package libnetwork

import (


// Endpoint represents a logical connection between a network and a sandbox.
type Endpoint interface {
	// A system generated id for this endpoint.
	ID() string

	// Name returns the name of this endpoint.
	Name() string

	// Network returns the name of the network to which this endpoint is attached.
	Network() string

	// Join joins the sandbox to the endpoint and populates into the sandbox
	// the network resources allocated for the endpoint.
	Join(sandbox Sandbox, options ...EndpointOption) error

	// Leave detaches the network resources populated in the sandbox.
	Leave(sandbox Sandbox, options ...EndpointOption) error

	// Return certain operational data belonging to this endpoint
	Info() EndpointInfo

	// DriverInfo returns a collection of driver operational data related to this endpoint retrieved from the driver
	DriverInfo() (map[string]interface{}, error)

	// Delete and detaches this endpoint from the network.
	Delete(force bool) error

// EndpointOption is an option setter function type used to pass various options to Network
// and Endpoint interfaces methods. The various setter functions of type EndpointOption are
// provided by libnetwork, they look like <Create|Join|Leave>Option[...](...)
type EndpointOption func(ep *endpoint)

type endpoint struct {
	name              string
	id                string
	network           *network
	iface             *endpointInterface
	joinInfo          *endpointJoinInfo
	sandboxID         string
	locator           string
	exposedPorts      []types.TransportPort
	anonymous         bool
	disableResolution bool
	generic           map[string]interface{}
	joinLeaveDone     chan struct{}
	prefAddress       net.IP
	prefAddressV6     net.IP
	ipamOptions       map[string]string
	aliases           map[string]string
	myAliases         []string
	svcID             string
	svcName           string
	virtualIP         net.IP
	svcAliases        []string
	ingressPorts      []*PortConfig
	dbIndex           uint64
	dbExists          bool
	serviceEnabled    bool
	loadBalancer      bool

func (ep *endpoint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
	defer ep.Unlock()

	epMap := make(map[string]interface{})
	epMap["name"] =
	epMap["id"] =
	epMap["ep_iface"] = ep.iface
	epMap["joinInfo"] = ep.joinInfo
	epMap["exposed_ports"] = ep.exposedPorts
	if ep.generic != nil {
		epMap["generic"] = ep.generic
	epMap["sandbox"] = ep.sandboxID
	epMap["locator"] = ep.locator
	epMap["anonymous"] = ep.anonymous
	epMap["disableResolution"] = ep.disableResolution
	epMap["myAliases"] = ep.myAliases
	epMap["svcName"] = ep.svcName
	epMap["svcID"] = ep.svcID
	epMap["virtualIP"] = ep.virtualIP.String()
	epMap["ingressPorts"] = ep.ingressPorts
	epMap["svcAliases"] = ep.svcAliases
	epMap["loadBalancer"] = ep.loadBalancer

	return json.Marshal(epMap)

func (ep *endpoint) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
	defer ep.Unlock()

	var epMap map[string]interface{}
	if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &epMap); err != nil {
		return err
	} = epMap["name"].(string) = epMap["id"].(string)

	ib, _ := json.Marshal(epMap["ep_iface"])
	json.Unmarshal(ib, &ep.iface)

	jb, _ := json.Marshal(epMap["joinInfo"])
	json.Unmarshal(jb, &ep.joinInfo)

	tb, _ := json.Marshal(epMap["exposed_ports"])
	var tPorts []types.TransportPort
	json.Unmarshal(tb, &tPorts)
	ep.exposedPorts = tPorts

	cb, _ := json.Marshal(epMap["sandbox"])
	json.Unmarshal(cb, &ep.sandboxID)

	if v, ok := epMap["generic"]; ok {
		ep.generic = v.(map[string]interface{})

		if opt, ok := ep.generic[netlabel.PortMap]; ok {
			pblist := []types.PortBinding{}

			for i := 0; i < len(opt.([]interface{})); i++ {
				pb := types.PortBinding{}
				tmp := opt.([]interface{})[i].(map[string]interface{})

