<!--[metadata]> +++ title = "Docker storage drivers" description = "Learn how select the proper storage driver for your container." keywords = ["container, storage, driver, AUFS, btfs, devicemapper,zvfs"] [menu.main] identifier = "mn_storage_docker" parent = "mn_use_docker" weight = 7 +++ <![end-metadata]--> # Docker storage drivers Docker relies on driver technology to manage the storage and interactions associated with images and they containers that run them. This section contains the following pages: * [Understand images, containers, and storage drivers](imagesandcontainers.md) * [Select a storage driver](selectadriver.md) * [AUFS storage driver in practice](aufs-driver.md) * [BTRFS storage driver in practice](btrfs-driver.md) * [Device Mapper storage driver in practice](device-mapper-driver.md) * [OverlayFS in practice](overlayfs-driver.md) * [FS storage in practice](zfs-driver.md) If you are new to Docker containers make sure you read ["Understand images, containers, and storage drivers"](imagesandcontainers.md) first. It explains key concepts and technologies that can help you when working with storage drivers. ### Acknowledgement The Docker storage driver material was created in large part by our guest author Nigel Poulton with a bit of help from Docker's own Jérôme Petazzoni. In his spare time Nigel creates [IT training videos](http://www.pluralsight.com/author/nigel-poulton), co-hosts the weekly [In Tech We Trust podcast](http://intechwetrustpodcast.com/), and lives it large on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/nigelpoulton). &nbsp;