Package libnetwork provides the basic functionality and extension points to
create network namespaces and allocate interfaces for containers to use.

	networkType := "bridge"

	// Create a new controller instance
	driverOptions := options.Generic{}
	genericOption := make(map[string]interface{})
	genericOption[netlabel.GenericData] = driverOptions
	controller, err := libnetwork.New(config.OptionDriverConfig(networkType, genericOption))
	if err != nil {

	// Create a network for containers to join.
	// NewNetwork accepts Variadic optional arguments that libnetwork and Drivers can make use of
	network, err := controller.NewNetwork(networkType, "network1")
	if err != nil {

	// For each new container: allocate IP and interfaces. The returned network
	// settings will be used for container infos (inspect and such), as well as
	// iptables rules for port publishing. This info is contained or accessible
	// from the returned endpoint.
	ep, err := network.CreateEndpoint("Endpoint1")
	if err != nil {

	// Create the sandbox for the container.
	// NewSandbox accepts Variadic optional arguments which libnetwork can use.
	sbx, err := controller.NewSandbox("container1",

	// A sandbox can join the endpoint via the join api.
	err = ep.Join(sbx)
	if err != nil {
package libnetwork

import (

	log "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus"

// NetworkController provides the interface for controller instance which manages
// networks.
type NetworkController interface {
	// ID provides an unique identity for the controller
	ID() string

	// Config method returns the bootup configuration for the controller
	Config() config.Config

	// Create a new network. The options parameter carries network specific options.
	NewNetwork(networkType, name string, options ...NetworkOption) (Network, error)

	// Networks returns the list of Network(s) managed by this controller.
	Networks() []Network

	// WalkNetworks uses the provided function to walk the Network(s) managed by this controller.
	WalkNetworks(walker NetworkWalker)

	// NetworkByName returns the Network which has the passed name. If not found, the error ErrNoSuchNetwork is returned.
	NetworkByName(name string) (Network, error)

	// NetworkByID returns the Network which has the passed id. If not found, the error ErrNoSuchNetwork is returned.
	NetworkByID(id string) (Network, error)

	// NewSandbox cretes a new network sandbox for the passed container id
	NewSandbox(containerID string, options ...SandboxOption) (Sandbox, error)

	// Sandboxes returns the list of Sandbox(s) managed by this controller.
	Sandboxes() []Sandbox

	// WlakSandboxes uses the provided function to walk the Sandbox(s) managed by this controller.
	WalkSandboxes(walker SandboxWalker)

	// SandboxByID returns the Sandbox which has the passed id. If not found, a types.NotFoundError is returned.
	SandboxByID(id string) (Sandbox, error)

	// SandboxDestroy destroys a sandbox given a container ID
	SandboxDestroy(id string) error

	// Stop network controller

// NetworkWalker is a client provided function which will be used to walk the Networks.
// When the function returns true, the walk will stop.
type NetworkWalker func(nw Network) bool

// SandboxWalker is a client provided function which will be used to walk the Sandboxes.
// When the function returns true, the walk will stop.
type SandboxWalker func(sb Sandbox) bool

type driverData struct {
	driver     driverapi.Driver
	capability driverapi.Capability

type ipamData struct {
	driver ipamapi.Ipam
	// default address spaces are provided by ipam driver at registration time
	defaultLocalAddressSpace, defaultGlobalAddressSpace string

type driverTable map[string]*driverData

//type networkTable map[string]*network
//type endpointTable map[string]*endpoint
type ipamTable map[string]*ipamData
type sandboxTable map[string]*sandbox

type controller struct {
	id string
	//networks       networkTable
	drivers        driverTable
	ipamDrivers    ipamTable
	sandboxes      sandboxTable
	cfg            *config.Config
	stores         []datastore.DataStore
	discovery      hostdiscovery.HostDiscovery
	extKeyListener net.Listener
	watchCh        chan *endpoint
	unWatchCh      chan *endpoint
	svcDb          map[string]svcMap
	nmap           map[string]*netWatch
	defOsSbox      osl.Sandbox
	sboxOnce       sync.Once