				bytes, err := json.Marshal(tmp)
				if err != nil {
				err = json.Unmarshal(bytes, &pb)
				if err != nil {
				pblist = append(pblist, pb)
			ep.generic[netlabel.PortMap] = pblist

		if opt, ok := ep.generic[netlabel.ExposedPorts]; ok {
			tplist := []types.TransportPort{}

			for i := 0; i < len(opt.([]interface{})); i++ {
				tp := types.TransportPort{}
				tmp := opt.([]interface{})[i].(map[string]interface{})

				bytes, err := json.Marshal(tmp)
				if err != nil {
				err = json.Unmarshal(bytes, &tp)
				if err != nil {
				tplist = append(tplist, tp)
			ep.generic[netlabel.ExposedPorts] = tplist


	if v, ok := epMap["anonymous"]; ok {
		ep.anonymous = v.(bool)
	if v, ok := epMap["disableResolution"]; ok {
		ep.disableResolution = v.(bool)
	if l, ok := epMap["locator"]; ok {
		ep.locator = l.(string)

	if sn, ok := epMap["svcName"]; ok {
		ep.svcName = sn.(string)

	if si, ok := epMap["svcID"]; ok {
		ep.svcID = si.(string)

	if vip, ok := epMap["virtualIP"]; ok {
		ep.virtualIP = net.ParseIP(vip.(string))

	if v, ok := epMap["loadBalancer"]; ok {
		ep.loadBalancer = v.(bool)

	sal, _ := json.Marshal(epMap["svcAliases"])
	var svcAliases []string
	json.Unmarshal(sal, &svcAliases)
	ep.svcAliases = svcAliases

	pc, _ := json.Marshal(epMap["ingressPorts"])
	var ingressPorts []*PortConfig
	json.Unmarshal(pc, &ingressPorts)
	ep.ingressPorts = ingressPorts

	ma, _ := json.Marshal(epMap["myAliases"])
	var myAliases []string
	json.Unmarshal(ma, &myAliases)
	ep.myAliases = myAliases
	return nil

func (ep *endpoint) New() datastore.KVObject {
	return &endpoint{network: ep.getNetwork()}

func (ep *endpoint) CopyTo(o datastore.KVObject) error {
	defer ep.Unlock()

	dstEp := o.(*endpoint) = =
	dstEp.sandboxID = ep.sandboxID
	dstEp.locator = ep.locator
	dstEp.dbIndex = ep.dbIndex
	dstEp.dbExists = ep.dbExists
	dstEp.anonymous = ep.anonymous
	dstEp.disableResolution = ep.disableResolution
	dstEp.svcName = ep.svcName
	dstEp.svcID = ep.svcID
	dstEp.virtualIP = ep.virtualIP
	dstEp.loadBalancer = ep.loadBalancer

	dstEp.svcAliases = make([]string, len(ep.svcAliases))
	copy(dstEp.svcAliases, ep.svcAliases)

	dstEp.ingressPorts = make([]*PortConfig, len(ep.ingressPorts))
	copy(dstEp.ingressPorts, ep.ingressPorts)

	if ep.iface != nil {
		dstEp.iface = &endpointInterface{}

	if ep.joinInfo != nil {
		dstEp.joinInfo = &endpointJoinInfo{}

	dstEp.exposedPorts = make([]types.TransportPort, len(ep.exposedPorts))
	copy(dstEp.exposedPorts, ep.exposedPorts)

	dstEp.myAliases = make([]string, len(ep.myAliases))
	copy(dstEp.myAliases, ep.myAliases)

	dstEp.generic = options.Generic{}
	for k, v := range ep.generic {
		dstEp.generic[k] = v

	return nil

func (ep *endpoint) ID() string {
	defer ep.Unlock()


func (ep *endpoint) Name() string {
	defer ep.Unlock()


func (ep *endpoint) MyAliases() []string {
	defer ep.Unlock()

	return ep.myAliases

func (ep *endpoint) Network() string {
	if == nil {
		return ""


func (ep *endpoint) isAnonymous() bool {
	defer ep.Unlock()
	return ep.anonymous

// isServiceEnabled check if service is enabled on the endpoint
func (ep *endpoint) isServiceEnabled() bool {
	defer ep.Unlock()
	return ep.serviceEnabled

