tmpDir := getLayerPath(), mkTmpDir() // just a path to layer tar file.
 // We start by using a Snapshotter to Prepare a new snapshot transaction, using a
 // key and descending from the empty parent "":
 //	mounts, err := snapshotter.Prepare(ctx, key, "")
 // 	if err != nil { ... }
 // We get back a list of mounts from Snapshotter.Prepare, with the key identifying
 // the active snapshot. Mount this to the temporary location with the
 // following:
 //	if err := mount.All(mounts, tmpDir); err != nil { ... }
 // Once the mounts are performed, our temporary location is ready to capture
 // a diff. In practice, this works similar to a filesystem transaction. The
 // next step is to unpack the layer. We have a special function unpackLayer
 // that applies the contents of the layer to target location and calculates the
 // DiffID of the unpacked layer (this is a requirement for docker
 // implementation):
 //	layer, err := os.Open(layerPath)
 //	if err != nil { ... }
 // 	digest, err := unpackLayer(tmpLocation, layer) // unpack into layer location
 // 	if err != nil { ... }
 // When the above completes, we should have a filesystem the represents the
 // contents of the layer. Careful implementations should verify that digest
 // matches the expected DiffID. When completed, we unmount the mounts:
 //	unmount(mounts) // optional, for now
 // Now that we've verified and unpacked our layer, we commit the active
 // snapshot to a name. For this example, we are just going to use the layer
 // digest, but in practice, this will probably be the ChainID:
 //	if err := snapshotter.Commit(ctx, digest.String(), key); err != nil { ... }
 // Now, we have a layer in the Snapshotter that can be accessed with the digest
 // provided during commit. Once you have committed the snapshot, the active
 // snapshot can be removed with the following:
 // 	snapshotter.Remove(ctx, key)
 // Importing the Next Layer
 // Making a layer depend on the above is identical to the process described
 // above except that the parent is provided as parent when calling
 // Manager.Prepare, assuming a clean, unique key identifier:
 // 	mounts, err := snapshotter.Prepare(ctx, key, parentDigest)
 // We then mount, apply and commit, as we did above. The new snapshot will be
 // based on the content of the previous one.
 // Running a Container
 // To run a container, we simply provide Snapshotter.Prepare the committed image
 // snapshot as the parent. After mounting, the prepared path can
 // be used directly as the container's filesystem:
 // 	mounts, err := snapshotter.Prepare(ctx, containerKey, imageRootFSChainID)
 // The returned mounts can then be passed directly to the container runtime. If
 // one would like to create a new image from the filesystem, Manager.Commit is
 // called:
 // 	if err := snapshotter.Commit(ctx, newImageSnapshot, containerKey); err != nil { ... }
 // Alternatively, for most container runs, Snapshotter.Remove will be called to
 // signal the Snapshotter to abandon the changes.
 type Snapshotter interface {
 	// Stat returns the info for an active or committed snapshot by name or
 	// key.
 	// Should be used for parent resolution, existence checks and to discern
 	// the kind of snapshot.
 	Stat(ctx context.Context, key string) (Info, error)
 	// Update updates the info for a snapshot.
 	// Only mutable properties of a snapshot may be updated.
 	Update(ctx context.Context, info Info, fieldpaths ...string) (Info, error)
 	// Usage returns the resource usage of an active or committed snapshot
 	// excluding the usage of parent snapshots.
 	// The running time of this call for active snapshots is dependent on
 	// implementation, but may be proportional to the size of the resource.
 	// Callers should take this into consideration. Implementations should
 	// attempt to honer context cancellation and avoid taking locks when making
 	// the calculation.
 	Usage(ctx context.Context, key string) (Usage, error)
 	// Mounts returns the mounts for the active snapshot transaction identified
 	// by key. Can be called on an read-write or readonly transaction. This is
 	// available only for active snapshots.
 	// This can be used to recover mounts after calling View or Prepare.
 	Mounts(ctx context.Context, key string) ([]mount.Mount, error)
 	// Prepare creates an active snapshot identified by key descending from the
 	// provided parent.  The returned mounts can be used to mount the snapshot
 	// to capture changes.
 	// If a parent is provided, after performing the mounts, the destination
 	// will start with the content of the parent. The parent must be a
 	// committed snapshot. Changes to the mounted destination will be captured
 	// in relation to the parent. The default parent, "", is an empty
 	// directory.
 	// The changes may be saved to a committed snapshot by calling Commit. When
 	// one is done with the transaction, Remove should be called on the key.
 	// Multiple calls to Prepare or View with the same key should fail.
 	Prepare(ctx context.Context, key, parent string, opts ...Opt) ([]mount.Mount, error)
 	// View behaves identically to Prepare except the result may not be
 	// committed back to the snapshot snapshotter. View returns a readonly view on
 	// the parent, with the active snapshot being tracked by the given key.
 	// This method operates identically to Prepare, except that Mounts returned
 	// may have the readonly flag set. Any modifications to the underlying
 	// filesystem will be ignored. Implementations may perform this in a more
 	// efficient manner that differs from what would be attempted with
 	// `Prepare`.
 	// Commit may not be called on the provided key and will return an error.
 	// To collect the resources associated with key, Remove must be called with
 	// key as the argument.
 	View(ctx context.Context, key, parent string, opts ...Opt) ([]mount.Mount, error)
 	// Commit captures the changes between key and its parent into a snapshot
 	// identified by name.  The name can then be used with the snapshotter's other
 	// methods to create subsequent snapshots.
 	// A committed snapshot will be created under name with the parent of the
 	// active snapshot.
 	// After commit, the snapshot identified by key is removed.
 	Commit(ctx context.Context, name, key string, opts ...Opt) error
 	// Remove the committed or active snapshot by the provided key.
 	// All resources associated with the key will be removed.
 	// If the snapshot is a parent of another snapshot, its children must be
 	// removed before proceeding.
 	Remove(ctx context.Context, key string) error
 	// Walk all snapshots in the snapshotter. For each snapshot in the
 	// snapshotter, the function will be called.
 	Walk(ctx context.Context, fn func(context.Context, Info) error) error
 	// Close releases the internal resources.
 	// Close is expected to be called on the end of the lifecycle of the snapshotter,
 	// but not mandatory.
 	// Close returns nil when it is already closed.
 	Close() error
 // Opt allows setting mutable snapshot properties on creation
 type Opt func(info *Info) error
 // WithLabels adds labels to a created snapshot
 func WithLabels(labels map[string]string) Opt {
 	return func(info *Info) error {
 		info.Labels = labels
 		return nil