// New creates a new instance of network controller.
func New(cfgOptions ...config.Option) (NetworkController, error) {
	var cfg *config.Config
	cfg = &config.Config{
		Daemon: config.DaemonCfg{
			DriverCfg: make(map[string]interface{}),
		Scopes: make(map[string]*datastore.ScopeCfg),

	if len(cfgOptions) > 0 {

	c := &controller{
		id:          stringid.GenerateRandomID(),
		cfg:         cfg,
		sandboxes:   sandboxTable{},
		drivers:     driverTable{},
		ipamDrivers: ipamTable{},
		svcDb:       make(map[string]svcMap),

	if err := c.initStores(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if cfg != nil && cfg.Cluster.Watcher != nil {
		if err := c.initDiscovery(cfg.Cluster.Watcher); err != nil {
			// Failing to initalize discovery is a bad situation to be in.
			// But it cannot fail creating the Controller
			log.Errorf("Failed to Initialize Discovery : %v", err)

	if err := initDrivers(c); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if err := initIpams(c, c.getStore(datastore.LocalScope),
		c.getStore(datastore.GlobalScope)); err != nil {
		return nil, err


	if err := c.startExternalKeyListener(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return c, nil

func (c *controller) ID() string {
	return c.id

func (c *controller) validateHostDiscoveryConfig() bool {
	if c.cfg == nil || c.cfg.Cluster.Discovery == "" || c.cfg.Cluster.Address == "" {
		return false
	return true

func (c *controller) initDiscovery(watcher discovery.Watcher) error {
	if c.cfg == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("discovery initialization requires a valid configuration")

	c.discovery = hostdiscovery.NewHostDiscovery(watcher)
	return c.discovery.Watch(c.activeCallback, c.hostJoinCallback, c.hostLeaveCallback)

func (c *controller) activeCallback() {
	ds := c.getStore(datastore.GlobalScope)
	if ds != nil && !ds.Active() {

func (c *controller) hostJoinCallback(nodes []net.IP) {
	c.processNodeDiscovery(nodes, true)

func (c *controller) hostLeaveCallback(nodes []net.IP) {
	c.processNodeDiscovery(nodes, false)

func (c *controller) processNodeDiscovery(nodes []net.IP, add bool) {
	drivers := []*driverData{}
	for _, d := range c.drivers {
		drivers = append(drivers, d)

	for _, d := range drivers {
		c.pushNodeDiscovery(d, nodes, add)

func (c *controller) pushNodeDiscovery(d *driverData, nodes []net.IP, add bool) {
	var self net.IP
	if c.cfg != nil {
		addr := strings.Split(c.cfg.Cluster.Address, ":")
		self = net.ParseIP(addr[0])
	if d == nil || d.capability.DataScope != datastore.GlobalScope || nodes == nil {
	for _, node := range nodes {
		nodeData := driverapi.NodeDiscoveryData{Address: node.String(), Self: node.Equal(self)}
		var err error
		if add {
			err = d.driver.DiscoverNew(driverapi.NodeDiscovery, nodeData)
		} else {
			err = d.driver.DiscoverDelete(driverapi.NodeDiscovery, nodeData)
		if err != nil {
			log.Debugf("discovery notification error : %v", err)

func (c *controller) Config() config.Config {
	defer c.Unlock()
	if c.cfg == nil {
		return config.Config{}
	return *c.cfg

func (c *controller) RegisterDriver(networkType string, driver driverapi.Driver, capability driverapi.Capability) error {
	if !config.IsValidName(networkType) {
		return ErrInvalidName(networkType)

	if _, ok := c.drivers[networkType]; ok {
		return driverapi.ErrActiveRegistration(networkType)
	dData := &driverData{driver, capability}
	c.drivers[networkType] = dData
	hd := c.discovery

	if hd != nil {
		c.pushNodeDiscovery(dData, hd.Fetch(), true)

	return nil

func (c *controller) RegisterIpamDriver(name string, driver ipamapi.Ipam) error {
	if !config.IsValidName(name) {
		return ErrInvalidName(name)