// enableService sets service enabled on the endpoint
func (ep *endpoint) enableService() {
	defer ep.Unlock()
	ep.serviceEnabled = true

// disableService disables service on the endpoint
func (ep *endpoint) disableService() {
	defer ep.Unlock()
	ep.serviceEnabled = false

func (ep *endpoint) needResolver() bool {
	defer ep.Unlock()
	return !ep.disableResolution

// endpoint Key structure : endpoint/network-id/endpoint-id
func (ep *endpoint) Key() []string {
	if == nil {
		return nil

	return []string{datastore.EndpointKeyPrefix,,}

func (ep *endpoint) KeyPrefix() []string {
	if == nil {
		return nil

	return []string{datastore.EndpointKeyPrefix,}

func (ep *endpoint) networkIDFromKey(key string) (string, error) {
	// endpoint Key structure : docker/libnetwork/endpoint/${network-id}/${endpoint-id}
	// it's an invalid key if the key doesn't have all the 5 key elements above
	keyElements := strings.Split(key, "/")
	if !strings.HasPrefix(key, datastore.Key(datastore.EndpointKeyPrefix)) || len(keyElements) < 5 {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid endpoint key : %v", key)
	// network-id is placed at index=3. pls refer to endpoint.Key() method
	return strings.Split(key, "/")[3], nil

func (ep *endpoint) Value() []byte {
	b, err := json.Marshal(ep)
	if err != nil {
		return nil
	return b

func (ep *endpoint) SetValue(value []byte) error {
	return json.Unmarshal(value, ep)

func (ep *endpoint) Index() uint64 {
	defer ep.Unlock()
	return ep.dbIndex

func (ep *endpoint) SetIndex(index uint64) {
	defer ep.Unlock()
	ep.dbIndex = index
	ep.dbExists = true

func (ep *endpoint) Exists() bool {
	defer ep.Unlock()
	return ep.dbExists

func (ep *endpoint) Skip() bool {
	return ep.getNetwork().Skip()

func (ep *endpoint) processOptions(options ...EndpointOption) {
	defer ep.Unlock()

	for _, opt := range options {
		if opt != nil {

func (ep *endpoint) getNetwork() *network {
	defer ep.Unlock()


func (ep *endpoint) getNetworkFromStore() (*network, error) {
	if == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid network object in endpoint %s", ep.Name())


func (ep *endpoint) Join(sbox Sandbox, options ...EndpointOption) error {
	if sbox == nil {
		return types.BadRequestErrorf("endpoint cannot be joined by nil container")

	sb, ok := sbox.(*sandbox)
	if !ok {
		return types.BadRequestErrorf("not a valid Sandbox interface")

	defer sb.joinLeaveEnd()

	return ep.sbJoin(sb, options...)

func (ep *endpoint) sbJoin(sb *sandbox, options ...EndpointOption) (err error) {
	n, err := ep.getNetworkFromStore()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to get network from store during join: %v", err)

	ep, err = n.getEndpointFromStore(ep.ID())
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to get endpoint from store during join: %v", err)

	if ep.sandboxID != "" {
		return types.ForbiddenErrorf("another container is attached to the same network endpoint")
	} = n
	ep.sandboxID = sb.ID()
	ep.joinInfo = &endpointJoinInfo{}
	epid :=
	defer func() {
		if err != nil {
			ep.sandboxID = ""

	nid := n.ID()


	d, err := n.driver(true)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to get driver during join: %v", err)

	err = d.Join(nid, epid, sb.Key(), ep, sb.Labels())
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer func() {
		if err != nil {
			if e := d.Leave(nid, epid); e != nil {
				logrus.Warnf("driver leave failed while rolling back join: %v", e)

