 // +build linux
 package daemon
 import (
 	aaprofile "github.com/docker/docker/profiles/apparmor"
 // Define constants for native driver
 const (
 	defaultApparmorProfile = "docker-default"
 func installDefaultAppArmorProfile() {
 	if apparmor.IsEnabled() {
 		if err := aaprofile.InstallDefault(defaultApparmorProfile); err != nil {
 			apparmorProfiles := []string{defaultApparmorProfile}
 			// Allow daemon to run if loading failed, but are active
 			// (possibly through another run, manually, or via system startup)
 			for _, policy := range apparmorProfiles {
 				if err := aaprofile.IsLoaded(policy); err != nil {
 					logrus.Errorf("AppArmor enabled on system but the %s profile could not be loaded.", policy)