	_, ok := c.ipamDrivers[name]
	if ok {
		return driverapi.ErrActiveRegistration(name)
	locAS, glbAS, err := driver.GetDefaultAddressSpaces()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("ipam driver %s failed to return default address spaces: %v", name, err)
	c.ipamDrivers[name] = &ipamData{driver: driver, defaultLocalAddressSpace: locAS, defaultGlobalAddressSpace: glbAS}

	log.Debugf("Registering ipam provider: %s", name)

	return nil

// NewNetwork creates a new network of the specified network type. The options
// are network specific and modeled in a generic way.
func (c *controller) NewNetwork(networkType, name string, options ...NetworkOption) (Network, error) {
	if !config.IsValidName(name) {
		return nil, ErrInvalidName(name)

	// Construct the network object
	network := &network{
		name:        name,
		networkType: networkType,
		generic:     map[string]interface{}{netlabel.GenericData: make(map[string]string)},
		ipamType:    ipamapi.DefaultIPAM,
		id:          stringid.GenerateRandomID(),
		ctrlr:       c,
		persist:     true,
		drvOnce:     &sync.Once{},


	// Make sure we have a driver available for this network type
	// before we allocate anything.
	if _, err := network.driver(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	err := network.ipamAllocate()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer func() {
		if err != nil {

	if err = c.addNetwork(network); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer func() {
		if err != nil {
			if e := network.deleteNetwork(); e != nil {
				log.Warnf("couldn't roll back driver network on network %s creation failure: %v", network.name, err)

	if err = c.updateToStore(network); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer func() {
		if err != nil {
			if e := c.deleteFromStore(network); e != nil {
				log.Warnf("couldnt rollback from store, network %s on failure (%v): %v", network.name, err, e)

	network.epCnt = &endpointCnt{n: network}
	if err = c.updateToStore(network.epCnt); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return network, nil

func (c *controller) addNetwork(n *network) error {
	d, err := n.driver()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Create the network
	if err := d.CreateNetwork(n.id, n.generic, n.getIPData(4), n.getIPData(6)); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil

func (c *controller) Networks() []Network {
	var list []Network

	networks, err := c.getNetworksFromStore()
	if err != nil {

	for _, n := range networks {
		list = append(list, n)

	return list

func (c *controller) WalkNetworks(walker NetworkWalker) {
	for _, n := range c.Networks() {
		if walker(n) {

func (c *controller) NetworkByName(name string) (Network, error) {
	if name == "" {
		return nil, ErrInvalidName(name)
	var n Network

	s := func(current Network) bool {
		if current.Name() == name {
			n = current
			return true
		return false


	if n == nil {
		return nil, ErrNoSuchNetwork(name)

	return n, nil

func (c *controller) NetworkByID(id string) (Network, error) {
	if id == "" {
		return nil, ErrInvalidID(id)

	n, err := c.getNetworkFromStore(id)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, ErrNoSuchNetwork(id)

	return n, nil

// NewSandbox creates a new sandbox for the passed container id
func (c *controller) NewSandbox(containerID string, options ...SandboxOption) (Sandbox, error) {
	var err error

	if containerID == "" {
		return nil, types.BadRequestErrorf("invalid container ID")

	var sb *sandbox
	for _, s := range c.sandboxes {
		if s.containerID == containerID {
			// If not a stub, then we already have a complete sandbox.
			if !s.isStub {
				return nil, types.BadRequestErrorf("container %s is already present: %v", containerID, s)

			// We already have a stub sandbox from the
			// store. Make use of it so that we don't lose
			// the endpoints from store but reset the
			// isStub flag.
			sb = s
			sb.isStub = false