	// Watch for service records
	if !n.getController().isAgent() {

	if doUpdateHostsFile(n, sb) {
		address := ""
		if ip := ep.getFirstInterfaceAddress(); ip != nil {
			address = ip.String()
		if err = sb.updateHostsFile(address); err != nil {
			return err
	if err = sb.updateDNS(n.enableIPv6); err != nil {
		return err

	// Current endpoint providing external connectivity for the sandbox
	extEp := sb.getGatewayEndpoint()

	heap.Push(&sb.endpoints, ep)
	defer func() {
		if err != nil {

	if err = sb.populateNetworkResources(ep); err != nil {
		return err

	if err = n.getController().updateToStore(ep); err != nil {
		return err

	if err = ep.addDriverInfoToCluster(); err != nil {
		return err

	defer func() {
		if err != nil {
			if e := ep.deleteDriverInfoFromCluster(); e != nil {
				logrus.Errorf("Could not delete endpoint state for endpoint %s from cluster on join failure: %v", ep.Name(), e)

	if sb.needDefaultGW() && sb.getEndpointInGWNetwork() == nil {
		return sb.setupDefaultGW()

	moveExtConn := sb.getGatewayEndpoint() != extEp

	if moveExtConn {
		if extEp != nil {
			logrus.Debugf("Revoking external connectivity on endpoint %s (%s)", extEp.Name(), extEp.ID())
			extN, err := extEp.getNetworkFromStore()
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("failed to get network from store for revoking external connectivity during join: %v", err)
			extD, err := extN.driver(true)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("failed to get driver for revoking external connectivity during join: %v", err)
			if err = extD.RevokeExternalConnectivity(, extEp.ID()); err != nil {
				return types.InternalErrorf(
					"driver failed revoking external connectivity on endpoint %s (%s): %v",
					extEp.Name(), extEp.ID(), err)
			defer func() {
				if err != nil {
					if e := extD.ProgramExternalConnectivity(, extEp.ID(), sb.Labels()); e != nil {
						logrus.Warnf("Failed to roll-back external connectivity on endpoint %s (%s): %v",
							extEp.Name(), extEp.ID(), e)
		if !n.internal {
			logrus.Debugf("Programming external connectivity on endpoint %s (%s)", ep.Name(), ep.ID())
			if err = d.ProgramExternalConnectivity(n.ID(), ep.ID(), sb.Labels()); err != nil {
				return types.InternalErrorf(
					"driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint %s (%s): %v",
					ep.Name(), ep.ID(), err)


	if !sb.needDefaultGW() {
		if e := sb.clearDefaultGW(); e != nil {
			logrus.Warnf("Failure while disconnecting sandbox %s (%s) from gateway network: %v",
				sb.ID(), sb.ContainerID(), e)

	return nil

func doUpdateHostsFile(n *network, sb *sandbox) bool {
	return !n.ingress && n.Name() != libnGWNetwork

func (ep *endpoint) rename(name string) error {
	var (
		err      error
		netWatch *netWatch
		ok       bool

	n := ep.getNetwork()
	if n == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("network not connected for ep %q",

	c := n.getController()

	sb, ok := ep.getSandbox()
	if !ok {
		logrus.Warnf("rename for %s aborted, sandbox %s is not anymore present", ep.ID(), ep.sandboxID)
		return nil

	if c.isAgent() {
		if err = ep.deleteServiceInfoFromCluster(sb, "rename"); err != nil {
			return types.InternalErrorf("Could not delete service state for endpoint %s from cluster on rename: %v", ep.Name(), err)
	} else {
		netWatch, ok = c.nmap[n.ID()]
		if !ok {
			return fmt.Errorf("watch null for network %q", n.Name())
		n.updateSvcRecord(ep, c.getLocalEps(netWatch), false)

	oldName :=
	oldAnonymous := ep.anonymous = name
	ep.anonymous = false

	if c.isAgent() {
		if err = ep.addServiceInfoToCluster(sb); err != nil {
			return types.InternalErrorf("Could not add service state for endpoint %s to cluster on rename: %v", ep.Name(), err)
		defer func() {
			if err != nil {
				ep.deleteServiceInfoFromCluster(sb, "rename") = oldName
				ep.anonymous = oldAnonymous
	} else {
		n.updateSvcRecord(ep, c.getLocalEps(netWatch), true)
		defer func() {
			if err != nil {
				n.updateSvcRecord(ep, c.getLocalEps(netWatch), false) = oldName
				ep.anonymous = oldAnonymous
				n.updateSvcRecord(ep, c.getLocalEps(netWatch), true)

