package daemon

import (


// ContainerStatsConfig holds information for configuring the runtime
// behavior of a daemon.ContainerStats() call.
type ContainerStatsConfig struct {
	Stream    bool
	OutStream io.Writer
	Stop      <-chan bool
	Version   version.Version

// ContainerStats writes information about the container to the stream
// given in the config object.
func (daemon *Daemon) ContainerStats(prefixOrName string, config *ContainerStatsConfig) error {
	container, err := daemon.GetContainer(prefixOrName)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// If the container is not running and requires no stream, return an empty stats.
	if !container.IsRunning() && !config.Stream {
		return json.NewEncoder(config.OutStream).Encode(&types.Stats{})

	if config.Stream {
		// Write an empty chunk of data.
		// This is to ensure that the HTTP status code is sent immediately,
		// even if the container has not yet produced any data.

	var preCPUStats types.CPUStats
	getStatJSON := func(v interface{}) *types.StatsJSON {
		update := v.(*execdriver.ResourceStats)
		ss := convertStatsToAPITypes(update.Stats)
		ss.PreCPUStats = preCPUStats
		ss.MemoryStats.Limit = uint64(update.MemoryLimit)
		ss.Read = update.Read
		ss.CPUStats.SystemUsage = update.SystemUsage
		preCPUStats = ss.CPUStats
		return ss

	enc := json.NewEncoder(config.OutStream)

	updates := daemon.subscribeToContainerStats(container)
	defer daemon.unsubscribeToContainerStats(container, updates)

	noStreamFirstFrame := true
	for {
		select {
		case v, ok := <-updates:
			if !ok {
				return nil

			var statsJSON interface{}
			statsJSONPost120 := getStatJSON(v)
			if config.Version.LessThan("1.21") {
				var (
					rxBytes   uint64
					rxPackets uint64
					rxErrors  uint64
					rxDropped uint64
					txBytes   uint64
					txPackets uint64
					txErrors  uint64
					txDropped uint64
				for _, v := range statsJSONPost120.Networks {
					rxBytes += v.RxBytes
					rxPackets += v.RxPackets
					rxErrors += v.RxErrors
					rxDropped += v.RxDropped
					txBytes += v.TxBytes
					txPackets += v.TxPackets
					txErrors += v.TxErrors
					txDropped += v.TxDropped
				statsJSON = &v1p20.StatsJSON{
					Stats: statsJSONPost120.Stats,
					Network: types.NetworkStats{
						RxBytes:   rxBytes,
						RxPackets: rxPackets,
						RxErrors:  rxErrors,
						RxDropped: rxDropped,
						TxBytes:   txBytes,
						TxPackets: txPackets,
						TxErrors:  txErrors,
						TxDropped: txDropped,
			} else {
				statsJSON = statsJSONPost120

			if !config.Stream && noStreamFirstFrame {
				// prime the cpu stats so they aren't 0 in the final output
				noStreamFirstFrame = false

			if err := enc.Encode(statsJSON); err != nil {
				return err

			if !config.Stream {
				return nil
		case <-config.Stop:
			return nil