 package daemon
 import (
 // ErrExtractPointNotDirectory is used to convey that the operation to extract
 // a tar archive to a directory in a container has failed because the specified
 // path does not refer to a directory.
 var ErrExtractPointNotDirectory = errors.New("extraction point is not a directory")
 // ContainerCopy performs a depracated operation of archiving the resource at
 // the specified path in the conatiner identified by the given name.
 func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerCopy(name string, res string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
 	container, err := daemon.Get(name)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
 	if res[0] == '/' {
 		res = res[1:]
 	return container.Copy(res)
 // ContainerStatPath stats the filesystem resource at the specified path in the
 // container identified by the given name.
 func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerStatPath(name string, path string) (stat *types.ContainerPathStat, err error) {
 	container, err := daemon.Get(name)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
 	return container.StatPath(path)
 // ContainerArchivePath creates an archive of the filesystem resource at the
 // specified path in the container identified by the given name. Returns a
 // tar archive of the resource and whether it was a directory or a single file.
 func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerArchivePath(name string, path string) (content io.ReadCloser, stat *types.ContainerPathStat, err error) {
 	container, err := daemon.Get(name)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, nil, err
 	return container.ArchivePath(path)
 // ContainerExtractToDir extracts the given archive to the specified location
 // in the filesystem of the container identified by the given name. The given
 // path must be of a directory in the container. If it is not, the error will
 // be ErrExtractPointNotDirectory. If noOverwriteDirNonDir is true then it will
 // be an error if unpacking the given content would cause an existing directory
 // to be replaced with a non-directory and vice versa.
 func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerExtractToDir(name, path string, noOverwriteDirNonDir bool, content io.Reader) error {
 	container, err := daemon.Get(name)
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
 	return container.ExtractToDir(path, noOverwriteDirNonDir, content)
 // resolvePath resolves the given path in the container to a resource on the
 // host. Returns a resolved path (absolute path to the resource on the host),
 // the absolute path to the resource relative to the container's rootfs, and
 // a error if the path points to outside the container's rootfs.
 func (container *Container) resolvePath(path string) (resolvedPath, absPath string, err error) {
 	// Consider the given path as an absolute path in the container.
 	absPath = archive.PreserveTrailingDotOrSeparator(filepath.Join(string(filepath.Separator), path), path)
 	// Split the absPath into its Directory and Base components. We will
 	// resolve the dir in the scope of the container then append the base.
 	dirPath, basePath := filepath.Split(absPath)
 	resolvedDirPath, err := container.GetResourcePath(dirPath)
 	if err != nil {
 		return "", "", err
 	// resolvedDirPath will have been cleaned (no trailing path separators) so
 	// we can manually join it with the base path element.
 	resolvedPath = resolvedDirPath + string(filepath.Separator) + basePath
 	return resolvedPath, absPath, nil
 // statPath is the unexported version of StatPath. Locks and mounts should
 // be aquired before calling this method and the given path should be fully
 // resolved to a path on the host corresponding to the given absolute path
 // inside the container.
 func (container *Container) statPath(resolvedPath, absPath string) (stat *types.ContainerPathStat, err error) {
 	lstat, err := os.Lstat(resolvedPath)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
 	var linkTarget string
 	if lstat.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0 {
 		// Fully evaluate the symlink in the scope of the container rootfs.
 		hostPath, err := container.GetResourcePath(absPath)
 		if err != nil {
 			return nil, err
 		linkTarget, err = filepath.Rel(container.basefs, hostPath)
 		if err != nil {
 			return nil, err
 		// Make it an absolute path.
 		linkTarget = filepath.Join(string(filepath.Separator), linkTarget)
 	return &types.ContainerPathStat{
 		Name:       filepath.Base(absPath),
 		Size:       lstat.Size(),
 		Mode:       lstat.Mode(),
 		Mtime:      lstat.ModTime(),
 		LinkTarget: linkTarget,
 	}, nil
 // StatPath stats the filesystem resource at the specified path in this
 // container. Returns stat info about the resource.
 func (container *Container) StatPath(path string) (stat *types.ContainerPathStat, err error) {
 	defer container.Unlock()
 	if err = container.Mount(); err != nil {
 		return nil, err
 	defer container.Unmount()
 	err = container.mountVolumes()
 	defer container.UnmountVolumes(true)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
 	resolvedPath, absPath, err := container.resolvePath(path)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
 	return container.statPath(resolvedPath, absPath)
 // ArchivePath creates an archive of the filesystem resource at the specified
 // path in this container. Returns a tar archive of the resource and stat info
 // about the resource.