	// Update the store with the updated name
	if err = c.updateToStore(ep); err != nil {
		return err
	// After the name change do a dummy endpoint count update to
	// trigger the service record update in the peer nodes

	// Ignore the error because updateStore fail for EpCnt is a
	// benign error. Besides there is no meaningful recovery that
	// we can do. When the cluster recovers subsequent EpCnt update
	// will force the peers to get the correct EP name.

	return err

func (ep *endpoint) hasInterface(iName string) bool {
	defer ep.Unlock()

	return ep.iface != nil && ep.iface.srcName == iName

func (ep *endpoint) Leave(sbox Sandbox, options ...EndpointOption) error {
	if sbox == nil || sbox.ID() == "" || sbox.Key() == "" {
		return types.BadRequestErrorf("invalid Sandbox passed to endpoint leave: %v", sbox)

	sb, ok := sbox.(*sandbox)
	if !ok {
		return types.BadRequestErrorf("not a valid Sandbox interface")

	defer sb.joinLeaveEnd()

	return ep.sbLeave(sb, false, options...)

func (ep *endpoint) sbLeave(sb *sandbox, force bool, options ...EndpointOption) error {
	n, err := ep.getNetworkFromStore()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to get network from store during leave: %v", err)

	ep, err = n.getEndpointFromStore(ep.ID())
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to get endpoint from store during leave: %v", err)

	sid := ep.sandboxID

	if sid == "" {
		return types.ForbiddenErrorf("cannot leave endpoint with no attached sandbox")
	if sid != sb.ID() {
		return types.ForbiddenErrorf("unexpected sandbox ID in leave request. Expected %s. Got %s", ep.sandboxID, sb.ID())


	d, err := n.driver(!force)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to get driver during endpoint leave: %v", err)

	ep.sandboxID = "" = n

	// Current endpoint providing external connectivity to the sandbox
	extEp := sb.getGatewayEndpoint()
	moveExtConn := extEp != nil && (extEp.ID() == ep.ID())

	if d != nil {
		if moveExtConn {
			logrus.Debugf("Revoking external connectivity on endpoint %s (%s)", ep.Name(), ep.ID())
			if err := d.RevokeExternalConnectivity(,; err != nil {
				logrus.Warnf("driver failed revoking external connectivity on endpoint %s (%s): %v",
					ep.Name(), ep.ID(), err)

		if err := d.Leave(,; err != nil {
			if _, ok := err.(types.MaskableError); !ok {
				logrus.Warnf("driver error disconnecting container %s : %v",, err)

	if err := sb.clearNetworkResources(ep); err != nil {
		logrus.Warnf("Could not cleanup network resources on container %s disconnect: %v",, err)

	// Update the store about the sandbox detach only after we
	// have completed sb.clearNetworkresources above to avoid
	// spurious logs when cleaning up the sandbox when the daemon
	// ungracefully exits and restarts before completing sandbox
	// detach but after store has been updated.
	if err := n.getController().updateToStore(ep); err != nil {
		return err

	if e := ep.deleteDriverInfoFromCluster(); e != nil {
		logrus.Errorf("Could not delete endpoint state for endpoint %s from cluster: %v", ep.Name(), e)

	if !sb.inDelete && sb.needDefaultGW() && sb.getEndpointInGWNetwork() == nil {
		return sb.setupDefaultGW()

