package container

import (


// NetworkMode represents the container network stack.
type NetworkMode string

// Isolation represents the isolation technology of a container. The supported
// values are platform specific
type Isolation string

// IsDefault indicates the default isolation technology of a container. On Linux this
// is the native driver. On Windows, this is a Windows Server Container.
func (i Isolation) IsDefault() bool {
	return strings.ToLower(string(i)) == "default" || string(i) == ""

// IpcMode represents the container ipc stack.
type IpcMode string

// IsPrivate indicates whether the container uses its private ipc stack.
func (n IpcMode) IsPrivate() bool {
	return !(n.IsHost() || n.IsContainer())

// IsHost indicates whether the container uses the host's ipc stack.
func (n IpcMode) IsHost() bool {
	return n == "host"

// IsContainer indicates whether the container uses a container's ipc stack.
func (n IpcMode) IsContainer() bool {
	parts := strings.SplitN(string(n), ":", 2)
	return len(parts) > 1 && parts[0] == "container"

// Valid indicates whether the ipc stack is valid.
func (n IpcMode) Valid() bool {
	parts := strings.Split(string(n), ":")
	switch mode := parts[0]; mode {
	case "", "host":
	case "container":
		if len(parts) != 2 || parts[1] == "" {
			return false
		return false
	return true

// Container returns the name of the container ipc stack is going to be used.
func (n IpcMode) Container() string {
	parts := strings.SplitN(string(n), ":", 2)
	if len(parts) > 1 {
		return parts[1]
	return ""

// UsernsMode represents userns mode in the container.
type UsernsMode string

// IsHost indicates whether the container uses the host's userns.
func (n UsernsMode) IsHost() bool {
	return n == "host"

// IsPrivate indicates whether the container uses the a private userns.
func (n UsernsMode) IsPrivate() bool {
	return !(n.IsHost())

// Valid indicates whether the userns is valid.
func (n UsernsMode) Valid() bool {
	parts := strings.Split(string(n), ":")
	switch mode := parts[0]; mode {
	case "", "host":
		return false
	return true

// CgroupSpec represents the cgroup to use for the container.
type CgroupSpec string

// IsContainer indicates whether the container is using another container cgroup
func (c CgroupSpec) IsContainer() bool {
	parts := strings.SplitN(string(c), ":", 2)
	return len(parts) > 1 && parts[0] == "container"

// Valid indicates whether the cgroup spec is valid.
func (c CgroupSpec) Valid() bool {
	return c.IsContainer() || c == ""

// Container returns the name of the container whose cgroup will be used.
func (c CgroupSpec) Container() string {
	parts := strings.SplitN(string(c), ":", 2)
	if len(parts) > 1 {
		return parts[1]
	return ""

// UTSMode represents the UTS namespace of the container.
type UTSMode string

// IsPrivate indicates whether the container uses its private UTS namespace.
func (n UTSMode) IsPrivate() bool {
	return !(n.IsHost())

// IsHost indicates whether the container uses the host's UTS namespace.
func (n UTSMode) IsHost() bool {
	return n == "host"

// Valid indicates whether the UTS namespace is valid.
func (n UTSMode) Valid() bool {
	parts := strings.Split(string(n), ":")
	switch mode := parts[0]; mode {
	case "", "host":
		return false
	return true

// PidMode represents the pid namespace of the container.
type PidMode string

// IsPrivate indicates whether the container uses its own new pid namespace.
func (n PidMode) IsPrivate() bool {
	return !(n.IsHost() || n.IsContainer())

// IsHost indicates whether the container uses the host's pid namespace.
func (n PidMode) IsHost() bool {
	return n == "host"

// IsContainer indicates whether the container uses a container's pid namespace.
func (n PidMode) IsContainer() bool {
	parts := strings.SplitN(string(n), ":", 2)
	return len(parts) > 1 && parts[0] == "container"

// Valid indicates whether the pid namespace is valid.
func (n PidMode) Valid() bool {
	parts := strings.Split(string(n), ":")
	switch mode := parts[0]; mode {
	case "", "host":
	case "container":
		if len(parts) != 2 || parts[1] == "" {
			return false
		return false
	return true

// Container returns the name of the container whose pid namespace is going to be used.
func (n PidMode) Container() string {
	parts := strings.SplitN(string(n), ":", 2)
	if len(parts) > 1 {
		return parts[1]
	return ""

// DeviceMapping represents the device mapping between the host and the container.
type DeviceMapping struct {
	PathOnHost        string
	PathInContainer   string
	CgroupPermissions string

// RestartPolicy represents the restart policies of the container.
type RestartPolicy struct {
	Name              string
	MaximumRetryCount int

// IsNone indicates whether the container has the "no" restart policy.
// This means the container will not automatically restart when exiting.
func (rp *RestartPolicy) IsNone() bool {
	return rp.Name == "no" || rp.Name == ""

// IsAlways indicates whether the container has the "always" restart policy.
// This means the container will automatically restart regardless of the exit status.
func (rp *RestartPolicy) IsAlways() bool {
	return rp.Name == "always"

// IsOnFailure indicates whether the container has the "on-failure" restart policy.
// This means the container will automatically restart of exiting with a non-zero exit status.
func (rp *RestartPolicy) IsOnFailure() bool {
	return rp.Name == "on-failure"

// IsUnlessStopped indicates whether the container has the
// "unless-stopped" restart policy. This means the container will
// automatically restart unless user has put it to stopped state.
func (rp *RestartPolicy) IsUnlessStopped() bool {
	return rp.Name == "unless-stopped"

// IsSame compares two RestartPolicy to see if they are the same
func (rp *RestartPolicy) IsSame(tp *RestartPolicy) bool {
	return rp.Name == tp.Name && rp.MaximumRetryCount == tp.MaximumRetryCount

// LogConfig represents the logging configuration of the container.
type LogConfig struct {
	Type   string
	Config map[string]string

// Resources contains container's resources (cgroups config, ulimits...)
type Resources struct {
	// Applicable to all platforms
	CPUShares int64 `json:"CpuShares"` // CPU shares (relative weight vs. other containers)
	Memory    int64 // Memory limit (in bytes)
	NanoCPUs  int64 `json:"NanoCpus"` // CPU quota in units of 10<sup>-9</sup> CPUs.