 func (container *Container) ArchivePath(path string) (content io.ReadCloser, stat *types.ContainerPathStat, err error) {
 	defer func() {
 		if err != nil {
 			// Wait to unlock the container until the archive is fully read
 			// (see the ReadCloseWrapper func below) or if there is an error
 			// before that occurs.
 	if err = container.Mount(); err != nil {
 		return nil, nil, err
 	defer func() {
 		if err != nil {
 			// unmount any volumes
 			// unmount the container's rootfs
 	if err = container.mountVolumes(); err != nil {
 		return nil, nil, err
 	resolvedPath, absPath, err := container.resolvePath(path)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, nil, err
 	stat, err = container.statPath(resolvedPath, absPath)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, nil, err
 	// We need to rebase the archive entries if the last element of the
 	// resolved path was a symlink that was evaluated and is now different
 	// than the requested path. For example, if the given path was "/foo/bar/",
 	// but it resolved to "/var/lib/docker/containers/{id}/foo/baz/", we want
 	// to ensure that the archive entries start with "bar" and not "baz". This
 	// also catches the case when the root directory of the container is
 	// requested: we want the archive entries to start with "/" and not the
 	// container ID.
 	data, err := archive.TarResourceRebase(resolvedPath, filepath.Base(absPath))
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, nil, err
 	content = ioutils.NewReadCloserWrapper(data, func() error {
 		err := data.Close()
 		return err
 	return content, stat, nil
 // ExtractToDir extracts the given tar archive to the specified location in the
 // filesystem of this container. The given path must be of a directory in the
 // container. If it is not, the error will be ErrExtractPointNotDirectory. If
 // noOverwriteDirNonDir is true then it will be an error if unpacking the
 // given content would cause an existing directory to be replaced with a non-
 // directory and vice versa.
 func (container *Container) ExtractToDir(path string, noOverwriteDirNonDir bool, content io.Reader) (err error) {
 	defer container.Unlock()
 	if err = container.Mount(); err != nil {
 		return err
 	defer container.Unmount()
 	err = container.mountVolumes()
 	defer container.UnmountVolumes(true)
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
 	// The destination path needs to be resolved to a host path, with all
 	// symbolic links followed in the scope of the container's rootfs. Note
 	// that we do not use `container.resolvePath(path)` here because we need
 	// to also evaluate the last path element if it is a symlink. This is so
 	// that you can extract an archive to a symlink that points to a directory.
 	// Consider the given path as an absolute path in the container.
 	absPath := archive.PreserveTrailingDotOrSeparator(filepath.Join(string(filepath.Separator), path), path)
 	// This will evaluate the last path element if it is a symlink.
 	resolvedPath, err := container.GetResourcePath(absPath)
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
 	stat, err := os.Lstat(resolvedPath)
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
 	if !stat.IsDir() {
 		return ErrExtractPointNotDirectory
 	// Need to check if the path is in a volume. If it is, it cannot be in a
 	// read-only volume. If it is not in a volume, the container cannot be
 	// configured with a read-only rootfs.
 	// Use the resolved path relative to the container rootfs as the new
 	// absPath. This way we fully follow any symlinks in a volume that may
 	// lead back outside the volume.
 	baseRel, err := filepath.Rel(container.basefs, resolvedPath)
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
 	// Make it an absolute path.
 	absPath = filepath.Join(string(filepath.Separator), baseRel)
 	toVolume, err := checkIfPathIsInAVolume(container, absPath)
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
 	if !toVolume && container.hostConfig.ReadonlyRootfs {
 		return ErrContainerRootfsReadonly
 	options := &archive.TarOptions{
 		ChownOpts: &archive.TarChownOptions{
 			UID: 0, GID: 0, // TODO: use config.User? Remap to userns root?
 		NoOverwriteDirNonDir: noOverwriteDirNonDir,
 	if err := chrootarchive.Untar(content, resolvedPath, options); err != nil {
 		return err
 	return nil
 // checkIfPathIsInAVolume checks if the path is in a volume. If it is, it
 // cannot be in a read-only volume. If it  is not in a volume, the container
 // cannot be configured with a read-only rootfs.
 func checkIfPathIsInAVolume(container *Container, absPath string) (bool, error) {
 	var toVolume bool
 	for _, mnt := range container.MountPoints {
 		if toVolume = mnt.hasResource(absPath); toVolume {
 			if mnt.RW {
 			return false, ErrVolumeReadonly
 	return toVolume, nil