	// New endpoint providing external connectivity for the sandbox
	extEp = sb.getGatewayEndpoint()
	if moveExtConn && extEp != nil {
		logrus.Debugf("Programming external connectivity on endpoint %s (%s)", extEp.Name(), extEp.ID())
		extN, err := extEp.getNetworkFromStore()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed to get network from store for programming external connectivity during leave: %v", err)
		extD, err := extN.driver(true)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("failed to get driver for programming external connectivity during leave: %v", err)
		if err := extD.ProgramExternalConnectivity(, extEp.ID(), sb.Labels()); err != nil {
			logrus.Warnf("driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint %s: (%s) %v",
				extEp.Name(), extEp.ID(), err)

	if !sb.needDefaultGW() {
		if err := sb.clearDefaultGW(); err != nil {
			logrus.Warnf("Failure while disconnecting sandbox %s (%s) from gateway network: %v",
				sb.ID(), sb.ContainerID(), err)

	return nil

func (ep *endpoint) Delete(force bool) error {
	var err error
	n, err := ep.getNetworkFromStore()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to get network during Delete: %v", err)

	ep, err = n.getEndpointFromStore(ep.ID())
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to get endpoint from store during Delete: %v", err)

	epid :=
	name :=
	sbid := ep.sandboxID

	sb, _ := n.getController().SandboxByID(sbid)
	if sb != nil && !force {
		return &ActiveContainerError{name: name, id: epid}

	if sb != nil {
		if e := ep.sbLeave(sb.(*sandbox), force); e != nil {
			logrus.Warnf("failed to leave sandbox for endpoint %s : %v", name, e)

	if err = n.getController().deleteFromStore(ep); err != nil {
		return err

	defer func() {
		if err != nil && !force {
			ep.dbExists = false
			if e := n.getController().updateToStore(ep); e != nil {
				logrus.Warnf("failed to recreate endpoint in store %s : %v", name, e)

	// unwatch for service records

	if err = ep.deleteEndpoint(force); err != nil && !force {
		return err


	if err := n.getEpCnt().DecEndpointCnt(); err != nil {
		logrus.Warnf("failed to decrement endpoint count for ep %s: %v", ep.ID(), err)

	return nil

func (ep *endpoint) deleteEndpoint(force bool) error {
	n :=
	name :=
	epid :=

	driver, err := n.driver(!force)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to delete endpoint: %v", err)

	if driver == nil {
		return nil

	if err := driver.DeleteEndpoint(, epid); err != nil {
		if _, ok := err.(types.ForbiddenError); ok {
			return err

		if _, ok := err.(types.MaskableError); !ok {
			logrus.Warnf("driver error deleting endpoint %s : %v", name, err)

	return nil

func (ep *endpoint) getSandbox() (*sandbox, bool) {
	c :=
	sid := ep.sandboxID

	ps, ok := c.sandboxes[sid]

	return ps, ok

func (ep *endpoint) getFirstInterfaceAddress() net.IP {
	defer ep.Unlock()

	if ep.iface.addr != nil {
		return ep.iface.addr.IP

	return nil

// EndpointOptionGeneric function returns an option setter for a Generic option defined
// in a Dictionary of Key-Value pair
func EndpointOptionGeneric(generic map[string]interface{}) EndpointOption {
	return func(ep *endpoint) {
		for k, v := range generic {
			ep.generic[k] = v

var (
	linkLocalMask     = net.CIDRMask(16, 32)
	linkLocalMaskIPv6 = net.CIDRMask(64, 128)

// CreateOptionIpam function returns an option setter for the ipam configuration for this endpoint
func CreateOptionIpam(ipV4, ipV6 net.IP, llIPs []net.IP, ipamOptions map[string]string) EndpointOption {
	return func(ep *endpoint) {
		ep.prefAddress = ipV4
		ep.prefAddressV6 = ipV6
		if len(llIPs) != 0 {
			for _, ip := range llIPs {
				nw := &net.IPNet{IP: ip, Mask: linkLocalMask}
				if ip.To4() == nil {
					nw.Mask = linkLocalMaskIPv6
				ep.iface.llAddrs = append(ep.iface.llAddrs, nw)
		ep.ipamOptions = ipamOptions

