package docker

import (

// mkTestContext generates a build context from the contents of the provided dockerfile.
// This context is suitable for use as an argument to BuildFile.Build()
func mkTestContext(dockerfile string, files [][2]string, t *testing.T) Archive {
	context, err := mkBuildContext(fmt.Sprintf(dockerfile, unitTestImageId), files)
	if err != nil {
	return context

// A testContextTemplate describes a build context and how to test it
type testContextTemplate struct {
	// Contents of the Dockerfile
	dockerfile string
	// Additional files in the context, eg [][2]string{"./passwd", "gordon"}
	files [][2]string

// A table of all the contexts to build and test.
// A new docker runtime will be created and torn down for each context.
var testContexts []testContextTemplate = []testContextTemplate{
from   %s
run    sh -c 'echo root:testpass > /tmp/passwd'
run    mkdir -p /var/run/sshd
run    [ "$(cat /tmp/passwd)" = "root:testpass" ]
run    [ "$(ls -d /var/run/sshd)" = "/var/run/sshd" ]

from %s
add foo /usr/lib/bla/bar
run [ "$(cat /usr/lib/bla/bar)" = 'hello world!' ]
		[][2]string{{"foo", "hello world!"}},

from %s
add f /
run [ "$(cat /f)" = "hello" ]
add f /abc
run [ "$(cat /abc)" = "hello" ]
add f /x/y/z
run [ "$(cat /x/y/z)" = "hello" ]
add f /x/y/d/
run [ "$(cat /x/y/d/f)" = "hello" ]
add d /
run [ "$(cat /ga)" = "bu" ]
add d /somewhere
run [ "$(cat /somewhere/ga)" = "bu" ]
add d /anotherplace/
run [ "$(cat /anotherplace/ga)" = "bu" ]
add d /somewheeeere/over/the/rainbooow
run [ "$(cat /somewheeeere/over/the/rainbooow/ga)" = "bu" ]
			{"f", "hello"},
			{"d/ga", "bu"},

from %s
env    FOO BAR
run    [ "$FOO" = "BAR" ]

from docker-ut
ENTRYPOINT /bin/echo
CMD Hello world

// FIXME: test building with 2 successive overlapping ADD commands

func TestBuild(t *testing.T) {
	for _, ctx := range testContexts {
		runtime, err := newTestRuntime()
		if err != nil {
		defer nuke(runtime)

		srv := &Server{
			runtime: runtime,
			lock: &sync.Mutex{},
			pullingPool: make(map[string]struct{}),
			pushingPool: make(map[string]struct{}),

		buildfile := NewBuildFile(srv, ioutil.Discard)
		if _, err := buildfile.Build(mkTestContext(ctx.dockerfile, ctx.files, t)); err != nil {