	// Create sandbox and process options first. Key generation depends on an option
	if sb == nil {
		sb = &sandbox{
			id:          stringid.GenerateRandomID(),
			containerID: containerID,
			endpoints:   epHeap{},
			epPriority:  map[string]int{},
			config:      containerConfig{},
			controller:  c,



	if err = sb.setupResolutionFiles(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if sb.config.useDefaultSandBox {
		c.sboxOnce.Do(func() {
			c.defOsSbox, err = osl.NewSandbox(sb.Key(), false)

		if err != nil {
			c.sboxOnce = sync.Once{}
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create default sandbox: %v", err)

		sb.osSbox = c.defOsSbox

	if sb.osSbox == nil && !sb.config.useExternalKey {
		if sb.osSbox, err = osl.NewSandbox(sb.Key(), !sb.config.useDefaultSandBox); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create new osl sandbox: %v", err)

	c.sandboxes[sb.id] = sb
	defer func() {
		if err != nil {
			delete(c.sandboxes, sb.id)

	err = sb.storeUpdate()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("updating the store state of sandbox failed: %v", err)

	return sb, nil

func (c *controller) Sandboxes() []Sandbox {
	defer c.Unlock()

	list := make([]Sandbox, 0, len(c.sandboxes))
	for _, s := range c.sandboxes {
		// Hide stub sandboxes from libnetwork users
		if s.isStub {

		list = append(list, s)

	return list

func (c *controller) WalkSandboxes(walker SandboxWalker) {
	for _, sb := range c.Sandboxes() {
		if walker(sb) {

func (c *controller) SandboxByID(id string) (Sandbox, error) {
	if id == "" {
		return nil, ErrInvalidID(id)
	s, ok := c.sandboxes[id]
	if !ok {
		return nil, types.NotFoundErrorf("sandbox %s not found", id)
	return s, nil

// SandboxDestroy destroys a sandbox given a container ID
func (c *controller) SandboxDestroy(id string) error {
	var sb *sandbox
	for _, s := range c.sandboxes {
		if s.containerID == id {
			sb = s

	// It is not an error if sandbox is not available
	if sb == nil {
		return nil

	return sb.Delete()

// SandboxContainerWalker returns a Sandbox Walker function which looks for an existing Sandbox with the passed containerID
func SandboxContainerWalker(out *Sandbox, containerID string) SandboxWalker {
	return func(sb Sandbox) bool {
		if sb.ContainerID() == containerID {
			*out = sb
			return true
		return false

// SandboxKeyWalker returns a Sandbox Walker function which looks for an existing Sandbox with the passed key
func SandboxKeyWalker(out *Sandbox, key string) SandboxWalker {
	return func(sb Sandbox) bool {
		if sb.Key() == key {
			*out = sb
			return true
		return false

func (c *controller) loadDriver(networkType string) (*driverData, error) {
	// Plugins pkg performs lazy loading of plugins that acts as remote drivers.
	// As per the design, this Get call will result in remote driver discovery if there is a corresponding plugin available.
	_, err := plugins.Get(networkType, driverapi.NetworkPluginEndpointType)
	if err != nil {
		if err == plugins.ErrNotFound {
			return nil, types.NotFoundErrorf(err.Error())
		return nil, err
	defer c.Unlock()
	dd, ok := c.drivers[networkType]
	if !ok {
		return nil, ErrInvalidNetworkDriver(networkType)
	return dd, nil

func (c *controller) loadIpamDriver(name string) (*ipamData, error) {
	if _, err := plugins.Get(name, ipamapi.PluginEndpointType); err != nil {
		if err == plugins.ErrNotFound {
			return nil, types.NotFoundErrorf(err.Error())
		return nil, err
	id, ok := c.ipamDrivers[name]
	if !ok {
		return nil, ErrInvalidNetworkDriver(name)
	return id, nil

func (c *controller) getIPAM(name string) (id *ipamData, err error) {
	var ok bool
	id, ok = c.ipamDrivers[name]
	if !ok {
		id, err = c.loadIpamDriver(name)
	return id, err

func (c *controller) getIpamDriver(name string) (ipamapi.Ipam, error) {
	id, err := c.getIPAM(name)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return id.driver, nil

func (c *controller) Stop() {