// CreateOptionExposedPorts function returns an option setter for the container exposed
// ports option to be passed to network.CreateEndpoint() method.
func CreateOptionExposedPorts(exposedPorts []types.TransportPort) EndpointOption {
	return func(ep *endpoint) {
		// Defensive copy
		eps := make([]types.TransportPort, len(exposedPorts))
		copy(eps, exposedPorts)
		// Store endpoint label and in generic because driver needs it
		ep.exposedPorts = eps
		ep.generic[netlabel.ExposedPorts] = eps

// CreateOptionPortMapping function returns an option setter for the mapping
// ports option to be passed to network.CreateEndpoint() method.
func CreateOptionPortMapping(portBindings []types.PortBinding) EndpointOption {
	return func(ep *endpoint) {
		// Store a copy of the bindings as generic data to pass to the driver
		pbs := make([]types.PortBinding, len(portBindings))
		copy(pbs, portBindings)
		ep.generic[netlabel.PortMap] = pbs

// CreateOptionDNS function returns an option setter for dns entry option to
// be passed to container Create method.
func CreateOptionDNS(dns []string) EndpointOption {
	return func(ep *endpoint) {
		ep.generic[netlabel.DNSServers] = dns

// CreateOptionAnonymous function returns an option setter for setting
// this endpoint as anonymous
func CreateOptionAnonymous() EndpointOption {
	return func(ep *endpoint) {
		ep.anonymous = true

// CreateOptionDisableResolution function returns an option setter to indicate
// this endpoint doesn't want embedded DNS server functionality
func CreateOptionDisableResolution() EndpointOption {
	return func(ep *endpoint) {
		ep.disableResolution = true

// CreateOptionAlias function returns an option setter for setting endpoint alias
func CreateOptionAlias(name string, alias string) EndpointOption {
	return func(ep *endpoint) {
		if ep.aliases == nil {
			ep.aliases = make(map[string]string)
		ep.aliases[alias] = name

// CreateOptionService function returns an option setter for setting service binding configuration
func CreateOptionService(name, id string, vip net.IP, ingressPorts []*PortConfig, aliases []string) EndpointOption {
	return func(ep *endpoint) {
		ep.svcName = name
		ep.svcID = id
		ep.virtualIP = vip
		ep.ingressPorts = ingressPorts
		ep.svcAliases = aliases

// CreateOptionMyAlias function returns an option setter for setting endpoint's self alias
func CreateOptionMyAlias(alias string) EndpointOption {
	return func(ep *endpoint) {
		ep.myAliases = append(ep.myAliases, alias)

// CreateOptionLoadBalancer function returns an option setter for denoting the endpoint is a load balancer for a network
func CreateOptionLoadBalancer() EndpointOption {
	return func(ep *endpoint) {
		ep.loadBalancer = true

// JoinOptionPriority function returns an option setter for priority option to
// be passed to the endpoint.Join() method.
func JoinOptionPriority(ep Endpoint, prio int) EndpointOption {
	return func(ep *endpoint) {
		// ep lock already acquired
		c :=
		sb, ok := c.sandboxes[ep.sandboxID]
		if !ok {
			logrus.Errorf("Could not set endpoint priority value during Join to endpoint %s: No sandbox id present in endpoint",
		sb.epPriority[] = prio

func (ep *endpoint) DataScope() string {
	return ep.getNetwork().DataScope()

func (ep *endpoint) assignAddress(ipam ipamapi.Ipam, assignIPv4, assignIPv6 bool) error {
	var err error

	n := ep.getNetwork()
	if n.hasSpecialDriver() {
		return nil

	logrus.Debugf("Assigning addresses for endpoint %s's interface on network %s", ep.Name(), n.Name())

	if assignIPv4 {
		if err = ep.assignAddressVersion(4, ipam); err != nil {
			return err

	if assignIPv6 {
		err = ep.assignAddressVersion(6, ipam)

	return err

func (ep *endpoint) assignAddressVersion(ipVer int, ipam ipamapi.Ipam) error {
	var (
		poolID  *string
		address **net.IPNet
		prefAdd net.IP
		progAdd net.IP

	n := ep.getNetwork()
	switch ipVer {
	case 4:
		poolID = &ep.iface.v4PoolID
		address = &ep.iface.addr
		prefAdd = ep.prefAddress
	case 6:
		poolID = &ep.iface.v6PoolID
		address = &ep.iface.addrv6
		prefAdd = ep.prefAddressV6
		return types.InternalErrorf("incorrect ip version number passed: %d", ipVer)

	ipInfo := n.getIPInfo(ipVer)