	// Applicable to UNIX platforms
	CgroupParent         string // Parent cgroup.
	BlkioWeight          uint16 // Block IO weight (relative weight vs. other containers)
	BlkioWeightDevice    []*blkiodev.WeightDevice
	BlkioDeviceReadBps   []*blkiodev.ThrottleDevice
	BlkioDeviceWriteBps  []*blkiodev.ThrottleDevice
	BlkioDeviceReadIOps  []*blkiodev.ThrottleDevice
	BlkioDeviceWriteIOps []*blkiodev.ThrottleDevice
	CPUPeriod            int64           `json:"CpuPeriod"`          // CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period
	CPUQuota             int64           `json:"CpuQuota"`           // CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota
	CPURealtimePeriod    int64           `json:"CpuRealtimePeriod"`  // CPU real-time period
	CPURealtimeRuntime   int64           `json:"CpuRealtimeRuntime"` // CPU real-time runtime
	CpusetCpus           string          // CpusetCpus 0-2, 0,1
	CpusetMems           string          // CpusetMems 0-2, 0,1
	Devices              []DeviceMapping // List of devices to map inside the container
	DiskQuota            int64           // Disk limit (in bytes)
	KernelMemory         int64           // Kernel memory limit (in bytes)
	MemoryReservation    int64           // Memory soft limit (in bytes)
	MemorySwap           int64           // Total memory usage (memory + swap); set `-1` to enable unlimited swap
	MemorySwappiness     *int64          // Tuning container memory swappiness behaviour
	OomKillDisable       *bool           // Whether to disable OOM Killer or not
	PidsLimit            int64           // Setting pids limit for a container
	Ulimits              []*units.Ulimit // List of ulimits to be set in the container

	// Applicable to Windows
	CPUCount           int64  `json:"CpuCount"`   // CPU count
	CPUPercent         int64  `json:"CpuPercent"` // CPU percent
	IOMaximumIOps      uint64 // Maximum IOps for the container system drive
	IOMaximumBandwidth uint64 // Maximum IO in bytes per second for the container system drive

// UpdateConfig holds the mutable attributes of a Container.
// Those attributes can be updated at runtime.
type UpdateConfig struct {
	// Contains container's resources (cgroups, ulimits)
	RestartPolicy RestartPolicy

// HostConfig the non-portable Config structure of a container.
// Here, "non-portable" means "dependent of the host we are running on".
// Portable information *should* appear in Config.
type HostConfig struct {
	// Applicable to all platforms
	Binds           []string      // List of volume bindings for this container
	ContainerIDFile string        // File (path) where the containerId is written
	LogConfig       LogConfig     // Configuration of the logs for this container
	NetworkMode     NetworkMode   // Network mode to use for the container
	PortBindings    nat.PortMap   // Port mapping between the exposed port (container) and the host
	RestartPolicy   RestartPolicy // Restart policy to be used for the container
	AutoRemove      bool          // Automatically remove container when it exits
	VolumeDriver    string        // Name of the volume driver used to mount volumes
	VolumesFrom     []string      // List of volumes to take from other container

	// Applicable to UNIX platforms
	CapAdd          strslice.StrSlice // List of kernel capabilities to add to the container
	CapDrop         strslice.StrSlice // List of kernel capabilities to remove from the container
	DNS             []string          `json:"Dns"`        // List of DNS server to lookup
	DNSOptions      []string          `json:"DnsOptions"` // List of DNSOption to look for
	DNSSearch       []string          `json:"DnsSearch"`  // List of DNSSearch to look for
	ExtraHosts      []string          // List of extra hosts
	GroupAdd        []string          // List of additional groups that the container process will run as
	IpcMode         IpcMode           // IPC namespace to use for the container
	Cgroup          CgroupSpec        // Cgroup to use for the container
	Links           []string          // List of links (in the name:alias form)
	OomScoreAdj     int               // Container preference for OOM-killing
	PidMode         PidMode           // PID namespace to use for the container
	Privileged      bool              // Is the container in privileged mode
	PublishAllPorts bool              // Should docker publish all exposed port for the container
	ReadonlyRootfs  bool              // Is the container root filesystem in read-only
	SecurityOpt     []string          // List of string values to customize labels for MLS systems, such as SELinux.
	StorageOpt      map[string]string `json:",omitempty"` // Storage driver options per container.
	Tmpfs           map[string]string `json:",omitempty"` // List of tmpfs (mounts) used for the container
	UTSMode         UTSMode           // UTS namespace to use for the container
	UsernsMode      UsernsMode        // The user namespace to use for the container
	ShmSize         int64             // Total shm memory usage
	Sysctls         map[string]string `json:",omitempty"` // List of Namespaced sysctls used for the container
	Runtime         string            `json:",omitempty"` // Runtime to use with this container

	// Applicable to Windows
	ConsoleSize [2]uint   // Initial console size (height,width)
	Isolation   Isolation // Isolation technology of the container (eg default, hyperv)

	// Contains container's resources (cgroups, ulimits)

	// Mounts specs used by the container
	Mounts []mount.Mount `json:",omitempty"`

	// Run a custom init inside the container, if null, use the daemon's configured settings
	Init *bool `json:",omitempty"`

	// Custom init path
	InitPath string `json:",omitempty"`