	// ipv6 address is not mandatory
	if len(ipInfo) == 0 && ipVer == 6 {
		return nil

	// The address to program may be chosen by the user or by the network driver in one specific
	// case to support backward compatibility with `docker daemon --fixed-cidrv6` use case
	if prefAdd != nil {
		progAdd = prefAdd
	} else if *address != nil {
		progAdd = (*address).IP

	for _, d := range ipInfo {
		if progAdd != nil && !d.Pool.Contains(progAdd) {
		addr, _, err := ipam.RequestAddress(d.PoolID, progAdd, ep.ipamOptions)
		if err == nil {
			*address = addr
			*poolID = d.PoolID
			return nil
		if err != ipamapi.ErrNoAvailableIPs || progAdd != nil {
			return err
	if progAdd != nil {
		return types.BadRequestErrorf("Invalid address %s: It does not belong to any of this network's subnets", prefAdd)
	return fmt.Errorf("no available IPv%d addresses on this network's address pools: %s (%s)", ipVer, n.Name(), n.ID())

func (ep *endpoint) releaseAddress() {
	n := ep.getNetwork()
	if n.hasSpecialDriver() {

	logrus.Debugf("Releasing addresses for endpoint %s's interface on network %s", ep.Name(), n.Name())

	ipam, _, err := n.getController().getIPAMDriver(n.ipamType)
	if err != nil {
		logrus.Warnf("Failed to retrieve ipam driver to release interface address on delete of endpoint %s (%s): %v", ep.Name(), ep.ID(), err)

	if ep.iface.addr != nil {
		if err := ipam.ReleaseAddress(ep.iface.v4PoolID, ep.iface.addr.IP); err != nil {
			logrus.Warnf("Failed to release ip address %s on delete of endpoint %s (%s): %v", ep.iface.addr.IP, ep.Name(), ep.ID(), err)

	if ep.iface.addrv6 != nil && ep.iface.addrv6.IP.IsGlobalUnicast() {
		if err := ipam.ReleaseAddress(ep.iface.v6PoolID, ep.iface.addrv6.IP); err != nil {
			logrus.Warnf("Failed to release ip address %s on delete of endpoint %s (%s): %v", ep.iface.addrv6.IP, ep.Name(), ep.ID(), err)

func (c *controller) cleanupLocalEndpoints() {
	// Get used endpoints
	eps := make(map[string]interface{})
	for _, sb := range c.sandboxes {
		for _, ep := range sb.endpoints {
			eps[] = true
	nl, err := c.getNetworksForScope(datastore.LocalScope)
	if err != nil {
		logrus.Warnf("Could not get list of networks during endpoint cleanup: %v", err)

	for _, n := range nl {
		if n.ConfigOnly() {
		epl, err := n.getEndpointsFromStore()
		if err != nil {
			logrus.Warnf("Could not get list of endpoints in network %s during endpoint cleanup: %v",, err)

		for _, ep := range epl {
			if _, ok := eps[]; ok {
			logrus.Infof("Removing stale endpoint %s (%s)",,
			if err := ep.Delete(true); err != nil {
				logrus.Warnf("Could not delete local endpoint %s during endpoint cleanup: %v",, err)

		epl, err = n.getEndpointsFromStore()
		if err != nil {
			logrus.Warnf("Could not get list of endpoints in network %s for count update: %v",, err)

		epCnt := n.getEpCnt().EndpointCnt()
		if epCnt != uint64(len(epl)) {
			logrus.Infof("Fixing inconsistent endpoint_cnt for network %s. Expected=%d, Actual=%d",, len(epl), epCnt)